Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
#ENCW 1P06
History and Future of Storytelling
(also offered as IASC 1P06 and WRDS 1P06)
History of storytelling from the earliest oral traditions to contemporary forms of digital expression. Storytelling's cultural roots in fairy tales, legends and myths through to film, video games and interactive fiction. Elements of narrative, structure, character, conflict and dramatic arc. Concepts and practices in rhetoric, storyboarding, and presentation.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to GAMD majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 1P06.
*ENCW 2P72
The Creative Writer
(also offered as ENGL 2P72 and WRDS 2P72)
Introduction to creative writing. Emphasis on practical and critical approaches to forms, elements of craft, and editing.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P72.
Creative Writing: Short Fiction
The craft of short fiction writing.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd and WRDS (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRDS (ENGL) 3P06.
Creative Writing: Poetry
The craft of poetry writing.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)BEd and WRDS (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to1(alpha)99, WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRDS (ENGL) 3P07.
Creative Non-Fiction Writing
The craft of creative non-fiction writing.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd and WRDS (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENCW 3P72
The Creative Writer and the Community
(also offered as ENGL 3P72 and WRDS 3P72)
Consideration of the special place that creative writers occupy in their various communities, literary, local and global.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P72.
*ENCW 3P73
Creative Writing for Digital Media
(also offered as ENGL 3P73, IASC 3P73 and WRDS 3P73)
Exploration of new avenues for creative expression opened by digital technologies. Consideration of how digitalization changes such notions as the nature of creativity, genre, audience, authorship and copyright.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), GAMD, IASC (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P73.
#ENCW 3P92
(also offered as DART 3P92)
Theory and practice of writing with action, character and dialogue.
Lab, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.
Prerequisite(s): DART 1F40, 1F50, 1F90, 1F01, or 1P96 or IASC/ENCW/WRDS 1P06.
Note: materials fee and field trip fee required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Advanced Creative Writing: Short Fiction
Advanced craft of short fiction writing.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry
Advanced craft of poetry writing.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Advanced Creative Non-Fiction Writing
Advanced craft of creative non-fiction writing.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Literature of Trauma and Recovery
Responses to human suffering, both personal and societal, and the power of words to express and effect change in the face of powerful adversity. Narratives of and responses to illness, violence, death and mourning, war and pestilence, and genocide. Includes works drawn from fiction, poetry and drama.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BEd-Primary/Junior (Aboriginal) majors
Note: particular attention will be paid to perceptive reading and clear, effective writing. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Decolonizing Literature
Examination of contemporary politics of literature and literary studies with particular attention to cultural struggles, decolonization, and Indigenization.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Literature and Wellness
Examination of literary treatments of health and wellness with particular attention to the relationship among bodies, reading practices, and writing.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Literary Traditions
Examination of key texts and movements in English literatures from the Middle Ages on; particular attention to historical contexts, significant genres, and formal experimentation.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Reading Literature Today
Examination of twentieth and twenty-first century texts with particular attention to genre and critical reading practices.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 2F62
Contact in Canadian Literature
(also offered as CANA 2F62)
Contact between Indigenous peoples and Settler populations in Canadian literature.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Critical Reading, Writing, and Research
Approaches to critical analyses of texts, research methods, applications of research, and engagement with alternative forms of knowledge in the discipline of English.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd(Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Young People's Literature to 1914
Critical study of fairytales, folk tales, poetry and novels adapted for or directed toward children and young people from the folk-tale heritage to 1914.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Young People's Literature after 1914
Critical study of fairytales, folk tales, poetry and novels written for children and young people during the 20th century.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Genre Studies
History and characteristics of a particular literary genre such as satire, detective fiction, graphic novels selected by the instructor.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: see Department webpage for details. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 2P15
Speculative Fiction
(also offered as IASC 2P15)
Critical study of some of the histories, contexts, genres, and traditions of science fiction and the literature of the fantastic.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
The Evolution of the Western
Adaptations of the genre of the Western in literature, film, television, radio, and comics to reflect contemporary politics, forms, and social ideals. Representations of nation, race and gender, and the ways in which this popular form can be used to explore ongoing and new cultural ideas and political issues.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Students will not receive earned credit for ENGL 2P17 if ENGL 2P13 has been successfully completed.
