Earth Sciences | ||
Master of Science in Earth Sciences | ![]() |
Field(s) of Specialization | ![]() |
Geology Earth Sciences Dean Peter Berg Faculty of Mathematics and Science Associate Dean Cheryl McCormick Faculty of Mathematics and Science Core Faculty Professors Uwe Brand, Richard J. Cheel, Frank Fueten, Martin J. Head, Francine M. McCarthy, John Menzies (Earth Sciences and Geography), Mariek E. Schmidt Assistant Professor Kelly Biagi Participating Graduate Faculty Professor Michael Pisaric (Geography and Tourism Studies) Associate Professor Kevin Turner (Geography and Tourism Studies) Adjunct Professors Nigel Blamey (Western University), Paul Budkewitsch (Natural Resources Canada), Bill Morris (Professor Emeritus, McMaster University), Andrew Panko (Brownfield Revolutions Inc.), Hernan Ugalde (Paterson, Grant & Watson Limited). Graduate Program Director Uwe Brand [email protected] Graduate Administrative Coordinator Elena Genkin Mackenzie Chown D473 905-688-5550, extension 3115 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Caroline Romero Mackenzie Chown D431 905-688-5550, extension 3526 [email protected] | ||
Program Description | ![]() |
Graduate students in Earth Sciences join a research-intensive environment and undertake work with internationally recognized faculty who contribute to a wide variety of geoscientific fields. The Department of Earth Sciences emphasizes personal and tailored graduate supervision. Research areas include search for water and life on Mars using NASA Rovers and geochemistry, documenting sedimentary and structural features on Mars and Earth, measuring atmospheric oxygen of the Proterozoic & Phanerozoic suing halite and dolomite, paleoclimatology of the Carribean - Deep Sea cores, Quaternary and Pliocene paleoceanography on a global scale, studying modern and fossil dinoflagellate cysts, geology and geomorphology, hydrological and hydrochemical impacts of landscape mitigating practices in wetlands, Lower Great Lakes nutrient loads, refining the International Geological Time Scale for the Quaternary. Earth Sciences graduates are prepared for careers responding to the needs of world governments, industries and social structures facing global change. | ||
Admission Requirements | ![]() |
Successful completion of an Honours Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in Earth Sciences, with a minimum 75% average. Agreement from a faculty advisor to supervise the student is also required for admission to the program. Applicants holding a degree without sufficient concentration in the area of the intended Master's degree may be required to complete additional courses beyond those outlined as required for degree completion. The Graduate Admissions Committee reviews all applications and recommends admission for candidates. Those lacking sufficient background preparation may be required to complete a qualifying term/year to upgrade their applications. Completion of a qualifying term/year may not necessarily guarantee acceptance into the program. Part-time study is available. | ||
Degree Requirements | ![]() |
Students must complete ERSC 5F90 (Thesis), ERSC 5P95 and two ERSC half-credit courses numbered 5(alpha)00 or higher. Additional credits may be required of candidates with insufficient preparation in their area of research specialization. For full time students, the program is normally a two year program(six terms). | ||
Facilities | ![]() |
The Department is fully equipped with geochemistry, palynology, sedimentology, hydrology, dendrochronology, lichenometry, flume, petrographic and micromorphology laboratories. In addition, the Department shares an x-ray diffractometer with the Physics Department and the facilities of electronic, machine, woodworking and glassblowing shops with other departments. | ||
Course Descriptions | ![]() |
Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable timetable for details. Students must ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met. ERSC 5F90 MSc Thesis Research project involving the preparation and defence of a thesis which will demonstrate a capacity for independent work. The research shall be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member and the thesis defended at an oral examination. ERSC 5P30 Structural Geology Study of the relationship between strain and fabric elements in tectonites. Textures. Multiple strain histories and textures. Relationships between strain and geotectonics. ERSC 5P31 Tectonics Structural evolution of different types of "orogenic" belts. Emphasis will be on Canadian examples where possible. Limitations that structural evolution places on the acceptability of proposed tectonic models. Global systems of orogenic belts through time. ERSC 5P32 Paleoclimatology Phanerozoic climates, with special emphasis on the Quaternary. Techniques of climate reconstruction: fossil assemblages, stable isotope analysis, dendrochronology, sedimentary evidence. Causes of climatic change. Implications for predicting future climates. ERSC 5P33 Stratigraphic Palynology Geological record of palynomorphs from the Precambrian to present, with emphasis on the marine realm and evolution of the acritarchs and dinoflagellates. ERSC 5P35 Quaternary Palynology Concepts and techniques in palynological investigations of marine and terrestrial Quaternary deposits; the Pleistocene and Holocene climatic changes; applied atmospheric palynology, dispersal of palynomorphs. ERSC 5P36 Microfossils and their