2014-2015 Undergraduate Calendar


Department of Accounting

Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems

Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy

Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics

General Information

Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc)

Bachelor of Accounting Co-operative (Co-op)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Business Administration Co-operative (Co-op)

Periodic Review of Eligibility to Continue

BAcc Co-op


BBA Co-op


Re-Admission and Transfer Eligibility

Program Notes

Bachelor of Accounting (Honours only)

Bachelor of Accounting Co-op (Honours only)

Bachelor of Accounting for Students Holding Other Degrees

Bachelor of Business Administration

Concentration in Accounting

Concentration in Entrepreneurship

Concentration in Finance

Concentration in General Management

Concentration in Human Resource Management

Concentration in Information Systems

Concentration in International Business

Concentration in Marketing

Concentration in Operations Management

Concentration in Public Administration

Students Not in an Area of Concentration

Concentration in Accounting Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Entrepreneurship Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Finance Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in General Management Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Human Resource Management Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Information Systems Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in International Business Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Marketing Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Operations Management Co-op (Honours only)

Concentration in Public Administration Co-op (Honours only)

Combined Honours Program

Business and Economics

Business and Liberal Arts

Business and Political Science

Certificate in Administrative Studies

Professional Masters Preparation Certificate

Minor in Business

Brock/University Articulation Agreement

European Business School

Course Descriptions

Prerequisites and Restrictions



Department of Accounting

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Paul Scarbrough

Professor Emeritus

A. William Richardson


Fayez Elayan, Hemantha Herath, Raafat R. Roubi

Associate Professors

Ian Adamson, Darlene Bay, Gail Lynn Cook, Louis Culumovic, Maureen E. Donnelly, Paul Dunn, Sandra M. Felton, Pascale Lapointe-Antunes, Jingyu (Jennifer) Li, Parunchana Pacharn, Alex Nikitkov, Barbara Sainty, Paul Scarbrough, Anamitra Shome, Tashfeen Sohail, Linda Stillabower, Samir Trabelsi, Allister W. Young

Assistant Professors

Kareen Brown, Staci Kenno, Sohyung Kim, Zhefeng Frank Liu


Norman Chasse, Michael Espinoza, Sangeeta Hollo, Omar Roubi, Glenn Skrubbeltrang, Celine Zhang

Director, Co-operative Programs

Cindy Dunne

Undergraduate Advisers

Diana deMan, Jennifer Kopczinski, Lainie Wagner


Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems

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Unyong (Howard) Pyo

Professors Emeriti

Thomas H. Barnes, J. Robert Hanrahan


Danny Cho, Don Cyr, Eugene Kaciak, Kenneth J. Klassen, Martin I. Kusy, John H. Walker, Robert Welch

Associate Professors

Michael Armstrong, Mohamed Ayadi, Anteneh Ayanso, Ernest N. Biktimirov, Dipanjan Chatterjee, Zhongzhi (Lawrence) He, Skandar Lazrak, Walid Ben Omrane, Onem Ozocak, Unyong (Howard) Pyo, Francine Vachon, Reena Yoogalingam

Assistant Professors

Tejaswini Herath, Tatyana Sokolyk, Susan Sproule, Yan Wang


Geoffrey Hoover

Director, Co-operative Programs

Cindy Dunne

Undergraduate Advisers

Diana deMan, Jennifer Kopczinski, Lainie Wagner


Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy

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Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl

Professors Emeriti

Barbara J. Austin, Kenneth E. Loucks


Tansu Barker, Sheng Deng, Peter Yannopoulos, Lianxi Zhou

Associate Professors

Carman W. Cullen, Shibing (Marshall) Jiang, Herbert F. MacKenzie, Antonia Mantonakis, Brian W. Metcalfe, Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl, Maxim Voronov, Kai-Yu Wang

Assistant Professors

Eric Dolansky, Wesley Helms, Trish Ruebottom, Francis Sun


Sharon Broderick, Jacqueline Glenney, Michael Robertson

Director, Co-operative Programs

Cindy Dunne

Undergraduate Advisers

Diana deMan, Jennifer Kopczinski, Lainie Wagner


Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics

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Diane Miller

Professor Emeriti

William W. Liddell, Carol A. Sales


Dirk De Clercq, Teresa V. Menzies, Kojo Saffu,

Associate Professors

Dave Bouckenooghe, Mark Julien, Dominic Lim, E. Sharon Mason, Deborah M. McPhee, Diane Miller, Thomas M. Mulligan, Usman Raja, J. David Whitehead, Barry Wright

Assistant Professors

Lisa Barrow, Adam Kanar

Director, Co-operative Programs

Cindy Dunne

Undergraduate Advisers

Diana deMan, Jennifer Kopczinski, Lainie Wagner


General Information

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Administrative Assistants

Department of Accounting

Marisa Battista

905-688-5550, extension 3918

Taro Hall 233

Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems

Val DeSimone

905-688-5550, extension 4426

Taro Hall 356

Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy

Cindy Curtis

905-688-5550, extension 3944

Taro Hall 455

Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics

Debbie Ouellette

905-688-5550, extension 5072

Taro Hall 412


The Goodman School of Business offers four-year, 20 credit programs in Accounting and Business Administration. A subsequent degree is available in the Bachelor of Accounting program for students holding an undergraduate degree in another discipline. A four credit Minor in Business is open to Brock students pursuing degrees in other Faculties.

Normally students cannot take courses for which they lack the prerequisites or for which they do not meet course restrictions. Exceptions may be allowed only in extraordinary circumstances and with permission of the instructor. Exceptions that would result in a violation of university regulations and exceptions for students refused admission into the Goodman School of Business or who have been adjudicated out of any Goodman School of Business program will also require Dean's approval. Students should submit override requests on-line at portal.bus.brocku.ca


Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc)

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The program in Accounting is designed for students pursuing careers in the accounting profession. The program is professionally oriented and combines a high degree of specialization in Accounting along with studies in Business, the Social Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics and Science. The BAcc program is fully accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario and the Certified Management Accountants for the CPA (Certified Professional Accountant) and by the Certified General Accountants of Ontario for the CGA (Certified General Accountant).

The Bachelor of Accounting program is offered as a regular four-year Honours program and on a Co-operative work/study basis. This is a limited enrolment program. On successful completion of the program, the degree Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) is awarded.


Bachelor of Accounting Co-operative (Co-op)

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The Co-op program is fully accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario and the Certified Management Accountants for the CPA. Students work in a wide variety of locations throughout Ontario. The program scheduling combines academic and work terms over a four and one-half year period. Students must register with CPA of Ontario on a conditional basis at the beginning of the first work period. CPA students must accumulate a minimum of 30 months work experience, six months of which must follow the completion of the Bachelor of Accounting degree. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op Accounting students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees). Students awarded more than 5.0 transfer credits normally are not considered for the Bachelor of Accounting Co-op option. The Bachelor of Accounting Co-op program is not open to international VISA students.

All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Handbook (brocku.ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-handbooks) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the co-op option is based on the student's major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career.

Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Program Office.


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

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The program in Business Administration is designed for students pursuing careers in business and government. The program is professionally oriented and combines studies in the Business disciplines with studies in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics and Science.

The Bachelor of Business Administration program is offered as a regular four-year Honours program and on a Co-operative work/study basis. This is a limited enrolment program. On successful completion of the program, the degree Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is awarded.

The requirement for graduation with a BBA (Honours) is a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average. The requirement for graduation with a BBA is a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average. Only those students admitted to a concentration who graduate with a BBA (Honours) will have their concentration recognized on their diploma and official transcript.

All BBA students are required to take a number of core courses. At the end of year 2 students may apply for admission to an area of concentration.


Business Administration Co-operative (Co-op)

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The BBA Co-op program is a limited enrolment program combining academic and work terms over a four and one-half year period. Students spend two years in an academic setting studying the functional areas of business as well as the Canadian and global business environments prior to the first work term. The exposure to courses in the core areas of business provides the necessary academic background for the work experience. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees). Students awarded more than 5.0 transfer credits normally are not considered for the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-op option.