Chaucer's poetry, especially The Canterbury Tales, in relation to late medieval English cultural and social history.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Introduction to Tudor Literature
Topics, genres, cultural contexts and ideologies which informed the imaginative literature in 16th-century England.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, MARS 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Early 17th-Century Literature
Early modern drama, poetry and prose, 1603 to the English Revolution, including such writers as Webster, Donne, Jonson and Lanyer.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, MARS 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature and Culture I
Examination of British literature and culture from 1660 to the 1790s.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 2P28
Persuasive Discourse: Theoretical Foundations
(also offered as IASC 2P28 and WRDS 2P28)
Classical foundations, historical developments and contemporary theory. Relation of language use to cultural practices, ethics, identity and power. Analysis of various genres of texts and persuasive writing in popular culture and mass media.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, IASC 1F01 (1F00), COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P28.
British Romanticism I
Examination of the literature and culture of the Romantic period in Britain from the 1780s to the 1830s.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Poetry and Poetics
Construction of a working technical vocabulary for analyzing and discussing poetry, including a variety of poetic styles, authors and periods, as well as a number of critical statements on poetics.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Postcolonial Literature
Literatures of resistance and emergence written in English in former British territories, such as those in Africa and the West Indies.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in INTC 2P52.
Southern African Literatures of Transition
Literary explorations of and interventions in the political and socio-cultural transitions from white regimes to majority-rule politics. Emphasis on histories of trauma, displacement and dispossession.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in INTC 2P53.
The Short Story
Theory and analysis of the short story from Poe and Hawthorne to contemporary writers.
Lectures, seminars, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Indigenous Literatures of Turtle Island
Introduction to early and contemporary Indigenous literatures of Turtle Island (circa 1800 to present).
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
American Literature: 1800-1865
Literature of the post-Revolutionary era to the Civil War. Topics include American Romanticism, gender, the literatures of captivity and antislavery, and antebellum meanings of cultural freedom and national selfhood.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 2P64
Early Canadian Literature
(also offered as CANA 2P64)
Canadian explorations of cultural conflict and the emergence of the nation from First Contact to Exploration to Settlement.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 2P65
Twentieth-Century Canadian Literature
(also offered as CANA 2P65)
Canadian literary response to the radical social and cultural shift of modernism. Topics include war, gender, industrialization and urbanization.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 2P66
Cultural Conflict in Canadian Literature
(also offered as CANA 2P66)
Writing from the post-centennial explosion and maturation of Canadian literature, including current cutting-edge work. Topics may include postmodernism, multiculturalism, ecocriticism and small press experimentation.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
American Literature:1865-1910
Prose of the Reconstruction period, the Gilded Age and the Progressive era, emphasizing the growth of the minority literatures and the rise of realism and regional writing.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
American Prose from 1945
Topics may include the Cold War, the rise of social movements such as Black Power and Second-Wave Feminism, Vietnam, postmodernism, America and globalization, and expanding the canon of American literatures.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 2P70
Introduction to Literary Theory
(also offered as IASC 2P70)
Approaches to meaning and interpretation in the contemporary study of literature.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, IASC 1F01 (1F00) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Responding to Trauma
Responses to personal, societal, and ecological suffering, and the power of words to express and effect change in the face of adversity. Narratives of illness, violence, death and mourning, war and genocide, in fiction, poetry, and drama.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one Humanities context credit (minimum 60 percent) or permission of the instructor.
#ENGL 2P72
The Creative Writer
(also offered as ENCW 2P72 and WRDS 2P72)
Introduction to creative writing. Emphasis on practical and critical approaches to forms, elements or craft, and editing.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P72.
Shakespeare's Comedies
Representative comedies and tragicomedies emphasizing the variety of Shakespeare's comic modes, from the grotesque to the miraculous, and on theoretical approaches to the comic.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in LART 2P82.
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Shakespeare's development of tragedy as a genre in the context of early modern aesthetic and cultural concerns. Attention to recent theoretical approaches.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in LART 2P83.
