Publications — Oct. 21

Dimand, Robert W. (2010.) “David Laidler’s Contributions to the History of Monetary Economics,” in Robert Leeson, ed., David Laidler’s Contributions to Economics, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 60-84.

Dimand, Robert W., and Koehn, Robert H. (2010.) “Jane Jacobs, Economies and Economics,” Journal or Economic Asymmetries, 7(1): pp. 175-185.

Dimand, Robert W. (2010.) “Fisher, Irving,” in Roma Cont, ed., Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance, New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Dimand, Robert W., Mundell, Robert A., and Vercelli, Alessandro, eds. (2010.) Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years. Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, International Economic Association Conference Volume No. 147; includes Dimand, Robert W., “What Keynesian Revolution? A Reconsideration Seventy Years After The General Theory,” pp. 287-311.

Dimand, Robert W. (2010.) “Tobin’s Keynesianism,” in Bradley W. Bateman, Toshiaki Hirai, and Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, eds., The Return of Keynes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 94-107.

Dimand, Robert W. (2010.) “Monetary economics, history of,” in Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, eds., The New Palgrave Monetary Economics, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-204.

Dimand, Robert W., and Koehn, Robert H. (2010.) “How the Actions of Central Bankers Are Shaped by Past Currency Trauma,” Clio’s Psyche, 16(4): pp. 428-433.

McMillan, Emily E. and L. Vasseur. (2010.) “Environmental Education: Interdisciplinarity in Action.” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 5(3): pp. 435-445.

Vasseur, L. (2010.) “Invasive plant species: silent threats to biodiversity and ecological integrity in national parks” in G. Polisciano and O. Farina (eds.) National Parks: Vegetation, Wildlife and Threats. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY: pp. 131-153.

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