2010-2011 Graduate Calendar

Applied Health Sciences  
Master of Arts in Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
Fields of Specialization Go to top of document
Community Health Health and Physical Education Leisure Studies Sport Management  
Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
Fields of Specialization Go to top of document
Health Sciences Kinesiology  
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
Fields of Specialization: Go to top of document
Health Biosciences Behavioural and Population Health Social and Cultural Health Studies Dean John Corlett Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Associate Dean Mike Plyley Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Core Faculty  
Master of Arts in Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
Community Health Go to top of document
Professors Anthony Bogaert (Community Health Sciences/Chair) Associate Professors Joyce Engel (Nursing), Heather-Lee Kilty (Nursing), Kelli-an Lawrance (Community Health Sciences), Dan Malleck (Community Health Sciences), Lynn Rempel (Nursing/Chair), Linda Ritchie (Nursing), Terry Wade (Community Health Sciences) Assistant Professors Lynn McCleary (Nursing), Miya Narushima (Community Health Sciences), Dawn Prentice (Nursing) Adjunct Professors Sue Arai (University of Waterloo), John Cairney (University of Toronto)  
Health and Physical Education Go to top of document
Professors Maureen Connolly (Physical Education & Kinesiology), John Corlett (Physical Health & Kinesiology/Dean), Anna Lathrop (Physical Education & Kinesiology/Associate Dean Undergraduate Studies) Associate Professors Lorne Adams (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Nancy Francis (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Kimberley Gammage (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Chunlei Lu (Education), Diane Mack (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Jamie Mandigo (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Ian Ritchie (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Danny Rosenberg (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Philip Sullivan (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Cathy van Ingen (Physical Health & Education), Phil Wilson (Physical Education & Kinesiology) Assistant Professors Jarold Cosby (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Ken Lodeywk (Physical Education & Kinesiology)  
Leisure Studies Go to top of document
Professors Colleen Hood (Recreation & Studies) Associate Professors Scott Forrester (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Ann Marie Guilmette (Recreation & Studieses/Chair) Suzie Lane (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Tim O'Connell (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Erin Sharpe (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Shalini Singh (Recreation & Leisure Studies/Interim Chair) Assistant Professors Martha Barnes (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Mary Breuning (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Sanghee Chun (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Garrett Hutson (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Trent Newmeyer (Recreation & Leisure Studies)  
Sport Management Go to top of document
Associate Professors Cheri Bradish (Sport Management), Laura Cousens (Sport Management), Hilary Findlay (Sport Management), Craig Hyatt (Sport Management), Lisa Kikulis (Sport Management), Joanne MacLean (Sport Management/Chair), Kirsty Spence (Sport Management), Julie Stevens (Sport Management), Lucie Thibault (Sport Management) Assistant Professor Cheryl Mallen (Sport Management)  
Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
Health Sciences Go to top of document
Professor John Hay (Community Health Sciences) Associate Professors Brent Faught (Community Health Sciences), Brian Jeynes (Community Health Sciences), Jason Liu (Community Health Sciences), Deborah O'Leary (Community Health Sciences), Ana Sanchez (Community Health Sciences), Martin Tammemagi (Community Health Sciences), Evangelia Tsiani (Community Health Sciences), Hui Di Wang (Community Health Sciences) Assistant Professor Paul LeBlanc (Community Health Sciences) Adjunct Professor Theodoros Tsakiridis (McMaster Medical Centre)  
Kinesiology Go to top of document
Professors David Gabriel (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Panagiota Klentrou (Physical Education &Kinesiology/Chair), Mike Plyley (Physical Education & Kinesiology/Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Studies) Associate Professors Allan Adkin (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Stephen Cheung (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Bareket Falk (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Gail Frost (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Kelly Lockwood (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Sandra Peters (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Brian Roy (Physical Education & Kinesiology) Assistant Professors David Ditor (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Jae Patterson (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Craig Tokuno (Kinesiology), Rene Vandenboom (Physical Education & Kinesiology) Adjunct Professors Brian Timmons (McMaster University), Russ Tupling (University of Waterloo)  
PhD in Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
