Ontario high school Classics students gather at Brock

Brock’s Thistle hallway was awash in history last week during the Ontario Student Classics Competition (OSCC). Now in its 51st year, the event brings together high school students from across Ontario for friendly competitions in Greek, Latin, history, archaeology, theatre, arts and athletics. Over the past academic year, students spent free time creating detailed school displays showcasing their art and activities. In addition to the creative competition, students also faced off in written and oral Greek and Latin contests, as well as history and mythology contests. While some students took on Quaerite Summa, a “Reach for the Top” style competition, that tested their knowledge of all aspects of the ancient world, others participated in simulated archaeology digs outside Vallee residence. Athletic competitions included discus throwing, a mini marathon, swimming and the popular annual chariot race around the Brock circle. Students also got a taste of university life by experiencing lectures given by professors in the Classics Department and staying in residence for the duration of the competition. Held May 2 to 5, this year’s event was hosted by the University of Toronto Schools.


About ainnes

Social Media Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities, Brock University

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