Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Principles and Practices for Professional Certification - Primary/Junior
Practical experiences in observing and teaching in schools, including teaching centre/internship activities. Integration with ABTE 8P08 through reflective practice, analysis and guided application.
Lectures, seminar, 5.5 hours per week; plus practicum.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8L09.
Instructional Strategies I
Planning and preparatory aspects of teaching, addressing the ongoing process of diagnosis as essential to such elements of instruction as motivation, classroom management and discipline within the expository discussion and inquiry models of teaching.
Seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P08 and 8P50.
Instructional Strategies II
Sequential to ABTE 8P08. Planning, management, methodological approaches, social and educational issues and evaluation processes.
Seminar, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P10.
Computers in Education
Overview of computer technology in school systems. Computer software packages and evaluation of their use for application in effective curriculum design. Technology across the curriculum, word processing, software evaluation, and the application of spreadsheets and databases.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P11.
Primary/Junior Language
Strategies for the development of communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emphasis on the use of language for learning and thinking across the curriculum. The role and purpose of children's literature in enhancing the learning to read process.
Lectures, seminar, 2.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P30.
Primary/Junior Arts
Introduction to education in and through the arts (dramatic arts, music, visual arts and dance) as defined in provincial documents. Examples of methods for integration of common components of form, function, meaning and communication, with practical applications across the arts, the broader school curriculum and the life of students in the primary and junior grades.
Lectures, seminar, 2.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P33.
Introduction to Grammar for Teaching Aboriginal Languages
Rudiments of Aboriginal grammar and the way it is taught in a school setting emphasizing pronoun and verb morphologies.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per session.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P91.
Materials Development for Language Teaching
Teaching materials suitable to career settings and consistent with the language methods taught in the program.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per session.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P94.
Current Trends and Issues in Special Education
Current legislation and recent developments related to the education of exceptional students.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y04 and 8Y40.
Professionalism, Law and the Ontario Teacher
Key educational issues, responsibilities and authority in the organization of the public school system in Ontario through study of statues, regulations and professional codes of ethics.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y05 and 8Y41.
Primary/Junior Mathematics
Teaching mathematics at the primary and junior levels: resources, curriculum and methods.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours alternate weeks.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P31 and 8Y31.
Primary/Junior Health and Physical Education
Focus on the implementation of the Ontario health and physical education curriculum in primary and junior grades. Fundamental movement competency, active living, concepts of healthy living, appropriate teaching methods and a philosophical orientation which fosters learning by all.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y36.
Primary/Junior Science and Technology
Introduction to basic concepts, skills and strategies required for teaching science at the primary/junior school level, including the nature of science, scientific literacy, learning theories, the Ontario Grades 1-6 Science and Technology curriculum, inquiry-based instruction, lesson and unit planning, inclusive science education and cross-curricular integration.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y37 and 8Y38.
Primary/Junior Social Studies
Teaching strategies appropriate to the Ontario curriculum emphasizing knowledge, skills and attitudes for examining and understanding communities, various heritages and citizenship. Key social science concepts; inquiry and communication skills focusing on Canadian identity and democratic values.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y39.
Literacy Issues in Elementary Education
Origins and treatment of literacy difficulties in minority children.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y50.
Literacy Issues in Elementary Education II
Increase knowledge, capabilities, competencies in creative written expression, concentrating on Indigenous writers.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y60.
Classroom Dynamics: Teaching and Learning
Basic principles of child development and learning that guide instructional decision making and classroom management. Topics may include motivation, social contexts of learning, individual differences, student thinking and problem solving, family, school and community partnerships.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y61.
Introduction to Assessment and Evaluation
Methods for assessment and evaluation of student growth.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary and Junior (Aboriginal) program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y63.
Principles and Practices for Professional Certification - Primary/Junior/Intermediate
Practical experiences in observing and teaching in schools, including teaching centre/internship activities. Integration with EDUC 8F08 or 8P16 through reflective practice, analysis and guided application.
Lectures, seminar, 5.5 hours per week; plus practicum.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Honours) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8F08 or 8P16.