Behavourial and Population Health Go to top of document
Professors Anthony Bogaert (Community Health Sciences/Chair), John Hay (Community Health Sciences) Associate Professors Brent Faught (Community Health Sciences), Kimberley Gammage (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Kelli-an Lawrance (Community Health Sciences), Jason Liu (Community Health Sciences), Diane Mack (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Philip Sullivan (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Martin Tammemagi (Community Health Sciences), Terry Wade (Community Health Sciences), Phil Wilson (Physical Education & Kinesiology)  
Health Biosciences Go to top of document
Professors David Gabriel (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Panagiota Klentrou (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Mike Plyley (Physical Education & Kinesiology/Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Studies) Associate Professors Allan Adkin (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Stephen Cheung (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Bareket Falk (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Deborah O'Leary (Community Health Sciences), Sandra Peters (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Brian Roy (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Ana Sanchez (Community Health Sciences), Evangelia Tsiani (Community Health Sciences), Hui Di Wang (Community Health Sciences) Assistant Professors Paul LeBlanc (Community Health Sciences)  
Social and Cultural Health Studies Go to top of document
Professors Maureen Connolly (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Colleen Hood (Recreation & Leisure Studies) Associate Professors Lisa Kikulis (Sport Management), Jamie Mandigo (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Tim O'Connell (Recreation & Leisure Studies), Julie Stevens (Sport Management), Lucie Thibault (Sport Management) Assistant Professors Jarold Cosby (Physical Education & Kinesiology), Lynn McCleary (Nursing) Administrative Assistant Bev Minor 905-688-5550, extension 4797 Walker Complex 285 http://www.brocku.ca/fahs/gradprgm.htm  
Program Description ­ MA/MSc Go to top of document
The Master's program in Applied Health Sciences offers Master's of Arts degrees with the fields of Community Health, Health and Physical Education, Leisure Studies and Sport Management, and Master's of Science degrees with the fields of Health Sciences and Kinesiology. Students receive a unique educational experience which combines mentorship of the student by a faculty supervisor and extensive small group work with fellow students and faculty from each of the five academic departments represented in the program: Community Health Sciences, Nursing, Physical Education and Kinesiology, Recreation and Leisure Studies and Sport Management. Students will gain in-depth training, knowledge and research experience through their thesis work while also benefiting from the broad, cross-disciplinary approach followed in the course work. The advanced course work and strong research experience are intended to prepare students to continue their graduate training at the doctoral level. Students will also be prepared to pursue the wide variety of career possibilities in health, kinesiology, recreation, and sport management. The objectives of the program are: a) to foster students' ability to do high quality, scientifically rigorous research in their discipline; b) to expand their understanding of concepts, theories and practices in their discipline such that they can successfully advance to doctoral studies; c) to provide the knowledge base and skills to analyze and evaluate programs, policies, environmental issues, and organizational structures related to applied health sciences; d) to enhance students' abilities to apply and disseminate new knowledge and practices to colleagues, practitioners, policy makers/analysts, and other professionals in applied health sciences.  
Admission Requirements ­ MA/MSc Go to top of document
Successful completion of an Honours Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in a relevant discipline (For example, Health Studies, Nursing, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Kinesiology or Sport Management), with an overall average of not less than 75%. Students with an Honours Bachelor's degree in such related fields as Psychology, Planning, Sociology, Gerontology, Social Work, Biology and Business may also be eligible, although additional course work may be required. Applicants must have undergraduate preparation in research methods in either quantitative or qualitative data analysis. Applicants who do not have an undergraduate research methods course and/or an undergraduate data analysis course may be admitted to the program as a conditional student. These students, however, must successfully complete, at the undergraduate level, the research methods and/or data analysis course within the first two terms in order to continue in the program. Agreement from a faculty advisor to supervise the student is also required for admission to the program. The Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applications and recommend admission for a limited number of suitable candidates. Admission to part-time study is not normally available. Individuals interested in part-time study should consult with the Graduate Program Director.  
