Research showcased in new issue of Brock journal

Interviews, book reviews and a number of creative and multimedia pieces are highlights of the most recent issue of The Brock Review.

Brock’s Humanities Research Institute publishes the online, open-access journal. The purpose of the journal is “to showcase and highlight new research being done in the field of humanities,” said editor Keri Cronin, assistant professor of Visual Arts.

The Brock Review was once a print publication. Going online has made it more accessible for contributors and readers, Cronin said.

“We’re definitely getting submissions from all over Canada, the U.S. and Europe now,” she said.

The latest issue includes articles such as “Canadian Architecture and Nationalism: From Vernacular to Deco,” “Racing the Curriculum: Refugee Students and the Rhizomatic Model” and “Simply what my work has told me,” an interview with Richard Tuttle.

Another issue is planned for the fall. Its the theme is “Animals in Human Society” and it will be co-edited by John Sorenson, professor of Sociology and expert in critical animal studies.

The Brock Review
Brock University’s Humanities Research Institute

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