Non-Shakespearean Drama in England, 1576-1642
Variety of dramatic genres written for the playhouses of early modern London, including plays by Marlowe, Dekker, Jonson, Middleton, Massinger and Ford.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, MARS 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 2P93
Popular Narrative
(also offered as COMM 2P93, FILM 2P93 and PCUL 2P93)
Analysis of storytelling across different media such as novels, film, television, the Internet and video games.
Lectures, seminar, screening, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, FILM (single or combined), MCMN and PCUL majors.
Prerequisite(s): one of one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS 1F90, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), CPCF 1F25, FILM 1F94, PCUL 1F92 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENGL (PCUL/COMM) 2F92.
#ENGL 2P95
Reading the Middle Ages: The Heroic and the Chivalric
(also offered as MARS 2P95)
Heroic and chivalric worlds of Europe and how they shaped medieval society. Selections from Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon heroic literature, Eddic poetry, Old Norse sagas, the lais of Marie de France, Courtly Love and Arthurian-related narrative.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 2Q91
Black Women Writing Resistance
(also offered as WGST 2Q91)
Intersections and interconnections of Black Womens writing and Black Feminist/Womanist thought in the African Diasporas. Critical consideration of Black womens art as mobilizing for survival, placing texts in respective historical, social and political contexts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 4.0 overall credits
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 2Q98
Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies
(also offered as SPAN 2Q98 and WGST 2Q98)
Interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Chicanx and Latinx historical and social experience in the pre-colonial indigenous era, Spanish colonial era, and contemporary contexts. Role of the writer, culture, and literature in the context of decolonization. Questions of identity discussed from feminist, masculinity (machismo), and gender perspectives. Topics on memory, space, and political dimensions of the text.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: given in English. No knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 2Q99
Women, Gender and Literature
(also offered as WGST 2Q99)
Feminist perspectives on representations of women, gender and writing, focusing on Western and/or World literature.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 4.0 overall credits.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in INTC 2Q99.
*ENGL 2V20-2V29
Studies in Writing by Women
(also offered as WGST 2V20-2V29)
Selected topics in women's writing.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WGST 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
ENGL 2V70-2V79
English Area Studies
Studies in a specialized area of English literature.
Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
#ENGL 3P03
Adaptation Across Media
(also offered as COMM 3P03, FILM 3P03 and PCUL 3P03)
Case studies in the adaptation and repetition of popular stories and characters across and between media.
Lectures, seminar, screening, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, FILM (single or combined), MCMN and PCUL majors. Students must have a minimum of 8.0 overall credits.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 3P18
True Stories: The Art and Craft of Literary Journalism
(also offered as WRDS 3P18)
History and theory of narrative non-fiction from Daniel Defoe to Susan Orlean; techniques of narrative craft in the telling of factual stories.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one and one-half ENGL, COMM, PCUL or WRDS (WRIT) credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P18.
Major Tudor Poets and Poetics
Influential works of Philip Sidney, William Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser, and the literary theories that governed their practice. Texts such as Sidney's Defence of Poesy, Shakespeare's sonnets and Spenser's Faerie Queene.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
The Literature of Milton's Time
Poetry and prose from the Civil War to the early Restoration period emphasizing Milton.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature and Culture II
Advanced studies in British literature and culture from 1660 to the 1790s.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 3P28
Rhetorical Analysis
(also offered as IASC 3P28 and WRDS 3P28)
Analysis of literary and non-literary texts using categories, insights and practices of classical and contemporary rhetorical studies. Texts include poetry, fiction, drama, journalism, scientific and political writing, and advertising. Attention to the rhetoric of public spaces, issues of social justice, and the building and maintenance of human communities.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW(single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits, one WRDS (WRIT) credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P28.