Note: students will be guided in practice teaching for at least 10 weeks throughout the year. Successful completion of the in-school practice teaching is required.
Instructional Strategies - Intermediate/Senior
Planning and implementation, management, instructional approaches, curriculum development and delivery and current issues. Integrated with internship/practicum (EDUC 8L09), requiring close collaboration and interaction with students and teachers. Observation, experience in the classroom, time management, self- and peer-evaluation and practical application of pedagogical theory. Independent projects, tutoring, reflection and journal writing.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week; plus practicum.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8L09.
Note: credit will not be given for this course unless EDUC 8L09 is successfully completed.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8D11.
Instructional Strategies - Intermediate/Senior Technology
Planning and implementation, management, instructional approaches, curriculum development and delivery and current issues. Integrated with internship/practicum (EDUC 8L09), requiring close collaboration and interaction with students and teachers. Observation, experience in the classroom, time management, self- and peer-evaluation and practical application of pedagogical theory. Independent projects, tutoring, reflection and journal writing.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week; plus practicum.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior Technological Education program.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8L09.
Note: credit will not be given for this course unless EDUC 8L09 is successfully completed.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8D10.
Curriculum Methods: Understanding Teaching and Learning
Connections between observation and experiences in field-based school placements to theory and reflection. Foundational method components and strategies of classroom and curriculum as related to the Ontario Curriculum and the Ontario College of Teachers Foundations of Professional Practice. The personal philosophy of education and curriculum.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week; plus practicum.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8D09.
Note: credit will not be given for this course unless EDUC 8D09 is successfully completed.
Instructional Strategies - Intermediate/Senior Concurrent
Sequential to EDUC 8P50. Reflection upon and application of experience in preceding practicum in areas of planning, management, methodological approaches, current social and educational issues and evaluation processes. Integrated workshops/seminars in context of continued practical experience in schools.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8L09.
Note: credit will not be given for this course unless EDUC 8L09 is successfully completed.
Special Topics - Educational Technology Leadership
Developing educational technology leaders who are knowledgeable and skilled in the use of educational technology to improve student learning and who can serve as educational technology leaders in their school or educational institution.
Lectures, seminar 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overal credits.
French as a Second Language: Intermediate/Senior
The theory of and approaches to teaching and learning a second language; the methodological approaches involved in teaching French as a second language at the intermediate and senior levels.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior programs, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Principles and Practices for Professional Certification - Intermediate/Senior
Practical experiences in observing and teaching in schools, including teaching centre/internship activities. Integration with EDUC 8D10 or 8F11 through reflective practice, analysis and guided application.
Lectures, seminar, 5.5 hours per week; plus practicum.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education and Technological Education programs, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior, BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8D10 or 8F11.
Note: students will be guided in practice teaching for at least 12 weeks throughout the year. Successful completion of the in-school practice teaching is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8L09.
Diversity Issues in Schooling
Issues and directions in a diverse society and their impact in the classroom; includes classism, racism, multiculturalism, ablism and sexism; roles and strategies leading to the goal of equity.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 2P65.
Student Assessment - Intermediate/Senior
Enhancement of prospective teachers' skills in measurement and evaluation emphasizing teacher-made tests. Types, purposes and interpretations of standardized tests and issues and concerns related to testing and measurement. Authentic or alternative assessment and classroom, school and regional evaluation.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 4P02 and 8P05.
Student Assessment - Intermediate/Senior Technology
Enhancement of prospective teachers' skills in measurement and evaluation emphasizing teacher-made tests. Types, purposes and interpretations of standardized tests and issues and concerns related to testing and measurement. Authentic or alternative assessment and classroom, school and regional evaluation.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior Technology program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P04.
Classroom Dynamics - Inermediate/Senior
Basic principles of child development and learning which guide the teacher in making decisions about classroom performance. Topics include perception of self, motivation, conditioning, cognition, intelligence and creativity and general principles of human development and behaviour modification. Modular approach with lecture, independent study, seminar simulations and guided classroom observations.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior programs
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P07.
