2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar

Canadian Studies



Dan Malleck

Participating Faculty

Jeff Boggs (Geography and Tourism Studies), Maureen Connolly (Kinesiology), Neta Gordon (English Language and Literature), Kevin Gosine (Sociology), Mike Griffin (Dramatic Arts), Anthony Kinik (Communication, Popular Culture and Film), Liam Midzain-Gobin (Political Science), and Daniel Samson (History)

Academic Advisor

Liz Hay


General Information

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Administrative Assistant

Elaine Aldridge-Low

905-688-5550, extension 4029

Glenridge A, Room 213


The Centre for Canadian Studies offers an opportunity to study Canadian culture and society from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, with co-operating faculty from Communication, Popular Culture and Film, Dramatic Arts, Economics, English Language and Literature, Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology and Visual Arts.

Students take required interdisciplinary Canadian Studies (CANA) courses along with a number of Canada-centred courses offered by other departments emphasizing the unique nature of the Canadian experience, and the value and practice of combining disciplinary approaches in the study of culture and society. CANA core courses offered in years 1, 2 and 3 are designed to introduce students to interdisciplinary studies in a progressive manner.

The Centre for Canadian Studies offers combined major programs leading to a BA (Honours or Pass) and a Minor for students in other disciplines. Canadian Studies core courses may also be taken as electives by students in other degree programs. Canadian Studies may be combined with any other discipline or program in the Humanities or Social Sciences which offer a combined major program.


Program Notes

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1.  It is strongly recommended that CANA students take one FREN or INDG credit as part of their degree program. One credit from FREN 1F00, 1F50, 1F90, 2F00, 3P75, 3P99, INDG 1F20, 1F90, 2F40, 2F96, 3F90 recommended.  
2.  One credit from COMM 1P90 and 1P91, ECON 1P91 and 1P92, ENGL 1P01, GEOG 1F90, HIST 1F95, 1F96, LABR 1P95, SOCI 1P90 and 1P91 strongly recommended for Political Science co-majors.  
3.  COMM 1P90 and 1P91, ECON 1P91 and 1P92, ENGL 1P91, 1P92, 1P93 and 1P94, GEOG 1F90, HIST 1F95, 1F96, LABR 1P95 or SOCI 1P90 and 1P91 strongly recommended.  
4.  CANA credits may be chosen from approved courses in Canadian Studies within the student's co-major. However, students may not use the same courses(s) to satisfy both the CANA requirement and the co-major requirement.  
5.  Students in the combined Canadian Studies and French Programs may not use FREN courses to satisfy their Canadian Studies list requirements.  
6.  Courses listed as CANA 3V90-3V99 are normally taught by the Fulbright Chair in Transdisciplinary Studies and the topics change each year.  
7.  Each student should meet with the Humanities Academic Adviser and the Chair/Director of the co-major discipline before the end of the first year of study, to ensure that his or her choice of courses meets the criteria for the combined major degree.  
8.  Students contemplating a thesis or project must consult the Director or academic adviser at the end of year 3.  

In 20 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

In 15 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

In some circumstances, in order to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 15 or 20 credits may be taken.


Honours Program

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Year 1

- CANA 1F91
- POLI 1P93
- one credit from the co-major discipline (see program note 2)
- one Sciences context credit
- one and a half elective credits (see program notes 3 and 7)

Year 2

- CANA 2P91 and 2P92
- one credit from CANA courses numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99 or from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses numbered 2(alpha)00 or above (see program note 4)
- two credits from the co-major discipline
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 3

- CANA 3P15 and 3P40
- one credit from CANA 3P14, 3P18, 3P28, 3P91, 3P93, 3P98, or from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program note 4)
- two credits from the co-major discipline
- one elective credit

Year 4

- CANA 4P15
- one and a half credits from CANA 3V90-3V99, 4P10, 4P11, 4P68, 4P81, 4V10-4V70 or from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses numbered 3(alpha)90 or above (see program note 4)
- two credits from the co-major discipline
- one elective credit

Canadian Studies and French Studies Program

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In co-operation with the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, the Centre for Canadian Studies offers a combined major leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Canadian Studies and French Studies. Designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge demanded for successful leadership in Canadian business, tourism and civil service.

