Media Talk — June 29

Michael Carter (associate professor, Classics) has appeared in numerous media outlets for his research into a gladiator’s epitaph. Appearances include The Telegraph, ABC Online, Montreal Gazette, and Fox News.

Clarke Melville, part-time instructor in Finance, was featured in “Finance teacher bets on what he knows” in the Globe and Mail on June 24.

John Sainsbury (professor, History) published Layton hasn’t learned a key lesson of New Labour in the Ottawa Citizen on June 21.

John Middleton (associate professor, Tourism and Environment) appeared in the article “Finding a better way to help turtles cross the road” in the St. Catharines Standard on June 21.

Stephen Cheung, professor of Kinesiology, appeared in the article “Thinking of trying hot yoga? Read this first” in the Globe and Mail on June 19.

Kevin Kee, assistant professor of History, was quoted in the article “Celebrating the war that helped shape Canada” in the St. Catharines Standard on June 18.

Gregory Betts (associate professor, English Language and Literature) was quoted in the article “Master of the Plunderverse” in the St. Catharines Standard on June 17.

Brock received the following news coverage of Minister Gary Goodyear’s Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada funding announcement at Brock on June 17:
St. Catharines Standard
(reprinted in the Niagara Falls Review and the Welland Tribune), Niagara This Week, TV Cogeco, CHCH News

Professor emeritus Anthony Mollica was quoted in the Tandem article “A game of words with the language of Dante” on June 16.

Tony Shaw, professor of Geography, was quoted in the article “Norfolk welcomes newest winery launch” in the Tillsonburg News on June 15. Shaw spoke to the crowd about the potential of the wine industry in Norfolk County, an area that has suffered from the decline of the tobacco industry. The event was also covered in the Simcoe Reformer and the Brantford Expositor.

Digital effects specialist Dejan Momcilovic was a guest speaker at the Interacting with Immersive Worlds conference. His talk was covered in the article “Bringing Avatar alive on the screen”, which appeared in the St. Catharines Standard and the Niagara Falls Review on June 13.

Brock was mentioned in an Associated Press article “Universities sponsor seminar on US-Canada relation”, which appeared in newspapers across the U.S., including the Boston Globe and Newsday.

Larry Savage

Larry Savage

Larry Savage, associate professor specializing in Canadian politics and labour studies, was quoted in the Canadian Press article “Postal union plans to bargain through weekend but it won’t suspend strike action” on June 10. The article appeared across Canada.

Margaret Sanderson, accessibility co-ordinator, was quoted in the article “Brock opens doors to accessibility” in Niagara This Week on June 10.

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