PhD in Interdisciplinary Humanities Fields of Specialization Critique and Social Transformation Culture and Aesthetics Technology & Digital Humanities Ways of Knowing Dean, Faculty of Humanities Carol U. Merriam Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Humanities Elizabeth Vlossak Faculty Professors Gregory Betts (English Language and Literature), Fiona Blaikie (Faculty of Education) Irene Blayer (Modern Languages, Literature, and Cultures), Christine Daigle (Philosophy), David Fancy (Dramatic Arts), Mathew Martin (English Language and Literature), Trevor Norris (Educational Studies), Lissa Paul (English Language and Literature), Jennifer Roberts-Smith (Dramatic Arts Mark Spencer (History) Associate Professors Robert Alexander (English), Lynn Arner (English Language and Literature), Alexander Christie (Digital Humanities), Stefan Dolgert (Political Science), Margot Francis (Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies), Jason Hawreliak (Digital Humanities), Pascal Lupien (Political Science), Aarom Mauro (Digital Humanities), Elizabeth Neswald (History), Andrew Pendakis (English Language and Literature), Michael Ripmeester (Geography and Tourism Studies), Danny Samson (History), Christina Santos (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), Sue Spearey (English Language and Literature), Donna Szoke (Visual Arts) Assistant Professors Francois Cote-Vaillancourt (Business), Nina Penner (Music), Gökbörü Sarp Tanyildiz (Sociology) Graduate Program Director Lissa Paul |
Brock University's Interdisciplinary Humanities doctoral program provides students with a focused context in which to engage with topics integral to the contested notions of knowledge, values, and creativity, as reflected in the specific fields of Critique and Social Transformation, Culture and Aesthetics, Technology and Digital Humanities, and Ways of Knowing. The program is committed to providing a rigorous interdisciplinary teaching and research environment, which nurtures scholarly and creative activity. Such endeavours aim to investigate the past as well as influence the ways in which reflection and creation contribute to the further unfolding of society and culture. Students pursuing Brock University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Humanities Program will have the opportunity to collaborate across disciplines. |
Successful completion of a Master's degree in a humanities or cognate discipline, normally with a minimum average grade of 80%, and an agreement from a faculty member to supervise the student. Applicants are required to include: a statement of intent, a sample of scholarly writing, and a current CV. For language proficiency requirements, please see |
Program Structure Students are required to successfully complete 6 half-credit courses, including the two compulsory core courses (HUMA 7P01 and HUMA 7P02); a language exam that demonstrates reading competency in a language beyond English; a compulsory non-credit research and professionalization seminar in the first and second year, HUMA 7N07; written and oral comprehensive exams; a thesis proposal; a thesis and a thesis defence. Year One:
Year Two:
Year Three:
Year Four:
For the detailed description of the program, please consult the HUMA Program Handbook. Course work All students must obtain approval of their proposed program of study from the GPD prior to registration each term. Students must take 4 courses in addition to the two core seminars (HUMA 7P01 and HUMA 7P02) and in addition to the Research and Professionalization seminar (HUMA 7N07). Students may take a maximum of one half-credit course elective, unless otherwise authorized by the GPD. Language Requirement Students will be required to demonstrate reading competency in one language other than English by means of a written examination. The exam is pass/fail and may be taken as many times as is necessary for the student to pass the exam. Students are responsible for informing the GPD that they are prepared to write the exam, and the student must pass the exam before defending their thesis. The GPD will select texts in the language chosen by the student and their supervisor. The GPD will administer the exam. The exams will be anonymized and assessed by one examiner. Students will have 2 hours to write their exam. The language chosen is to be related to the program of study and must be approved by the supervisor. Evidence of passing a similar language exam in an MA degree may take the place of the PhD language exam at the discretion of the GPD and the Program Committee. Comprehensive Examinations Comprehensive examinations must be completed by the end of the sixth term of the program. The comprehensive exams consist of two written examinations (general