Classroom Dynamics: Teaching and Learning - Intermediate/Senior Technology
Basic principles of child development and learning which guide the teacher in making decisions about classroom performance. Topics include perception of self, motivation, conditioning, cognition, intelligence and creativity and general principles of human development and behaviour modification. Modular approach with lecture, independent study, seminar simulations and guided classroom observations.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior Technological Education program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8P06.
French as a Second Language for Teacher Education Students
Introduction to basic principles of teaching French as a Second Language. May include lesson and unit development and pedagogical approaches.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week; plus at least a three-week practicum in FSL teaching.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Junior/Intermediate program with French as a teachable subject and BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) with French as a teachable with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Note: course credit will not be given without completion of a successful three-week supervised practicum in FSL teaching.
Introduction to Teaching, Learning and Schooling - Primary/Junior/Intermediate
Exploration of commonplaces of education, qualities of teaching and methods as related to the Ethical Standards and the Standards of Practice of the Ontario College of Teachers. Connections between theory, experience and reflective practices using narrative inquiry approaches. Progressive and constructivist theory and philosophy.
Lectures, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA Child and Youth Studies (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 9.5 overall credits.
Note: students have a field experience for which a Police Records Check with a Vulnerable Sector Screening is required.
Foundational Methods of Curriculum
Connections between theory, practice and reflection to observation and experiences in school field placements. Foundational components of curriculum and exploration of classroom strategies as related to the Ontario Curriculum and to philosophy of education.
Lectures, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits, BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 8P15.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 8D09.
Note: credit will not be given for this course unless EDUC 8D09 is successfully completed.
Classroom Dynamics for Concurrent Education Students - Primary/Junior
Readings, discussions, role plays and problem-solving exercises focusing on classroom management, assessment and evaluation based on principles of teaching and learning.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 4.0 overall credits and BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 14.5 overall credits.
Note: students have a field experience for which a Police Records Check with a Vulnerable Sector Screening is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y61 and 8Y63.
Classroom Dynamics for Concurrent Education Students - Junior/Intermediate
Readings, discussions, role plays and problem-solving exercises focusing on classroom management, assessment and evaluation based on principles of teaching and learning.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA (Honours) Integrated Studies/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/Bed (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc (Honours) Integrated Studies/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 14.5 overall credits.
Note: students have a field experience for which a Police Records Check with a Vulnerable Sector Screening is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y61 and 8Y63.
Classroom Dynamics for Concurrent Education Students - Intermediate/Senior
Readings, discussions, role plays and problem-solving exercises focusing on classroom management, assessment and evaluation based on principles of teaching and learning.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 14.5 overall credits.
Note: students have a field experience for which a Police Records Check with a Vulnerable Sector Screening is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y61 and 8Y63.
Junior/Intermediate Language
Basic principles of language learning are examined and applied to the teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing as interrelated abilities. Emphasis on using language in a variety of contexts for different purposes and audiences, and on the developmental nature of language learning. Teaching strategies which encourage language use across the curriculum and the world outside of school.
Lectures, seminar, 2.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA (Honours) Integrated Studies/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Junior/Intermediate Mathematics
Teaching mathematics at the Junior and Intermediate levels. Resources, curriculum and methods.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/Bed (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y21.
Junior/Intermediate Arts
An introduction to education in and through the arts (dramatic arts, music, visual arts and dance) as defined in provincial documents. Examples of methods for integration of common components of form, function, meaning and communication are presented, with practical applications across the arts, the broader school curriculum and the life of students in the junior and intermediate grades.
Lectures, seminar, 2.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Special Topics in Junior/Intermediate Education
Topics selected vary on the basis of specific areas of instructional expertise and candidate interest.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Primary/Junior Language
Strategies for the development of communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emphasis on the use of language for learning and thinking across the curriculum. The role and purpose of children's literature in enhancing the learning to read process.
Lectures, seminar, 2.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program and BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8P30.
Primary/Junior Mathematics
Teaching mathematics at the junior and intermediate levels. Resources, curriculum, and methods.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program and BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y31 and EDUC 8Y31.
