Spring Convocation wraps up

Friday, June 11, 10 a.m. – Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Mathematics and Science

At Friday morning’s ceremony, more than 560 students were presented with their degrees from the university.

An honorary degree was presented to Val Fleming, one of Niagara’s most distinguished and well-known citizens. In her introductory remarks for Fleming, Dean Rosemary Hale noted that she makes “Niagara a healthier and happier place to live.”

James Stewart, textbook author, musician and professor emeritus of mathematics was also presented with an honorary degree at Friday’s morning ceremony.

Stewart also delivered the Convocation address. In his speech he asked students — “Do you know what you’re going to do with you life? I didn’t when I was your age. I certainly would not have predicted that I would end up writing mathematics textbooks for a living.

“When I was a student in high school and university I looked at the glossy brochures of the standard categorized careers — doctor, lawyer, scientist, engineer, architect, stock broker, and the like. But, of course, there was no brochure for textbook author.

“My advice is to be on the lookout for careers that fall between the cracks, to be alert to careers for which there are no brochures.”

Patrick Boyle from St. Catharines, a PhD student in Biotechnology, was also presented with the Governor General’s Gold Medal, awarded to the student who achieves the highest academic standing at the graduate level. Boyle is currently conducting post-doctorate work at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.

At the ceremony Professor Tamara El-Hoss, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, was presented with the Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching for the Faculty of Humanities, and Professor Michael Winter, Department of Computer Science, was presented with the same award for the Faculty of Mathematics and Science.

Faculty of Humanities Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock medals were presented to undergraduate student Katherine Gottli (St. Catharines, Ont.) and graduate student Katherine Schleifer (Oakville, Ont.). Humanities Dean’s Medals were presented to Kathleen Elizabeth Buchan and Caroline Elise Bourque (St. Catharines, Ont.).

Faculty of Mathematics Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock medals were presented to undergraduate student Jordan MacNeil (St. Catharines, Ont.) and graduate student Lisa Neville (Trenton, Ont.). Mathematics and Science Dean’s Medals were presented to Ann Dion and Jonathan Ross (Niagara Falls, Ont.).

Friday, June 11, 2 p.m. – Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

At Friday’s afternoon ceremony, about 450 applied health sciences students packed the Ian D. Beddis Gymnasium to receive their degrees from Brock.

At the ceremony, an honorary degree was bestowed upon Brigadier-General Hilary Jaeger. Brock recognized Brigadier-General Jaeger for a lifetime of medical and health security achievements.

During her Convocation address, Brigadier-General Jaeger congratulated the graduating students on achieving this remarkable milestone in their academic and personal lives.

“I would like you to reflect on this day of achievement, which is not necessarily a measure of how much you have learned because knowledge is not permanent,” she said. “And it is not what you know which is important about today.

“It is far more important that you have learned how to learn, you have learned how to question and that you have learned how to assess what other people impart as information.”

At the afternoon ceremony Professor Brent Faught, Department of Community Health Sciences, was presented with the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences’ Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Applied Health Sciences Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock medals were also presented to undergraduate student Julie Serroul (St. Catharines, Ont.) and graduate student Jennifer Ptasinski (Grimsby, Ont.). And Applied Health Sciences Dean’s Medals were presented to Bailey Gresham (Arnprior, Ont.) and Matthew Gary Gordon (St. Catharines, Ont.).


Saturday, June 12 – Faculty of Business

At Saturday morning’s last Convocation ceremony for the Faculty of Business, more than 520 students stepped across the stage in the Ian D. Beddis gymnasium to receive their degrees.

Special guest James MacLellan, the Faculty of Business’ 2009 Distinguished Graduate, and partner in the Construction, Engineering, Surety and Fidelity Group at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, delivered the morning’s Convocation address.

In his speech, MacLellan explained, that as graduates looking forward to tomorrow their tomorrow’s should include:

“Staying in touch with Brock and the Faculty of Business. Becoming involved as an alumni can be a very rewarding experience. The strength of our degrees is in part due to the efforts of the graduates like you and I now, to keep the Brock brand and the network of business alumni connected.

“Accepting responsibility for the work you do whatever the outcome. The business world rewards individuals who get things done — taking ownership and accepting responsibility for how things are done.

“Knowing that you are now equipped with the tools to begin a long and successful career. Value all of your Brock experiences, and I mean all of your Brock experiences as I have, and put them to good use.”

Professor Donald Cyr, Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems, was presented with the Faculty of Business’ Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Business Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock medals were presented to undergraduate student Vanessa Julie Ralph (Scarborough, Ont.) and graduate student Theodor Soepboer (Camlachie, Ont.). And the Business Dean’s Medal was presented to Norman Johnston (St. Catharines, Ont.).

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