Dramatic Arts |
Marlene Moser
Professor Emerita
Mary Jane Miller
Associate Professors
Glenys McQueen-Fuentes, Marlene Moser, Gyllian Raby
Assistant Professors
Natalie Alvarez, David Fancy, Jane Leavitt, Virginia Reh, David Vivian
Technical Director
Adrian Palmieri
Wardrobe Co-ordinator
Margaret Molokach
Technical Assistant
Trevor Hughes
Part Time Instructors
Drama in Education and Society: Suzanne Burchell, Margaret Burke, Carol MacKenzie, Helen Zdriluk
Dramatic Literature: Terrance Cox, Nadine Sivak
Theatre: Cindy Emery, Leigh Hurst Kerr, Cindy Maude, Danielle Wilson
Resident Theatre Company: Theatre Beyond Words
Artistic Committee Members
Harro Maskow, Artistic Director
Terry Judd, Co-Artistic Director
Robin Patterson, Co-Artistic Director
Kevin Stewart, Artistic Associate Director
General Information |
Administrative Assistant
Dorothy Krynicki
905-688-5550, extension 5255
Thistle 135
The Department of Dramatic Arts (DART), part of the School of Fine and Performing Arts (SFPA), addresses the study, application and interrogation of the discipline as cultural and educational practice.
The Department of Dramatic Arts offers four-year programs of study with streams in Drama in Education and Society, Dramatic Literature, and Theatre leading to a BA Honours in Dramatic Arts. For honours students, Concentrations are available in Drama in Education and Society, and in Performance, in Stagecraft and Design. The Department also offers a four-year (20 credit) BA Major Theatre degree; a three-year BA Pass degree. A Certificate program in Drama in Education and Society as well as Minor in Dramatic Arts are also offered for non-DART majors.
Dramatic Arts offers two concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd programs over five years. See calendar entry under Education - BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and Education BA Integrated Studies (Honours) (Junior/Intermediate).
All three streams of Drama in Education and Society, Dramatic Literature and Theatre are united under one goal: to integrate theory and practice so as to provide students with a broad educational base combining research, practice and creative development. Pedagogical practices and performance, design, and technical skills are theorized and integrated in various ways with the study of critical thinking, theatre history, dramaturgy and dramatic literature.
Projects include two major productions, as well as various minor productions and events, such as the School of Fine and Performing Arts Spring Festival.
The Dramatic Arts Co-op program combines academic and work terms over a four-year period. Students spend one year in an academic setting studying the fundamentals of dramatic arts prior to taking the first work placement. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees).
Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average. A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue. A student with a major average lower than 70 percent will not be permitted to continue in the Dramatic Arts Co-op program.
The Dramatic Arts Co-op program designation will be awarded to those students who have honours standing and who have successfully completed a minimum of twelve months of Co-op work experience.
Language Requirement for Humanities Majors |
Students in the Department of Dramatic Arts are required to complete one credit in a language other than English. Where half-credit courses are used to satisfy the requirement, both half credits must be in the same language. It is recommended that students satisfy this requirement by year 3. (Theatre stream students are urged to satisfy this requirement in year 1).
Program Notes |
1. |
Students must satisfy context requirements before year 3. |
2. |
A minimum of 60 percent in both DART 1F93 and 1F99 is required in order to proceed as a major in any of the Dramatic Arts streams. |
3. |
Students may apply to audition for the Performance Concentration at the end of year 1. Students accepted to the Performance Concentration will replace DART 2P42 with DART 3P10 in their course patterning; some spring and summer courses are required. |
4. |
Year 3 courses are normally restricted to students with at least three 2(alpha)00 credits or permission of the instructor. |
5. |
Enrolment in some courses may be restricted due to space limitations. |
6. |
Students seeking admission to the Honours program must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in their DART courses. |
7. |
Students wishing to pursue a career in teaching at the high school level must plan their first year context courses and electives carefully in order to attain the required three courses in a single area of study outside Dramatic Arts as a second teachable. This applies particularly to students in the Drama in Education and Society stream, due to their limited number of electives. |
8. |
ENGL 2P80, 2P81, 2P82, 2P83, 2P84 may be taken as year 2 DART credits in the Dramatic Literature stream. |
9. |
Students may take Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts courses, that are approved by the Department, to satisfy requirements. Contact the Department. |
10. |
Concurrent BA/BEd Students, requiring Dramatic Arts as a teachable subject, please contact the Department. |