Degree Requirements ­ MA/MSc Go to top of document
Basic degree requirements include the successful completion of at least four half course credits and a research project that culminates in a thesis (AHSC 5F90). The research project for the thesis will be chosen in consultation with the student's advisor. The courses will be chosen in consultation with the candidate's advisor, but normally will include: AHSC 5P00; one of AHSC 5P07 or AHSC 5P17; and two half-credit course electives. Students may choose a Selected Research Topic or Directed Study course, or a graduate level course (number 5(alpha)00 or above) from any graduate department in the University, to fulfill their two elective course requirements. Students normally register for AHSC 5P00 and one of either AHSC 5P07 or AHSC 5P17 in the first semester of study and two number 5(alpha)xx - level courses in the second semester of study. Students are expected to complete their course requirements within the first three terms of study, and conclude all requirements within six academic terms (two years).  
Thesis ­ MA/MSc Go to top of document
A thesis proposal will be required of all MA/MSc students in the program. The proposal should contain a detailed statement of the research problem and significance in terms of its contribution to knowledge and/or practice, a precise account of the methodology or research techniques to be employed, plus an outline of the proposed data analysis procedures to be used. The student will be required to present and defend this proposal before the student's thesis advisory committee. The final thesis based on the completed research must also be successfully defended to satisfy the thesis requirement.  
Fields of Specialization ­ MA/MSc Go to top of document
Students will pursue their studies with an emphasis in one of the six fields within the graduate program (Community Health, Health and Physical Education, Health Sciences, Kinesiology, Leisure Studies, Sport Management). The nature and topic of the research project undertaken by the student will determine the choice of faculty advisor and the subsequent degree specification.  
Program Description - PhD Go to top of document
The PhD program is centered in the development of knowledge through the systematic evaluation of evidence related to the health and well-being of individuals and groups. The overall goals of the program are to develop well-trained individuals who think creatively, are able to evaluate critically both their own work and that of others, and are capable of conducting research and scholarship at the forefront of their chosen field. The PhD candidate strives to demonstrate the ability to conduct research independently, and to develop a program of research that is both original and capable of making a significant contribution to the candidate's field. The program offers the student the opportunity to participate in an individualized program of study, including mentorship-style learning and concentrated inquiry in an area of interest. Course work emphasizes a broad approach to the subject area, with particular attention to research techniques and the application of research methodology, current paradigms, and related conceptual, philosophical, and theoretical issues in health science research. Success in achieving the program goals is evaluated through: a) a formal thesis proposal defence to the Advisory Committee; b) a comprehensive examination (including both written and oral components) of a defined area of knowledge within the first 15-18 months of enrollment in the program; c) a Faculty oral defence conducted by the Advisory Committee; and d) a final Faculty of Graduate Studies oral defence, which includes both an Internal and an External Examiner.  
Admissions Requirements ­ PhD Go to top of document
To be eligible for admission, applicants must have completed a thesis oriented Master's degree or equivalent with at least a B+ standing from a recognized university in a discipline appropriate to the intended field of doctoral study. Applicants whose primary language is not English, or who have not completed three or more years of post-secondary work at a Canadian institution, at which English is the primary language of instruction, must provide certification of English language proficiency. The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences normally accepts only full-time degree students.  