Primary/Junior Arts
Introduction to education in and through the arts (dramatic arts, music, visual arts and dance) as defined in provincial documents. Examples of methods for integration of common components of form, function, meaning and communication, with practical applications across the arts, the broader school curriculum and the life of students in the primary and junior grades.
Lectures, seminar, 2.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) and BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 3P33.
Children's Literature
Various genres of children's literature; a variety of methods for integration into the curriculum at primary, junior and intermediate levels. Specific reference to both Canadian and multicultural selections.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Arts (Advanced)
Issues and directions in contemporary arts education, with a concentration on planning for a primary, junior or intermediate level, according to the precepts in provincial curriculum documents and on serving the learner as well as the subject.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Mathematics, Science, and Technology (Advanced)
Current issues and trends in mathematics, science and technology education, focusing on changes in curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment practices for Primary/Junior/Intermediate students.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Special Topics in Primary/Junior Education
Topics selected vary on the basis of specific areas of instructional expertise and candidate interest.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Personal and Social Studies (Advanced)
The interconnections between current events and social studies, guidance and physical education as these relate to the four broad categories outlined in provincial curriculum documents; meaningful participation of individuals in society; understanding diversity and valuing equity; understanding systems and functioning in the age of information.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Family Literacy and Parent Involvement in Education
Students apply their knowledge to investigate specific school practices for family literacy development and to design practical, school-based parent involvement strategies.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Societal Issues and Schooling
How current societal issues (e.g., child abuse, drug use) influence the schooling environment, students' lives and teachers' lives. The impact of selected issues on curriculum, teaching and learning with the intent of creating interventions for change in the classroom.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Reflection on Practice
Classroom interactions in relation to beliefs, values and pedagogy. Students will plan classroom actions, act, observe their plans in action and reflect on the results before using the experience to replan. The reflective process will include both group interactions and individual responses.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 4P03.
Adult Education
A comparative study of pedagogy and androgogy focusing on what teachers may learn from various comparisons to inform their decisions about how to teach at elementary and secondary school levels.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Gender Issues
Students will be encouraged to confront their own assumptions, family roles, cultural conditions and stereotypes related to gender, sexuality and power; to reflect on how such experiences and biases affect the classroom environment and schooling; and to become aware of strategies intended to bring about change and positive role modeling.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Teaching in the Inner City
Population of inner city schools and how they might differ from suburban schools, and how social needs have affected the school's academic function and the relationship between teachers, pupils and parents. Concepts such as equity and equality, social and economic class, urban life, multiculturalism, culture, family, cultural capital, poverty, disadvantage, change and empowerment are included.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Special Topics-Early Primary Learning in Kindergraten Classrooms
Developmental experience of the young child and the philosophical and pedagogical foundations of the full-day kindergarten program.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Outdoor Education
Strategies and curriculum related to environmental education. Students will be expected to participate in a variety of school-related outdoor education experiences.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Teaching on Reserves
Native pedagogy and curriculum necessary for effective instruction on both northern and southern Ontario reserves.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8P48.
Introduction to Teaching, Learning and Schooling - Intermediate/Senior
Exploration of the complex relationships between epistemology and teachers' practice. Introduction to critical frameworks for analyzing contemporary teaching and learning practices. Reflection upon values, beliefs and assumptions with reference to field experience.
Seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 9.5 overall credits.
Note: students have a field experience for which a Police Records Check with a Vulnerable Sector Screening is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8P08 and EDUC 8P08.
The Teacher in Technology, Change and the Curriculum
Historical and current technological changes that impact the school curriculum; accommodation of and resistance to incorporation in the curriculum; the ethics of adopting technology.
Lectures, seminar, lab/shop, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education and Teachers in Independent Schools program.
