Publications — Sept. 16

Bajec, M. R. and Pickering, G. J. (2010). “Association of thermal taste and PROP responsiveness with food liking, neophobia, body mass index, and waist circumference.” Food Quality and Preference 21, pp. 589–601.

Balint, G. and Reynolds, A. G. (2010.) “Effect of different irrigation strategies on vine physiology and grape quality of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon blanc in a cool-climate area.” Progres Agricole et Viticole 127(11), pp. 232-241.

Cherubini, Lorenzo. (2009.) “Aboriginal identity, misrepresentation, and dependence: A survey of the literature.” Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 28(2), pp. 221-239.

Cherubini, Lorenzo. (2009.) “New teachers’ perceptions of induction: Insights into principled practices.” Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 55(2), pp. 185-198.

Cyr, Don, Joseph Kushner, Martin Kusy and Tomson Ogwang. (2010.) “Over-the-Counter Weather Derivatives as a Snowfall Risk Management Tool for Municipalities.” Municipal Finance Journal, Volume 31, Number 01, Spring, pp. 61-81(21).

Daigle, Christine. (2010.) “The Ethics of Authenticity” in Webber, Jonathan (ed.), Reading Sartre: On Phenomenology and Existentialism, Routledge, pp. 1-14.

Hakimi, J. and A. G. Reynolds. (2010.) “Characterization of Niagara Peninsula Cabernet Franc wines by sensory analysis.” American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61, pp. 1-14.

Hakimi Rezaei, J. and Reynolds, A.G. (2010.) “Evaluation of Cabernet Franc Wines in the Niagara Peninsula.” Progres Agricole et Viticole 127(4), pp. 87-92.

Hakimi, J. and A. G. Reynolds. (2010.) “Impact of vine water status on sensory evaluation of Cabernet Franc wines in the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario.” Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin

Mahaney W. C., Kalm, V., Menzies, J., Hancock, R. G. V., Milner, M. W. (2010.) “Reconstruction of the pre-Merida glaciation, northwestern Venezuelan Andes.” Sedimentary Geology, 230, pp. 10–20.

Mahaney W. C.; Kalm, V.; Menzies, J.; Milner, M. W. (2010.) “Reconstruction of the Early Mérida, pre-LGM glaciation with comparison to Late Glacial Maximum till, northwestern Venezuelan Andes.” Sedimentary Geology, 226, pp. 29-41.

Menzies, J., van der Meer, J. J. M., Domack, E. and Wellner, J. S. (2010.) “Micromorphology: as a tool in the detection, analyses and interpretation of (glacial) sediments and man-made materials.” Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 121, pp. 281–92.

Pickering, G. J., Moyes, A., and Bajec, M. R. (2010). “Thermal taster status associates with oral sensations elicited by wine.” Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, pp. 361–367.

Reynolds, A. G., C. de Savigny, and J. Willwerth. (2009.) “Riesling terroir in Ontario vineyards. The roles of soil texture, vine size and vine water status.” Progres Agricole et Viticole 127(10), pp. 212-222.

Reynolds, A. G., M. Marciniak, R. Brown, L. Tremblay, and L. Baissas. (2010.) “Using GPS, GIS and airborne imaging to understand Niagara terroir.” Progres Agricole et Viticole 127(12), pp. 259-274.

Willwerth, J. J., Reynolds, A. G. and Lesschaeve, L. (2010.) “Terroir factors: Their impact in the vineyard and on the sensory profiles of Riesling wines.” Progres Agricole et Viticole 127(8), pp. 159-168.

Hussin, V.; Kiselev, A. V.; Krutov, A. O. and Wolf, T. (2010.) “N=2 Supersymmetric a=4 – Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy derived via Gardner’s deformation of Kaup-Bousinesq equation.” Journal of Mathematical Physics 51,

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