All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Handbook (brocku.ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-handbooks) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the co-op option is based on the student's major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career.

Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Program Office.

The BBA Co-op program designation will be awarded to those students who have honours standing and who have successfully completed a minimum of twelve months of Co-op work experience.


Periodic Review of Eligibility to Continue

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BAcc Co-op

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Students admitted to the Bachelor of Accounting Co-op program must follow the Co-op program schedule. The eligibility of each student to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

A student with a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, will be permitted to continue.

1.  A student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the BAcc Co-op program.
2.  Students admitted to the Co-op program must follow the BAcc Co-op program schedule. Failure to adhere to the schedule, without the permission of the Co-op Programs Director, may result in removal from the BAcc Co-op program.


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Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

1.  A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the program.
2.  A student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the BAcc program.

BBA Co-op

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Students admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-op program must follow the Co-op program schedule. Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

1.  A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue.
2.  A student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the BBA Co-op program, but may continue in the BBA stream. If a student subsequently raises his/her major average to 70 percent, the student can be readmitted to the Co-op program only if approved by the Co-op Admissions Committee.


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Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

1.  A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the BBA Honours with a concentration program, as outlined in the concentrations below.
2.  A student with a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average will be permitted to continue in the BBA program.
3.  A student who does not meet a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum60 percent overall average will not be permitted to continue in the BBA program.

Re-Admission and Transfer Eligibility

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The application form for re-admission or to transfer into the BAcc, BBA or EBS dual degree program (Request to Declare or Change Majors) is available on the web at brocku.ca/webfm_send/1400 or at the Office of the Registrar. The Request to Declare or Change Majors form to transfer into the BAcc, BBA or EBS dual degree must be completed and returned to the Office of the Registrar by May 15. The BAcc, BBA and EBS dual degree are limited enrolment programs. Admission is not guaranteed by attainment of the minimum requirements outlined below.

To be eligible for readmission to the BAcc program (or to transfer from the BBA or the combined major program), a student must meet all of the following requirements:

- Completion of at least two and one-half credits required in the BAcc program, including either ACTG 1P91 and 2P12 or ACTG 1P11 and 1P12.
- A minimum 70 percent average in BAcc major courses, 60 percent non-major average and a minimum 75 percent ACTG average, and permission of the Chair.

To be eligible for readmission to the BBA program (or to transfer from another program), a student must meet all of the following requirements:

- Completion of ECON 1P91, ECON 1P92, MATH 1P97 and MATH 1P98 with a minimum 65 percent average.
- A minimum 65 percent average in all BBA major courses taken to date.
- A minimum 70 percent overall average.

To be eligible for readmission to the EBS Dual degree program, a student must meet all of the following requirements:

- Completion of ECON 1P91, ECON 1P92, MATH 1P97 and MATH 1P98 with a minimum 65 percent average.
- A minimum 75 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Program Notes

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1.  For BBA students, a minimum of one elective credit must be a non-business elective credit. For BAcc students, one and one-half electives must be non-business elective credits.  
2.  There is a one-half credit overload for BBA Co-op students during the Winter Term of year 3.  
3.  Students wishing to obtain a Minor, within a degree program, may not use the same courses(s) to satisfy both the major requirements and the minor requirements. SPMA majors are not eligible for the Minor in Business.  
4.  A maximum of one-half ITIS credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above may be taken by Operations Management students.  
5.  Students in the EBS dual degree program may not take ECON 2P23, ETHC 3P82, FNCE 3P93 or MGMT 4P90 as electives at Brock.  
6.  Students in the BBA Co-op General Management Concentration may opt to take MKTG 3P96 in the Winter term of Year 3. One of FNCE 3P96, 4P03 , 4P05 would be taken in Fall of Year 4.  

In 20 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

In some circumstances, in order to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 20 credits may be taken.


Bachelor of Accounting (Honours only)

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Year 1

- ACTG 1P11, 1P12 and 1P71
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P21, 2P31 and 2P32
- ECON 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 3

- ACTG 3P11, 3P23, 3P33, 3P41 and 3P97
- ETHC 3P82
- one Humanities context credit
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- ACTG 4P11, 4P12, 4P34, 4P41, 4P42, 4P61 and 4P62
- MGMT 4P90
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Bachelor of Accounting Co-op (Honours only)

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Year 1

- ACTG 1P11, 1P12 and 1P71
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit

Winter Term:

- ACTG 0N90

Year 2

Fall Term:

- ACTG 2P31, 3P41 and 3P97
- ECON 2P91
- FNCE 2P91

Winter Term:

- ACTG 0N01 and 2C01

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P21, 2P32, 3P11 and 4P41
- one Sciences context credit
- one-half elective credit

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ACTG 0N02 and 2C02

Winter Term:

- ACTG 0N03 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 3P23 and 3P33
- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93

Year 4

Fall Term:

- OPER 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ACTG 0N04 and 2C04

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 4P34, 4P42 and 4P61
- OBHR 2P91

Year 5

Fall Term:

- ACTG 4P11, 4P12 and 4P62
- MGMT 4P90
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Bachelor of Accounting for Students Holding Other Degrees

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Students holding a university degree in which the major area of study is other than a Business discipline and with a minimum 70 percent overall average may be admitted and receive a maximum of 10 credits towards a Bachelor of Accounting degree (offered as an Honours program only). Students who have been granted fewer than 10 advanced standing credits will require more than 10 Brock credits to complete the requirements.


Bachelor of Business Administration

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Students who have successfully completed year 1 and 2 required BBA courses may apply for admission to an area of concentration provided they meet the specific requirements of the concentration as outlined below. The deadline for concentration admission applications is May 15.


Concentration in Accounting

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To concentrate in Accounting, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent average in ACTG 1P91 and 2P12 or ACTG 1P11 and 1P12, and a minimum 70 percent ACTG average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ACTG 2P21, 2P31, 2P32 and 3P97
- FNCE 3P93
- ETHC 3P82
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1

Year 4

- ACTG 3P11 and 4P40
- MGMT 3P98 and 4P90
- three elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Entrepreneurship

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To concentrate in Entrepreneurship, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- One-half ENTR credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- MGMT 4P90
- one and one-half ENTR credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one credit from ACTG 4P40, ENTR 3(alpha)90 or above, OBHR 3P96, 4P65
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Finance

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To concentrate in Finance, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and either a minimum 70 percent grade in FNCE 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent FNCE average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93 and 3P96
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- FNCE 4P04 and 4P16
- MGMT 4P90
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one and one-half FNCE credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in General Management

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To concentrate in General Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, and a minimum 70 percent average in FNCE 2P91, MKTG 2P91, OBHR 2P91 and OPER 2P91.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- One of FNCE 3P96, 4P03, 4P05
- MGMT 4P90
- MKTG 3P96
- one-half OBHR credit numbered 3(alpha) 90 or above
- one and one-half credits from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Human Resource Management

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To concentrate in Human Resource Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent grade in OBHR 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent average in OBHR 2P91 and 3P97, and a minimum 70 percent OBHR average.

