Publications — March 3

Basset, F. A., F. Cahill, G. Handrigan, M. B. DuCharme, and S. S. Cheung. (2011.) “The effect of lower body cooling on the changes in three core temperature indices.” Physiol. Meas. 32: pp. 385-394.

Bell, H. E. and Li, Y. (2011.) “On a combinatorial commutativity condition for rings.” Communications in Algebra 39, pp. 601-607.

Daigle, Christine (2011.) “Nietzsche and Sartre on the Creation of Morality.” Introducing Philosophy for Canadians. A Text with Integrated Readings (Canadian Edition), edited by Robert C. Solomon and Douglas McDermid, Oxford University Press.

Farrell, T. S. C. (2011.) “Exploring the professional role identities of experienced ESL teachers through reflective practice.” System, 66, pp. 1-9.

Flouris, A. D. and S. S. Cheung. (2011.) “Thermal basis of finger blood flow adaptations during abrupt perturbations in thermal homeostasis.” Microcirculation 18: pp. 56-62.

Herath, H., Bremser, W. and Birnberg, J. (2010.) “Facilitating a Team Culture: A Collaborative Balanced Scorecard as an Open Reporting System.” Advances in Management Accounting 18(1).

Herath, T., Herath, H. and Bremser, W. (2010.) “Balanced Scorecard Implementation of Security Strategies: A Framework for IT Security Performance Management.” Information Systems Management 27(1).

Renanaya, W. and Farrell, T. S. C. (2011.) “Teacher the tape is too fast: Extensive listening.” ELT Journal, 65 (1): pp. 52-59.

Reynolds, L. F., C. Short, D. A. Westwood, and S. S. Cheung. (2011.) “Head pre-cooling improves symptoms of heat-sensitive Multiple Sclerosis patients.” Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 38: pp. 106-111.

Savage, Larry and Dennis Soron. (2011.) “Organized Labor, Nuclear Power, and Environmental Justice: A Comparative Analysis of the Canadian and U.S. Labor Movements.” Labor Studies Journal 36(1), pp. 37-57.

Shah, G., Lertwachara, K., and Ayanso, A. “Record Linkage in Healthcare: Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges for Public Health.” International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives 2(3), pp. 29-47.

Zelisko, Paul M. (2010.) “The Frederic Stanley Kipping Award in Silicon Chemistry.” Silicon 2, p. 185.

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