Music |
Brian Power
Associate Professors
Patricia Debly, Peter Landey, Harris Loewen, Brian Power
Assistant Professor
Karin di Bella
Part time Instructors
Lesley Atreo (organ), Terry Ball (violin and viola), Terrance Basom (saxophone), George Cleland (violin), Gordon Cleland (cello),Terrance Cox (popular culture), Rob D'Orante (oboe, cor anglais), Patricia Dydnansky (flute), Jonathan Earp (guitar), Janice Fralick (French horn), Steven Fralick (trombone), Zoltan Kalman (clarinet, saxophone), Deborah Linton (voice), Catherine MacDonnell-Stephens (bassoon), Laura Thomas (percussion), Suzanne Thomas (harp), Tim White (wind ensemble, trumpet), Rob Wolanski (double bass)
Piano Technician
George Kolasis
General Information |
Administrative Assistant
Natalie Fedj
905-688-5550, extension 3817
Thistle 139
The goal of the Department of Music, part of the School of Fine and Performing Arts, is to prepare students for their chosen musical career and to produce critically aware musicians with a broadly based musical education. The Department of Music offers four-year programs of study leading to a Bachelor of Music (BMus) Honours, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Honours in Music, a BA with Major in Music and a Pass BA degree program. Students may also pursue a combined major in Music.
Students take core courses in music history, theory, general musicianship and choral ensemble. Students in the BMus program must choose one principal study in applied music (instrumental or vocal lessons). If applied music is not taken in successive years, students must re-audition before proceeding to the next year of applied music. In their third and fourth years, students may pursue specialized interests in theory, musicology, composition and applied music. Students may elect to write an Honours thesis.
To proceed to year 4, students must attain a minimum of 60 percent in all MUSI courses. Students with less than 60 percent in a MUSI course must upgrade the course in order to reapply to the Honours program. Students who do not attain honours standing and a minimum of 60 percent in all MUSI courses may continue to year 4 in the BA with Major in Music.
Facilities in the Department of Music include sound-equipped classrooms, a choral studio and library, a Boesendorfer concert grand piano, Yamaha and Kawai grand and upright pianos, a two-manual Dowd harpsichord, a Casavant chamber organ and a full complement of percussion instruments. Individual soundproofed practice rooms with pianos for courses in applied music and keyboard skills. A computer music lab with midi synthesizers and state-of-the-art computer notation and sequencing software is available for students interested in computer music applications.
Concerts, recitals and performance classes are regularly held in the 543-seat Sean O'Sullivan Theatre and in the Martin Luther Chapel, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary. A Kingham and Pole seven-rank pipe organ is located in the Chapel.
The sound and video collection, located on the fifth floor of the Library, contains 24 individual study carrels. The Library has an extensive collection of records, compact discs, video tapes, laser discs, DVDs, CDROMs and the requisite playback equipment. There is a substantial collection of music literature, collected editions, scores, music journals and special collections.
Public Events
The Music program offers a regular series of events open to students and the general public. These include the professional concert series "Encore!!" regular noon-hour concerts and presentations and a guest lecture series featuring distinguished theorists, musicologists and composers. Students frequently attend masterclasses by eminent visiting artists.
Large Ensembles
The Department has several choral ensembles, a wind ensemble and a percussion ensemble. Participation in choral ensemble is required of all majors and combined majors. The choral and instrumental ensembles are open to any member of the University or the general public who successfully completes an audition. Students may participate for credit in various orchestras in the community (subject to departmental approval).
Entrance Requirements for Music Majors
Prospective majors must possess a level of musical literacy equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments as well as the necessary aural skills to complete the course requirements in Music. It is recommended that prospective majors possess a level of keyboard proficiency equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade IV.
Prospective students must arrange an audition with the Department of Music. Admission as a major will depend on the successful completion of placement tests in rudiments of theory, keyboard and aural skills. Details concerning interviews, tests and auditions may be obtained from the Administrative Assistant. Admission to the BMus program with transfer credits from other universities requires an overall average of 70 percent in music courses.
An audition on a solo instrument or voice is required of all applicants to the BMus program and of all students wishing to take electives in applied music. Auditions are held in April and May of each year, in conjunction with interviews and placement tests. Late auditions may be scheduled depending on available space in the program.