Year 1

- CANA 1F91
- FREN 1F90
- one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99
- one Sciences context credit
- one Social Sciences context credit

Year 2

- CANA 2P91 and 2P92
- FREN 2F00 and 2F03
- one credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses (see program note 5)
- one elective credit

Year 3

- CANA 3P15 and 3P40
- FREN 3P03
- two FREN or MLLC credits numbered 3(alpha)00 or above
- one credit from CANA 3P14, 3P18, 3P28, 3P91, 3P93, 3P98, or from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program note 5)
- one-half elective credit

Year 4

- CANA 4P15
- FREN 4P03
- one FREN or MLLC credit numbered 3(alpha)00 or above
- one FREN or MLLC credit numbered 4(alpha)00 or above
- one and a half credits from CANA 3V90-3V99, 4P10, 4P11, 4P68, 4P81, 4V10-4V70 or from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses numbered 3(alpha)90 or above (see program note 5 and 6)
- one-half elective credit

Pass Program

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Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the Honours program entitles a student to apply for a Pass degree.


Certificate in Canada's Cultural Context

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This certificate provides students with a strong grounding in Canadian culture and the institutions that shape it. It may be of special interest to people working in or who intend to work in the cultural sector, diplomacy, education, international relations, or international business. It is awarded upon successful completion of five credits from the list below, with a minimum 60 percent overall average:

- CANA 1F91, 2P21, 2P91 and 2P92
- CPCF 1F25
- CANA 3P15 or CANA 3P40
- One credit from CANA 2P01, 2P02, 2P86, 3P14, 3P18, 3P93

Certificate in Canadian Culture and Diversity

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This certificate provides students with a sophisticated understanding of Canadian culture in its many forms. It may be of special interest to people working in or who intend to work in the cultural sector, diplomacy, education, international relations, or arts administration. It is awarded upon successful completion of five credits from the list below, with a minimum 60 percent overall average:

- CANA 1F91, 2P21, 2P91 and 2P92
- CPCF 1F25
- CANA 3P15 or CANA 3P40
- One credit from CANA 2F62, 2P64, 2P65, 2P66, 2P93, 2P96, 3P91,3P93

Minor in Canadian Studies

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Students in other disciplines can obtain a Minor in Canadian Studies within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:

- CANA 1F91, 2P91 and 2P92
- one CANA credit or one credit from the list of approved Canadian Studies courses (see program note 9)
- one CANA credit numbered 3(alpha)00 or above

Approved Canadian Studies Courses Offered by Other Departments/Centres

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Note: As many of the courses listed below have prerequisites, students should plan their programs in advance.

*Courses which may be used to fulfill the Indigenous or French language recommendation.


Policies of Childhood and Youth: Canadian Perspectives


Children, Youth and the Law


Media Industries

(also offered as PCUL/SOCI 2P98)


Canadian Theatre


Canadian Economic History


Economics of the Environment

(also offered as TOUR 2P28)


Canadian Economic Issues


Contemporary Canadian Literature


Canadian Cinema

(also offered as COMM/PCUL 2P56)


Canadian Television

(also offered as COMM/PCUL 3P21)


Issues in Canadian Cinema

(also offered as COMM 3P56)

*FREN 1F00

French I

*FREN 1F50

French II

*FREN 1F90

French III

*FREN 2F03

Literature and Culture: The French-Speaking World


Canadian Literature in French up to the Revolution tranquille


Canadian Literature in French after 1960


Geography of Canada


Women in North America to 1865

(also offered as WGST 2Q93)


Women in North America: 1865 to the Present

(also offered as WGST 2Q94)


North America's First Nations


Canadian Labour History

(also offered as LABR 3P75)


God's Country? Religion in North America before 1850


First Nations in Modern Canada


The Health of Canadian Society

*INDG 1F20

Introduction to Nishnawbe Languages

*INDG 1F90

Introduction to Indigenous Studies

*INDG 2F40

Indigenous Creative Arts

*INDG 2F91

Studies in Haudenosaunee History

*INDG 2F96

Studies in Indigenous Culture I

*INDG 3F90

Studies in Indigenous History I


Labour and Employment Law

(also offered as POLI 2P03)


Good Governance: Public Policy and Public Administration


Local Government


Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour


Politics in Ontario


Education and Equity


In and Out of Work in the Global Economy

(also offered as LABR 2P32)


Racialization and Society


Gender and Society

(also offered as WGST 3P51)


Gender, Crime and Justice

(also offered as CRIM 3P82 and WGST 3P82)


Indigenous Peoples in North America

(also offered as INDG 3Q98 and WGST 3Q98)


Law and Society


Social Policy

(also offered as WGST 4Q41)


Heritage Interpretation in the Digital Age

(also offered as IASC 3P93)


Canadian Identities: Art and Visual Culture in Canada Before 1960


Contemporary Issues in Canadian Visual Culture


Gender Justice and Resistance


Description of Courses

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Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details.

