2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar

Early Childhood Education (Honours)  
This program is offered through the Department of Educational Studies Director Sandra Della Porta Administrative Coordinator Eriona Tarelli Academic Advising Ethna Bernat  
General Information Go to top of document
This program is offered online. The Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECE Honours) program builds on the foundation of a two-year Early Childhood Education Diploma program or equivalent. The degree focuses on fostering educators’ comprehensive and critical understandings of the issues and trends in early care and education for children from birth to 8 years as well as broadening insights into educational contexts and theories. Graduates of the BECE Honours program are expected to take on positions that require a strong foundation in early care and education or apply to graduate studies or to teacher education programs that lead to a Provincial Teaching Certificate.  
Admission Requirement Go to top of document
Graduates of a two-year Early Childhood Education Diploma program or equivalent with a cumulative 75 percent average are eligible to apply for entry into the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECE Honours) degree program. For more information: brocku.ca/education/programs/early-childhood-education/  
College Transfer/Degree Completion Pathway Go to top of document
Students completing a two-year Early Childhood Education Diploma program or equivalent, with a minimum 75 percent average may earn 7.0 transfer credits with Brock University towards a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours) degree. Applications for full-time studies can be made via the OUAC 105 application system. Applicants should contact the Office of the Registrar-Admissions department at Brock University for more information. Applicants who successfully complete an Early Childhood Education Diploma or equivalent as part of a degree-completion pathway, will be considered with a minimum of 7.0 university level courses at the time of application for the Brock Teacher Education Primary/Junior BEd Division.  
Program Notes Go to top of document
1.  Students are encouraged to book an academic advising appointment once per year.  
2.  Students are encouraged to have a current satisfactory police record check with a vulnerable sector screening.  
3.  Students given transfer credit for the Social Science context credit take 1.0 elective credit.  
4.  The Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECE) degree does not lead to an Ontario Teacher Certificate.  
5.  Students deciding to transfer to another program will have their transfer credits reassessed by the Office of the Registrar to align with their major program requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the Office of the Registrar prior to any program changes.  
6.  In 20 credit degree programs, a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above. In some circumstances, to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 20 credits may be taken.  
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours only) Go to top of document
Years 1 and 2
- Completion of Early Childhood Education diploma or equivalent
Year 3
- ADED 1P33
- ECEC 2F95
- ECEC 3P50, 3P51, 3P53, 3P54, 3P55 and 3P85
- one-half Social Sciences context credit (see program note 3)
Spring/Summer Sessions:
- ECEC 4P81
- EDUC 4P35
- one Humanities context credit
- one Sciences context credit
Year 4
- ECEC 4D51, 4P14, 4P24, 4P52, and 4P85
- one-half Social Sciences context credit (see program note 3)
- one credit from EDUC 2P65, 3F01, 3P00, 3P40, 3P45, 3P70, 3P91, 3P97, 4P03, 4P46, 4P62, 4P70, ADED 2F90, 2F91, 3P12, 3P41, 3F90
Under exceptional circumstances, the Department may require the substitution of other relevant courses for those usually required.