11. |
Students pursuing a Concentration in Performance must complete DART 2F50 and 3F50 as part of their Theatre stream. |
12. |
In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above. |
Honours Program |
Drama in Education and Society stream |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
One credit from DART 2F92, 2P96, 2P97, 3F61, 3P53, 3P90, 3P91, 3P95 |
DART 3F50 or 3F78 |
DART 3F94 |
one credit from DART 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07 |
one of DART 3P08, 3P09, 3P10, 3P51, 3P54, 3P92, 3P96 |
one-half elective credit |
Year 4
One of DART 2P96, 2P97, 3P08, 3P09, 3P51, 3P53, 3P54, 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P95, 3P96, 4P10, 4P92 (not taken in year 3) |
one credit from DART 3F78, 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 4F91, 4P70 (not taken in year 3) |
DART 4F90 and 4P71 |
two elective credits |
Dramatic Literature stream |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Theatre stream |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
One credit from DART 2F92, 2P96, 2P97, 3P90, 3P91, 3P95, 3P96 |
two credits from DART 3F50, 3F61, 3F78, 3P51, 3P53, 3P54, 3P92, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P09, 3P10, 3P42, 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46 (see program note 11) |
DART 3F94 |
one elective credit |
Year 4
Dramatic Arts Co-op (Honours only) |
Students admitted to the Co-op program must follow an approved program pattern. The most common pattern is listed below. For other approved patterns, consult the Co-op Office and the Department of Dramatic Arts.
Drama in Education and Society stream |
Year 1
DART 0N90, 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 2
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 3
DART 3F50 or 3F78 |
one credit from DART 3F61, DART 3P53 and 3P54, DART 3P09, 3P10, 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, DART 3P95 and 3P96, 4P10 |
DART 3F94 |
one credit from DART 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08 (not taken in year 2) |
one DART credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above. |
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 4
One of DART 3F61, 3F78, 3F96, 4F40, 4F56, 4F94 |
one credit from DART 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P09, 4F91, 4P70 (not taken in year 3) |
DART 4F90 and 4P71 |
one and one-half elective credits |
Dramatic Literature stream |
Year 1
DART 0N90, 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 2
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 3
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 4
Theatre stream |
Year 1
DART 0N90, 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 2
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 3
One and one-half credits from DART 3F50, 3F61, 3P08, 3P09, 3P10, 3P51, 3P53, 3P54, 3P92, 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46 (see program note 11) |
DART 3F94, 3P42 and 4F40 |
one elective credit |
Spring/Summer Sessions:
Year 4
Concurrent BA (Honours/BEd) |
The Department of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of Education co-operate in offering two Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd programs. The Dramatic Arts BA (Honours)/BEd program combines the BA Honours program or the BA Integrated Studies Honours program with the teacher education programs for students interested in teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12) and at the Junior/Intermediate level (grades 4-10.) Refer to the Education-Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) or Education-Concurrent BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) program listings for further information.
BA with Major Theatre Program |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
Two credits from DART 2F92, DART 2P96 and 2P97, DART 3P90 and 3P91, DART 3P95 and 3P96 |
one credit from DART 3F50, 3F61, 3F78, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P09, 3P10, 3P42, 3P53, 3P54, 3P92, 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46 |
two elective credits |
Year 4
Pass Program |
Drama in Education and Society stream |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
One credit from DART 3F50, 3F61, 3P09, 3P10, 3P53, 3P54, 3P92, 4P10 |
DART 3F78 and 3F94 |
one credit from DART 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08 |
one elective credit |
Dramatic Literature stream |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
Theatre stream |
Year 1
DART 1F93 and 1F99 |
one Science context credit |
one Social Science context credit |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Year 2
Year 3
One credit from DART 3F50, 3F61, 3F78, 3P06, 3P07, 3P10, 3P42, 3P53, 3P54, 3P92, 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46 |
DART 3F94 |
three elective credits |
Combined Major Program |
Students may take a combined major in Dramatic Arts and a second discipline subject to a coherent plan of study approved in advance by the Chair. For requirements in the other discipline, the student should consult the relevant department/centre. It should be noted that not all departments/centres provide a combined major option.
