2021-2022 Undergraduate Calendar

Dramatic Arts  
Chair Gyllian Raby Professors Emeriti Mary Jane Miller, Joe Norris, Robert C. Nunn Professor David Fancy Associate Professors Gyllian Raby, David Vivian, Karen Fricker, Danielle Wilson Lecturer Mike Griffin Production Manager Brian Cumberland Technical Director Gavin Fearon Head of Wardrobe Roberta Doylend Technical Production Assistants Ed Harris, Sandra Marcroft Part Time Instructors Cole Alvis, Colin Bruce Anthes, James Ashby, Pam Baer, Jana Bergsma, Brooke Charlebois, Roberta Doylend, Gavin Fearon, Edgar Harris, Kevin Hobbs, Ruth Howard, Shannon Hughes, Joe Lapinski, Carolyn Mackenzie, James McCoy, Michael Metz, Kristina Ojaperv, Adam Paolozza, Alana Perri, Kevin Rees, Mike Reinhart, Nigel Scott, Marcel Stewart, Jacqueline Taucar, Curtis Tye, Barbara Worthy, Sana Young Director, Co-op, Career and Experiential Education Cara Krezek Academic Advisor Michael Gicante  
General Information Go to top of document
Administrative Assistant Cindy Rorke 905-688-5550, extension 5255 Marilyn I. Walker 314 brocku.ca/miwsfpa/dramatic-arts The Department of Dramatic Arts (DART), part of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts (MIWSFPA), addresses the study, application and interrogation of the discipline as cultural and educational practice. The Department of Dramatic Arts offers a BA Honours in Dramatic Arts. For honours students, Concentrations are available in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre, Performance, Production and Design and Theatre Praxis. The Department also offers a four-year (20 credit) BA with Major Dramatic Arts degree and a three-year BA Pass degree. A Certificate program in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre as well as a Minor in Dramatic Arts are also offered for non-DART majors. Students may pursue studies in Dramatic Arts in two concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd programs of six years duration. See calendar entries under Education - Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and Education - Concurrent BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate). All Dramatic Arts degree offerings are united under one goal: to integrate theory and practice so as to provide students with a broad educational base combining research, practice and creative development. Pedagogical practices and performance, design, and technical skills are theorized and integrated in various ways with the study of critical thinking, theatre history, dramaturgy and dramatic literature. Projects include two major productions, as well as various productions and events, such as the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts showcase programming. Dramatic Arts Co-op The Dramatic Arts Co-op program combines academic and work terms over a four-year period. Students spend one year in an academic setting studying the fundamentals of dramatic arts prior to taking the first work placement. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees). Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average. A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue. A student with a major average lower than 70 percent will not be permitted to continue in the Dramatic Arts Co-op program. All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Manuals (brocku.ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-manuals) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the co-op option is based on the student's major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career. Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Program Office. The Dramatic Arts Co-op program designation will be awarded to those students who have honours standing and who have successfully completed a minimum of twelve months of Co-op work experience. Facilities The Department of Dramatic Arts is located in the new Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts facility located at 15 Artists' Common in downtown St. Catharines. Facilities include Smart classrooms such as a Lecture/Praxis hall (flexible, flat-floored), seminar rooms, four rehearsal and performance studios (two with lighting grids, one with production booth, one with adjacent wet lab), scenography studio, coach/scene work room, the new Dramatic Arts Theatre: a flexible 285-seat venue with adjacent Green and dressing rooms, Scene Shop, Costume Shop, Production Lighting and Sound Shops. Student learning will be supported by a new learning commons, computer commons, ITS computer lab and equipment lending counter. DART courses will also be taught in the venues of the First Ontario Performing Arts Centre.  
Program Notes Go to top of document
1.  Students must satisfy context requirements before year 3.  
2.  Students must pass DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99, and either DART 1P94 or 1P95 in order to proceed as a major in Dramatic Arts.  
3.  At the end of the first year students are encouraged to declare a Concentration choice.  
4.  Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Concentration students must take DART 1P94 and 1P95 in Year 1, and must take 1.5 context credits in Year 1 and 0.5 context credits in Year 2.  
