2007-2008 Undergraduate Calendar

Digital Humanities  
Director Jean Bridge Associate Professors Jean Bridge, Barry W. K. Joe Assistant Professors John Bonnett, Kevin Kee Facilities Co-ordinator Stefan Kamendy New Media Projects Development Julia Babos Computer Lab/Classroom Support Clara Suba Participating Faculty Dale Bradley (Communications, Popular Culture and Film), Jean Bridge (Visual Arts), Martin Danahay (English), Barry Grant (Communictions, Popular Culture and Film), David Hutchison (Pre-service Education), David Hughes (Computer Science), John Mitterer (Psychology), Jon Radue (Computer Science), Bill Ralph (Mathematics). Co-operating Centres and Departments Classics; Communications, Popular Culture and Film, Community Health Sciences; Computer Science; English Language and Literature; Dramatic Arts; Geography; Graduate and Undergraduate Education; History; Mathematics; Music; Psychology; Studies in Arts and Culture; Visual Arts Academic Adviser Alisa Cunnington  
General Information Go to top of document
Administrative Assistant Christine Coughlin 905-688-5550, extension 5363 TH 269F http://www.brocku.ca/iasc The Centre for Digital Humanities is dedicated to research and teaching that uses digital technologies for the examination, creation, transmission and preservation of human culture. Digital humanities is fundamentally interdisciplinary, engaging disciplines such as literature, language, history and the arts. Digital tools in this context are used to support the development of innovative forms of analysis and new conventions of representation, narration and documentation. Digital humanities is dynamically oriented to a constantly evolving array of methods, formalisms and discourses.  
Interactive Arts and Science Go to top of document
The Interactive Arts and Science program, offered through the Centre for Digital Humanities, provides students an opportunity to study and work in the exciting and rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field of new media and digital interactivity. In this program students will explore the interplay of digital media and our understanding of human identity and values with careful attention to ways in which discourses in technoculture, narrative, gameplay, computing and media production intersect. In addition to core IASC courses that blend theory and practice and facilitate the development of new media portfolios, students can satisfy their individual interests in selection of courses from departments as diverse as Classics, Communications, Popular Culture and Film, Computer Science, Dramatic Arts, Education, English, Geography, History, Music, Studies in Arts and Culture and Visual Arts. The IASC program aims to engage students in learning through independent inquiry, problem solving and portfolio building. The program encourages the exploration of digital and interactive tools for analyzing, representing and visualizing ideas in many traditional academic areas. Conceptual strategies such as interactive fiction, games and simulations are tested in hands-on projects and multimedia creation. Students will enjoy the freedom to probe, analyze, manipulate and transform ideas into action. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of interactivity, team-based work creates opportunities to tackle complex projects in new and exciting media.  
Facilities Go to top of document
The Centre for Digital Humanities provides two classroom laboratories; two multimedia presentation rooms; a Student Services Centre; a new media development lab; an audio-visual room; and a maintenance shop. Also accessible to the program is a smart room/video conferencing facility; Multimedia Production and Innovation Centre; computer graphics and multimedia lab. Please consult the Interactive Arts and Science entry for a listing of courses and program requirements.  
Last updated: June 15, 2007 @ 11:42AM