The recommended audition level for admission into MUSI 1F92 and the BMus program is at least Royal Conservatory Grade IX or its equivalent. Students who are not at this level may audition for MUSI 1P81. Applied music students who study with an approved nonresident instructor should be prepared to cover additional travel and instruction fees. There is a lesson fee for students who are not in the BMus program.
Language Requirement for Humanities Majors |
Students in the Department of Music are required to complete one credit in a language other than English. Where half credit courses are used to satisfy the requirement, both half credits must be in the same language.
Program Notes |
1. |
Students are encouraged to take a second language credit (in addition to the Humanities language requirement) in French, Italian, German or Latin. |
2. |
Music majors may take five and one-half credits in any year of the program without approval from the Dean of Humanities. |
3. |
In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above. |
BMus Program |
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
MUSI 3F92 and 3P83 |
one and one-half MUSI credits |
one language credit (see language requirement) |
one elective credit |
Students who audit MUSI 3P83 must complete an additional one-half MUSI credit
Year 4
MUSI 4P83 |
one-half MUSI credit |
two MUSI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above |
two elective credits |
Students who audit MUSI 4P83 must complete an additional one-half MUSI credit
BA Honours Program |
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
MUSI 3P83 |
two and one-half MUSI credits |
two elective credits |
Students who audit MUSI 3P83 must complete an additional one-half MUSI credit
Year 4
MUSI 4P83 |
one-half MUSI credit |
two MUSI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above |
two elective credits |
Students who audit MUSI 4P83 must complete an additional one-half MUSI credit.
BA with Major in Music |
This program differs from the Honours program in that honours standing is not required for entry into year 4.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
MUSI 3P83 |
two and one-half MUSI credits |
two elective credits |
Students who audit MUSI 3P83 must complete an additional one-half MUSI credit.
Year 4
MUSI 4P83 |
one-half MUSI credit |
two MUSI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above |
two elective credits |
Students who audit MUSI 4P83 must complete an additional one-half MUSI credit.
Pass Program |
Satisfactory completion of the first three years of an Honours program entitles a student to apply for a Pass degree.
Combined Major Program |
Students may take a combined major in MUSI and in a second discipline. For requirements in the other discipline, students should consult the relevant department. Note that not all departments provide a combined major option.
MUSI 1F50, 1F90, 1P83, 2F90, 2P83, 2Y05, 2Y06, 3P83, 3Y05, 3Y06 and 4P83 |
one credit from MUSI 3P91, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 4P50, 4P51 |
one MUSI credit |
Students who audit MUSI 3P83 and 4P83 must complete an additional MUSI credit
Satisfactory completion of the first three years of an Honours program entitles a student to apply for a 3 Year (Pass) degree.
Music and Great Books/Liberal Studies (Honours only)
Consult the Great Books/Liberal Studies entry for a listing of program requirements.
Minor in Music |
Students in other disciplines can obtain a minor in Music within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
Three MUSI credits |
two MUSI credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above |
Course Descriptions |
Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details.
# Indicates a cross listed course
* Indicates primary offering of a cross listed course
Prerequisites and Restrictions |
Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Music in Popular Culture
(also offered as PCUL 1F00)
Survey of developments in blues, jazz, rock and related genres of popular music.
Lectures, 3 hours per week; listening assignments.
Note: major credit will not be granted to Music Majors.
Listening to Music
Music appreciation course for students with little or no formal instruction in music. Discussion of basic musical materials, instrumentation, forms and techniques for listening critically. Development of a listening repertoire of representative compositions from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Note: major credit will not be granted to Music majors. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned credit in MUSI 1P11 or MUSI 1P12.
History of Music from Medieval to Modern Times
Historical survey of styles in Western art music; analysis of representative musical compositions with assigned readings from secondary literature.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: a level of musical literacy equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments is required.
Theory and Composition I
Two-part counterpoint up to fifth species; principles of text-setting; writing of short compositions without cantus firmus; common practice harmony; introduction to form and analysis; study of motivic development in short one and two part compositions; may include use of music notation software.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MUSI (single or combined) majors or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: successful completion of placement tests in theory (equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments), keyboard and aural skills.