Degree Requirements ­ PhD Go to top of document
The PhD program is designed as a 4-year program involving a combination of course work, a comprehensive examination, an original research program, and the writing and subsequent defence of a thesis. Students must take two required half-courses and two optional half-courses. The courses will be chosen in consultation with the candidate's advisor, but will normally include AHSC 7P00; one of AHSC 7P17 or AHSC 7P27; and two half-credit course electives. Students may choose a Selected Research Topic or Directed Study course, or a graduate level course (number 5(alpha)00 or above) from any graduate program in the University, to fulfill their two elective course requirements. In addition, the student must complete a comprehensive examination that includes both an oral and written component, a formal defence of a thesis proposal. Once the research is complete and the thesis written, the student must defend the thesis in both an internal Faculty oral defence and a formal University oral defence.  
Facilities Go to top of document
The Faculty has eighteen research labs, four behavioural/observation labs, seven "dry" biophysical labs, five "wet" biophysical labs, and two teaching labs that can be used for research during periods of "down-time" from academic instruction. The graduate student computer lab has twenty thin client terminals connected to the Faculty's server and ten computer workstations for use by FAHS graduate students. In addition, some faculty members have computer stations in the labs, which can be used by graduate students. Students have access to a variety of software programs, including Microsoft Office Suite 2007; SPSS, SAS, ATLAS TI, and discipline-specific software that students access via site licenses through their supervisors. Also available is a large format printer for printing posters, a colour laser printer, and various scanners, cameras, and devices for digital analysis.  
Course Descriptions Go to top of document
Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met. AHSC 5F90 MA/MSc Research and Thesis A research project involving the preparation and defence of a thesis proposal and a final thesis report which demonstrate a capacity for independent work. The thesis shall be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member and both the proposal and final thesis shall be defended at an oral examination. AHSC 5P00 Philosophical and Methodological Issues in Applied Health Sciences A critical examination of philosophical issues, current paradigms, and research methodology related to the conduct of research. Discussion of published and ongoing research from a multidisciplinary perspective. Topics will vary with respect to the current research and expertise of the instructor. AHSC 5P01 Integrative Seminar in Applied Health Sciences I Designed to provide students and faculty with the opportunity to discuss and debate current theories, methods, and issues as they apply to the multidisciplinary field of applied health sciences. Faculty members and students from a variety of areas within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences will present research or specific issues to the forum for discussion. AHSC 5P02 Integrative Seminar in Applied Health Sciences: II Designed to provide students and faculty with the opportunity to discuss and debate current theories, methods, and issues as they apply to the multidisciplinary field of applied health sciences. Examination of mechanisms and processes that contribute to, rehabilitate, or maintain the health and well-being of individuals and groups. Faculty members and students from a variety of areas within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences will present research or specific issues to the forum for discussion. AHSC 5P03 Organizational Analysis of Leisure, Sport and Community Based Organizations An introduction to selected topics in organizational theory and to discuss how these can be used to understand and conduct research on the different types of leisure and sport organizations (i.e., public organizations, nonprofit organizations, and commercial organizations). AHSC 5P04 Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Leisure, Sport, and Community Based Organization Understanding and effectively managing behavior is critical for leaders in sport, recreation, health, and educational organizations. This course is designed to provide students from disparate Applied Health Science backgrounds an understanding of human behavior in organizations. Content will relate to theory, current research, and the practical application of the behavior of people in organizations and how that behavior interfaces with management. AHSC 5P07 Quantitative Data Analysis and Interpretation Examines and applies a variety of statistical analysis techniques which can be used in a variety of research designs. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation and implications of empirical quantitative research in the field. AHSC 5P08 Critical Analysis of Sport Management Research An examination of the nature of research used in sport management and the problems this research aims to address. Research themes may include: organizational theory, organizational behaviour, human resource management, sport policy, sport marketing, sport law, and sport economics. AHSC 5P09 Power, Politics & Policy for Applied Health Sciences Examines the relationships between power, politics, and policy in sport, physical activity, health, and leisure, including theories of policy making and political theory, content and scope of policy, struggle for power within and between organizations, the role of non-governmental organizations, community development, advocacy, public participation, citizen engagement, and deliberative democracy. AHSC 5P17 Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation Examines and applies a variety of qualitative data analysis techniques applicable in a variety of qualitative approaches, including the use of computer software programs in qualitative data analysis. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation and implications of empirical qualitative research in the field. AHSC 5P18 Marketing Communications for Health, Sport and Recreation Service Organizations An exploration of the integrated role of communications in the marketing management function for health, sport and recreation service organizations. Special attention will be directed to the nature and methods of communication and marketing strategies, teamwork and collaboration with regard to the marketing team and client groups, and corporate and social responsibility theories. AHSC 5P19 Consumer Behaviour in Recreation, Leisure and Sport Comprehensive analysis of the consumers of sport, recreation, and leisure, and the behaviours dictating their consumption of sport, recreation, and leisure-related goods and services. AHSC 5P27 Biostatistics in Applied Health Science Research Statistical principles and their applications in the applied health sciences with emphasis on advanced understanding of multivariate analysis and practical skills in statistical programming. AHSC 5P29 Leisure Education The concept and application of leisure education with emphasis on "education for leisure" in the schools. Special consideration is to be given to the development of integrated and interdisciplinary units of instruction in leisure education and lifestyle planning, and the application of leisure research in education as it relates to Canada and other countries. AHSC 5P30 Foundations of Leisure Studies An examination of contemporary variations in the meaning of leisure and the origins and trajectories of those meanings, including the historical, political, economic, and social foundations of leisure as an idea, and the practical concerns and issues that surround the interpretation of leisure, leisure behaviour, and the leisure services in contemporary society. AHSC 5P31 Recreation Behaviour in Natural Environments An examination of the philosophical and theoretical perspectives utilized in understanding people's recreation and leisure behaviours in an outdoor context. Emphasis is placed on using contemporary research to explore foundational concepts that describe outdoor recreation and leisure behaviours, particularly from a Canadian viewpoint. AHSC 5P32 Outdoor and Experiential Pedagogies An examination of theoretical knowledge and praxis related to outdoor and experiential pedagogies. An exploration of the ways in which these pedagogies can be employed to address the various intelligences and learning styles of individuals involved in outdoor therapeutic recreation experiences and employed in traditional classroom settings. AHSC 5P33 Urban Leisure Consumption and Recreation Urban leisure and recreation is both delivered by voluntary, public and commercial service section and is the product of communities defining their identities, space and leisure in the urban environment. An investigation of the unique beneficial and problematic contributions the city makes to leisure experiences in urban health, social relationships, culture, deviance and public space. AHSC 5P40 Interventions in Physical Activity and Health Health promotion strategies, with a focus on physical activity as a means to promote health across the lifespan and for various health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis. AHSC 5P41 Foundations of Physical Education Research A critical analysis of the theoretical, historical, philosophical, socio-cultural, pedagogical, and political foundations within the discipline of physical education. AHSC 5P50 Modern Epidemiology Concepts, principles and biostatistical tools of epidemiologic analysis required to conduct research studies. Critical evaluation of papers, protocols, and grants involving population studies of human health. AHSC 5P51 Health Ethics An examination of selected topics in Health Ethics. An overview of the history, principles and applications of Health Ethics in research, clinical and institutional settings, incorporating both theoretical and applied perspectives and experiences. AHSC 5P60 Directed Study Directed individual project in a substantive area to be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor. AHSC 5P61 Directed Reading Directed individual or group reading in an area of applied health sciences. AHSC 5P70 Sociology of the Modern Olympic Games Social and political issues including historical trends in the Olympic movement, power and organizational structure of the International Olympic Committee, media integration, gender equity, substance use, athletes' rights, and the role of the Olympic Games in globalization and international development. AHSC 5P80 Measurement of Physical Activity An