5.  Performance Concentration students must successfully complete an audition at the end of each academic year.  
6.  Year 3 courses are normally restricted to students with at least three 2(alpha)00 credits or permission of the Department.  
7.  DART 4F56 and 4P97 must be taken concurrently. Students who opt to take DART 4F56 and 4P97 in Year 4 take two DART credits numbered 2(alpha)90 and two elective credits in Year 3 and two and one-half elective credits in Year 4.  
8.  Enrolment in some courses may be restricted due to space limitations.  
9.  Students seeking admission to the honours program must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in their DART courses.  
10.  Students wishing to pursue a career in teaching at the high school level must plan their core and context courses and electives carefully in order to attain the required three courses in a single area of study outside Dramatic Arts as a second teachable.  
11.  Courses offered by the Department of English Language and Literature numbered 2(alpha)00 or above may be taken as Year 2 DART credits with permission of the Chair.  
12.  Students may take Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts courses that are approved by the Department, to satisfy requirements. Contact the Department.  
13.  Concurrent BA/BEd Students, requiring Dramatic Arts as a teachable subject, please contact the Department.  
14.  Students may earn up to one and one-half credits in Advanced Project in Dramatic Arts.  

In 20 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

In 15 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

In some circumstances, in order to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 15 or 20 credits may be taken.

Honours Program Go to top of document
Year 1
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
- DART 1P94 or 1P95
- one Sciences context credit(see program note 4)
- one Social Sciences context credit(see program note 4)
Year 2
- DART 2F50 and 2Q92
- one credit from DART 2P11, 2P21, 2P22
- one of DART 2P40, 2P41, 2P42
- DART 2P96 or 2P97
- one and one-half elective credits
Year 3
- DART 3Q91 and 3Q92
- two and one-half DART credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program notes 7 and 15)
- one and one-half elective credits (see program notes 7 and 15)
Year 4
- DART 4F90
- one DART credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program notes 7 and 15)
- three elective credits (see program notes 7 and 15)
Dramatic Arts Co-op (Honours only) Go to top of document
Students admitted to the Co-op program must follow an approved program pattern. The most common pattern is listed below. For other approved patterns, consult the Co-op Office and the Department of Dramatic Arts. Year 1
- DART 0N90, 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
- DART 1P94 or 1P95
- one Sciences context credit (see program note 4)
- one Social Sciences context credit (see program note 4)
Spring/Summer Sessions:
- DART 0N01 and 2C01
Year 2
- DART 2F50 and 2Q92
- one credit from DART 2P11, 2P21, 2P22
- one-half credit from DART 2P40, 2P41, 2P42
- DART 2P96 or 2P97
- one and one-half elective credits
Spring/Summer Sessions:
- DART 0N02 and 2C02
Year 3
- DART 3Q91 and 3Q92
- two and one-half DART credits 2(alpha)90 or above (see program notes 7 and 15)
- one and one-half elective credits (see program notes 7 and 15)
Spring/Summer Sessions:
- DART 0N03 and 2C03
Year 4
- DART 4F90
- one DART credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program notes 7 and 15)
- three elective credits (see program notes 7 and 15)
Concurrent BA (Honours/BEd) Go to top of document
The Department of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of Education co-operate in offering two Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd programs. The Dramatic Arts BA (Honours)/BEd program combines the BA Honours program or the BA Integrated Studies Honours program with the teacher education programs for students interested in teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12) and at the Junior/Intermediate level (grades 4-10.) Refer to the Education-Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) or Education-Concurrent BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) program listings for further information.  