# Indicates a cross listed course

* Indicates primary offering of a cross listed course


Prerequisites and Restrictions

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Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.


Introduction to Canadian Studies

Examination of the creation of Canadian identity, boundaries, and institutions, through historical, political, and cultural mythologies. Application of the interdisciplinary tools of Canadian Studies to texts, film, music, literature, popular media and artistic interpretations in Canada.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2F60

Foundations for Community Engagement

(also offered as CRIM 2F60 and SOCI 2F60)

Foundational knowledge and skills for effective, ethical, and reciprocal community engagement and preparation for future experiential learning opportunities. Theoretical conversations and practical applications relating to community building and critical service-learning.

Lectures, seminar, experiential learning activities, 3 hours per week.

Note: transportation and additional cost is the student's responsibility. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2F62

Contact in Canadian Literature

(also offered as ENGL 2F62)

Contact between Indigenous peoples and Settler populations in Canadian Literature.

Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2F80

Introduction to Indigenous Education in Canada

(also offered as INDG 2F80)

Overview of First Nation, Metis and Inuit education in Canada. Examination of various Indigenous traditions, philosophies and culturally-based models from both historical and contemporary Indigenous perspectives. Indigenous perspectives on the current state and future direction of learning and research.

Seminar, 3 hours per week

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABST 2F80.

#CANA 2P01

Colonial Canada

(also offered as HIST 2P01)

Canadian history from the pre-contact period to 1867.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P02

Post-Confederation Canada

(also offered as HIST 2P02)

Canadian history from 1867 to the present.

Lecture, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Intercultural Communication in a Multicultural Canada

Examination of the importance of competent intercultural communication in Canada's increasingly multicultural society. Topics include theories of intercultural communication and adaptation and the roots of cultural difference in Canada. Employs multiple analytical perspectives.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.Completion of this course will replace previously assigned grade and credit obtained in INTC 1F90 or 1P80.

#CANA 2P12

Canadian Government and Politics

(also offered as POLI 2P12)

Core institutions of Canadian government, including federalism, parliamentary government, electoral systems, the judiciary, constitutional rights, and the machinery of government. How these institutions shape and are shaped by political parties, Indigenous politics, and other social forces.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in POLI 2F12.

#CANA 2P13

Social Dimensions of Canadian Politics

(also offered as POLI 2P13)

Canadian political culture and attitudes, identity politics, civil society groups and social movements, and relations with the global community, with emphasis on leading political and public policy issues. Topics may include the environment, Indigenous reconciliation, socioeconomic inequality, social diversity, gender, and disruptive technologies.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: CANA 2P12 is strongly recommended. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in POLI 2F12.

#CANA 2P21

Canadian Popular Culture

(also offered as COMM 2P21, FILM 2P21 and PCUL 2P21)

Survey of the media in Canada. Studies in the popular arts, referencing the ways that institutions (CBC, NFB) and selected artists identify and express a Canadian cultural imagination.

Lectures, seminar, screening, 4 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BCMN, COMM, FILM (single or combined), MCMN and PCUL majors until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to CANA, BCMN, COMM, FILM (single or combined), MCMN, PCUL majors, GHUM, SOSC students and PCUL minors until date specified in Registration guide.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P64

Early Canadian Literature

(also offered as ENGL 2P64)

Explorations of cultural conflict and the emergence of the nation from first contact to exploration to settlement.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P65

Twentieth-Century Canadian Literature

(also offered as ENGL 2P65)

Canadian literary response to the radical social and cultural shift of modernism. Topics include war, gender, industrialization and urbanization.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P66

Cultural Conflict in Canadian Literature

(also offered as ENGL 2P66)

Writing from the post-centennial explosion and maturation of Canadian literature, including current cutting-edge work. Topics may include postmodernism, multiculturalism, ecocriticism and small press experimentation.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P86

Women, Gender and the Economy

(also offered as LABR 2P86, SOCI 2P86 and WGST 2P86)

Women in the Canadian labour market. Topics include allocation of time between the household and the labour market, gender segregation in the work place, how earnings are determined, causes of occupational and earning difference by gender, role of investment in education and discrimination, recent developments in the labour market and their impact on women and men, and selected policy issues.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: students must have a minimum of 4.0 overall credits and a minimum 65 percent overall average.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Implementing Diversity: Cultural Communities and Power in Canada