and specific) and one oral examination. Students must complete all of their course requirements before they take the comprehensive examinations. All exams are graded pass/fail. Thesis Proposal By the start of year three (seventh term in program), students will submit their final, revised, thesis proposal and bibliography to the Supervisory Committee and the GPD for approval. The thesis topic is to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the program. The proposal is to reflect on-going work with the supervisor and must be approved by the Supervisory Committee and the GPD no later than the end of year three (nineth term in program). Please consult the HUMA Program Handbook for additional information. Thesis The thesis will be completed in the fourth year in program (terms 10-12), and should reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the degree. The length and format of the final submission will be determined by the student in consultation with their supervisor and approved by the Program Committee. Normally a thesis will be 250-300 pages. |
Graduate Seminar in Political Theory (Political Theory for Posthumans) (also offered as POLI 5P83) A comparison of important and opposing contemporary approaches to the interpretation of major texts or issues in political theory. PhD Thesis Preparation, public defence, and examination of a thesis that is interdisciplinary in approach and that demonstrates the candidate's capacity for independent thought and study. Professionalization and Research Seminar Non-credit compulsory research seminar for first and second-year students. Forum to develop thesis research topics and academic skills. Interdisciplinary Research and Writing in the Humanities The nature and academic requirements of interdisciplinary studies, including research methodologies and resources. Focus on reading, discussion, writing, and the ongoing construction of an interdisciplinary thesis in the Humanities. Fields of Interdisciplinary Study Introduction to the four fields of the Interdisciplinary PhD in Humanities: 1) Epistemologies; 2) Critique and Social Transformation; 3) Culture and Aesthetics; 4) Technology and Digital Humanities. Teaching Apprenticeship Participation in the development and delivery of an undergraduate course under the mentorship of a Brock faculty member. Development of a teaching portfolio. Prerequisite(s): HUMA 7P01, 7P02 and four additional half-courses. Completed thesis proposal. Note: This course will be evaluated as Credit/No-Credit and cannot be used as an elective to fulfill the PhD in Interdisciplinary degree requirements. Buddhism and Psychoanalysis Interdisciplinary study of the relationship between Buddhism and psychoanalysis as it has developed from Freud to the present. Theorists such as Freud, Hui-neng, D.T. Suzuki, Lacan, Mari Ruti and Zizek. Text, Context, Intertext in Narrative: Constituting and Locating the Self in Culture Interdisciplinary, intercultural, and comparative approach to the study of narrative as it contributes to the construction of the self and cultures. Analysis of orality, storytelling, performance, narrative, memory, and cultural identity. Authors may include Benjamin, Ong, Ricoeur, Lejeune, White, Taylor. Trauma, Subjectivity, and Culture Trauma studies as a field of interdisciplinary study. The relationships among trauma, subjectivity, art, and culture studied through selected theorists, such as Caruth, LaCapra, and Scarry, and selected works of art. Immanence, Aesthetics, Politics An investigation into the implications of systems of immanent thought for questions of aesthetics, and politics. Thinkers include Bergson, Bradotti, Colebrook, Deleuze, Guattari, Manning, Massumi, Negri, Spinoza, and Whitehead. Contemporary Art, Culture, Materialities, and Aesthetics Social, cultural, and political production of art/s, design, and craft in the 20th and 21st centuries in the contexts of architecture, space and place, material worlds, popular culture, performances, film and contemporary art. Examines how these mediums frame ontology/ies and aesthetics as situated, unstable, and shifting. Genre and Cultural Production: Form and Meaning Genre theory and criticism of cultural productions such as film, television, literature, print, and music. Hermeneutics of Personal, Social, and Artistic Transformation(s) Theories of interpretation structure subjective, and intersubjective experience. Theorists may include M. Heidegger, H. G. Gadamer, P. Ricoeur, H. Marcuse, R. Ingarten, M. Foucault, and J. Habermas. Feminist Theory and Knowledge Production Investigates the production of knowledge in relation to gender, sexuality, race, and class. Key sites of inquiry include futurity, inequity in academe, neo-colonialist