Practical Applications Marine and terrestrial microfossils and their application to paleoecology, environmental science, physical geography, geoarcheology, paleobiology and biostratigraphy. Field and laboratory techniques, methods of data analysis and interpretation, as well as case studies. ERSC 5P37 Environmental and Watershed Geochemistry Principles of availability, mobility and accumulation of metals in the lithosphere and hydrosphere. Cycling of metals in soils and soil chemistry. Chemical weathering and stability regimes of minerals in aqueous systems. Anthropogenic influence on inorganic contaminants in sediments, soils and water. Quality control and assurance of sampling procedures. ERSC 5P40 Quaternary Geochronology Geochronological methods and techniques applicable to correlation and dating of Quaternary deposits and events (radiocarbon dating, varved sediments, the fossil record, paleomagnetism, tephrochronology, dendrochronology, paleotemperatures). Quaternary chronology in Canada and correlation with other parts of the world. ERSC 5P41 Glaciology Study of the physics of glaciers. Mass balance and glacier budget. Mechanics of glacier movement. Conditions of the ice/glacier bed interface. Dynamics of large ice masses. Glacier surges. Response of glaciers to changes in mass balance. Glaciers and climate. Glacier dynamics and glacial landforms. ERSC 5P45 Advanced Paleoecology Correlation between modern ecosystems and those in the fossil record; reconstruction of past environments and the time-sequence of such environments. Applied paleoecology; delineation of past sedimentary basins using biofacies and lithofacies; evolutionary development of ecosystems; paleoecosystem analysis and models. ERSC 5P47 Late Cenozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts Biology and ecology of modern cyst-producing dinoflagellates, and the record of dinoflagellate cysts through the late Cenozoic including their morphology, taxonomy, paleoecology, biostratigraphy, molecular phylogeny, and evolution. Topics will include marine paleoenvironmental reconstruction, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, and oil industry applications. ERSC 5P50 Sedimentary Environments Study of modern depositional environments with emphasis on processes and the resulting facies organization. Development of facies models and their application to selected ancient examples. ERSC 5P55 Volcanology Detailed survey of volcano morphology, distribution of Quaternary volcanic belts, experimental volcanic petrology and volcanic geochemistry. The current ideas on the interrelations between volcanics and plate tectonics are summarized and the volcanic processes of the present are compared to those of the geological past, including ancient continental shield volcanic rocks. ERSC 5P58 Carbonate Diagenesis Descriptive and chemical diagenesis of carbonates. Geochemistry of inorganic and organic carbonate grains. Low temperature thermodynamics of elemental and isotopic redistribution. Application of biogeochemistry and chemostratigraphy to global events and evolutionary processes. ERSC 5P61 Quantitative Methods in Geology Elements of data analysis and programming. Applications of statistical methods to geological data. Stochastic models in geology. Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in statistics. ERSC 5P70 Fluvial Geomorphology Principles of flow dynamics. Origin and measurement of turbulent and laminar flows; bed roughness; shear stress and velocity. Flow competence; drag and lift forces, initiation of motion, suspension and bedload. Flow capacity, deterministic and probability models of sediment transport. Field studies of steep gravel and bedrock channels. ERSC 5P75 Limnogeology Formation of lake basins; physical and chemical characteristics of lake sediments and the water column; geological factors in the development of lakes; eutrophication; the fossil record in lake deposits; lakes as a resource (water consumption, recreation, conservation). ERSC 5P85 Quaternary Geology Modern concepts of glaciers and glaciation as landscape forming factors; techniques and methods for study and mapping of Quaternary deposits and physiographic features; the influence of glaciation as a factor in Canadian land use. ERSC 5P95 Graduate Seminar Students will present two seminars: one on their thesis topic, and the other on a different topic. The latter will be supplemented by a corresponding essay. The seminar on their thesis topic may be substituted by a presentation at a non-departmental meeting, if agreed by the supervisory committee. Note: attendance at all departmental seminars throughout the academic year is required. ERSC 5P96 Selected Topics in Quaternary Science Investigation of a specific area or group of related topics in Quaternary science. This course will be designed for individual students and approved by the graduate studies advisory committee. ERSC 5P97 Selected Topics in Crustal Studies Investigation of a specific area or group of related topics in Crustal studies. This course will be designed for individual students and approved by the graduate studies advisory committee. ERSC 5P98 Selected Topics in Contemporary Geology Investigation of a specific area or group of related topics in contemporary geology. This course will be designed for individual students and approved by the graduate studies advisory committee. | ||
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Last updated: March 23, 2023 @ 11:47AM