Business Studies, General: Intermediate/Senior
Teaching methods and curriculum materials for marketing and other resources for information management courses in secondary schools.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Information and Communication Technology, Business: Intermediate/Senior
Teaching methods and curriculum materials and other resources for information management courses in secondary schools.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Accounting: Intermediate/Senior
Teaching methods and curriculum materials for accounting courses in secondary schools.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Science (Physics): Intermediate/Senior
Teaching physics in secondary schools; examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Theatre Arts: Intermediate/Senior
The purposes of a theatre program in schools and the practice of skills required for managing a theatre class. Practical experience in theatre work or some formal training at the post secondary level is required.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
English: Intermediate/Senior
Development of teaching methodology and a personal philosophy of education through active participation and preparation of course material; may include research on the development of curricular units that deal with poetry, the short story, the novel, use and impact of the media.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Individual in Society: Intermediate/Senior
Knowledge or related curriculum guidelines K - 12 and pertaining to teaching courses to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. issues and concerns.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Geography: Intermediate/Senior
Development of a working knowledge of the skills, procedures and content involved in teaching geography at the secondary school level.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Instructional Design for eLearning Resources
Use of evidence-based principles and a variety of Internet tools and resources in support of the design and development of interactive multimedia eLearning.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd and BSc/BEd majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Note: offered on-line.
Mathematics: Intermediate/Senior
Teaching techniques and curriculum materials in mathematics with some focus on teaching mathematics to general level students.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Health and Physical Education: Intermediate/Senior
Philosophy, limitations, curriculum and use of technology.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Science (General): Intermediate/Senior
Teaching science in the intermediate and senior division; examination of Ontario ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Visual Arts: Intermediate/Senior
Studio activity, skills and art forms appropriate for students in grades 7-12; course planning and teaching methods for group and individual activities in the classroom.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Note: experience or course work in studio art is a helpful background.
Religious Knowledge: Intermediate/Senior
History and development of religious education as an academic discipline; curriculum for grades 7-12 and methods for teaching that curriculum.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Science (Biology): Intermediate/Senior
Teaching biology in secondary schools; examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Science (Chemistry): Intermediate/Senior
Teaching chemistry in secondary schools; examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
History: Intermediate/Senior
Nature of history in the secondary school program emphasizing development of history skills, curriculum design, analysis of subject guidelines from grades 7-12.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
The Teaching of Green Industries (Grade 9 and 10)
Study of one or more of Arboriculture, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Forestry, Floristry, Horticulture Science/Management, Landscape Construction/Maintenance, Landscaping Design and Management, LEED construction and associated topics and industries. Exploration of secondary and post-secondary education training pathways and career opportunities in the various communication technology fields.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education program.
The Teaching of Green Industries (Grade 11 and 12)
In-depth study of one or more of Arboriculture, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Forestry, Floristry, Horticulture Science/Management, Landscape Construction/Maintenance, Landscaping Design and Management, LEED construction and associated topics and industries. Exploration of secondary and post-secondary education training pathways and career opportunities in the various communication technology fields.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education program.
The Teaching of Communications Technology (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. Overview from a media perspective including the areas of television/video and movie production, radio and audio production, print and graphic communications, photography, and interactive new media and animation. Exploration of secondary and post-secondary education pathways and career opportunities in the various communications technology fields.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit in EDUC 8R00, 8R01 and 8R02.
The Teaching of Communications Technology (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. In-depth study of the communication industry; the technical knowledge and skills required to teach component areas such as television/video production, art, broadcasting, photography, web communication, print/graphic production at the senior level. Exploration of secondary and post-secondary education pathways and career opportunities in the various communication technology fields.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R03, 8R05, 8R06 and 8R07.
The Teaching of Construction Technology (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. Overview of the practical use of tools and materials associated with fine woodworking, furniture and cabinet making. Examination of the ability to create, read and understand working drawings; become familiar with common construction materials, components, and processes; perform a variety of fabrication, assembly, and finishing operations.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R10, 8R11, 8R12, 8R13 and 8R14.
The Teaching of Construction Technology (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. In-depth study of an extended practical use of tools and materials associated with fine woodworking, furniture and cabinet making. Development of the knowledge and skills related to building construction, zoning regulations, construction techniques, utility systems, sewage and waste disposal and internal and external environmental systems.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R15, 8R16, 8R17, 8R18 and 8R24.