British Romanticism II
Advanced studies in the literature and culture of the Romantic period in Britain from the 1780s to the 1830s.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
British Victorian Literature and Culture II
Advanced studies in the literature and culture of the Victorian period in Britain from the 1830s to 1901.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Modernist writing in English, from its experimental beginnings through its engagement with radical social thought in the 1960s.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 3P39
Contemporary Literature in English
(also offered as IASC 3P39)
The postmodern period emphasizing the forms, approaches and cultural responses that have characterized writing in English in the later 20th century.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one of two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99, IASC (2P57) and 2P70 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
The 18th-Century Novel
The rise of the novel and its development 1700 to 1830 by such writers as Defoe, Richardson, Haywood, Fielding, Goldsmith, Edgeworth, Burney and Austen.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Gothic Writing
The gothic in novels, poetry, drama and non-fiction prose from its beginnings to the turn of the 20th century by such writers as Burke, Radcliffe, Lewis, the Shelleys, the Brontës and Stoker.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Gothic Traditions since 1900
The gothic in fiction, non-fiction prose, and popular culture from the turn of the 20th century to the present by such figures as Stoker, Peake, Hitchcock, King, Carter, Rice and Craven.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Writing the Body in 19th-Century Literature
Representations in American and British poetry and fiction. Topics include the diseased body, the racialized body, the gendered body and the eroticized body.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Modern Poetry and Poetics
Poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries emphasizing the relationship between form and ideas in poems that investigate the central aesthetic, intellectual and political concerns of the modern period.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 3P55
Storytelling in the Musical Theatre
(also offered as DART 3P55 and MUSI 3P55)
Analysis of select operas and musicals, their literary sources and screen adaptations. Effects of medium and social context on the adaptation process and how representations of racialized, queer, and differently abled people have changed over time.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one of ENGL (1F91), (1F95), (1F97), 1P01, 1P02, 1P03, 1P04, MUSI 1P50 (1P55), DART 1P91, DART 1P92, or permission of the instructor.
Note: no prior musical experience is required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Special Topics in Indigenous Literatures
Focused study of one genre of Indigenous literatures, such as poetry, plays, autobiographies, speculative fiction, or horror.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Literary Movements in the United States
Movement or tradition in American literature organized around a school of representation or a cultural tradition such as Hispanic, Asian, African American or Native Literatures.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Adapting Canadian Literature
Canadian literature in response to changing 21st-century media environments and other cultural challenges.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 3P72
The Creative Writer and the Community
(also offered as ENCW 3P72 and WRDS 3P72)
Consideration of the special place that creative writers occupy in their various communities, literary, local and global.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P72.
#ENGL 3P73
Creative Writing for Digital Media
(also offered as ENCW 3P73, IASC 3P73 and WRDS 3P73)
Exploration of new avenues for creative expression opened by digital technologies. Consideration of how digitalization changes such notions as the nature of creativity, genre, audience, authorship and copyright.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), IASC (single or combined), GAMD majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P73.
#ENGL 3P79
Indigenous Film
(also offered as DART 3P79, FILM 3P79, INDG 3P79 and WGST 3P79)
Examination of imagery and performance in Indigenous film from an Indigenous perspective. Topics may include the shift in narratives of Indigenous peoples, film as a critical response to historical and on-going harms of colonialism, Indigenous cinema as empowerment, insight into Indigenous activism, self-determination, and cultural survivance.
Lectures, 3 hours per week
Restriction: open to ENGL (single or combined), DART (single or combined), FILM (single or combined), WGST (single or combined) majors and INDG minors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum 7.0 overall credits.
Prerequisite(s): one of one ENGL credit, one DART credit, one FILM credit, one INDG credit, SOCI 1P90 and 1P91 (1F90), WGST 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 3P90
Life Writing
(also offered as WRDS 3P90)
Cultural productions of the self; theories of and approaches to the study of life writing; texts may include memoirs, diaries, autobiographies and biographies.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P90.
Literary Criticism
Introduction to the history of literary criticism as it bears on the study of literature,emphasizing enduring literary critical problems.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in LART 3P94.
Feminism and Speculative Fiction
Feminist engagements with the traditions of science fiction and the literature of the fantastic. Authors may include Butler, LeGuin, McKillip, Harroway and Bradley.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENGL 3V93.