Interdisciplinary examination of the effect Canadian government policies on cultural communities in Canada and the responses to these policies. Examples drawn from Canadian literature, cinema, theatre, and television created by members of cultural communities including Indigenous, Black, Francophone, Gaelic, East Asian, and Muslim groups.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: CANA 1F91 recommended, lecture offered online. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Leveraging Power: Canada's Cultural Icons

Interdisciplinary examination of how Canadian cultural icons and institutions have influenced Canadian identity. Applies approaches from cultural studies, social theory, and critical analysis to articulations of Canadian identity on local and national levels. Topics may include Canadian media and cultural institutions, sports organizations, and corporations.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: CANA 1F91 recommended. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P93

Critical Practice in the Fine and Performing Arts

(also offered as IASC 2P93, MLLC 2P93 and STAC 2P93)

Interdisciplinary approach to key ideas about music, art, dance and drama through critical readings and guided exposure to selected public fine and performing art events. Exploration of issues in aesthetics and criticism using varied theoretical approaches.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one credit from CANA 1F91, DART 1F90 (1P91/1P92), IASC 1F01 (1F00), STAC 1P50, VISA 1Q98,1Q99 or permission of the Centre.

Note: vent attendance is required; events fees required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P94

Embodied Text: Art Beyond the Artifact

(also offered as IASC 2P94, MLLC 2P94 and STAC 2P94)

Functions of art and artifacts outside the conventions associated with words, texts, paintings and scores. Experiencing musical, visual, movement, and theatre vocabularies through exploration of spatial/temporal/aesthetic/embodied forms of art in performance.

Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one credit from CANA 1F91, DART 1F90 (1P91/1P92), IASC 1F01 (1F00), STAC 1P50, VISA 1Q98, or 1Q99 or permission of the Centre.

Note: event attendance required; events fees required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2P96

Contemporary Canadian Indigenous Theatre

(also offered as DART 2P96 and INDG 2P96)

Theatrical, dramatic and performative representation of Indigenous peoples in the Canadian experience.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART Honours/BEd (Intermediate and Senior) majors until date specified in the Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): DART 1F90, or 1P91 and 1P92.

Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2P95.

#CANA 2P98

Italian-Canadian Culture

(also offered as ITAL 2P98 and MLLC 2P98)

Topics may include Italian-Canadian communities in Ontario, cultural and World War II internment experiences, Italian and Italian-Canadian contributions to art, music, film, literature, and sports in Canada and issues of heritage, multiculturalism, ethnicity, identity, and representation.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: students must have a minimum of 5.0 overall credits or permission of instructor.

Note: given in English. No knowledge of Italian required This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2Q90

Canada: War and Nationalism

(also offered as HIST 2Q90)

Relation between war, ethnicity, and national identity in Canada in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 2Q91

Indigenous Ways of Knowing

(also offered as EDUC 2Q91 and PHIL 2Q91)

Exploration of philosophical and practical applications of Indigenous epistemologies and ontologies in the context of education and civilization.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in PHIL 2Q90.

#CANA 2Q93

Immigrants and Indigenous Peoples: The Case of Italian-Canadians

(also offered as ITAL 2Q93 and MLLC 2Q93)

Intertwined histories of Italians, Italian-Canadians with Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island through a decolonial theoretical and practical approach. Topics may include indigeneity of the Italian peninsula, exploration of existing connections between Italian-Canadians and Indigenous communities, Indigenous-Italian-Canadian self-narratives, building awareness, solidarity and strengthened relations with Indigenous Nations.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: given in English. No knowledge of Italian is required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ITAL 2P93.

#CANA 2Q97

Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada

(also offered as HIST 2Q97)

Relationship between Aboriginal people and the newcomers to their lands from the contact era, to military alliance and trade, treaty-making and reserves, emphasizing the roots of current debates and disputes.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 3F02

Making History in Niagara (also offered as CANA 3F02)

(also offered as HIST 3F02)

Research, design and presentation of a proposal for a public history project, using local archives, including Brock Special Collections. Projects may include: special exhibits at local museums, historical societies; libraries; historical information plaques; monuments/ memorials; brochures/ pamphlets; digital/on line exhibits; live performances or other artistic productions.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

CANA 3M90-3M99

Selected Interdisciplinary Studies

Application of principles of interdisciplinary studies and techniques to the study of Canada.