BA with Major Program Go to top of document
Year 1
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
- DART 1P94 or 1P95
- one Sciences context credit (see program note 4)
- one Social Sciences context credit (see program note 4)
Year 2
- DART 2F50 and 2Q92
- one credit from DART 2P11, 2P21, 2P22
- one-half credit from DART 2P40, 2P41, 2P42
- DART 2P96 or 2P97
- one and one-half elective credits
Year 3
- DART 3Q91 and 3Q92
- two and one-half DART credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program notes 7 and 15)
- one and one-half elective credits (see program notes 7 and 15)
Year 4
- DART 4F90
- one DART credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (see program notes 7 and 15)
- three elective credits (see program notes 7 and 15)
Pass Program Go to top of document
Year 1
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
- DART 1P94 or 1P95
- one Sciences context credit (see program note 4)
- one Social Sciences context credit (see program note 4)
Year 2
- DART 2F50 and 2Q92
- one credit from DART 2P11, 2P21, 2P22
- one-half credit from DART 2P40, 2P41, 2P42
- DART 2P96 or 2P97
- one and one-half elective credits
Year 3
- DART 3Q91 and 3Q92
- two and one-half DART credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
- one and one-half elective credits
Combined Major Program Go to top of document
Students may take a combined major in Dramatic Arts and a second discipline subject to a coherent plan of study approved in advance by the Chair. For requirements in the other discipline, the student should consult the relevant department/centre. It should be noted that not all departments/centres provide a combined major option. All combined major students are required to complete the following courses: Honours
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97, 1P99, 2F50, 2Q92, 3Q91 and 3Q92
- DART 1P94 or 1P95 (see program note 4)
- two credits from DART 2P11, 2P21, 2P22, 2P40, 2P42, 2P96, 2P97
- DART 4F90 or 4F94
Pass Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the Honours program entitles a student to apply for a Pass degree.
Certificate in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Go to top of document
The Certificate in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre would be of particular interest to social workers, drama therapists, psycho-therapists, prison counsellors, people who train volunteers, personnel managers, union organizers and market consultants who wish to add to existing qualifications or to acquire courses which might later be applied to a degree. Studies include the development of skills, such as assessing and evaluating what is perceived, generating ideas, making connections, predicting outcomes, empathizing, abstracting the core from the periphery, questioning, accommodating and compromising and self-presentation. University admission standards apply. The certificate is awarded upon completion of the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
- DART 1P94, 1P95, 2P21, 2P22 and 3F91
- two credits from DART 3F92, 3F93, DART 3P08 and 3P09
Concentration Program Go to top of document
Concentration in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Go to top of document
Students can earn a Concentration in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre by successfully completing the following courses as part of their academic work leading to an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Arts degree: Year 1
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P94, 1P95, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
Year 2
- DART 2F50, 2P21, 2P22 and 2Q92
- DART 2P40 or 2P41
- DART 2P96 or 2P97
Year 3
- DART 3F91 or 3F93
- DART 3P03, 3P04 or 3P08
- DART 3Q91 and 3Q92
- one-half DART credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
Year 4
- DART 3F91 or 3F93 (not taken in year 3)
- DART 4F90
Concentration in Performance Go to top of document
This concentration does not lead to a professional acting degree. Students can earn a Concentration in Performance by successfully completing the following courses as part of their academic work leading to an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Arts degree: Year 1
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
- DART 1P94 or 1P95
Year 2
- DART 2F50, 2P11, 2P22, 2P42 and 2Q92
- DART 2P40 or 2P41
Year 3
- DART 3F50, 3P11, 3Q91 and 3Q92
- DART 3P07 or 3P09
Year 4
- DART 4F56, 4F90 and 4P97
Concentration in Production and Design Go to top of document
Students can earn a Concentration in Production and Design by successfully completing the following courses as part of their academic work leading to an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Arts degree: Year 1
- DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96, 1P97 and 1P99
- DART 1P94 or 1P95
Year 2
- DART 2F50, 2P22, 2P40, 2P41, 2P42 and 2Q92
Year 3
- DART 3F61, 3P42, 3Q91 and 3Q92
- one and one-half credit from DART 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46, 3Y92, 3Y97
Year 4
- DART 4F40 and one-half credit from DART 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46, 3Y92, 3Y97, or DART 4F56 and 4P97
- DART 4F90
Minor in Dramatic Arts Go to top of document
Students in other disciplines may obtain a Minor in Dramatic Arts by successfully completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
- DART 1P91 and 1P92, or DART 1P94 and 1P95, or DART 1P97 and 1P99
- three DART credits
Course Descriptions Go to top of document
Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details. # Indicates a cross listed course * Indicates primary offering of a cross listed course  
Prerequisites and Restrictions Go to top of document
Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.