Psychoanalysis and Literary Theory
Key concepts and debates in psychoanalysis and their application to the study of literature.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Feminist Theory
Key issues and debates in versions of feminist theory important to the discipline of English. Topics may include gender and knowledge production, gender and colonialist discourses, struggles among competing feminisms, and gender, sexuality, class and race in academe.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Queer Theory
Key issues and debates in versions of queer theory important to the discipline of English literary studies. Readings may include Sedgwick, Edelman, Love, Wiegman and Muňoz.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
ENGL 3V00-3V10
Topics in Children's Literature
Advanced Studies in writing for children and young people.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or above or permission of the instructor.
2024-2025: 20th Century Fantasy for Young People
Developments and controversies in fantasy fiction for young people throughout the 20th century, Authors may include Lewis, Le Guin, Rowling and Pullman.
Lectures, 3 hours per week
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term
*ENGL 3V20-3V29
Advanced Studies in Writing by Women
(also offered as WGST 3V20-3V29)
Selected topics in women's writing at an advanced theoretical and methodological level.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, WGST 1F90 and one-half-credit from ENGL 2V20 to 2V29 or permission of the instructor.
ENGL 3V60-3V69
Special Topics in Canadian Literature
ENGL 3V70-3V79
Theoretical Issues in the Study of Literature
ENGL 3V90-3V99
English Area Studies
Studies in a specialized area of literature in English.
2024-2025: Social Justice & Cultural Production
Artistic and theoretical texts of the production and reception of literature, drama and other media that engage and advance projects of social justice and equity. Examines arts and media links to struggles for social justice at local, national and global levels.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
2024-2025: Bitch Lit: Subversive Feminist Comics
Study of comics and graphic novels with female, trans, and non-binary anti-heroes. Emergence of graphic literature as a political art form, grappling with social justice and resistance
Lectures, 3 hours per week
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
2024-2025: The Lives of Dogs
Study of canine-centered texts ranging from the eighteenth century to the present in the context of Animal Studies. Writers may include Francis Coventry, Virginia Woolf, J. R. Ackerley, Jack London, and Paul Auster.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Senior Research Tutorial or Thesis
Either tutorial combined with individual research or a thesis on a specialized topic or major author, of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Chair.
Note: the Chair must approve proposals for projects and circulate approved projects to the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*ENGL 4P00
Literature of the English Revolution
(also offered as HIST 4P00)
Writings from the 1640s to the Restoration, including Areopagitica, Eikon Basilike, female prophecy and Agreement of the People, from literary, critical, historical and theoretical perspectives.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 4P01
Sources and Methods of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
(also offered as HIST 4P01 and MARS 4P01)
Exploration of a range of source materials used to address inquiries into Medieval and Renaissance cultural forms and societies.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW, ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and MARS majors with approval to year 4 (honours).
Note: students in other disciplines may register with permission of the instructor and Director. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 4P02
Renaissance and Colonialism
(also offered as MARS 4P03 and MLLC 4P03)
Literary, historical and critical reflections on the idea of the Renaissance in relation to European colonialism in the greater Atlantic world, in the early modern period (1400-1700).
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MARS, ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours), FREN (single or combined), FREN (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), HLAS (combined), ITAL (combined) with 15 overall credits.
Note: students in other disciplines may register with permission of the instructor and Director. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 4P03
Applied Studies in Popular Narrative
(also offered as COMM 4P03, FILM 4P03 and PCUL 4P03)
Practical, historical and theoretical approaches to popular narratives.
Lectures, screening, seminar, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, FILM (single or combined), MCMN and PCUL majors with approval to Year 4 (honours).
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 3P03.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Marlowe's drama and poetry in the context of Elizabethan theatre and culture.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENGL 4V03.
*ENGL 4P06
Medieval Literature and Social Control
(also offered as MARS 4P06)
Medieval English literature in relation to the management of different populations in Britain in the late Middle Ages. Topics include the English Rising of 1381, punishment systems, sexuality, literacies and class, the disciplining of bodies to conform to etiquette, the regulation of female speech, and colonization and civility.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) and MARS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#ENGL 4P10
Language and Discourse: Theory and Practice
(also offered as COMM 4P10 and WRDS 4P10)
Analysis of the relation between stylistic features and discursive contexts; encoding and enacting of social worlds and relations in text (both literary and non-literary); introduction to the field of discourse studies in general, emphasizing critical discourse analysis.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P10.
