Publications — Feb. 4

Ayanso, A., Cho, D. I., and Lertwachara, K. (2010.) “The Digital Divide: Global and Regional ICT Leaders and Followers,” Information Technology for Development, 16(04), pp. 304-319.

Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K., and Thongpapanl, N. (2010.) “Technology-Enabled Retail Services and Online Sales Performance,” Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(3), pp. 102-111.

Cherubini, Lorenzo and Volante, Louis. (2010.) “Policies and paradox: A view of school leadership in the context of Aboriginal education in Ontario, Canada.” In A. Normore (Ed.), Global Perspectives on Educational Leadership Reform: The Development and Preparation of Leaders of Learning and Learners of Leadership, Volume 11, Emerald Press, pp. 125-141.

Dimand, Robert W. (2011.) “The Consequences to the Banks of the Collaspe of Money Values’, 1931 and 2009” in Arie Arnon, Jimmy Weinblatt, and Warren Young, eds., Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 233-245.

Ruan, Felipe E. (2010.) “Court, Market and the Fashioning of the Galateo español,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 87, no. 8, pp. 921-938.

Shah, G., Lertwachara, K., and Ayanso, A. (2010.) “New Technology and Implications for the Healthcare and Public Health: The Case of Probabilistic Record Linkage” in Healthcare and the Effect of Technology: Developments, Challenges, and Advancements, S.M. Kabene (Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, pp. 197-215.

Spencer, Barbara J., and Dimand, Robert W. (2010.) “The diagrams of the Solow-Swan growth model” in Mark Blaug and Peter Lloyd, eds., Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 426-431.

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