Drama in Education and Society stream |
DART 1F93, 1F99, 2P01, 2P02, 2P70, 4F90 and 4P71 |
one of DART 2F04, 2F50, 3F78 |
one credit from DART 2F94, 2F92, 2P96, 2P97, 3F94, 3P90, 3P91, 3P95, 3P96 |
one and one-half credits from DART 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P09, 3P92, 4F91, 4P70 |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Dramatic Literature stream |
Theatre stream |
Drama in Education and Society stream |
DART 1F93, 1F99, 2F94, 2P01 and 2P02 |
two credits from DART 3F78, 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P92, |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Dramatic Literature stream |
Theatre stream |
DART 1F93, 1F99, 2F41, 2F94 and 2P42 |
one of DART 2F04, 2F50, 3F78 |
one credit from DART 2F92, 3F50, 3F61, 3P42, 3P53, 3P54, 3P92, 3Y43, 3Y44, 3Y45, 3Y46 |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
Certificate in Drama in Education and Society |
The Certificate in Drama in Education and Society would be of particular interest to social workers, drama therapists, psycho-therapists, prison counselors, people who train volunteers, personnel managers, union organizers and market consultants who wish to add to existing qualifications or to acquire courses which might later be applied to a degree. Studies include the development of skills, such as assessing and evaluating what is perceived, generating ideas, making connections, predicting outcomes, empathizing, abstracting the core from the periphery, questioning, accommodating and compromising and self-presentation. University admission standards apply.
The certificate is awarded upon completion of the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
DART 2P01 and 2P02 |
three credits from DART 2P70, 3F78, 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P09 |
one of BIOL 1F25, CANA 1F91, MUSI 1F00, PSYC 1F90, RECL 1P12 and 1P91, VISA 1Q98 and 1Q99 |
Concentration Program |
Concentration in Drama in Education and Society |
Students can earn a Concentration in Drama in Education by successfully completing the following courses as part of their academic work leading to an Honours degree in an academic department/centre:
DART 2P01 and 2P02 |
one credit from DART 2F04, 2F50, 2F92, 2F94, 2P96, 2P97, 3F94, 3P90, 3P91, 3P95, 3P96 |
four credits from DART 2P70, 3P03, 3P05, 3P06, 3P07, 3P08, 3P09, 4F70, ENGL 2P10, 2P11 |
Concentration in Performance |
This concentration does not lead to a professional acting degree.
Students may pursue a Concentration in Performance by auditioning at the end of year 1. If accepted, students must commit to several Spring and Summer Session courses in completing their degree.
Students can earn a Concentration in Performance by successfully completing the following courses as part of the academic work leading to a BA Honours in Dramatic Arts-Theatre stream:
Concentration in Stagecraft and Design |
Students can earn a Concentration in Stagecraft and Design by successfully completing the following courses as part of their academic work leading to an Honours degree in an academic department/centre:
Minor in Dramatic Arts |
Students in other disciplines may obtain a Minor in Dramatic Arts by successfully completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
Course Descriptions |
Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details.
# Indicates a cross listed course
* Indicates primary offering of a cross listed course
Prerequisites and Restrictions |
Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Introduction to Drama
Fundamentals of dramatic criticism. Study of selected dramatic texts from ancient Greece to the present emphasizing genre, theatrical and literary conventions and historical context.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Co-requisite for Dramatic Arts stream students: DART 1F99.
Foundations in Dramatic Arts
Applications of core concepts, methodologies and theories of theatre and drama in education and society emphasizing comparative world views.
Lectures, workshops, 5 hours per week; additional rehearsal time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Co-requisite for Dramatic Arts stream students: DART1F93.
Note: materials fee required. Students failing to achieve minimum 60 percent in each individual component of this course will automatically be evaluated by the department as to their ability to proceed in the program.
Introduction to Mime
Study and practice of some aspects of non-verbal theatre performance including mime techniques, mask, pantomime and improvisation. Theoretical component focussing on critical analysis. Development of the ability to express perceptions, both physically in the practical performance work, and verbally in the work on critical analysis.
Lectures, seminar, workshop; additional production and rehearsal time as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: DART 1F99, 2P01 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 20 students. Offered as a three-week intensive course in the Spring Session. This course is taught by working theatre professionals (Theatre Beyond Words - resident company at Brock) and reflects some of the methods used in the creation of their productions. Materials fee required. Students must have attained a minimum 60 percent in the relevant component of 1F99.
Stage Craft
Theory and application of technical theatre production.
Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: DART 1F93 and 1F99.
Co-requisite for Theatre stream students: DART 2F50 and 2P42.
Note: enrolment limited to 20 students per section. Materials fee required. Students must have attained a minimum 60 percent in the relevant component of 1F99.
Performance I
Principles of creating and sustaining dramatic action. Personal clown, mask (various styles) and scene studies exploring ensemble and individual performance.
Lectures, workshop, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 1F99 or permission of the instructor.