#ENGL 4P15
Words on Words: Narratives of Language
(also offered as WRDS 4P15)
Critical history of the study of language from Socrates to Saussure and after. Theories of the nature and origin of language, the relations among reality, language, and thought, including the relationship between linguistic theories and literary representation in several historical periods.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), ALTS, APLI (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, HEAR, MCMN and SPLS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P15.
#ENGL 4P20
Studies in Cultural Rhetoric
(also offered as WRDS 4P20)
How writing shapes and is shaped by the cultural, political, and economic spheres; the intersections between the fields of rhetoric and cultural studies and their contributions to writing production and analysis.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), ALTS, APLI (single or combined), HEAR and SPLS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P20.
Jane Austen
The work of Austen from a variety of critical and theoretical perspectives.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
London: Monster City
Growth of London from a Medieval town into a major metropolitan area as reflected in poetry, novels and first-person accounts. Authors include Samuel Pepys, Charles Dickens, Joseph Conrad and Virginia Woolf.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)BEd/(Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENGL 4V37.
Advanced Studies in Post-Colonial Literature
Advanced studies in literature and theories of resistance and emergence focusing on literary responses to post-conflict conditions.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
James Joyce's Ulysses
Close reading and discussion of Joyce's 1922 novel. Various theoretical perspectives and reading approaches.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Advanced Studies in American Literature
Individual author(s), movements or particular theoretical, social or cultural issues raised in American literature.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Contemporary Canadian Literature
21st Century writing by Canadian and Indigenous authors. Consideration of radical, decolonial, avant-garde, and conceptually innovative works to challenge learned associations of Canada.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Avant-Garde Canadian Literature
Radical poetry and prose of the 20th century.
Seminar, 3 hours per week
Restriction: open to ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with approval to year 4 (honours), and to RWRT majors with a minimum of 14.0 overall credits and a minimum 60 percent major average or permission of the instructor and the Chair
*ENGL 4P70
Reading a Renaissance Woman
(also offered as MARS 4P70)
The place of books and reading in the life and culture of Anne Clifford. Readings from personal writings and books in her library including extracts (in English) from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Cervantes' Don Quixote, Castiglione's Courtier, Montaigne's Essays, Chaucer, Spenser, Jonson and Donne.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) and MARS majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENGL (MARS) 3V92 and 4V70.
Contemporary Theoretical Approaches
Current and emerging theoretical approaches to the study of literature. Includes movements such as new historicism, postcolonial theory, psychoanalytic criticism, queer and gender theory, trauma theory, ecocriticism and posthumanism.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
King Arthur in Literature for Young People
Ways in which the Arthurian legend has been adapted for use in literature for young people focusing on texts from the 20th century in a range of genres.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENGL 4V72.
Animal Studies and Literature
Literary and cultural representations of animals from the early modern period to the 21st century in the context of Human-Animal Studies.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Senior Tutorial or Research Paper
Either tutorial combined with individual research or a research paper on a specialized topic or major author, of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Chair.
Note: the Chair must approve proposals for projects and circulate approved projects to the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Senior Tutorial or Research Paper
Either tutorial combined with individual research or a research paper on a specialized topic or major author, of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Chair.
Note: the Chair must approve proposals for projects and circulate approved projects to the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
ENGL 4V00-4V09
Topics in English Literature Before 1800
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
ENGL 4V30-4V39
Topics in 19th-Century Literature
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
ENGL 4V40-4V49
Topics in Contemporary Literature
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
ENGL 4V60-4V69
Topics in Contemporary Canadian Writing
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
ENGL 4V70-4V79
Text and Context
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
2024-2025: Ecohorror
Analysis of narratives featuring ecological catastrophe from the nineteenth century to the present. Novels, poetry and films depicting the consequences of global warming, environmental pollution, pandemics and zombie outbreaks.
3 hours per week
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable,in the applicable term.
