Publications — Sept. 2

Nothing Could Be FurtherConley, Tim. (2011). Nothing Could Be Further: Thirty Stories. Thunder Bay: Emmerson Street Press, 2011.

Conley, Tim. (2011). “Non Serviam Non Sequitur: Joyce’s ‘Sequentiality of Improbable Possibles.’” Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Ed. Matthew Creasy. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 107-19.

Cherubini, Lorenzo and Volante, Louis. (2011). “Teachers and administrators’ perceptions of student assessment as a component of the New Teacher Induction Program.” Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 15(2), pp. 6-13.*

Schutz, Herbert (professor emeritus). (2010). “The Medieval Empire in Central Europe: Dynastic Continuity in the Post-Carolingian Frankish Realm, 900-1300.” Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Schutz, H. (2010). “Mystic Women and Lyric Poets in Medieval Society: The Literary View of Medieval Culture during the Romanesque Period, 900-1300.” Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.

Schutz, H. (2011). “Romanesque Architecture and its Artistry in Central Europe, 900-1300: A Descriptive, Illustrated Analysis of the Style as it Pertains to Castle and Church Architecture.” Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne 2011.

Schutz, H. (2011). “Romanesque Art and Craftsmanship in Central Europe, 900-1300. Artistic Aspects of the Style.” Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne.

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