Publications — July 8

Cronin, J. Keri. (2010.) “Exhibits of a Botanicuratorial Nature.” Public 41, pp. 66-79.

Kitchen, J., Cherubini, L., Trudeau, L., and Hodson, J. M. (2010.) “Aboriginal education as cultural brokerage: New aboriginal teachers reflect on language and culture in the classroom.” McGill Journal of Education, 44(3), pp. 355-375.

Kitchen, J. (2010.) “Fostering professional growth through relational teacher development: Reconceptualizing the delivery of professional development.” Journal of Teaching and Learning, 7(1).

McGarrell, H. M. (2010.) “Native and non-native English speaking student teachers engage in peer feedback.” Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 13, 1, pp. 71-90.

Vasseur, L. (2010.) “Les femmes et le développement durable dans les communautés rurales : information, réveil et action” in Gaudet, J-d’A. & L. Lafortune (eds.). Les femmes, les sciences et le développement durable, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pp. 59-70.

Volante, L., Drake, S., and Beckett, D. (2010.) “Formative assessment: Bridging the research – practice divide.” Education Canada, 50(3), pp. 44-47.

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