Note: The following courses are recognized by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) as education requirements towards the Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation: ACTG 1P91, 2P12, OBHR 2P91, 3P42, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 4P66, 4P67, 4P69, 4P94

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P42 and 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- MGMT 4P90
- OBHR 3P96
- two and one-half OBHR credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Information Systems

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To concentrate in Information Systems, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and either a minimum 70 percent grade in ITIS 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent ITIS average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- ITIS 3P98
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- ITIS 4P22, 4P25 and 4P26
- MGMT 4P90
- one of ITIS 3P91, 4P21, 4P91, 4P27
- one credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one-half credit from ITIS 3(alpha)90 or above, OPER 3(alpha)90 or above, GEOG 3P05
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Concentration in International Business

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To concentrate in International Business, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Year 4

- MGMT 4P90
- one credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- two credits from ECON 3P13, 3P93, ENTR 4P93, FNCE 3P96, 4P05, MGMT 4P35, 4P36, 4P94, MKTG 4P33, 4P34, OBHR 4P90
- one elective credit or one language credit other than English numbered 1(alpha)90 or above (see program note 1)
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Concentration in Marketing

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To concentrate in Marketing, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent grade in MKTG 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent average in MKTG 2P91 and 3P24, and a minimum 70 percent MKTG average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24 and 3P96
- OBHR 3P97
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- MGMT 4P90
- MKTG 4P25 and 4P31
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
- one and one-half MKTG credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Operations Management

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To concentrate in Operations Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and either a minimum 70 percent grade in OPER 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent OPER average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- one-half ITIS or OPER 3(alpha)90 or above credit (see program note 4)
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- MGMT 4P90
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- two and one-half ITIS or OPER 3(alpha)90 or above credit (see program note 4)
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Public Administration

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To concentrate in Public Administration, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- POLI 2P99 and 2Q98
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- POLI 4P50 and 4P54
- one credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one and one-half credits from POLI 3P98, 4P01, 4P14, 4P15, 4P50, 4V10-4V19, 4V50-4V59, 4V60-4V69
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Students Not in an Area of Concentration

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Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23 and 2P91
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 3P93
- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P24
- OBHR 3P97
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- the Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit not taken in Year 1
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 4

- MGMT 4P90
- two credits from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER numbered 3(alpha)90 or above, POLI 4P54
- two and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Accounting Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Accounting, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent average in ACTG 1P91 and 2P12 or ACTG 1P11 and 1P12, and a minimum 70 percent ACTG average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ACTG 2P21 and 2P40
- ECON 2P23
- ETHC 3P82
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- ACTG 2P31 and 3P97
- ENTR 2P91
- MGMT 3P98
- one-half Humanities context credit

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P32 and 3P11
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- ACTG 4P40
- MGMT 4P90
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Concentration in Entrepreneurship Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Entrepreneurship, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- ITIS 2P91
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- MGMT 3P98
- one credit from ACTG 4P40, ENTR 3(alpha)90 or above, OBHR 3P96, 4P65
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- two ENTR credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above

Concentration in Finance Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Finance, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and either a minimum 70 percent grade in FNCE 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent FNCE average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- FNCE 3P96
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- FNCE 4P04 and 4P16
- MGMT 3P98
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, IT IS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
- one and one-half FNCE credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above

Concentration in General Management Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in General Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, and a minimum 70 percent average in FNCE 2P91, MKTG 2P91, OBHR 2P91 and OPER 2P91.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- one of FNCE 3P96, 4P03, 4P05 (see program note 6)
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 3P96 (see program note 6)
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credits (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- one-half OBHR credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one and one-half credits from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER

Concentration in Human Resource Management Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Human Resource Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent grade in OBHR 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent average in OBHR 2P91 and 3P97, and a minimum 70 percent OBHR average.

Note: The following courses are recognized by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) as education requirements towards the Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation: ACTG 1P91, 2P12, OBHR 2P91, 3P42, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 4P66, 4P67, 4P69, 4P94

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- OBHR 3P42
- one-half OBHR credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- MGMT 3P98
- OBHR 3P96
- one-half OBHR credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- one and one-half OBHR credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Concentration in Information Systems Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Information Systems, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and either a minimum 70 percent grade in ITIS 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent ITIS average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- ITIS 3P98
- one of ITIS 3P91, 4P21, 4P27, 4P91
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- ITIS 4P22 and 4P25
- MGMT 3P98
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- ITIS 4P26
- MGMT 4P90
- one-half credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one-half credit from ITIS 3(alpha)90 or above, OPER 3(alpha)90 or above, GEOG 3P05
- one-half elective (see program note 1)

Concentration in International Business Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in International Business, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- one-half credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one of ECON 3P13, 3P93, ENTR 4P93, FNCE 3P96, 4P05, MGMT 4P35, 4P36, 4P94, MKTG 4P33, 4P34, OBHR 4P90
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- MGMT 3P98
- one-half credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR
- one of ECON 3P13, 3P93, ENTR 4P93, FNCE 3P96, 4P05, MGMT 4P35, MKTG 4P33, 4P34, OBHR 4P90
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit or one language credit other than English numbered 1(alpha)90 or above (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- one credit from ECON 3P13, 3P93, FNCE 3P96, 4P05, MGMT 4P35, MKTG 4P33, 4P34, OBHR 4P90
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Concentration in Marketing Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Marketing, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent grade in MKTG 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent average in MKTG 2P91 and 3P24, and a minimum 70 percent MKTG average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- MKTG 3P96
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, ITIS, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- MGMT 3P98
- MKTG 4P25 and 4P31
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- one and one-half MKTG credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Concentration in Operations Management Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Operations Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and either a minimum 70 percent grade in OPER 2P91 or a minimum 70 percent OPER average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Winter Term:

- ECON 2P23
- ENTR 2P91
- one ITIS or OPER 3(alpha)90 or above credit (see program note 4)
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Fall Term:

- MGMT 3P98
- one ITIS or OPER 3(alpha)90 or above credit (see program note 4)
- one-half Humanities context credit
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Year 5

Fall Term:

- MGMT 4P90
- one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, ITIS, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
- one ITIS or OPER 3(alpha)90 or above credit (see program note 4)
- one-half elective credit (see program note 1)

Concentration in Public Administration Co-op (Honours only)

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To concentrate in Public Administration, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Humanities context credit or Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ECON 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91 and 3P97
- OPER 2P91

Year 3 Winter Term, Years 4 and 5 Fall Term:

Contact the Department for course requirements

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ADMI 0N11 and 2C01

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N12 and 2C02

Year 4

Winter Term:

- ADMI 0N13 and 2C03

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ACTG 2P40
- ETHC 3P82
- one elective credit (see program note 1)

Combined Honours Program

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Combined Honours programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree are available in Business and Economics, Business and Political Science.


Business and Economics

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See the Economics entry for a listing of course requirements.


Business and Liberal Arts

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See the Liberal Arts entry for a listing of course requirements.


Business and Political Science

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See the Political Science entry for a listing of course requirements.

Also reference, Business Economics, Business Communication and Computing and Business.


Certificate in Administrative Studies

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The Goodman School of Business offers a Certificate in Administrative Studies. This program is designed to prepare mature students who have completed undergraduate degrees to successfully pursue studies in business at the graduate level.

Eligibility requirements:

- Proficiency in English language as required for admission to an undergraduate degree program;
- Undergraduate degree or equivalent with minimum C standing;
- At least one year of full-time work experience (or permission of the Associate Dean, Goodman School of Business Undergraduate Programs)

Students wishing to pursue conditional admission to graduate programs at the point of application to the Certificate must also submit a full graduate application package for their program of interest.

Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to substitute other relevant course for those that form the usual program with permission of the Associate Dean, Goodman School of Business Undergraduate Programs.

See "Certificate Requirements" under Academic Regulations.

Students must maintain a minimum 70 percent average in the required courses listed below to continue in the certificate program.

The Certificate in Administrative Studies will be awarded upon completion of the following courses with a minimum 70 percent overall average:

- ACTG 1P11
- ECON 1P91
- FNCE 2P51
- MATH 1P98
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MKTG 2P51
- OBHR 2P51
- one elective credit (see program note 9)

Professional Masters Preparation Certificate

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The Goodman School of Business offers a Professional Masters Preparation Certificate in Business (PMPC-Business). This program is designed to prepare international students who have completed undergraduate degrees to successfully pursue studies in business at the graduate level.