Co-requisites for Theatre stream students: DART 2F41 and 2P42.
Note: materials fee required. Students must have attained a minimum 60 percent in the relevant component of 1F99.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2P51 and 2P52.
Script Analysis and Interpretation
Variety of scripts across genres and time periods, both in terms of writing techniques and as a point of departure for their interpretation by actors, directors, and designers.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: DART 1F93 or one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90-1(alpha)99.
Note: students with credit in IASC 1F00 may be able to register. Contact the instructor.
Theatre as Cultural Practice I
Integrated study of theatre history, theory and dramatic literature from its origins to the advent of realism in the 20th century, concentrating on the context of cultural developments, including theories of acting, dramatic criticism, theatre historiography.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: DART 1F93 or one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90-1(alpha)99.
Note: students with credit in IASC 1F00 may be able to register. Contact the instructor.
DART 2M90-2M99
Special Studies in Dramatic Arts
Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor.
Note: materials fee may be required.
Foundations in Drama in Education and Society
Introduction to theory and practice focussing on basic theatre elements, practical strategies and active participation.
Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, minors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide. Students must hold a minimum of 4.0 overall credits.
Note: materials fee required. Drama in Education and Society Certificate students may register without the minimum of 4.0 overall credits. Contact the Dramatic Arts Department.
Role-playing, Role Drama and Story
The art and structuring of story and other literary sources as catalysts for drama and interactive learning. Combined theory and practice including work experience.
Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, minors and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2P01 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Stage Production
Supervised practical work in technical theatre by assignment to Department production crews.
Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week; additional crew calls and production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors and permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: DART 1F93 and 1F99.
Co-requisite: DART 2F41.
Note: enrolment limited to 30 students. Entry is based on academic standing in DART 1F93 and all components of DART 1F99. Materials fee required.
Research and Practice in Production Styles
Overview of technical and production issues required for performance, ceremony and public presentation.
Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 1F99 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2F41.
#DART 2P93
Spanish Theatre
(also offered as SPAN 2P93)
Introduction to Spanish dramatic literature and performative culture. Discussion of social and cultural background of each play; play analysis; creative and critical thinking.Dramatists include Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega and García Lorca.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one of DART 1F93, 1F99, SPAN 1F90.
Note: assignments are designed to adapt to the student's major. SPAN majors complete their assignments in Spanish.
*DART 2P96
Aboriginal Theatre
(also offered as ABST 2P96)
Theatrical, dramatic, and performative representation of Aboriginal peoples in the Canadian experience.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: DART 1F93 or permission of the instructor.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2F97.
Canadian Theatre
Canadian experience as expressed in performance, using English-language plays and French-language plays (in translation).
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: DART 1F93 or one ENGL credit or permission of the instructor.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 2F97.
DART 2V90-2V99
Special Studies in Dramatic Arts
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Note: materials fee may be required.
#DART 3F02
Greek and Roman Drama
(also offered as CLAS 3F02)
Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy in English translation, including such authors as the tragedians Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Seneca, and the comic playwrights, Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus and Terence. Ancient drama in its literary, theatrical and socio-historical contexts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one credit from CLAS 1P91, 1P92, 1P95, 1P97, DART 1F93.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in CLAS 3P02.
Performance II
Further studies in acting technique emphasizing scene analysis in the creation of character and context.
Seminar, workshop, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: DART 2F04 or 2F50.
Note: enrolment limited to 16 students. Materials fee required.
Design: Theatrical Design
Research techniques and practice of design for the theatre.
Lectures, seminar, workshop lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2F94; one of DART 2F41, DART 2P02 and 2P70, VISA 2P97 and 2P98 (2F96).
Note: materials fee required.
Theatre in Education: Alternative Forms of Theatre
Adaptation of global theatre into classroom and community settings emphasizing research, discussion and performance.
Lectures, workshop, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2P01 and 2P02
Note: materials fee required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F12.
Theatre as Cultural Practice II
Integrated study of theatre history, theory and dramatic literature from the advent of realism in the 20th century to the present, concentrating on the context of cultural developments, including theories of acting, dramatic criticism, theatre historiography.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: DART 2F94 or one ENGL credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.
Note: students with one IASC credit may be able to register. Contact the instructor.
#DART 3F96
Interdisciplinary Workshop
(also offered as IASC 3F96 and VISA 3F96)
Advanced studio workshop in interdisciplinary studio practices, including video, performance, audio and conceptual art, interventions and other time-based or experimental media. Projects involve collaboration and investigation of alternatives in public dissemination of artworks.