2024-2025: The Literary History of Picture Books
Examination of literary provenance, theoretical lenses and discursive practices that have contributed to the evolution of illustrated books, graphic novels and comics, from the 18th century to the present.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
2024-2025: Early Indigenous Women's Writing
Nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Indigenous womens writing from Turtle Island in relation to cultural and historical context. Topics may include Indigenous feminist theory, sovereignty, resurgence, and transatlantic influence.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
ENGL 4V90-4V99
English Area Studies
Studies in a specialized area of literature in English.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Studies: An Introduction
Histories and theories of rhetoric and writing, including such thinkers as the Sophists, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Richards, Burke, hooks, Foucault, and Butler. Print-based, digital, and multi-modal writing practices in scholarly, professional and community-based scenes of writing.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
#WRDS 1P06
History and Future of Storytelling
(also offered as ENCW 1P06 and IASC 1P06)
History of storytelling from the earliest oral traditions to contemporary forms of digital expression. Storytelling's cultural roots in fairy tales, legends and myths through to film, video games and interactive fiction. Elements of narrative, structure, character, conflict and dramatic arc. Concepts and practices in rhetoric, storyboarding, and presentation.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to GAMD majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 1P06.
Critical Studies in Technical/Professional Writing
Introduces strategies, practices, and histories of a range of technical and/or professional writing genres and contexts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Technical Communication and Documents
Concepts and techniques for writing technical documents. Various genre-specific rhetorical strategies that inform written work within and outside the university setting.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P12.
*WRDS 2P14
Technical Writing
(also offered as COMM 2P14)
Processes of technical writing and editing. Document design for scientific, corporate and industrial communication. Practical experience in the production of technical documents.
Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P14.
*WRDS 2P16
Communication for Organizations
(also offered as COMM 2P16)
Theory, strategies and practice of writing for both business and public organizations.
Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P16.
*WRDS 2P18
Reporting and News Writing for Mass Media
(also offered as COMM 2P18 and PCUL 2P18)
News gathering, writing, and editing for print and electronic media; journalistic style and conventions; interviewing and other information-gathering techniques; editing basics.
Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to WRDS (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, MCMN, PCUL majors, RWRT and WRDS minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, PCUL 1F92 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P18.
*WRDS 2P28
Persuasive Discourse: Theoretical Foundations
(also offered as ENGL 2P28 and IASC 2P28)
Classical foundations, historical developments and contemporary theory. Relation of language use to cultural practices, ethics, identity and power. Analysis of various genres of texts and persuasive writing in popular culture and mass media.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW(single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, IASC 1F01 (1F00) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P28.
#WRDS 2P63
Communication Design
(also offered as COMM 2P63 and PCUL 2P63)
Communication through imagery and typography, including grid usage, composition, visual hierarchy, content development and scale.
Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99,COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, PCUL 1F92.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P63.
#WRDS 2P72
The Creative Writer
(also offered as ENCW 2P72 and ENGL 2P72)
Introduction to creative writing. Emphasis on practical and critical approaches to forms, elements or craft, and editing.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 2P72.
*WRDS 3P15
Virtual Selves
(also offered as IASC 3P15)
Analysis of online media such as web sites, blogs, Twitter and other social media.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hour per week.
Prerequisite(s): one credit from WRDS (WRIT) 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, ENGL 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P15.
Organizational Discourses
Relations between culture, discourse and the writing produced in organizational settings; rhetorics of business, management, law, science and media; the role of writing in the production and maintenance of socio-cultural interests and values.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one of WRDS (WRIT) 2P14, 2P16, COMM 2P65 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P16.
*WRDS 3P18
True Stories: The Art and Craft of Literary Journalism
(also offered as ENGL 3P18)
History and theory of narrative non-fiction from Daniel Defoe to Susan Orlean; techniques of narrative craft in the telling of factual stories.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): one and one-half WRDS (WRIT), COMM, ENGL or PCUL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P18.
*WRDS 3P28
Rhetorical Analysis
(also offered as ENGL 3P28 and IASC 3P28)
Analysis of literary and non-literary texts using categories, insights, and practices of classical and contemporary rhetorical studies. Texts include poetry, fiction, drama, journalism, scientific and political writing, and advertising. Attention to the rhetoric of public spaces, issues of social justice, and the building and maintenance of human communities.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): one WRDS (WRIT) credit, two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P28.