Eligibility requirements:

Undergraduate degree or equivalent with minimum B standing, as required for admission to a graduate Certificate applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of proficiency in English as demonstrated through one of the following:

TOEFL IBT (Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEFL CBT (Computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International Language Testing System) or ITELP (International Test of English Language Proficiency) scores. Normally, only those with TOEFL IBT scores of 61 or greater; IELTS scores of 5.5 or greater; or ITELP scores of 470 or greater will be considered for admission.

Successful completion of Level 4 of the Brock Intensive English Language Program.

Students wishing to pursue conditional admission to graduate programs at the point of application to the Certificate must also submit a full graduate application package for their program of interest.

Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to substitute other relevant course for those that form the usual program with permission of the Associate Dean, Goodman School of Business Undergraduate Programs. See "Certificate Requirements" under Academic Regulations.

Students must maintain a minimum 70 percent average in the required courses listed below to continue in the certificate program.

The Professional Masters Preparation Certificate (Business) will be awarded upon completion of the following courses with a minimum 70 percent overall average:



PMPB 6F11, 6F21, 6F22, 6P12, 6P23


Minor in Business

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Students in other disciplines can obtain a Minor in Business within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:

- ACTG 2P51
- ENTR 2P51 (see program note 3)
- ETHC 3P82
- FNCE 2P51
- ITIS 2P51
- MKTG 2P51
- OBHR 2P51
- OPER 2P51

Brock/University Articulation Agreement

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European Business School

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The European Business School, International University Schloss Reichartshausen (EBS), ranked as one of the top business schools in Germany, and Brock University offers students the opportunity to complete a dual degree program. Brock students will complete the first two and one-half years at Brock and the remaining one and one-half at EBS. Upon successful completion of the course of studies students will receive a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Brock and a Bachelor of Science degree from EBS.

The Program of study at EBS will consist of regularly offered courses taught in English and by regular EBS faculty. Brock students will be required to study the German language as part of the dual degree program.

Year 1

- ACTG 1P91
- ECON 1P91 and 1P92
- ITIS 1P97
- MGMT 1P93 and 1P96
- MATH 1P97 and 1P98
- one Sciences context credit

Year 2

- ACTG 2P12
- ADMI 0N90
- ENTR 2P91
- ITIS 2P91
- FNCE 2P91
- GERM 1F00
- MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
- OBHR 2P91
- OPER 2P91

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- ADMI 0N11 and ADMI 2C01

Year 3

Fall Term:

- ACTG 2P40
- ECON 2P91
- GERM 1P91
- MGMT 3P98
- one elective credit (see program notes 1, 2 and 5)

Winter Term:

- taken at European Business School

Spring/Summer Sessions:

- EBS Internship Placement

Year 4

- taken at European Business School

Course Descriptions

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Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details.

# Indicates a cross listed course

* Indicates primary offering of a cross listed course


Prerequisites and Restrictions

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Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.



Introduction to Accounting I

Nature and role of accounting information for planning, decision making, control and external reporting by businesses and other economic organizations.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 1P91, 2P12 and 2P51.


Introduction to Accounting II

Emphasizing the application of various accounting concepts to generate information for a variety of purposes.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P11.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 1P91, 2P12 and 2P51.


The Legal Environment of Business

Canadian legal system as it affects the modern business environment, in particular the accounting professional. Topics include financial disclosure and audit requirements, corporate finance and securities, corporate capacity and agency and professional liability for negligence and other business torts.

Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 2P40.


Introduction to Financial Accounting

Fundamental concepts of financial accounting as related to the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flow. Problems of income determination, asset and equity measurements and analysis of financial statements.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 1P11, 1P12 and 2P51.


Introduction to Management Accounting

Accounting for managerial decision-making, including identifying relevant data, understanding various cost accounting systems and breakeven analysis.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P91.

Note: may be offered as a blended format.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grades and credits obtained in ACTG 1P11,1P12 and 2P51.


Cost and Managerial Accounting I

Internal recording systems developed to implement and guide management planning and control emphasizing cost identification, product costing, cost behaviour and cost allocations as well as analysis and communication of relevant information to users in a professional manner.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors and BBA students approved to the accounting concentration. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P12 or 2P12.


Accounting for External Reporting I

Topics in theory preparation and analysis of external financial reports under Canadian GAAP. Topics may include the Canadian financial reporting environment, the conceptual framework underlying financial reporting, accounting information systems, revenue recognition, reporting financial performance, financial position and cash flows, and accounting for cash, temporary investments and receivables.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors and BBA students approved to the accounting concentration or permission of the Department.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P12 or 2P12.


Accounting for External Reporting II

Advanced topics in the preparation of external financial reports according to current GAAP. Use, critique and analysis of financial reports. Topics may include accounting for inventory; property, plant and equipment; intangibles; short and long term liabilities; and owners' equity.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors and BBA students approved to the accounting concentration or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors and BBA Co-op students approved to the accounting concentration until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P31.

Note: may be offered as a blended format.


Commercial Law

Basic legal considerations for the business organization.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In Spring Session open to BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 1P71.


Understanding Accounting

Role of accounting in society. Basic concepts underlying financial and managerial accounting and information systems used by accounting.

Restriction: not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 1P11, 1P12, 1P91 and 2P12.


Auditing Concepts

Nature and importance of the audit function, the role, professional and legal responsibilities of the auditor, and the audit report. Audit planning, materiality, risk and audit evidence.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors and BBA students approved to the accounting concentration or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors and BBA Co-op students approved to the accounting concentration until Date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 3P97 (3P22).


Cost and Managerial Accounting II

Continuation of the study of internal recording systems emphasizing performance evaluation, divisional performance measurement, transfer pricing, behavioural implications of accounting information and current issues including analysis and communication of relevant information to users in a professional manner.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P21.

Note: may be offered as a blended format.


Accounting for External Reporting III

Advanced topics in the preparation of external financial reports according to current GAAP. Use, critique and analysis of these reports. Topics may include accounting for long-term investments, leases, income taxes, pensions, error analysis, cash flow statements and ethics.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide. In Fall Term, open to BAcc non Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P32.


Taxation I

Principles underlying federal income taxation in Canada through an analysis of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C., as amended. Computation of net income for tax purposes.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op students until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P12 or 2P12.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 4P40.


Accounting Information Systems

Fundamental concepts of accounting information systems emphasizing analysis, design and implementation of information systems and internal controls.

Lectures, lab, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors and BBA students approved to the accounting concentration or permission of the Department.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P12 or 2P12; ITIS 1P97.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 3P22.

#ACTG 4P03

Financial Analysis

(also offered as FNCE 4P03)

Importance and use of financial statement information in areas such as analysis of credit, equity investment, industry and competitors, analysis of mergers and acquisitions and the firm's strategy in communicating information to capital markets.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc students, BBA students approved to the finance and general management concentrations and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93.


Accounting Theory

Economic, behavioural and ethical foundations of accounting theory including the need for and development of standards, a conceptual framework, alternatives to present accounting models and current issues.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits or permission of the Department. In Fall Term, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 3P33.


Integration and Problem Solving

Incorporates sub disciplines of accounting in the context of a wider view of organizations through the examination of applied and theoretical issues.

Cases, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors with a minimum of 15.0 credits or permission of the Department. In Fall Term, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 3P11, 3P23 and 3P33; ACTG 3P41 or 4P40.


Accounting for External Reporting IV

Advanced topics in theory, preparation and analysis of external financial reports under Canadian GAAP. Topics may include theory and practice of consolidation procedures, accounting for international operations and financial instruments, and basics of accounting for not-for-profit organizations.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide. In Fall Term, open to BAcc non Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 3P33.


Tax Strategies for Planning and Decision Making

Principles of individual and corporate taxation emphasizing the effects of federal and sub federal income taxes on decision making in business.