Certificate and Micro-certificate Programs Go to top of document
Micro-certificate in Special Needs in ECE Go to top of document
The Micro-certificate Special Needs in ECE is awarded upon completion of the following courses with a minimum overall average of 60 percent:
- ECEC 3P55 and 4P52
Description of Courses Go to top of document
Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details. # Indicates a cross listed course * Indicates a primary offering of a cross listed course  
Prerequisites and Restrictions Go to top of document
Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met. *ECEC 2F95 Indigenous Culture and Early Childhood Education (also offered as INDG 2F95) Introduction of the culture of a selected Indigenous Society to early childhoodeducators. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE majors. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 2F95. *ECEC 3P50 Early Childhood Education I (also offered as CHYS 3P50) Early childhood education programs for children from birth to age eight. Topics include the historical and societal influences on early childhood education, program models derived from theories of learning and child development and research on the effectiveness of these programs. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to CHYS (single or combined) majors with a minimum of 9.0 overall credits until date specified in Registration guide. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in CHYS or EDUC 3P50. ECEC 3P51 Early Childhood Education for Sustainability Theoretical and foundational concepts and principles of sustainability. Early childhood education's importance in promoting transformative change in curriculum and pedagogy, and movement toward experiential, constructivist and participatory learning and teaching. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students and ENSU minors. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 3P51. ECEC 3P52 Early Childhood Education II Methods in early childhood education programs for children from birth to age eight. Topics include curricula, instructional strategies and evaluative techniques. Lecture, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Prerequisite(s): ECEC (EDUC) 3P50. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in CHYS 3P52 and EDUC 3P52. ECEC 3P53 Ethics, Policies and Care in Early Childhood Education Diverse perspectives on ethics, policy and care in early childhood education through local and global contexts. Policies that govern ECE practices from a socio-political-cultural perspective. Lecture, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 3P53. ECEC 3P54 Evaluating the Science Behind the Developing Child Critiquing the science and theories of early human development and the role of experiences during the prenatal and early childhood periods as key influences on health, education, behaviour and the general well-being of children. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 3F02 and EDUC 3P54. ECEC 3P55 Young Children with Exceptionalities Learning and developmental aspects of young children with exceptional needs. Topics may include exceptionalities with social cognition, executive function, learning disabilities, behavioural, sensory, motor/physical challenges, and/or pervasive disabilities. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE and micro-certificate Special Needs in ECE students. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 3F02 and EDUC 3P55. ECEC 3P85 Internship I Community or school-based placement. Examining the process and theory of teaching in relation to curriculum development, observation, documentation and evaluation. Restriction: open to BECE students. Note: students are responsible for their own transportation and require acurrent police record check, with a vulnerable sector screening. Practicum administration fee required. Offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 3P85. ECEC 4D50 Early Childhood Education Honours Thesis Research project carried out under the supervision of a faculty adviser. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4F50 and EDUC 4D50. ECEC 4D51 Early Childhood Education Honours Project Honours capstone research carried out under the supervision of a faculty adviser. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Prerequisite(s): ECEC 4P81 or equivalent. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit obtained in EDUC 4F50, EDUC 4D50, ECEC 4D50. ECEC 4P04 Observation and Evaluation for the Early Years Assessment of learning (summative), assessment for learning (formative and diagnostic) and assessment as learning (self-assessment). Assessment tasks and tools to enhance student learning and assessment situated in curriculum design. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students until date specified in Registration guide. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4P04. ECEC 4P14 Mathematics in the Early Years Theories of early mathematical understanding and best practices in mathematics education for young children. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4P14. ECEC 4P24 Literacy in the Early Years Theoretical foundations of early literacies. Focus on multiliteracies, digital literacies, and culturally relevant and responsive literacies. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students until date specified in Registration guide. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4P24. ECEC 4P52 Inclusive Programming in Early Childhood Education Theories and best practices for the education of young children across the disabilities spectrum. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE and micro-certificate Special Needs in ECE students. Prerequisite(s): ECEC 3P55 or permission of the instructor. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4P52. ECEC 4P81 Research Methods in Early Childhood Education Trends in methodologies and research design in early childhood education. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to BECE students. Note: offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4P80 and 4P81. ECEC 4P85 Internship II Students will be placed in a community or school based placed placement.Developing a foundation for and skills in developmental programming.Restriction: open to BECE students. Restriction: open to BECE students. Prerequisite(s): ECEC 3P85 or permission of the instructor. Note: students are responsible for their own transportation and require acurrent police record check, with a vulnerable sector screening. Practicum administration fee required. Offered online. Completion of this course will replace grade and credit in EDUC 4P85.  
Last updated: June 19, 2024 @ 02:28PM