The Teaching of Technological Design (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. Overview of a variety of design processes that may be used in solving any technological challenge or problem. Builds on and forms a continuum with the science and technology program in grades 7 and 8 and the Exploring Technology program in grade 9.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R20, 8R21, 8R22, and 8R23.
The Teaching of Technological Design (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. In-depth study of the diverse and complex design problems and processes. Variety of design strategies that may be used to solve any technological problem or challenge in areas such as industrial design, mechanical design, architectural design, control system design and/or apparel design.
Lectures, seminar 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R19, 8R25, 8R26, 8R27 and 8R28.
The Teaching of Hospitality and Tourism (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of curriculum documents and resources. Overview of hospitality and tourism areas, as reflected in the various sectors of the tourism industry, emphasizing food service. Culinary techniques of food handling and preparation, health and safety standards, use of tools and equipment, origins of foods, event planning, and Ontario tourism attractions.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R29, 8R30, 8R31 and 8R32.
The Teaching of Hospitality and Tourism (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of curriculum documents and resources. In-depth study of teaching strategies and skills required for planning, operation and development as reflected in the various sectors of the tourism industry, emphasizing food service. Culinary techniques of food handling/preparation, health and safety standards, use of tools/equipment, origins of foods, event planning, and Ontario tourism attractions.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous asigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R35, 8R36, 8R37 and 8R39.
The Teaching of Manufacturing Technology (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry curriculum documents and resources. Introduction to teaching strategies and skills; design and fabricate products using a variety of processes, tools, and equipment. Processes include technical drawing, properties and preparation of materials, and manufacturing techniques. Projects may include a robotic challenge, design challenge or fabrication project involving machining, welding, vacuum forming, injection moulding.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R40, 8R41, and 8R42.
The Teaching of Manufacturing Technology (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. In-depth study of teaching strategies and skills required in teaching of conventional and production machine tools, materials handling, control systems including hydraulics, pneumatics, PLC's, heat treatment of metals, CAD/CAM systems, flow charts, Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) systems, statistical quality control and product control procedures.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R39, 8R45, 8R46 and 8R47.
The Teaching of Health Care (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. Introduction to teaching strategies and skills required in teaching Health Care. May include health promotion, child/adolescent health concerns, and a variety of medical services, treatments, technologies, biotechnology, home care, dental care, nursing fundamentals, dietary study and rules, exercise and disease prevention.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R50, 8R52 and 8R53.
The Teaching of Health Care (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of curriculum documents and resources. In-depth study of required teaching strategies and skills. Processes of disease, factors contributing to health and well-being, and care skills required for children and older adults. Review legislation governing care of children and older adults, evaluate social programs and recreational activities, development of an awareness of health and safety issues, and environmental/social issues.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R49, 8R55, and 8R57.
The Teaching of Hairstyling and Aesthetics (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. Hairstyling, make-up and nail care techniques from a salon/spa perspective. Usage of materials, processes and techniques used in the industry. Teaching of fundamental skills in hairstyling, giving manicures and facials, and providing hair/scalp analyses and treatments.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R49 and 8R51.
The Teaching of Hairstyling and Aesthetics (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of Ontario Ministry curriculum documents and resources. In-depth study of hair care/styling, make-up, manicures and personal hygiene. Development of instructional strategies for teaching cosmetology. Variety of applications that will equip students to provide services for diverse clientele. Considers environmental and societal issues related to the industry. Apprenticeships and direct-entry work positions.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R49 and 8R56.
The Teaching of Transportation Technology (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry curriculum documents and resources. Introduction to required teaching strategies and skills. Topics include servicing and maintenance of vehicles, aircraft, and/or watercraft. Development of knowledge and skills in construction and operation of vehicle/craft systems and maintenance/repairs. Use practical and theoretical means to demonstrate the knowledge/skills/values needed to consider the impact of vehicles on human/social/environmental systems.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R60, 8R61 and 8R62.