fantasies about Muslim women, and struggles among different groups of academic feminists (such as neo-liberal humanists versus antifa feminists). Authors may include Wiegman, Sedgwick, Ahmed, Loomba, Messer-Davidow, and Love. Colonial/Post-colonial Histories Examination of colonial and post-colonial history, fiction, and art in colonial and settler-colonial societies. Subjectivity Beyond Postmodern Global Capitalism An examination of the possibilities of reconstituting subjectivity outside the logic of capitalist identity, through theory, and literature. Writers include Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Thomas Pynchon, RD Laing, Felix Guattari, Giorgio Agamben, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and others. Fanaticism: Political and Aesthetic Dimensions Analysis of texts and art related to political, religious, and aesthetic extremism, excess, passion – and their value-counterparts: moderation, balance, and reason. Discussions and debates will focus on how these conceptual dichotomies have shaped thought, dissent, and creative activity from the ancient world until the present. Consumerism as Worldview Explores the origins, nature, and implications of consumerism as a worldview from historical, philosophical, political, cultural and ecological perspectives. Themes to be examined include: commodification; branding; ‘McDonaldization’; citizen/consumer and modern/postmodern divide; historical progress; and technology and ideology. Authors may include Marx, Arendt, Heidegger, Baudrillard. Current Questions about Education, Democracy and the Public Good Examination of current and historical perspectives on the relationship between democracy, and education, and threats to the public good. Humanities approach to education that explores populism, radicalism, political apathy, individualization, academic freedom, and indoctrination. Thinking and Representing the Anthropocene and Extinction An interdisciplinary examination of the philosophical, and cultural meanings of the Anthropocene, and extinction. Racial Capitalism: Emergences and Debates Interdisciplinary approaches to racial capitalism as strategies of critique, including settler/ colonial and imperialist foundations and genealogies liberal political-economy and its contemporary neo-liberal authoritarian incarnations. Alternative ways of knowing the present history of capitalism through the embodied social relations of race, gender, and sexuality. Dominant, residual, and emergent patterns of capitalism as socio-cultural formations lived in different spatial forms, such as diaspora, exile, and refuge. Theory and Praxis of Digital Humanities Introduction to computationally-supported methods and applications for analysis, expression, and teaching in the digital humanities. Course will provide readings on topics ranging from agent-based simulations to text analysis, and practical instruction in 3D modeling and Geographic Information Systems. Note: No programming skills required. Deep Maps in the Digital Humanities Theoretical and practical overview of evolving expressive forms in the digital humanities, with a specific focus on the deep map. Students will review extant literature on the deep map, and participate in the conception, creation and design assessment of a proposed innovation for the Deep Map, expressed in Augmented Reality. Principles of Interactive Media: Theory and Design Key theoretical concepts and debates related to interactivity, games, participatory media, and design. Analysis of interactive texts including videogames, augmented reality platforms, and social networking sites. Prototyping Humanities Scholarship in Unreal Times Interdisciplinary study of realist, and non-realist techniques in literature, and the digital humanities. Humanities approaches to prototyping visualizations, maps, and virtual reality artifacts, with a focus on critical analysis and open access publication. No previous technical expertise whatsoever assumed. Digital Literacies History and practice of digital literacies through a blend of theoretical and applied approaches. Examination of topics such as Actor Network Theory, Black Code Studies, and Surveillance Capitalism. No prior technical skills required. The Long Cybernetic 20th Century History of cybernetics examining principal works, and representative manifestations in popular journalism, literature, and film, as well as post-cybernetic theoretical appropriations in key theoretical works. Directed Reading Research course with directed study and regular meetings with a faculty member, covering topics not offered in a designated course, and with permission of the Graduate Program Director. |
2024-2025 Graduate Calendar
Last updated: March 22, 2024 @ 09:24AM