Lectures, studio work, reading, movement exercises, off-campus projects, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisites: VISA 2P97 and 2P98 (2F96) or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 18 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials which they must supply. Several field trips are organized outside the regular course meeting time. Students participating in field trips are expected to pay their own expenses.
Advanced Tutorial in Dramatic Arts
Advanced study in an area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor.
Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration.
DART 3M90-3M99
Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts
Restriction: permission of the Department.
Structuring for Drama: Creating the Fictional Context
Composing contexts for integrated learning through the arts in schools and elsewhere.
Lectures, workshop, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2P01 and 2P02 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Drama in Applied Contexts
Exploration of Drama in Education theories and practical strategies of interactive learning to an area or areas of application; may extend beyond formal school education and into the wider community.
Lectures, workshop, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2P01 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 25 students. Materials fee required.
Drama in Language Arts and History Studies
Drama in Education theories and practical strategies to motivate and enrich learning within these broad areas of study.
Lectures, workshop, seminar, 3 hours per week; field trips as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2P01 and 2P02 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited. Materials fee required.
Theatre in Education: Children's Theatre
Theoretical study and practical analysis of professional theatre for young audiences.
Lectures, workshop, 3 hours per week; field trips as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2P01 and 2P02 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited. Materials fee required.
Theatre in Education: Theatre for a Community
Processes of putting on a play for a community: the place of the play in the community; choosing the play; finding the production team; running rehearsals; play-building around a theme or topic.
Lectures, workshop, 3 hours per week; additional production and rehearsal time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 1F99, 2P01 and 2P02 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 20 students. Students with equivalent experience may register without prerequisite. Materials fee required.
Movement: Applications for Education and Theatre
Theoretical and practical overview of the role of movement in contemporary theatre and in education. Exploration and development of methods for adapting and applying these major theories for creative and educational use.
Lectures, workshop, lab, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 1F99, or DART 2P01 and 2P02 or permission of the instructor.
Commedia dell'Arte and Improvisation
Character-based improvisation for the creation of narrative structures; and contemporary manifestations of commedia style performance from the foundation of the classical Italian Commedia dell'Arte
Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors, and Drama in Education and Society Certificate students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2F04 or 2F50 (may be taken concurrently).
Voice and Speech
Introduction to using the voice effectively to develop range and power in speaking dramatic text. Topics include breathing, diction, modulation, projection and resonance.
Workshop, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 1F99 and 2F50 (may be taken concurrently).
Note: limited enrolment.
Stage Management
Interpersonal relations, preparing a prompt book, recording and calling cues, rehearsal and performance procedures.
Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2F41 and 2P42 or permission of the instructor.
Note: requires stage management of a production. Materials fee required.
Shakespeare: Voice and Text
In depth, embodied study of Shakespeare's verse and prose. Fundamentals of anatomy, breath and exploration of sound bridging to text for performance.
Workshop, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors and permission of the Department.
Prerequisites: DART 1F93 and 1F99; one of DART 2F04, 2F50, 3F78; one of DART 2F92, 2F94, DART 2P96 and 2P97 (2F97), 3P10.
Note: enrolment limited. It is recommended that students register concurrently in DART 3P91.
Directing I: Dramaturgy
Text analysis, visual vocabulary, theatrical conventions and dramatic rhythms used in preparing to direct a play.
Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: DART 2F41 or 2P70; DART 2F50.
Note: materials fee required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F52.
Directing II
Directing practicum focussing on creating action, total theatre composition, team management and communications.
Lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: DART 3P53.
Note: enrolment limited to 16 students. Entry is based on academic standing in DART 3P53. Materials fee required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F52.
Postcolonial Theatre
Study of postcolonial theory and theatre.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one of DART 2F92, 2F94, DART 2P96 and 2P97(2F97) or permission of the instructor.
Shakespeare in Performance
Shakespeare: period performance conditions and stage history, based on close analysis of selected texts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.
Prerequisite: one of DART 2F92, 2F94, DART 2P96 and 2P97 (2F97), two ENGL credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99.
Note: also offered as a three-week intensive summer course at the Stratford Festival. Contact the Department for further details.
Theory and practice of writing with action, character and dialogue.
Seminar, workshop, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits and permission of the instructor.
Note: Materials fee required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 3F91.
Studies in Praxis I
Focussed study of performance theories.
Lectures/seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one of DART 2F92, 2F94, DART 2P96 and 2P97 or permission of the instructor.