Co-requisites: MUSI 2Y05 and 2Y06.
Applied Music I
Individual and group instruction in one of the following: piano, harpsichord, organ, voice, classical guitar or any approved concert band and orchestral instrument.
Private instruction, 1 hour per week; performance seminar, 2 hours per week; required participation in student recitals.
Restriction: permission of the Department. See Entrance Requirements for Music Majors.
Note: lesson fee may be required. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Instrumental or Vocal Study I
Individual instruction in one of the following: piano, harpsichord, organ, voice, classical guitar or any approved concert band and orchestral instrument.
Private instruction, 0.5 hour per week for two terms; auditing performance seminar, 2 hours per week for two terms.
Restriction: permission of the Department. See Entrance Requirements for Music Majors.
Note: basic performance skills and solo audition required. Lesson fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Choral Ensemble I
Selected choral literature in rehearsal and performance; development of vocal and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in field assignments as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Note: participation in one of the following two ensembles is required: 1) chamber choir; 2) women's chorus. Pitch matching skills required; sight singing skills strongly recommended. Concert uniform is required. Competent vocalists from the University and community are encouraged to audition.
Wind Ensemble I
Selected wind literature in rehearsal and performance; development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Note: previous ensemble experience required. Competent instrumentalists from the University and community are encouraged to audition.
Symphony Orchestra I
Selected symphonic literature in rehearsal and performance; development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms in department-approved community orchestra; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Note: membership fee may be required.
Percussion Ensemble I
Selected percussion literature in rehearsal and performance for various combinations of percussion instruments, development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 1.5 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Note: competent percussionists from the University and community are encouraged to audition.
Theory and Composition II
Eighteenth-century counterpoint; writing of short binary and ternary compositions; three-part fugal expositions; chromatic harmony up to enharmonic modulation; form and analysis; may include use of music notation software.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MUSI (single or combined) majors or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Co-requisites: MUSI 3Y05 and 3Y06.
Applied Music II
Continuation of instrumental or vocal study.
Private instruction, 1 hour per week; performance seminar, 2 hours per week; required participation in student recitals.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1F92.
Note: the prerequisite may be satisfied with its equivalent by audition. Lesson fee may be required. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
MUSI 2M90-2M99
Special Topics
Selected topics in music literature involving historical, musicological, analytical or performance issues.
Music of the World's Peoples
Exploration of music as a part of culture through the study of diverse musical traditions (e.g., music of the Middle East, Far East, India, aboriginal North America) including analysis of representative vocal and instrumental forms. Topics may include music's role in religion, ritual, economics and politics.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Accompanying I
Supervised experience in keyboard accompaniment. Skills include part reduction, interpretation, rehearsal strategies, performance preparation.
Seminar, 1 hour alternating weeks for two terms; skills classes, supervised rehearsals, performances, minimum 1 hour per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Vocal Techniques
Practical and theoretical instruction in vocal technique.
Lectures, 1.5 hours per week for 2 terms.
Restriction: consult the instructor for permission to register.
Prerequisite: Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments or equivalent.
Co-requisite: MUSI 1P83, 2P83, 3P83 or 4P83.
Not open to students who have taken MUSI 1F92, 1P81, 2F92, or 2P81 if in voice.
Woodwind Techniques
Practical and theoretical instruction in woodwind instruments.
Lectures, 1.5 hours per week for 2 terms.
Prerequisite: Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
Note: instrumental rental fee may be required.
Brass Techniques
Practical and theoretical instruction in brass instruments.
Lectures, 1.5 hours per week for 2 terms.
Prerequisite: Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
Note: instrumental rental fee may be required.
Percussion Techniques
Practical and theoretical instruction in percussion instruments.
Lectures, 1.5 hours per week for 2 terms.
Prerequisite: Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
Note: instrumental rental fee may be required.
String Techniques
Practical and theoretical instruction in string instruments.
Lectures, 1.5 hour per week for 2 terms.
Prerequisite: Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
Note: instrumental rental fee may be required.
Instrumental or Vocal Study II
Continuation of individual instrumental or vocal study.
Private instruction, 0.5 hour per week for two terms; auditing performance seminar, 2 hours per week for two terms.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1F92 or 1P81.