#WRDS 3P63
Digital Design and Communication
(also offered as COMM 3P63 and PCUL 3P63)
Introduction to digital design focusing on visual communication by using Adobe software and the Macintosh computer.
Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to WRDS (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, MCMN, PCUL majors, RWRT and WRDS minors with a minimum of 8.0 overall credits.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P63.
#WRDS 3P72
The Creative Writer and the Community
(also offered as ENCW 3P72 and ENGL 3P72)
Consideration of the special place that creative writers occupy in their various communities, literary, local and global.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P72.
#WRDS 3P73
Creative Writing for Digital Media
(also offered as ENCW 3P73, ENGL 3P73 and IASC 3P73)
Exploration of new avenues for creative expression opened by digital technologies. Consideration of how digitalization changes such notions as the nature of creativity, genre, audience, authorship and copyright.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), IASC (single or combined), GAMD majors and minors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P73.
#WRDS 3P90
Life Writing
(also offered as ENGL 3P90)
Cultural productions of the self; theories of and approaches to the study of life writing; texts may include memoirs, diaries, autobiographies and biographies.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P90.
#WRDS 3P98
Reporting Arts and Culture
(also offered as STAC 3P98)
Contexts, genres, conventions and practices of arts journalism in Canada; critical reading of selected texts in arts journalism; practical experience researching and writing arts news, reviews, features, and publicity for print and electronic media.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite(s): two credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above from WRDS (WRIT), COMM, ENGL, PCUL or permission of the Centre.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P98.
#WRDS 3P99
Interpretive and Critical Writing in the Arts
(also offered as MLLC 3P99, STAC 3P99 and VISA 3P99)
Principles and methodologies for the written presentation and representation of works of art, artists' practice and events within general and specific disciplinary contexts, discourses and frameworks. Examples from across the arts; practice-based projects from real world events and performances. Orientation to specialized publics in print and other media.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum 10.0 overall credits or permission of the instructor.
Note: event attendance is required; events fees required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3P99.
WRDS 3V90-3V99
Topics in Writing and Culture
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 3V90-3V99.
Independent Studies in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse
Research project related to writing chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty member.
Restriction: open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Chair.
Note: the Chair must approve proposals for projects and circulate approved projects to the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4F99.
e-portfolio for Rhetoric, Writing and Discourse Studies
Evidence-based reflection on key pieces of written and/or multi-modal work to showcase rhetorical and critical thinking skills acquired in preparation for scholarly, professional, and/or community-based contexts.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to WRDS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
*WRDS 4P10
Language and Discourse: Theory and Practice
(also offered as COMM 4P10 and ENGL 4P10)
Analysis of the relation between stylistic features and discursive contexts; encoding and enacting of social worlds and relations in text (both literary and non-literary); introduction to the field of discourse studies in general, emphasizing critical discourse analysis.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P10.
*WRDS 4P15
Words on Words: Narratives of Language
(also offered as ENGL 4P15)
Critical history of the study of language from Socrates to Saussure and after. Theories of the nature and origin of language; the relations among reality, language, and thought, including the relationship between linguistic theories and literary representation in several historical periods.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), ALTS, APLI (single or combined), BCMN, COMM, HEAR, MCMN and SPLS (single or combined) majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P15.
*WRDS 4P20
Studies in Cultural Rhetoric
(also offered as ENGL 4P20)
How writing shapes and is shaped by the cultural, political, and economic spheres; the intersections between the fields of rhetoric and cultural studies and their contributions to writing production and analysis.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to ENCW (single or combined), ENGL (single or combined), ENGL (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), WRDS (single or combined), ALTS, APLI (single or combined), HEAR, SPLS (single or combined) majors, with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and the Chair.
Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P20.
Independent Studies in Writing
Research project related to writing chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty member.
Restriction: open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Chair.
Note: the Chair must approve proposals for projects and circulate approved projects to the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P98.
Independent Studies in Writing
Research project related to writing chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty member.
Restriction: open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Chair.
Note: the Chair must approve proposals for projects and circulate approved projects to the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4P99.
WRDS 4V90-4V99
Writing Area Studies
Topics selected on the basis of faculty expertise.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in WRIT 4V90-4V99.