Publications — Dec. 9

Ben-El-Mechaiekh, Hichem, and Dimand, Robert W. (2010.) “Von Neumann, Ville, and the Minimax Theorem,” International Game Theory Review, 12(2): pp. 115-137.

H. E. Bell and A. A. Klein. (2010.) “On some commutativity-or-periodicity conditions for rings.” Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 44, pp. 133-142.

Kitchen, J. (2010). “Making education law meaningful to beginning teachers: A narrative inquiry.” in education, 16(2).

Shelley Griffin, Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker, and Julian Kitchen. (2010.) “Carrying stories from the outside in: A collaborative narrative into a teacher education community.” in education: exploring our connective educational landscape, 16(2).

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