examination of the principles of physical activity measurement and the strengths and limitations of physical activity measurement and methodologies. An emphasis on the pediatric issues of physical activity assessment and an understanding of lifelong learning principles. AHSC 5P90 Skeletal Muscle Physiology Physiological approach to understand the structure and function of muscle tissue under different conditions and in various pathological states. An examination and critical review of historical and current research in muscle physiology. AHSC 5P91 Physiological Responses to Adverse Environments An exploration of the field of thermoregulation across a wide spectrum of species, including humans. Using a multi-disciplinary and systems-based perspective the broad spectrum of environmental stress effects on the physiological responses of both humans and other animal species will be examined. AHSC 5P93 Neural Control of Posture, Balance, and Gait An examination of the organization and processes underlying the control of human movement. Cognitive, affective, and behavioural influences are addressed in the context of normal development and aging and pathology models. AHSC 5P94 Measurement Issues in Applied Health Science Research An overview of measurement issues central to applied health science research. Key measurement concepts and issues such as reliability, validity, psychometrics, instrument development and evaluation, item content relevance, and representation and construct validation. AHSC 5P95 Pediatric Exercise Science An examination of the physiological responses to exercise and training among healthy children and the effect that growth may have on these responses, and of the potential benefits of physical activity and exercise among children with chronic illnesses. AHSC 5P96 Cell Signaling Pathways in Health and Disease An examination of the fundamental insights and concepts in cellular signaling. The mechanism and biological role of mammalian cell signaling as a selection of major topics in signal transduction in relationship with homeostasis. AHSC 5P97 Advanced Regulation of Fuel Metabolism Physiological approach to understanding the integration of substrate supply to skeletal muscle and energy production by muscle cells during exercise of different intensities. Examination and critical review of the current research in human metabolic regulation. AHSC 5P98 Principles of Physiological Signals and Instrumentation Biological components of volitional movement in humans. Sensorimotor evoked potentials, and the relationship between muscle force and the electrical activity produced by the muscle. Theory and technology of electromyography are used to describe and quantify the relationship between neuromuscular input and mechanical output. AHSC 5P99 Psychological Approaches to Health Behaviour Change An overview of the field of health behaviour change from a psychological perspective. The complexities involved in health behaviour change and the utility of psychological theories in planning, conducting, and evaluating health behaviour change interventions. AHSC 5V20-5V29 Selected Research Topics Focuses on a specific research problem or issue. Topic(s) to be negotiated on a small group basis reflecting the research interests of faculty members. AHSC 7F90 PhD Research and Thesis A research project involving the preparation and defence of a thesis proposal and a final thesis report which demonstrate a capacity for independent work. The thesis shall be carried out under the supervision of a faculty member and both the proposal and final thesis shall be defended at an oral examination. AHSC 7P00 PhD Seminar in Applied Health Sciences An open discussion/debate of current theories, methods, and issues as they apply to the various fields of applied health science research with visiting faculty and AHS faculty and students from the various areas within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. AHSC 7P01 Integrative Seminar in Applied Health Sciences An open forum to examine the mechanisms and processes that contribute to, rehabilitate, or maintain the health and well-being of individuals and groups. Faculty members and students from a variety of areas within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences will present research on specific issues for discussion. AHSC 7P17 Advanced Qualitative Analysis A critical examination of philosophical issues, current paradigms, and research methodology related to the conduct of research. Discussion of published and ongoing research from various perspectives will be explored. Topics will vary with respect to the current research and expertise of the instructor. AHSC 7P27 Advanced Biostatistics in Applied Health Science Research Statistical principles and their applications in the applied health sciences with emphasis on advanced understanding of multivariate analysis and practical skills in statistical programming. AHSC 7P60 Directed Study Directed individual project in a substantive area to be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor. AHSC 7P61 Directed Reading Directed individual or group reading in an area of applied health sciences. AHSC 7V20-7V29 Selected Research Topics Focuses on a specific research problem or issue. Topic(s) to be negotiated on a small group basis reflecting the research interests of faculty members.  
Last updated: October 29, 2010 @ 09:33AM