Publications — Jan. 20

Biktimirov, Ernest. (2011.) “Mind Mapping: Engaging Students.” Dynamic Classroom: Engaging Students in Higher Education. Atwood Publishing. Media release here.

Dolansky, F. (2011.) “Celebrating the Saturnalia: Religious Ritual and Roman Domestic Life,” in B. Rawson (ed.), A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Malden, MA. pp. 488-503.

Fullerton, C. and Brander, J. (2010.) “Coping with Population Decline on the Rural-Urban Fringe: Perceptions of Planning and Economic Development Practitioners in Lambton County, Ontario.” In K.B. Beesley, ed. The Rural-Urban Fringe in Canada: Conflict and Controversy. Brandon: Brandon University Rural Development Institute, pp. 55-63.

Gayler, H. J. (2010.) “Agricultural Land Preservation and the Contested Countryside in Niagara, Canada.” In K.B. Beesley, ed. The Rural-Urban Fringe in Canada: Conflict and Controversy. Brandon: Brandon University Rural Development Institute, pp. 312-326.

Hayes, David. (2010.) “Education is all about opportunities, isn’t it?: A biographical perspective on learning and teaching English in Sri Lanka.” Harvard Educational Review, 80, pp. 517-540.

Koustas, Jane. (2009.) “A Glimpse from the Chambord Staircase at Translation’s Role in Comparative Literature,” TTR Vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 37-61.

Koustas, Jane. (2010.) “Écrire et traduire : sur la voie de la création,” Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français (1613-1993), Gervais, Gaétan et Jean-Pierre Pichette (réds). Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.

Koustas, Jane. (2010.) “Robert Lepage’s Lypsynch: Staging the Multicultural Experience,” in Multiculturalism and Integration: Canadian and Irish Experiences. Conrick, M., I. Lemée and V. Regan, eds. University of Ottawa Press, pp. 97-115.

Power, Brian E., and Martin, Stephanie. (2010.) “Ancient Echoes: Stylistic Influences in Healey Willan’s Liturgical Music,” in Ki Adams and Tamara Reynish, eds., Sharing the Voices: The Phenomenon of Singing V. St. John’s, NL: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Education, pp. 220-227.

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