#CANA 3P13

The Politics of Labour

(also offered as LABR 3P13 and POLI 3P13)

Critical, multidisciplinary, exploration of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary political activism in Canada's labour movement.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one of CANA 1F91, one LABR credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 3P14

Indigenous Politics in Canada

(also offered as POLI 3P14)

Key historic and contemporary issues in Indigenous politics. Topics include settler-site relations, treaties, reconciliation, Indigenous governance, participation and resistance.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: CANA 2P12 or 2P13 (2F12) strongly recommended. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


A Foreign Prospect: Canada from Beyond its Borders

Perceptions of Canada and Canadians: originating outside of the nation's borders, topics include Aboriginal relations, government, the environment, warfare, the arts and cultural conflict. From first contact to the contemporary period, drawing upon fictional, historical, political and artistic interpretations of the nation.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): CANA 1F91 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. This course is offered in alternate years to CANA 4P15.

#CANA 3P18

Law and Politics

(also offered as POLI 3P18)

Canadian constitutional law emphasizing the protection of civil liberties both before and after the adoption of the Charter of Rights. Courts in both legal and political perspectives.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: CANA 2P12 or 2P13 (2F12) strongly recommended. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 3P19

Provincial and Territorial Politics

(also offered as POLI 3P19)

Key elements of provincial and territorial governance in a comparative context. Topics may include party systems, policy making, sub-state nationalism and identity, Indigenous relations, multi-level governance, and the administration of key policy areas such as health care and education.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: CANA 2P12 or 2P13 strongly recommended. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 3P28

Canadian Foreign Policy

(also offered as POLI 3P28)

Canadian foreign policy formulation and behaviour in response to global shifts in power and influence and the challenges posed by these changes. Topics may include strains in the Canada-United States relationship, regional relations including the rise of China, and Canada's approaches to global cooperation across wide ranging issues, including climate change, insecuritysecuritysecurity, global health, human rights, poverty, and inequality.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

*CANA 3P40

The New Niagara

(also offered as GEOG 3P40)

Quantitative and qualitative techniques for examining Niagara's cultural, demographic and economic changes. Topics may include changes in Niagara's industries and occupations, Niagara's position in the world economy, regional growth coalitions, economic restructuring, income inequality, free trade, deindustrialization, agricultural decline, tourism, structural unemployment, demographic transition, in- and out-migration, brain drain, greying population, and transition to cognitive-cultural economy.

Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week.

Restriction: students must have a minimum of 8.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): CANA 1F91, GEOG 1P01, GEOG 1P02, GEOG 1P03 or permission of the instructor.

Note: labs involve using GIS and other software to map and analyze cultural, demographic and economic change in Niagara. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in GEOG (TREN/TMGT) 3P98.

#CANA 3P61

Using the Canadian Census

(also offered as GEOG 3P61 and SOCI 3Q61)

Historical and contemporary structure and its related surveys, surveys carried out by Statistics Canada such as the Labour Force Survey or Community Health Survey and applications in digital mapping and demographic analysis.

Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week.

Restriction: students must have a minimum of 8.0 overall credits or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in GEOG 3V61, CANA 3P61 and SOCI 3Q61.

#CANA 3P91

History of Music in Canada

(also offered as MUSI 3P91)

Canadian music and its place in our culture from the earliest European influences to the works of modern Canadian composers,through analysis of selected compositions and an exploration of Canadian music-related industries.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: permission of the instructor.

Prerequisite(s): MUSI 2P50 or MUSI 2P55 or permission of instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 3P93

Indigenous People in Media and Popular Culture

(also offered as COMM 3P93, PCUL 3P93 and SOCI 3P93)

Historical and contemporary representations of Indigenous people in mainstream media and popular culture. Indigenous interventions in production of cultural content and media structures.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week; plus weekly screening.

Restriction: open to BCMN, CANA, COMM, MCMN, PCUL, SOCI (single or combined) majors and MEST minors with a minimum of 8.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): CANA 1F91, COMM 1P91 and 1P92 (1F90), SOCI 2P00 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 3P98

French Colonial Canada

(also offered as HIST 3P98)

"French Canada" and Indigenous peoples in the context of Atlantic World in the era of settler colonialism, 1604-1763.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to CANA/HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours), BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors and minors until date specified in registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): one HIST credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 2(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

CANA 3V90-3V99

Advanced Topics in Canadian/American Transnationalism

Studies in specialized transnational topics in Canadian Studies.