DART 1F01 Acting for Non-Majors Intensive introduction to the basics of performance for stage and screen. Lab, 36 hours per week. Note: offered in Spring session for two weeks. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 1P99. DART 1P91 Introduction to Theatre and Performance Significant concepts and issues in the study of and the role of, theatre and performance in society. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P92, 1P96 and 1P99, as well as either DART 1P94 or 1P95. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 1F91 and 1F93. DART 1P92 Performance as Cultural Practice I Western and non-western theatre and performance histories, theory and dramatic literature from theories and debates concerning 'origins' to the advent of realism in the 19th century. Focus on the context of cultural developments, including theories of acting, dramatic criticism and theatre historiography. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours a week. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P91 or permission of Department. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P96 , 1P97 and 1P99, as well as either DART 1P94 or 1P95. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 1F91, 1F93 and 2Q91. DART 1P94 Creative Play for Community Development Use of theatre, play and creativity for social justice and in community-building/development contexts. Lectures, lab, seminar, 4 hours per week. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P97 and 1P99. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 1F95. DART 1P95 Creative Play for Education Use of drama, play and creativity in facilitating learning in educational contexts. Lectures, lab, seminar, 4 hours per week. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P97 and 1P99. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 1F95. DART 1P96 Script Analysis and Interpretation Scripts across genres and time periods, both in terms of writing techniques and as a point of departure for their interpretation by actors, directors and designers. Lectures, lab, seminar, 3 hours per week. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P97 and 1P99, as well as either DART 1P94 or 1P95. Note: material fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2P92. DART 1P97 Introduction to Stagecraft, Production and Design Fundamentals of stage carpentry, wardrobe and design for the theatre. Lectures, lab, workshop, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96 and 1P99, as well as either DART 1P94 or 1P95. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 1P99 Introduction to Performance Fundamentals of acting for the theatre. Workshop, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors or permission of the Department. Corequisite(s): for Dramatic Arts majors: DART 1P91, 1P92, 1P96 and 1P97, as well as either DART 1P94 or 1P95. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 1F01. DART 2F04 Introduction to Physical Theatre Traditions, principles, performance and social significance of mime and theatrical clown. Focus on individual and collective creation, audience connection and critical approaches to improvised performance. Lectures, seminar, workshop; additional production and rehearsal time as required. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01 or 1P99; DART 1P94 or 1P95 (1F95) or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment limited to 20 students. Offered as an intensive course in the Spring Session. Materials fee required. Field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2F50 Performance I Principles of creating and sustaining dramatic action. Movement, mask (various styles) and scene studies exploring ensemble and individual performance. Lectures, workshop, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01, 1P99 or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2M90-2M99 Special Studies in Dramatic Arts Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor. Note: materials fee may be required. DART 2P11 Voice and Speech Effective use of voice to develop range, power and honesty in speaking dramatic and poetic text. Topics include vocal anatomy, physical awareness, breath, embodiment and release of sound, resonance and articulation. Workshop, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors or permission of the Department. Students must have a minimum of 5.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01 or 1P99. Corequisite(s): DART 2F50. Note: enrolment limited. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2P21 Drama in Education Theory and practice focusing on the basic elements of theatre, practical strategies, active participation, structuring of story, and other literary sources as catalysts for drama and interactive learning. Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors, minors, and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Students must hold a minimum of 4.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P94, 1P95 (1F95) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students may register without the minimum of 4.0 overall credits. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2P01. DART 2P22 Applied Theatre Practices and genres focusing on community-based issues (including Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre for Development and Testimonial Theatre among others), through devised theatre. Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors, minors, and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Students must hold a minimum of 4.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P94, 1P95 (1F95) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee may be required. Field trip fee may be required. Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students may register without the minimum of 4.0 overall credits. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2P02. DART 2P40 Stagecraft I Theory and application of technical theatre production. Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01 or 1P99; DART 1P91, 1P92 (1F91/1F93), 1P96 (2P92) and 1P97; DART 1P94 or 1P95 (1F95). Corequisite(s): for Performance Concentration students: DART 2F50 and 2P42, and Production and Design Concentration students: DART 2F50, 2P41 and 2P42. Note: enrolment limited to 20 students per section. Material fees required. Field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2F41. DART 2P41 Stagecraft II Theory and application of technical theatre production. Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01 or 1P99; DART 1P91, 1P92 (1F91/1F93), 1P96 (2P92) and 1P97; DART 1P94 or 1P95 (1F95). Corequisite(s): for Performance Concentration students: DART 2F50 and 2P42, and Production and Design Concentration students: DART 2F50, 2P40 and 2P42. Note: enrolment limited to 20 students per section. Materials fee required. Field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2F41. DART 2P42 Stage Production Supervised practical work in technical theatre by assignment to Department production crews. Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week; additional crew calls and production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01 or 1P99; DART 1P91, 1P92 (1F91/1F93), 1P96 (2P92) and 1P97; DART 1P94 or 1P95 (1F95). Corequisite(s): DART 2P40 or 2P41. For Production and Design Concentration students: DART 2P40 and 2P41. Note: enrolment limited to 30 students. Materials fee required. Field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. *DART 2P96 Indigenous Theatre (also offered as CANA 2P96 and INDG 2P96) Theatrical, dramatic and performative representation of Indigenous peoples in the Canadian experience. Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P91 and 1P92 (1F91/1F93) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABST 2P96. DART 2P97 Canadian Theatre Canadian experience as expressed in performance, using English-language plays and French-language plays (in translation). Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P91 and 1P92 (1F91/1F93), one ENGL credit or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2Q92 Performance as Cultural Practice II Integrated study of avant-garde theatre, performance, theory, and dramatic literature in the late 19th and early 20th century, focusing on the context of cultural developments, including theories of acting, dramatic criticism and theatre historiography. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P91 and 1P92 (1F91/1F93), one ENGL credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Students with one IASC credit may be able to register. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in LART (DART) 2F94 and LART 2Q92. DART 2V90-2V99 Special Studies in Dramatic Arts Topics in an area of mutual interest to students and instructor. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Note: materials fee may be required. DART 3F50 Performance II Further studies in acting technique emphasizing scene analysis in the creation of character and context. Seminar, workshop, 5 hours per week. Restriction: successful completion of Department end-of-year audition and permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): DART 2F50. Note: enrolment limited to 16 students. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3F61 Design: Theatrical Design Research techniques and practice of design for the theatre. Lectures, seminar, workshop, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 and 2P41 (2F41) or VISA 2P97 and 2P98; DART 2Q92 (2F94) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee required. Field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3F91 Teaching Curriculum Through Process Drama Drama in Education theories and practical strategies to motivate and enrich learning within a range of areas of study. Lab, 4 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P21 (2P01) and 2P22 (2P02) or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment limited. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3F92 Theatre, Children and Youth Introduction to teaching theatre for, by and with young people. Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week; rehearsals, performance trips as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P21 (2P01) and 2P22 (2P02) or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment limited to 20 students. Materials fees and field trip fees may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3F93 Social Issues Theatre for Community Engagement Theory and practice of play building and applied theatre techniques to assist communities in articulating issues, enhancing understanding of their complexity and planning future actions. Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week; rehearsals, performance trips as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P21 (2P01) and 2P22 (2P02) or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment limited to 20 students. Students with equivalent experience may register without prerequisite; contact the Department. Materials fee and field trip fees may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F77. DART 3F99 Advanced Project in Dramatic Arts Advanced study in an area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor. Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor. Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3M00-3M09 Arts and Culture Studies Abroad Unique cultural, architectural or regional setting examined through the eye of the visual and/or performing artist, critic or art historian utilizing the host country's/city's institutional resources, museums and galleries. Restriction: permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): one credit from DART, MUSI, VISA or permission of the instructor. Note: for students with an interest in studio and performance and arts histories (including dramatic arts, music, visual arts). DART 3M90-3M99 Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts Restriction: permission of the Department. DART 3P03 Structuring for Drama: Creating the Fictional Context Composing contexts for integrated learning through the arts in schools and elsewhere. Lectures, workshop, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P21 (2P01) and 2P22 (2P02) or permission of the Department. May be offered on-site, online or blended. Note: materials fee may be required. Field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P04 Drama in Applied Contexts Exploration of theories and practical strategies of Applied Theatre with an emphasis on participatory and performative modes of group facilitation. Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P21 (2P01) and 2P22 (2P02) or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment limited to 25 students. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P07 Clown Traditions, principles and performance of theatrical clown focusing on individual and collective creation, audience connection, improvisation and intuitive exercises to develop spontaneous play, resilience to failure and a response to impulse. Lab, 4 hours per week. Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10 overall credits or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite(s): DART 2F50. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P08 Movement: Applications for Education and Theatre Theoretical and practical overview of the role of movement in contemporary theatre and in education. Exploration and development of methods for adapting and applying these major theories for creative and educational use. Lectures, workshop, lab, 4 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 1F01 or 1P99; DART 1P91 and 1P92 (1F91/1F93); DART 1P94 or 1P95 (1F95) or permission of Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P09 Commedia dell'Arte and Improvisation Character-based improvisation for the creation of narrative structures. Contemporary manifestations of commedia style performance from the foundation of the classical Italian Commedia dell'Arte. Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week. Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): DART 2F04 or 2F50. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P11 Voice and Speech II Further studies in voice. Focus on authentic embodiment of text, dialects, advanced resonator work and development of the performer's creative voice. Workshop, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): DART 2F50 and 2P11 or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment is limited. Materials fee and field trip fees may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. #DART 3P14 Dramatic Creation for Contemporary Cultural Practice (also offered as IASC 3P14, MLLC 3P14, STAC 3P14 and VISA 3P14) Components of dramatic story. Understanding character, dramatic action, structure, direction, improvisation, tempo, rhythm, voice and body potential. Theory and practical application in projects for creators in the arts, media and film. Seminar, workshop, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): two DART, COMM, IASC, STAC, VISA credits or permission of the instructor. Note: enrolment limited to 20 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Students will not receive earned credit for DART 3P14 if DART 3F50, 3P53 or 3P92 have been successfully completed. DART 3P42 Stage and Production Management Interpersonal relations, preparing a prompt book, recording and calling cues, rehearsal and performance procedures. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 or 2P41 (2F41); DART 2P42 or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P53 Directing I: Dramaturgy Text analysis, visual vocabulary, theatrical conventions and dramatic rhythms used in preparing to direct a play. Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): DART 2F50; DART 2P40 or 2P41 (2F41). Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P54 Directing II Directing practicum focusing on creating action, total theatre composition, team management and communications. Lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): DART 3P53. Note: enrolment limited to 16 students. Entry is based on academic standing in DART 3P53. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. #DART 3P55 Storytelling in the Musical Theatre (also offered as ENGL 3P55 and MUSI 3P55) Comparisons between operas/musicals, their theatrical/literary sources, and cinematic adaptations. Topics include the use of narrators, the orchestra’s role, point of view, and the contributions of performers and directors. Lectures, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): any one of MUSI 1P50, 1P55, DART 1P91, DART 1P92, ENGL 1F91, ENGL 1F95, or permission of the instructor. Note: No prior musical experience is required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P91 Shakespeare in Performance Shakespeare: period performance conditions and stage history, based on close analysis of selected texts. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits and permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): one credit from DART 2P96, 2P97, 2Q92 (2F94), or two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99. Note: materials fee and field trip may be required. Also offered as a three-week intensive summer course at the Stratford Festival. Contact the Department for further details. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. *DART 3P92 Scriptwriting (also offered as ENCW 3P92) Theory and practice of writing with action, character and dialogue. Seminar, workshop, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): DART 1P96 (2P92) or IASC/ENCW/WRDS 1P06 or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. #DART 3P93 Producing a Performance Event (also offered as STAC 3P93) Functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling in creation of a performance-based cultural event. Budget development, site selection and development, co-ordination of creative and production priorities, marketing, publicity and fundraising, and analysis of measurement tools. Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week. Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits or permission of the Centre of Studies in Arts and Cultures. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P94 Theatre Criticism Introduction to the practical craft of and the theoretical background to theatre criticism. Seminar/workshop, 4 hours per week Prerequisite(s): DART 2P96 and 2Q92 (2F94) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Students with credit in IASC 3F00 may be able to register. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P95 Studies in Praxis I Focused study of performance theories. Lectures/seminar, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): one credit from DART 2P96, 2P97, 2Q92 (2F94) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Students with credit in IASC 3F00 may be able to register. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P97 Advanced Project in Dramatic Arts I Advanced study in any area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor. Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor. Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. May occur off campus. Students are expected to pay their own expenses. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3P98 Advanced Project in Dramatic Arts II Advanced study in an area of mutual interest to the student and instructor. Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor. Prerequisite(s): DART 3P97. Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. #DART 3Q90 Indigenous Cultural Production and Activism (also offered as COMM 3Q90, INDG 3Q90, PCUL 3Q90, SOCI 3Q90 and WGST 3Q90) Draws on cultural, experiential and theoretical texts to better understand Indigenous epistemologies. Examples include ImagineNative and community arts projects. Lectures, fieldwork, 3 hours per week. Restriction: students must have a minimum of 7.0 overall credits. Prerequisite(s): one of DART 1P91, COMM 1F90, one INDG (ABST) credit, PCUL 1F92, SOCI 1F90, WGST 1F90, 2P00 or permission of the instructor. Note: students are expected to pay their own expenses. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3Q91 Contemporary Theatre and Performance Integrated study of contemporary theatre and performance, theory, and dramatic literature from the late 20th century to the present, focusing on the context of cultural developments including theories of acting, criticism and critical theory. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): DART 2Q92 (2F94) or one ENGL credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Students with one IASC credit may be able to register. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F94. DART 3Q92 Foundations in Performance Studies Introduction to the interdisciplinary field of performance studies, its foundational texts, theories, and methodologies, examining how performance functions variously as method, practice, and episteme in the study of a range of cultural phenomena and expressive behaviours from performance art, sporting events, business and marketing, ceremony, ritual, and festival to political events, protest and public art. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): DART 3Q91 or one ENGL credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Students with one IASC credit may be able to register. Contact the Department. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F94. DART 3V90-3V99 Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts Topics in an area of mutual interest to students and instructor. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. DART 3V92 2021-2022: Mainstage Performance and Reflection – Red Bike Performance in the DART Winter Mainstage production of Caridad Svich’s play Red Bike, and written reflection assignment on this experience of embodied performance. Workshop, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: permission of the Instructor. Prerequisite(s): DART 2F50 DART 3Y43 Theatrical Lighting Studies in lighting operation and design. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 and 2P41 (2F41) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3Y44 Theatrical Props Production Study and construction of theatrical props. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 and 2P41 (2F41) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3Y45 Scenic Painting Theories and practice of painting scenery for theatrical use. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 and 2P41 (2F41) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3Y46 Make-up Introduction to creating character and special effects through make-up. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 and 2P41 (2F41) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3Y92 Costuming for Theatre Creative, research and technical approaches to costuming for theatre. Lectures, seminar, workshop, lab, 5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40, 2P41 (2F41), 2Q92 (2F94) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 3Y97 Sound Design for Theatre Studies in sound design, its technology and application to theatre. Lectures, seminar, lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 and 2P41 (2F41) or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. #DART 4F40 Arts Management (also offered as STAC 4F40 and VISA 4F40) Effective management of arts organizations to fulfill social and artistic mandates. Seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single and combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), CANA, STAC, VISA (single and combined) and VISA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 12.0 overall credits or permission of the instructor. Note: materials fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 4F56 Advanced Studies in Theatre Collaborative work in one or more theatre productions. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Restriction: approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 or 2P41; DART 2P42; one credit from DART 3F50, 3F61, DART 3P53 and 3P54 or one-half credit from DART 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46, 3Y92, 3Y97. Corequisite(s): DART 4P97. Note: see Department for application procedure. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 4F90 Critical Theory and Practice Advanced study of critical theory, its roots, its engagement with theatre, dramatic literature and performance. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), IASC and STAC majors with a minimum of 14.0 overall credits, a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and approval to year 4 (honours). Prerequisite(s): DART 3Q91 and 3Q92 or permission of the Department. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 4F94 Honours Thesis Project Critical, historical, production and/or creative project in dramatic arts of mutual interest to the student, the supervising instructor and/or Department. Restriction: students must have a minimum 75 percent major average and permission of the Chair. Prerequisite(s): DART 4F90 (may be taken concurrently). Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 4P51 Shakespeare: Voice and Text Embodied study of Shakespeare's verse and prose. Fundamentals of anatomy, breath and exploration of sound bridging to text for performance. Workshop, lab. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits and permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P11 and 3F50. Note: enrolment limited. It is recommended that students register concurrently in DART 3P91. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Offered as a three-week intensive summer course at the Stratford Festival. Contact Department for further details. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. #DART 4P68 Arts, Heritage and Culture: Public Policy and Governance (also offered as CANA 4P68, STAC 4P68 and VISA 4P68) Examination of federal, provincial and municipal protocols governing heritage, fine and performing arts organizations and Canadian cultural production. Strategies for effective engagement of policy and planning through governance and community relations. Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week. Restriction: open to STAC, CANA, DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), SPMA, VISA (single or combined) and VISA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 12.0 overall credits or permission of the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture. Note: materials fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 4P91 Internship in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre Internship in either an educational or community setting, applying Drama in Education and Applied Theatre theories and practices. Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum 75 percent overall average, approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): one of DART 3F91, 3F92 (3F76), 3F93 (3F77), 3F98 (3F78). Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. Criminal records check and teaching proposal must be received and approved by the professor before beginning of course. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 4F91. DART 4P97 Collaborative Stage Production Creation, design and production issues, processes and realization for the collaborative ensemble working in a small festival situation. Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required. Prerequisite(s): DART 2P40 or 2P41; DART 2P42; one credit from DART 3F50, 3F61, DART 3P53 and 3P54 or one-half credit from DART 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46, 3Y92, 3Y97. Corequisite(s): DART 4F56. Note: enrolment limited to 16 students. Students taking a design role in the 4F56 ensemble are expected to provide a portfolio or résumé in place of an audition. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 4Y92 Text, Production, and Performance at the Shaw Festival Theatre Perspectives on and practical applications of acting, directing, design, and theatrical production in the repertory program of the Shaw Festival Theatre. Workshops, 5 hours per week. Restriction: permission of the Department. Prerequisite(s): DART 3F50 or permission of the Department. Note: enrolment limited to 16 students. Studio on location at the Shaw Festival when possible. Transportation is a student responsibility. Materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 4P92. DART 4Y93 Performance III Further studies in acting technique emphasizing research and creation of scene-work for contemporary plays with unconventional "extreme" dramaturgy. Workshops, 3 hours per week. Prerequisite(s): DART 3F50. Note: materials fee and field trip fee may be required. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.


DART 0N01 Co-op Work Placement I First co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. DART 0N02 Co-op Work Placement II Second co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. DART 0N03 Co-op Work Placement III Third co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. DART 0N04 Co-op Work Placement IV Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. DART 0N05 Co-op Work Placement V Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. DART 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation Provides students with the tools, resources and skills to maximize co-op employment and professional development opportunities. Lectures, presentations, site visits, 1.5 hours per week. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. Note: this course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. Prerequisite(s): DART 0N90. Corequisite(s): DART 0N01. Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit, write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. Prerequisite(s): DART 0N90. Corequisite(s): DART 0N02. Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit, write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. Prerequisite(s): DART 0N90. Corequisite(s): DART 0N03. Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit, write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academics studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. Prerequisite(s): DART 0N90. Corequisite(s): DART 0N04. Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit, write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term. DART 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites. Restriction: open to DART Co-op students. Prerequisite(s): DART 0N90. Corequisite(s): DART 0N05. Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit, write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation. This course may be offered in multiple modes of delivery. The method of delivery will be listed on the academic timetable, in the applicable term.
Last updated: November 18, 2021 @ 09:08AM