Lectures, discussion, cases, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE Financial Economics option students and combined Business majors until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BBA, BBE Financial Economics option students and combined Business majors, and to students who hold a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average. Students must hold a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P12 or 2P12.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 3P41, 4P41 and 4P42.


Taxation II

Computation of taxable income and taxes payable for individuals and corporations. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer. Determination of the effects of federal income taxes on decision-making, partnerships and trusts.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 3P41.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 4P40.


Taxation III

Topics include tax implications of changes in corporate structures, corporate distributions, rollovers and shareholder manager remuneration.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 4P41.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ACTG 4P40.


External Auditing I

Review and assessment of internal controls, planning and execution of the audit, evaluation of audit evidence and use of sampling techniques

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors with a minimum of 15.0 credits or permission of the Department. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide. In Fall Term, open to BAcc non Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 3P11.


External Auditing II

Emphasis on the completion of the audit, evaluation of results, audit reports, review engagements and current topics.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc majors or permission of the Department. In Fall Term, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 4P61.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

ACTG 4V90-4V99

Topics in Accounting

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors.



Entrepreneurship Basics

Entrepreneurs and the new venture creation process: attributes of entrepreneurs and the processes involved in successfully launching new enterprises.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to SPMA, STAC, TMGT majors and Business minors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must hold a minimum 3.0 overall credits. Not open to BBA and BAcc majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENTR 2P91 and 3P45.



Theories of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, entrepreneurial attributes, new venture creation processes and feasibility plan preparation.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA, BAcc and combined Business majors. In Winter Term open to BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P31, or MGMT 1P93 and 1P96.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENTR 2P51 and 3P45.


Creativity and the Entrepreneur

Exploration of creative and personal entrepreneurial abilities. Topics include sources of ideas and their transformation into commercial opportunities, environmental scanning, trend identification and futurism.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ENTR 2P51 or 2P91 (3P45).

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENTR 3P52.


Managing Growth in Entrepreneurial Firms

Development of management concepts and techniques relevant to new and growing enterprises. Adaptations of management techniques due to limitations of management time and resources in early stage companies and changes to management approaches as companies grow.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ENTR 2P51 or 2P91 (3P45).


Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Management of innovation and entrepreneurship in midsized and larger organizations. The role of leadership in developing and maintaining innovation and entrepreneurship and the mechanisms for stimulating organizational growth and entrepreneurial culture. How organizations respond to innovation.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ENTR 2P51 or 2P91 (3P45).


Venture Capital and the Entrepreneur

Financial challenges and strategies for new and growing ventures; evaluating and packaging new venture opportunities; importance of business angel and venture capital finance.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ENTR 2P91 (3P45).


Family Business

Theories, research and current practices relating to family business management. Topics include the importance of family businesses, the role of the founder and the entrepreneur, intergenerational succession, going outside the family, managing conflict, strategic management of the family business.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc and BBA majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MGMT 4P98 and 4V98.

#ENTR 3P99

Research Methods in Organization Studies

(also offered as OBHR 3P99)

Techniques and methods of conducting reliable and valid research including theory and hypothesis testing, measurement, survey and experimental design, and other quantitative and qualitative research methods. Emphasis on understanding and critical evaluation of empirical research in organizational behaviour, human resource management, entrepreneurship and other fields in organization studies.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the entrepreneurship and human resource management concentrations until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4P92 and 4V92.

ENTR 3V90-3V99

Topics in Entrepreneurship I

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Planning New Venture Creation

Identification and assessment of appropriate forms for commercial development of new ventures. Strategic and operational planning relevant to the creation of an entrepreneurial firm. Preparation of a formal business plan.

Lectures, case discussion, presentations, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ENTR 2P51 or 2P91 (3P45).

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ENTR 3P91 and 3P92.


Research Topic

Directed study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


International Dimensions of Entrepreneurship

Strategies to recognize global opportunities and to use global networks for resources, design and distribution of goods and services for customers in other parts of the world.

Lectures, case discussion, presentations, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ENTR 2P51 or 2P91 (3P45).

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in ENTR 4V93.

ENTR 4V90-4V99

Topics in Entrepreneurship II

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.



Business Ethics

Ethical issues pertaining to business behaviour, business organizations and economic systems. Topics may include ethical issues involving the social purpose of business, rights and responsibilities of shareholders and stakeholders, the environment, corporate governance, international issues, and ethical issues involving accounting, marketing, finance, operations, employees, customers, suppliers and the general public.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, combined Business majors and Business minors with a minimum of 5.0 overall credits. In Spring Session open to BBA Co-op and BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.



Introduction to Personal Financial Planning

Financial goal setting, evaluating the financial implications of goals, preparation and analysis of personal financial statements, understanding personal credit and debt; emphasis on mortgage borrowing, investment alternatives for individuals and families, personal taxes, basic insurance products desired for family protection, financial planning in retirement and estate planning.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in FNCE 2P95.


Introduction to Finance

Criteria used in making investment decisions, risk concepts and the valuation of assets, a financial analysis, forecasting and leverage, the theory of interest, valuation and capital budgeting.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in FNCE 2P91.


Corporate Finance I

Finance function in the private and public sectors. Techniques of financial analysis. Investment in current assets, capital budgeting, valuation, risk and return.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In Fall Term open to BAcc, BAcc Co-op and BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P11 or 1P91; ECON 1P91 and 1P92; MATH 1P01 or 1P97; MATH 1P98.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in FNCE 2P51.


Corporate Finance II

Cost of capital, capital structure and dividend policy. Analysis of long and short term financing decisions. Introduction to options and futures, mergers and acquisitions.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In Spring Session open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide. In Winter Term open to BAcc, BAcc Co-op and BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 2P91.


Personal Financial Planning

Tools and techniques of developing comprehensive personal financial plans. Topics include financial analysis of client goals, assessing wealth and the capacity to accomplish goals, debt management strategies, personal portfolio management, tax management strategies, risk management and insurance, financial strategies in retirement, and estate planning emphasizing wills, trusts and estate freezing.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in FNCE 2P95.


Financial Theory

Theoretical foundations of finance and their implications for the financial decision making of both individuals and corporations. Decisions involving the valuation of fixed assets and marketable securities under conditions of certainty and uncertainty and in the context of perfect and imperfect capital markets.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration, general management concentration, international business concentration and BBE financial economics option students, until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93 (minimum 60 percent); ECON 2P90 or 2P91.


Corporate Financial Policy

Case discussions to develop and apply understanding of material in FNCE 2P91 and 3P93 to situations encountered in business decision settings.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96.

*FNCE 4P03

Financial Analysis

(also offered as ACTG 4P03)

Importance and use of financial statement information in areas such as analysis of credit, equity investment, industry and competitors, analysis of mergers and acquisitions and the firm's strategy in communicating information to capital markets.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance and general management concentrations, BAcc and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93.


Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Examination of the investment/asset allocation decision for the individual and institutional investors. Discussion of the main asset pricing models and market efficiency tests. Theoretical and practical valuation models of common stocks, preferred stocks, mutual funds and pension funds. Use of different instruments in various investment strategies such as investment, speculation, hedging and arbitrage. Techniques used by analysts to pick investments such as fundamental analysis, technical analysis and quantitative analysis.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96.


International Finance

Overview of the international financial environment, the theoretical and practical aspects of the various international financial markets and the impact of the international environment on the financial decision making of the individual and the firm.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance, general management, international business concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93 or 3P96.


Management of Financial Institutions

Organizational structure and operating practices; self-regulation, government and international regulation of financial institutions; managerial aspects associated with savings, credit liquidity, assets, liabilities and capital problems, financial planning, strategy formulation and performance evaluation. Growth of financial services on a global basis.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96.


Portfolio Management

Utility theory and stochastic dominance, the efficient formation of portfolios in mean/variance framework under various assumptions, application of asset pricing models to portfolio management, the evaluation of portfolio performance and current topics in portfolio management. Students will employ computer software in the management of stock and fixed income portfolios.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA and BBA Co-op students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96 and 4P04.