The Teaching of Transportation Technology (Grade 11 and 12)
Examination of Ontario Ministry curriculum documents and resources. In-depth study of the teaching strategies and skills required. Expand awareness of environmental and societal issues related to transportation; and apprenticeship and college programs leading to careers in the transportation industry. Use practical and theoretical means to demonstrate the knowledge/skills/values needed to consider the impact of various vehicles on human/social/environmental systems.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R59, 8R65, 8R66 and 8R67.
The Teaching of Computer Technology (Grade 9 and 10)
Examination of Ontario Ministry, board and school curriculum documents and other resources. Introduction to the teaching strategies and skills required, focusing on computer systems, networking, and interfacing, electronics and robotics.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitting to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R70, 8R71 and 8R72.
The Teaching of Computer Technology (Grade 11 and 12)
In-depth study of the teaching strategies and skills required. Examination of computer systems and the control of external devices including the assembly of computers and small networks, installing and configuring hardware and software. Function of key computer components and peripherals, logic gates, fundamental programming concepts, internal numbering and character representation systems, operating systems and networks.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8R73 and 8R74.
Technology and Design in Education (Grade 11 and 12)
Development of technological education in Ontario, Canada and the world. Examining programs and systems in place around the globe. Includes an overview of technology and its application relative to design, development and production. Areas include information technology, communication, fabrication, design processes, engineering concepts, and the processing of natural and man-made materials. Emphasis is on problem solving, and on student-centred and activity-based learning.
Lectures, seminar, lab/shop, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Teacher Technical Proficiency Assessment (Grade 9 to 12)
Knowledge and skills in broad based technologies, emphasizing supervision and maintaining a safe and productive environment both within and outside areas of expertise.
Lectures, seminar, lab/shop, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Technological Education Program.
Current Trends and Issues in Special Education - Intermediate/Senior
Current legislation and recent developments related to the education of exceptional students.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y04 and EDUC 8Y04.
Professionalism, Law and the Ontario Teacher - Intermediate/Senior
Key educational issues, responsibilities and authority in the organization of the public school system in Ontario through study of statutes, regulations and professional codes of ethics.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y05 and EDUC 8Y05.
Current Trends and Issues in Special Education - Intermediate/Senior Technology
Current legislation and recent developments related to the education of exceptional students.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior Technological Education program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y04 and EDUC 8Y04.
Professionalism, Law and the Ontario Teacher - Intermediate/Senior Technology
Key educational issues, responsibilities and authority in the organization of the public school system in Ontario through study of statutes, regulations and professional codes of ethics.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Intermediate/Senior Technology program.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y05 and EDUC 8Y05.
Environmental/Outdoor Education
Approaches to and philosophies of outdoor/environmental education and its development. Application of skills and knowledge in curricular decision-making processes.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours alternate weeks.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior programs, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits, BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Note: course not required for Outdoor Education teaching placement. An additional fee is levied for this course. This course is an option for credit.
Teaching and Learning with Technology (Junior/Intermediate)
Integrated approach to teaching with computer technology across the curriculum at the junior and intermediate levels focusing on instructional strategies appropriate to the expectations in the Ontario curriculum.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y28.
Junior/Intermediate Health and Physical Education
Focus on the implementation at the Ontario health and physical education curriculum in junior and intermediate grades. Fundamental movement competency, active living, concepts of healthy living, appropriate teaching methods and a philosophical orientation which fosters learning by all.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Science and Technology (Junior/Intermediate)
Overview of science and technology and its practical application within school settings, including scientific literacy, the Ontario Grades 1-8 Science and Technology curriculum, the nature of science, theoretical foundations, lesson and unit planning, inclusive science education, and cross-curricular integration and relationships with society and the environment.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Note: for teacher candidates with a non-science specialization.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y28.
Junior/Intermediate Social Studies, History and Geography
Teaching strategies appropriate to the Ontario curriculum. Key social science concepts; inquiry and communication skills to examine and understand communities, various heritages and citizenship emphasizing Canadian identity and democratic values. History as a preparation for life in a complex society. Geography as the study of the interdependency of people and their environment.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to Junior/Intermediate program, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Teaching and Learning with Technology (Primary/Junior)
Integrated approach to teaching with computer technology across the curriculum at the primary and junior levels focusing on instructional strategies appropriate to the expectations in the Ontario curriculum.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program, and to BA CHYS (Honours) /BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits and BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y38.