Note: students with credit in IASC 3F00 may be able to register. Contact the instructor.
Studies in Praxis II
Application of performance studies in practice.
Seminar, lab, 4 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 3P95.
Note: Materials fee required.
Advanced Tutorial in Dramatic Arts
Restriction: permission of a faculty supervisor.
Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration.
DART 3V90-3V99
Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Theatrical Lighting
Studies in lighting operation and design.
Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2F41 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Theatrical Props Production
Study and construction of theatrical props.
Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2F41 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Scenic Painting
Theories and practice of painting scenery for theatrical use.
Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2F41 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Make-up and Wigs
Introduction to creating character and special effects through make-up; introduction to use and maintenance of wigs.
Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2F41 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Costuming for Theatre
Creative, research and technical approaches to costuming for theatre.
Lectures, seminar, workshop, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisites: DART 2F94 and one of DART 2F41, 2P02 and 2P70, or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
Sound Design for Theatre
Studies in sound design, its technology and application to theatre.
Lectures, seminar, lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors and DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) students until date specified in Registration guide.
Prerequisite: DART 2F41 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required.
#DART 4F40
Arts Management
(also offered as STAC 4F40 and VISA 4F40)
Effective management of arts organizations to fulfill social and artistic mandates.
Seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single and combined), STAC and VISA (single and combined) majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 10.0 overall credits.
Note: materials fee may be required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in CCST 4F40.
Advanced Studies in Theatre
Collaborative work in one or more theatre productions.
Lectures, seminar/lab, 5 hours per week; additional production time as required.
Restriction: approval to year 4 and permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: DART 3F50, or DART 3P53 and 3P54.
Co-requisite for Theatre stream students: DART 4F90.
Note: materials fee required.
Critical Theory and Practice
Advanced study of critical theory, its roots, its application to theatre, dramatic literature and performance.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined), DART (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) and IASC majors with a minimum of 14.0 overall credits, a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and approval to year 4 (honours).
Internship in Drama in Education and Society
Internship in either an educational or community setting where students apply Drama in Education and Society theories and practices.
Restriction: open to DART (single or combined) majors with a minimum 75 percent overall average, approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the Department.
Note: students may not concurrently register in DART 4P70. Internship proposal must be submitted no later than March 1st in the third year for approval by the Department. Students are expected to pay their own expenses.
Honours Thesis in Applied Critical Theory
Critical, historical or creative project in dramatic arts of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: students must have a minimum 75 percent major average and permission of the Chair.
Prerequisite: DART 4F90 (may be taken concurrently).
Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Department before registration.
Voice and Speech II
Further studies in voice development focussing on texts and dialect. Topics include articulation, phonetics, advanced resonator work and radio drama.
Workshop, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: DART 3F50 and 3P10 or permission of instructor.
Note: limited enrolment.
Advanced Praxis in Drama/Theatre in Education and Society
Indepth combination of community-based practical applications of drama and/or theatre in education strategies with continued study of contemporary research.
Practicum, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: DART 3F50 or 3F78.
Note: enrolment limited. Materials fee required. Transportation to practicum is a student responsibility. Students may not concurrently register in DART 4F91.
Critical and Reflective Processes
Studies in theories of pedagogy. Topics include modes of thinking, identity formation, multiple intelligence, moral development and reflective processes.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: DART 2P01 and two and one-half credits in Drama and Theatre in Education studies.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in DART 4F71.
Text and Performance of Bernard Shaw
Manners and mandate of the Shaw Festival, emphasizing the social imaginary of the period and acting techniques that convey Shavian ideas in the original and contemporary setting.
Lectures, workshop, studio, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: approval to year 4 (honours) and permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: one of DART 3F50, 3F78, DART 3P53 and 3P54.
Note: transportation is a student responsibility.
Co-op Work Placement I
First co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.
Restriction: open to DART Co-op students.
Co-op Work Placement II
Second co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.
Restriction: open to DART Co-op students.
Co-op Work Placement III
Third co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.
Restriction: open to DART Co-op students.
Co-op Work Placement IV
Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.
Restriction: open to DART Co-op students.
Co-op Work Placement V
Optional co-op work placement (4 months) with an approved employer.
Restriction: open to DART Co-op students.
Co-op Training and Development
Framework for the development of learning objectives by students for individual work terms. Includes orientation to the co-op experience, goal setting, career planning, résumé preparation and interview skills preparation.
Lectures, presentations, site visits, 2 hours per week.
Restriction: open to DART Co-op students.