Advanced Topics in Financial Theory

Theoretical concepts are extended to include capital structure, dividend policy, leasing and mergers. May include computer applications of theory to empirical data.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE , BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96.


Derivatives I

Introduction to options and futures markets. Pricing principles and theory of these derivative securities as they apply to various trading and hedging strategies.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96.


Derivatives II

Further refinements in the theory of derivative securities and its application to options and futures markets.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 4P16.


Fixed Income Securities

Analysis of the bond markets concentrating on fixed income and fixed income derivatives markets. Risks and returns associated with investments in the markets and on how these instruments can be optimally allocated to yield successful portfolio performance.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the finance concentration and BBE financial economics option students until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P96.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty.

Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

FNCE 4V90-4V99

Topics in Finance

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE and combined Business majors.



Data Analysis and Business Modelling

Process of transforming input data into useful information for effective business decision making. The use of data and information to better understand the customers and the markets. Hands-on experience with computer software tools in data analysis, model development and solution analysis.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors. In Fall Term open to BAcc majors until date specified in Registration guide. In Winter Term open to BBA majors until date specified in Registration guide.


Introduction to Information Systems

Information systems and technology and its interactions with functional areas. Topics include information systems concepts, data management, the internet and applications, organizational information systems, and cultural, legal, security and ethical issues in the information age.

Lectures, case discussions, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB or combined Business majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ITIS 2P91.


Management of Information Systems and Technology

Value and uses of information systems for business operation and management decision making for strategic advantage. Applications to business including intranet, extranet and e-commerce. Analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of information systems and the management challenges of information technology.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA majors. In Fall Term open to BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 1P97.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ITIS 2P51 and 3P97.


Quantitative Methods for Information Systems

Multivariate data analysis and quantitative methods in information systems and their application to business decision making. SPSS and/or other relevant statistical software to generate solution output. Topics include data preparation, data testing and transformation, multiple regression, principal components analysis, common factor analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, multiple and logistic regression and multivariate analysis of variance. Introduction to structural equation modelling, hierarchical linear modelling, canonical correlation or multidimensional scaling.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97; MATH 1P97 and 1P98.


Fundamentals of Database Design and Management

Role of databases in organizations. Business requirement analysis and use of tools and techniques for designing and administering a new database. Conceptual data modelling and emphasis on the relational database model. Application of concepts using current commercial systems. Database manipulation using SQL and other query mechanisms. Transaction management, maintenance, reliability and security. Database trends and emerging technologies.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Data Mining Techniques and Applications

Foundations, functionalities and applications of data mining. Data mining languages and systems, data characterization, generalization and comparison, classification and prediction, association rule mining, and clustering.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97.


e-Business Applications

Architecture of e-commerce applications and communications infrastructure supporting e-business. Managing e-business practices and strategic deployment of e-business for global competitive advantage.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97.


Systems Analysis and Design

System development life cycle and design strategies. Feasibility study, process modelling and data modelling. System prototyping, implementation, operation and maintenance and security. User involvement and training. Measurement and evaluation of system performance and emerging trends.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97.

#ITIS 4P26

Supply Chain Management

(also offered as OPER 4P26)

Supply chain modelling and performance. Managing material, information and financial flows. Enabling roles of the Internet, technology and information. Design of supply chain networks, applications of ERP, e-commerce and e-procurement technologies and decision support systems in managing supply chains. Business process outsourcing and strategic partnerships.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97; ECON 2P91 and OPER 2P91.


Information Assurance

Concepts, terminologies, models and practices related to confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Security investigation and analysis, technical, legal, socio-political, and managerial issues related to information security and privacy, security threats, risk management, identification and prioritization of information assets, information security strategy and architecture, continuity planning, physical security, personnel security, technologies and techniques in information security.

Lectures, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ITIS 2P91 (3P97) or ACTG 3P97.


Research Topic

Directed study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area of demonstrated student competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE, BCB and combined business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

ITIS 4V90-4V99

Topics in Information Systems

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE and combined Business majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 13.5 overall credits.



Principles of Business

Issues relating to managing businesses in Canada. The definition and interaction of the core functional areas of business, the legal environment and ethical issues.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA, BCB, BCMN, STAC, SPMA and combined Business majors. In Fall Term open to BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Note: BAcc students with less than 10.0 credits may register. Contact Department.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MGMT 1P51, 1P52, 1P91 and 1P92.


Principles of Communication in the Business Environment

Skill-based introduction to business problem solving. Structured case study analysis in major functional areas of business to develop critical reasoning teamwork, professionalism, report writing and business presentation skills.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA, BCB and combined Business majors until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors. In Fall Term, open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors with a minimum of 2.0 overall credits.


International Business

Global business environment; development, implementation and evaluation of international business strategies; international opportunities and constraints facing Canadian businesses.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc and BBA majors with a minimum of 8.5 overall credits. In Fall Term open to BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P31, or MGMT 1P93 and 1P96.


Business Case Analysis and Action

Business case analysis in major functional areas of business, with recommended implementable and defensible strategies. Focus on producing and communicating deliverables that reflect those commonly used in business today.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors with a minimum of 10.00 overall credits.

MGMT 3V90-3V99

Topics in Management I

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Export Strategy and Management

Techniques required to do business overseas. Concepts, processes and theories associated with the development and management of export markets. Investigation, analysis and reporting on various export marketing management issues.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc and BBA students.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3P98.


Business in Developing Countries

Political, business/economics, legal and social/cultural institutions in developing countries. Designed to recognize and contend with the unique developing country environment.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3P98.


Business Strategy

Industry analysis and competitive strategy emphasizing integration of functional area strategies and positioning with regard to market opportunities.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined majors with a minimum of 14.00 overall credits. In Spring Session open to BAcc, BBA and combined majors with a minimum of 15.5 credits. In Fall Term, open to BAcc Co-op and BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93, MKTG 2P91, OPER 2P91 and OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MGMT 4P80 and 4P89.


Research Topic

Directed study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty.

Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Transnational Business Management

Multinational firms' operation in a global economy. Motivations and mentalities of internationalization; creation of layers of competitive advantage over multinational markets; alliance and knowledge management.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3P98.


Business and Society

Global forces that shape the context in which business takes place. Theoretical perspectives for linking business and its political, social and natural environment; potential sources of strategic and competitive advantage resulting from good corporate citizenship, problems associated with poor corporate citizenship.

lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined majors with a minimum of 14.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93, MKTG 2P91, OPER 2P91 and OBHR 2P91.


Advanced Topics in Business and Society

Topics may include neoclassical economics and the social role of business, environmentalism and the "greening" of business, social issues relating to downsizing, automation and the future of work, corporate philanthropy, employment equity and pay equity, the relation of business and government.

Seminar, case discussion, student presentations, 3 hours per week.

Prerequisite(s): ETHC 3P82 (MGMT 3P82).

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MGMT 4V97.


Management Consulting

Theoretical perspectives and approaches, conditions for successful intervention, establishing and managing the client relationship, triggering and managing change, politics and group processes, effective communication and ethics.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors with a minimum of 14.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): FNCE 3P93, MKTG 2P91, OBHR 2P91 and OPER 2P91.

Note: enrolment limited to 40 students per section.

MGMT 4V90-4V99

Topics in Management II

A course structured by a faculty member having specialized interest in an area within the discipline.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 13.5 overall credits.



Marketing Basics

Introduction to basics of marketing.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BCMN, STAC, CREC, CREN, TMGT majors and Business minors until date specified in Registration guide. Not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, SPMA and combined Business majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 2P91, RECL (TOUR) 3P40 and SPMA 3P65.