Lectures, seminars, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): CANA 2P91 and 2P92 (2F91) or permission of the instructor.

#CANA 4F00

Voices from the Past: Oral History

(also offered as HIST 4F00)

Use and interpretation of oral history as a source for historical research. Engagement with oral history methods and best practices including: ethics; community engagement and shared authority; memory, life-story and digital story-telling; interviewing; recording, archiving and digitization; copyright.

Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), majors with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of Department until date specified in Registration guide. After that date, open to students with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Department.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Honours Thesis/Project

Independent interdisciplinary study under the guidance of a faculty adviser.

Restriction: open to CANA majors with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Director.

Note: students are responsible for making arrangements with a supervising faculty member and must submit a written proposal by September 15. Thesis/project, to be evaluated by a faculty committee representing the disciplinary areas to which the thesis/project is related. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Directed Reading

Directed individual or group reading and written work in an area of Canadian Studies.

Restriction: open to CANA majors with approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Program Director.

Note: students are responsible for arranging their course with a supervising faculty member and must submit a written proposal, signed by the supervisor, to the Director for approval before registration. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 4P10

History in the Field: Ontario and the War of 1812

(also offered as HIST 4P10)

Social, cultural, political and economic impact of the War of 1812 in southern Ontario, emphasizing commemoration and public history. Examinations of historic sites, battle fields and material artifacts will supplement study of historical and historiographical texts; field research at local museums, archives and historic sites.

Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), and CANA majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and Chair until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): HIST 2P01 or permission of the instructor.

Note: students are responsible for travel and other expenses. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 4P11

State and Society in Colonial Canada

(also offered as HIST 4P11)

Major cultural and political themes in Canadian colonial history from the British conquest of Acadia to the Confederation of the colonies.

Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to HIST (single or combined), HIST (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), and CANA majors with approval to year 4 (honours) or permission of the instructor and Chair until date specified in Registration guide.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Foreign Ventures: Canada's Changing Global Role

Canadian perception of and interaction with other countries and cultures, including state-driven political, military and economic programs; global social and cultural exchanges; and domestic attitudes toward Canada's global role from the late 19th century to the present.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): CANA 1F91 or permission of instructor.

Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. This course is offered in alternate years to CANA 3P15.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in CANA 3P95.

#CANA 4P37

Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada and Beyond

(also offered as POLI 4P37)

Indigenous-settler relations and reconciliation in Canada and other Anglo settler states examined through selected texts. Theories of settler colonialism, Indigenous-settler relationships on both collective and individual levels, the politics of recognition, constitutional rights, truth commissions, and Indigenous theories of decolonization.

Seminar, 3 hours per week

Restriction: open to POLS (single or compined) or CANA majors with either a minimum of 14.0 overall credits and a minimum 70 percent major average or approval to year 4 (honours).

Note: open to INDG, SOCI, WGST and other majors with permission of instructor. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in an applicable term.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in POLI 4V80.

#CANA 4P41

Labour Law and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

(also offered as LABR 4P41 and POLI 4P41)

Application of Charter rights and freedoms, notably expression and association, to labour law in Canada.

Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to CANA, LABR (single and combined), POLS (single or combined) majors until dated specified in Registration guide. Students must have approval to year 4 (honours).

Prerequisite(s): one of CANA 1F91, one LABR credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99, one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.

Note: POLI 2P12 (2F12) is recommended for Political Science majors. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

#CANA 4P68

Art, Heritage and Culture: Public Policy and Planning

(also offered as DART 4P68, STAC 4P68 and VISA 4P68)

Examination of federal, provincial and municipal protocols governing heritage, fine and performing arts and Canadian cultural production. Strategies for effective engagement of policy through governance and community relations.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to STAC, CANA, DART (single or combined), DART (Honours), BEd (Intermediate/Senior), SPMA, VISA (single or combined) and VISA (Honours/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in registration guide. Student must have a minimum of 12.0 overall credits or permission of the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture.

Note: materials fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


Experiential Learning Placement

Part-time placement related to Canada within the Niagara Region.

Restriction: permission of the Program Director.

Note: students are responsible for arranging their own unpaid internship or work placement (60-hour minimum) in a company, agency or non-profit organization in consultation with the Program Director. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.

CANA 4V10-4V70

Topics in Canadian History

Seminar, 3 hours per week.

Last updated: October 1, 2024 @ 04:46PM