Michael Chess
Michael Chess started working at Brock in August 2005 as the promotions assistant for Centre for the Arts. His role at the Centre builds on a strong background in graphic design, art and marketing. He grew up in Thorold and now lives in St. Catharines with his wife, Claudine, their son, Luke, age 2, and cat, Paczki.
1. What do you like about your job?
The people, the environment, getting to be creative, flexible hours, something new everyday and of course getting to see and work with some of the world’s best musicians and performing artists.
2. What do you do for fun?
Play weekend rock and sometimes roll, soccer and volleyball.
3. What was the last good book that you read?
“Rule of the Bone” by Russell Banks.
“Three questions with…” is a feature allowing faculty and staff to get to know their co-workers. Suggestions for the next profile can be made via [email protected] or by calling x4420.