General Marketing Management

Exploring the marketing management process.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BCMN and STAC majors until date specified in Registration guide. Not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, SPMA and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P51.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 2P91, MKTG 3P24, MKTG (OEVI) 4P92, OEVI 4V92, RECL (TOUR) 3P40 and SPMA 3P65.


Introduction to Marketing

Characteristics of the marketing function in Canada, basic marketing concepts and the marketing function in organizations.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In Fall Term open to BAcc, BAcc Co-op and BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 2.5 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P31 or MGMT 1P93.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 2P51, 2P52 and 3P22.


Marketing Management

Marketing concepts in decision-making and the role of the marketing manager.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In Winter Term open to BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT 1P93, 1P96 and MKTG 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 2P52.


Marketing Research

Market research as a managerial tool including scientific method, research and questionnaire design, experimentation, sample selection, data collection and research procedure.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration and general management concentration, until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.

Note: a fieldwork assignment will be required.


Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations

Topics include the characteristics, types and patterns of innovation and their marketing implications, tools used to gather marketing intelligence, use of strategic alliances, and understanding of regulatory and ethical considerations.

Lectures, discussions, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52, 3P24 or permission of the instructor.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Marketing Communications

Management problems in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of programs in the areas of advertising, selling and promotional activities.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCMN, CSBC, STAC, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


Marketing Strategy

Topics include analysis of industry, customer, market and competitive environments, sources of competitive advantage and methods of allocating resources to new and established products. The strategic role of market evolution and cost dynamics.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCMN, CSBC, STAC, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


Sales Management

Management of the sales force and the role of the sales function in marketing strategy. Topics include the interface between sales strategy and marketing strategy; duties of the sales manager with respect to sales force selection, training, compensation and evaluation; time and territory management; sales forecasting; the impact of new technology on the sales management function; career paths in sales management.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCMN, CSBC, STAC, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


Retail Management

Managerial role and its effect on retailing decisions. Institutional structure of retailing and its past and probable future patterns. Marketing strategies and interrelationships among suppliers, customers and members of the distribution channels.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE , BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


Business to Business Marketing

Application of marketing principles to business products and services to other companies, government bodies and institutions. Unique aspects of business marketing including the shifting of power in buyer-seller relationships, shortness of distribution channels emphasizing personal selling. Types of business customers and increasingly important role of B2B commerce in the business marketplace.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


Consumer Behaviour

Application of behavioural science concepts to marketing; the interactions of consumers, sellers, public policy makers and researchers.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


International Marketing

Marketing concept and individual components of the marketing mix in the context of the international environment; the differences between international and domestic marketing and how they affect the planning, organization and control of marketing programs.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration and international business concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3P24 and MGMT 3P98.


Marketing Financial Services

Application of marketing principles to financial services.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration and international business concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.

Note: site visits to Canadian and US financial institutions.


Marketing Channel Management

Channels from the manufacturer to end-users including structure and design, selecting channel members and managing channel relationships for superior performance.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration and general management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.


Research Topic

Directed study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

#MKTG 4P92

Wine Marketing

(also offered as OEVI 4P92)

Understanding the wine consumer, segmentation, positioning, marketing mix, marketing research, marketing strategy, domestic and international wine marketing issues.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 2P52, OEVI 4V92 and SPMA 3P65.


Internet Marketing

New marketing as enhanced, enabled and challenged by rapidly-evolving electronic and interactive media and communications methods. Opportunities provided by the Internet; exposure to the Internet marketing sector. Topics include personalization, permission marketing, traffic building, brand development and web measurement.

Lectures, class discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 4V93.


New Product Development

Examination of process through which new products are designed, developed and commercialized. Integration of different functions including design, marketing, packaging and finance in the development of a successful new product.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 4V94.


Services Marketing

Nature and characteristics of services, their marketing and service quality.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2P52 or 3P24.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 4V95.



Price strategies and interaction of price with other marketing mix variables. Normative management practice and underlying conceptual theories and models involved in pricing decisions. Topics include customer-driven pricing, relevant costs, price sensitivity, managing competitive information, negotiated prices, segmented pricing, pricing psychology, ethics and price law.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the marketing concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3P24.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in MKTG 4V98.

MKTG 4V90-4V99

Topics in Marketing

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE and combined Business majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 13.5 overall credits.



General Operations Management

Operations management and its interactions with other functional areas. Topics include process analysis, forecasting, scheduling, materials management, quality assurance and capacity planning.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB or combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P91 or MATH 1P98.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OPER 2P91.


Operations Management

Improving efficiency and quality in organizations. Service and product design, process design, managing technology, capacity planning, facility location and design, resource planning, inventory management, scheduling, improving productivity, managing quality and various tools for decision-making.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors. In the Fall Term open to BAcc and BAcc Co-op majors and in the Winter Term open to BBA and BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 1P12 or 2P12; ITIS 1P97

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OPER 2P51.


Advanced Operations Management

Skills and intuition development for approaching various operational challenges. Tools for more advanced analysis and software for improving efficiency and quality.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OPER 3P31.


Project Management

Concepts and techniques for managing projects. Role of the project manager, strategic issues, resource allocation, conflict management, planning, budgeting, scheduling and controlling projects.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 2P91.


Quality Management

Effectively managing quality, combining theory and practice to formulate models for quality improvement and control. Statistical tools, techniques for process re-engineering and improvement, and designing quality into products and services.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 2P91.


Games of Strategy

Decision modeling in competitive and co-operative situations. Equilibriums, information, signaling and screening, principals and agents, commitment, and playing the larger game. Applications from corporate acquisitions, bargaining and arbitration, outsourcing, ethics, pricing and promotion, auctions, organizational politics, and financial reporting and analysis.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 2P91 and MATH 1P98.

Completion of this course will replace previously assigned grade and credit obtained in OPER 3P91 and MATH (ECON) 3P73.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

*OPER 4P26

Supply Chain Management

(also offered as ITIS 4P26)

Supply chain modelling and performance. Managing material, information and financial flows. Enabling roles of the Internet, technology and information. Design of supply chain networks, applications of ERP, e-commerce and e-procurement technologies and decision support systems in managing supply chains. Business process outsourcing and strategic partnerships.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 2P91 and ECON 2P91; ACTG 3P97 or ITIS 2P91 (3P97).


Simulation of Business Systems

Science and art of business modelling, using computer software with animation. Models for operations, information systems, finance, marketing and other types of systems. Technical aspects of simulation blended with the practical realities of working with real data in real situations. Implementation of the entire simulation modelling process, including data collection, model development, analysis of outputs and how to improve on existing system configurations and/or decision rules.

Lectures, case discussion, lab, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OPER 2P91.


Management Science

Emphasis on modelling business issues. Topics include network optimization, integer, nonlinear and goal programming, queuing models and computer simulation.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): ECON 2P91 and OPER 2P91.


Research Topic

Directed study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area of demonstrated student competence.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

OPER 4V90-4V99

Topics in Operations Management

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE and combined Business majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 13.5 overall credits.



Basics of Organizational Behaviour and Design

Micro and macro aspects of formal organizations from a behavioural perspective. Theories, research and current practices in the management of human resources and the design of organizations. Topics include motivation, leadership, group dynamics, organizational goals and effectiveness, environment and other contingencies and organizational culture.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BCMN, STAC, TMGT majors and Business minors until specified date in Registration guide. Not open to BAcc, BBA, SPMA and combined Business majors.

Note: may be offered online.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 2P91, 3P42, RECL 2P10, 2P90, 3P10, 3P20, SPMA 2P05, 2P21 and 3P21.


Basics of Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations

Human resource management and industrial relations in the workplace. Importance of legislation and its relationship to rights and to various systems associated with both human resource management and employee's industrial relations.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BCMN and STAC majors until date specified in Registration guide. Not open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, SPMA and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P51 or 2P91.

Note: may be offered online.