Primary/Junior Health and Physical Education
Focus on the implementation of the Ontario health and physical education curriculum in primary and junior grades. Fundamental movement competency, active living, concepts of healthy living, appropriate teaching methods and a philosophical orientation which fosters learning by all.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program, and to BA CHYS (Honours) /BEd (Primary/Junior) majors.
Science and Technology (Primary/Junior)
Introduction to basic concepts, skills and strategies required for teaching science at the primary/junior school level, including the nature of science, scientific literacy, learning theories, the Ontario Grades 1-6 Science and Technology curriculum, inquiry-based instruction, lesson and unit planning, inclusive science education and cross-curricular integration.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program and BA CHYS (Honours) /BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y38 and EDUC 8Y38.
Primary/Junior Social Studies
Teaching strategies appropriate to the Ontario curriculum emphasizing knowledge, skills and attitudes for examining and understanding communities, various heritages and citizenship. Key social science concepts; inquiry and communication skills focusing on Canadian identity and democratic values.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior program, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y39.
Current Trends and Issues in Special Education - Primary/Junior/Intermediate
Current legislation and recent developments related to the education of exceptional students.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 4.0 overall credits, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y04 and EDUC 8Y04.
Professionalism, Law and the Ontario Teacher - Primary/Junior/Intermediate
Key educational issues, responsibilities and authority in the organization of the public school system in Ontario through study of statutes, regulations and professional codes of ethics.
Lectures, seminar, practicum, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 4.0 overall credits, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y05 and EDUC 8Y05.
Religious Education (Roman Catholic) - Primary/Junior/Intermediate
Reality of Christian belief and behaviour specifically as it pertains to the curriculum and instruction process as found in the Canadian Catechism program.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits, BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd(Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Note: this course is not a substitute for Part I of the OECTA/OSSTF Religion course. Designed to implement the Guidelines in Preparation of Students to Teach Religion in Catholic Schools approved by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and the Ontario Separate School Trustees Association. Materials fee will be charged. This course is an option for credit.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y96.
Religious Education (Roman Catholic) - Intermediate/Senior
Reality of Christian belief and behaviour specifically as it pertains to the curriculum and instruction process as found in the Canadian Catechism program.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Intermediate/Senior and Technological Education programs, and to BA(Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Note: this course is not a substitute for Part I of the OECTA/OSSTF Religion course. Designed to implement the Guidelines in Preparation of Students to Teach Religion in Catholic Schools approved by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and the Ontario Separate School Trustees Association. Materials fee will be charged. This course is an option for credit.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y96.
EDUC 8Y53-8Y60
Special Topics in Teacher Education
Topics vary on the basis of specific areas of instructor expertise and candidate interest.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education and Technoligical Education programs, and to BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior), BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BSc (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits.
Note: these courses are options for credit.
Classroom Dynamics: Teaching and Learning
Basic principles of child development and learning that guide instructional decision making and classroom management. Topics may include motivation, social contexts of learning, individual differences, student thinking and problem solving, family, school, community partnerships.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in ABTE 8Y61.
Introduction to Assessment and Evaluation
Methods for assessment and evaluation of student growth.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate programs.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in EDUC 8Y50.
Religious Education (non-Roman Catholic)
Religious education in public, private, or faith-based schools. Understanding the world view of students from a mosaic of religious traditions and helping students understand and respect these traditions, and the role of religion in the experiences of being human.
Lectures, seminar, 2 hours alternate weeks.
Restriction: open to students admitted to the Teacher Education program, and to BA CHYS (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors with a minimum of 15.0 overall credits, BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BPhEd (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior), BPhEd/BEd (Junior/Intermediate), BSc(Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and BSc Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) majors with a minimum of 20.0 overall credits.
Note: this course is an option for credit.