Publications — Nov. 4

Cherubini, Lorenzo, Niemczyk, Ewelina, Hodson, John, and McGean, Sarah. (2010.) “A grounded theory of new Aboriginal teachers’ perceptions: The cultural attributions of Medicine Wheel Teachings.” Teachers and Teaching, 16(5), pp. 544-557.

Cherubini, Lorenzo. (2010.) “Behavioral and social sciences research: Exploring, examining and imagining possibilities.” American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Journal, 14, pp. 1-5.

Cheung, S. S. “Interconnections between thermal perception and exercise capacity in the heat.” Scand. J. Med. Science Sports 20 (Suppl. 3): pp. 53-59.

Cheung, S. S., T. M. McLellan, and S. R. Petersen. “Physiological strain and countermeasures with firefighting.” Scand. J. Med. Science Sports 20 (Suppl. 3): pp. 103-116.

Grantham, J., S. S. Cheung, P. Connes, M. A. Febbraio, N. Gaoua, J. Gonzalez-Alonso, O. Hue, J. M. Johnson, R. J. Maughan, R. Meeusen, L. Nybo, S. Racinais, B. Saltin, S. M. Shirreffs, and J. Dvorak. “Current knowledge on playing football in hot environments – FIFA Position Statement.” Scand. J. Med. Science Sports 20 (Suppl. 3): pp. 161-167.

McCleary, L. (2010.) “Wiki supports excellence in gerontological nursing education.” Perspectives, 34(1), pp. 14-16.

McGarrell, H. M., Burger, S. and Danforth, C. (2010.) “Teacher Response Strategies to L2 Writing: Matching Response Strategy and Desired Outcome.” Páez Pérez, V., (Ed.). Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture WEFLA 2010. Holguín, Cuba: The University of Holguín Oscar Lucero Moya.

Savage, Larry. (2010.) “Labor Strikes,” “Labor Unions,” in George Thomas Kurian, ed., The Encyclopedia of Political Science, Washington DC: CQ Press.

Vasseur, L. (2010.) “Championing Climate Change Adaptation at the Community Level by Using an Ecosystem Approach: An Example from Greater Sudbury in Ontario, Canada,” a chapter of Building resilience to climate change: ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field, pp. 150-159. Available online here.

Vasseur, L. (2010.) “Recovery of forested ecosystems after management in Nova Scotia, Canada: Case study.” In Greipsson, S. Restoration Ecology. Jones and Bartlett Publishers (invited writer): pp. 284-288.

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