Students will not receive earned credit for OBHR 2P52 if OBHR 3P96, 3P97 or 4P63 have been successfully completed. Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in RECL 2P10, 2P90, 3P10, 3P20, SPMA 2P05 and 2P21.


Organizational Behaviour

Micro aspects of formal organizations from a behavioural science perspective. Theories, research and current practices in the management of human resources. Topics may include motivation, leadership, group dynamics, interpersonal communication, conflict, stress management and organizational theory and design.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In Fall Term, open to BAcc, BAcc Co-op and BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide. In Spring Session, open to BAcc Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 2P31, or MGMT 1P93 and 1P96.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 2P51.


Organizational Structure and Redesign

Building blocks of organizational architecture and current practices in organizational design and redesign. Topics may include the development of management thought, organizational effectiveness and efficiency, design challenges, alternative approaches to structural design, organizational development and change, power and politics in organizations, and organizational culture.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration and general management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 2P51.


Labour Relations

Labour management relations in Canada emphasizing the collective bargaining process, the grievance and arbitration process and other aspects of collective agreement administration.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4P63.


Human Resource Management

Recruitment, selection and training, wage and salary administration and the design and administration of benefit programs.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. In the Winter Term open to BBA Co-op majors until date specified in Registration guide.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.


Occupational Health and Safety

Legal, technical and management issues regarding employee health and safety.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BCMN, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P52 or 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4P98 and 4V98.

*OBHR 3P99

Research Methods in Organization Studies

(also offered as ENTR 3P99)

Techniques and methods of conducting reliable and valid research including theory and hypothesis testing, measurement, survey and experimental design, and quantitative and qualitative research methods. Emphasis on understanding and critical evaluation of empirical research in organizational behaviour, human resource management, entrepreneurship and other fields in organization studies.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management and entrepreneurship concentrations until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4P92 and 4V92.


Research Topic

Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Negotiating in Organizations

Causes and consequences of conflict in organizations, and strategies and tactics to manage conflict. Emphasis on the use of bargaining and negotiation skills to manage conflict and resolve disputes.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 3P42 or 3P97.


Compensation Management

Compensation theory and practice, design and administration of compensation and reward systems. Pay and benefits determination; job and market evaluation; use of individual, group and organizational incentives.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 3P97 or permission of the instructor.


Training and Development

Three sequential steps in the training and development process in organizations: assessment of training needs, development and implementation of the training program and evaluation of the training program. Training methods used in employee orientation, skill training and management development in the context of adult education.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 3P97.



Theoretical and practical aspects of leadership to familiarize students with personal leadership capacities.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P52 or 2P91.


Recruitment and Selection

Personnel selection, placement and performance evaluation in organizations in the context of human rights/equal employment legislation. Recruitment and selection strategies and the validation of selection, placement and performance evaluation practices.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 3P97.


Labour Law

Federal and provincial labour statutes, the practices of federal and provincial labour relations boards and ministries of labour and the common law of employer employee relations. The impact of these statutes, regulations, boards and ministries on management, unions and employees.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BCB, BCMN, CSBC, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): one of OBHR 2P52, 3P42, 3P97.


International Organizational Behaviour

Understanding behaviour in global organizations. Topics may include cultural differences, managing decision-making and personnel transitions, international negotiations and organization design for global competition.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration and international business concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BCMN, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): one of OBHR 2P52, 3P42, 3P97.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4V90.


Research Topic

Directed study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.

Restriction: open to BBA and combined business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising Faculty member.

Note: topic to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.


Leading Change

Theories, research and practice in the area of organizational change emphasizing the organization as a whole and the interdependency of its elements.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB, BCMN, STAC and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): one of OBHR 2P52, 3P42, 3P97.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4V93.


Human Resources Planning

Human resource strategies and their support of organizational strategies. Identification of business strategies, determination of appropriate human resource strategies, assessment of current human resource assets and planning future human resource requirements of the firm.

Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until the date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 3P97.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4V91.


Managing Diversity

Diversity theories; opportunities and dilemmas managers face when working with diverse populations.

Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 2P91.

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4V92.


Administration of the Collective Agreement

Issues faced by employees, union representatives, supervisors and managers in the day-to-day administration of collective agreements. Types of disputes include discipline and discharge, seniority related disputes, compensation, management rights and the reasons why some complaints cannot be decided by arbitrators.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA students approved to the human resource management concentration until date specified in Registration guide. After that date open to BAcc, BBA and combined Business majors. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.

Prerequisite(s): OBHR 3P96 (4P63).

Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in OBHR 4V96.

OBHR 4V90-4V99

Topics in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources

Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.



North American Business Culture and Society

Multiple approaches to study North American business culture and society for students new to the Canadian learning environment. Exploration of culture and society focusing on relevant literature, theoretical concepts and practical fieldwork assignments. Comparisons of global awareness, citizenship and effective applied business practice.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to Professional Masters Preparation Certificate-Business students.


Writing for Business Purposes

Development of writing skills to enhance clarity and expression of ideas. Focus on writing as a process, communication of information in effective and persuasive business documents, accurate referencing, and avoidance of plagiarism. Use of effective feedback and editing techniques.

Lectures, 3 hours per week; tutorials 1 hour per week.

Restriction: open to Professional Masters Preparation Certificate-Business students.

Note: weekly grammar tutorials targeting challenging grammar structures.


Listening and Speaking for Business Purposes

Building confidence in academic and professional settings, asking and responding to questions, seeking clarification, leading discussion and debate. Exploration of business communication skills to effectively contribute to meetings, developing a North American presentation style and improving performance at networking events.

Lectures, 3 hours per week; tutorials 1 hour per week.

Restriction: open to Professional Masters Preparation Certificate-Business students.

Note: weekly pronunciation tutorials will be held.


Business Student Success

Examination of topics designed to increase overall success during program of study. Tools to self-analyze skills, goals and learning styles. Independent development of personal professional skills toolbox designed to maximize the value of service-learning, community initiatives and voluntary research participation.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to Professional Masters Preparation Certificate-Business students.


Reading for Business Purposes

Comprehension of university-level reading to understand ideas from academic texts, developing critical responses and evaluating information from varied sources. Skills to produce summaries of lengthy academic text, research databases, synthesize and evaluate information, gather and organize information, avoid plagiarism and follow conventions of documentation.

Lectures, 3 hours per week.

Restriction: open to Professional Masters Preparation Certificate-Business students.



Work Placement I

First co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.


Work Placement II

Second co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.


Work Placement III

Third co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.


Work Placement IV

Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.


Work Placement V

Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.


Co-op Training and Development

Framework for the development of learning objectives by students for individual work terms. Includes orientation to the Co-op experience goal setting, résumé preparation and interview skills preparation.

Lectures, presentation, site visits, 2 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ACTG 0N01.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ACTG 0N02.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ACTG 0N03.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learning in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ACTG 0N04.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BAcc Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ACTG 0N05.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Work Placement I

First co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.


Work Placement II

Second co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.


Work Placement III

Third co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.


Work Placement IV

Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.


Work Placement V

Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.


Co-op Training and Development

Framework for the development of learning objectives by students for individual work terms. Includes orientation to the Co-op experience goal setting, résumé preparation and interview skills preparation.

Lectures, presentation, site visits, 2 hours per week.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academics studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ADMI 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ADMI 0N11.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ADMI 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ADMI 0N12.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ADMI 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ADMI 0N13.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academic studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ADMI 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ADMI 0N14.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.


Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V

Provide student with the opportunity to apply what they've learned in their academics studies through career-oriented work experiences at employer sites.

Restriction: open to BBA Co-op students.

Prerequisite(s): ADMI 0N90.

Corequisite(s): ADMI 0N15.

Note: students will be required to prepare learning objectives, participate in a site visit write a work term report and receive a successful work term performance evaluation.

Last updated: March 2, 2015 @ 12:44PM