Storm will get serious tonight

University officials will be watching area road conditions and other safety factors today and tonight. A major storm is scheduled to hit southern Ontario with up to 30 cm of snow and whiteout conditions.

Environment Canada says flurries and snow squalls this afternoon will become more severe tonight. Heavy snow will be whipped by gusting winds. Heavy, blowing snow is expected to continue into Wednesday.

Poor driving conditions are expected. Forecasters are warning people to be ready to drop travel plans in the next 24 hours. St. Catharines city officials are asking drivers to stay home so plows can try to keep the roads clear.

As in any major storm, Brock officials will monitor the impact on buses and other public services, and the ability of staff to keep University access routes open. Officials could curtail or cancel classes and other activities at campuses in St. Catharines and Hamilton.

Check regularly for updates on the University’s operating status. Updates will also appear on The Brock News.

For weather updates at any time, click the Weather Network button in the top right corner of The Brock News site.

Brock’s Inclement Weather Policy

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One comment on “Storm will get serious tonight”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brock University and Megan O’Reilly, carissssa. carissssa said: Pre-storm headache will only be worth it if @BrockUniversity has a snow day tomorrow! […]