Note: lesson fee; consult the Department. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Choral Ensemble II
Selected choral literature in rehearsal and performance; continued development of vocal and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in field assignments as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1P83.
Note: participation in one of the following two ensembles is required: 1) chamber choir; 2) women's chorus. Basic sight singing-reading and concert uniform are required.
Wind Ensemble II
Selected wind literature in rehearsal and performance; continued development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1P84.
Symphony Orchestra II
Selected symphonic literature in rehearsal and performance; further development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms in department-approved community orchestra; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1P86.
Note: membership fee may be required.
Conducting I
Introduction to historical, theoretical and practical aspects of ensemble conducting. Topics include basic patterns, baton techniques, notational terminology and instrumental transpositions.
Lectures, 3 hours per week; field assignments as required.
Prerequisite: Royal Conservatory Grade II rudiments or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
Co-requisites: MUSI 1P83 or 1P84.
Note: keyboard skills strongly recommended.
Choral Methods I
Introduction to historical, theoretical and practical aspects of directing children's, youth and adult choirs. Topics include: vocal development, physiology and training; basic audition and rehearsal procedures, score selection and evaluation.
Lectures, 3 hours per week; field assignments as required.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1P83 and 2P93 or permission of the instructor.
Co-requisite: MUSI 2P83, 3P83 or 4P83.
Computers in Music I
Introduction to computer music applications, including software for score writing.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50 and 1F90.
Note: basic familiarity with a Windows environment is required.
Computers in Music II
Use of computer software for transcription, composition and scholarly publication.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2P98.
Aural Skills I
Aural perception of diatonic musical materials, simple and compound meters, rhythm and elementary chromaticism through sight-reading, dictation and recognition exercises.
Lectures, 2 hours per week for two terms.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (aural placement test) required; consult the Department.
Co-requisites: MUSI 1F90 and 2Y06.
Keyboard Harmony I
Introduction to figured bass, melodic harmonization, harmonic progressions and score-reading.
Tutorial each week for two terms.
Restriction: open to MUSI (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1Y02.
Co-requisites: MUSI 1F90 and 2Y05.
Note: successful completion of a keyboard placement test may be used to satisfy the course prerequisite.
Percussion Ensemble II
Selected percussion literature in rehearsal and performance for various combinations of percussion instruments; further development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 1.5 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1Y85.
Applied Music III
Continuation of instrumental or vocal study.
Private instruction, 1 hour per week; performance seminar, 2 hours per week; required participation in student recitals; one solo recital (approx. 20 minutes).
Restriction: permission of the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2F92 (minimum 75 percent).
Note: lesson fee may be required. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Piano Pedagogy
Methodologies for teaching all ages and all levels. Historical treatises and educational materials, current research and practical teaching experiences. Topics include sequencing and reinforcement of technical and musical concepts, critical evaluation of methods, curriculum design, problem solving techniques and communication skills.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: Royal Conservatory of Music Grade VIII (practical) or its equivalent is required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in MUSI 3F20.
Accompanying II
Supervised experience in keyboard accompaniment.
Seminar, 1 hour alternating weeks for two terms; supervised rehearsals, performances, minimum 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2P21.
Vocal Pedagogy
Methodologies for teaching all levels, ages, and vocal classifications including technique, physiology and pathology of the voice. Topics include style, language, presentation skills and performance practice.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: Royal Conservatory of Music Grade VIII or its equivalent is required.
Diction for Singers
Principles of pronunciation of song texts in English, Italian, German and French. Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet as applied to singing.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Composition and Orchestration I
Guided composition in two or more parts with analysis of selected works; orchestration and arranging for woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion and voices; use of music notation and sequencing software.
Tutorial, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F90 and 2F90.
#MUSI 3P72
Popular Music and Society
(also offered as COMM 3P72, PCUL 3P72 and SOCI 3P72)
Critical approaches to popular music in its social, cultural, political and economic contexts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to MUSI (single and combined), COMM (single and combined), PCUL (single and combined) and SOCI (single and combined) majors with a minimum of 8.0 overall credits.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in MUSI 2P70 (COMM/PCUL/SOCI 2P70) and MUSI 3P70 (COMM/PCUL 3P70).
Instrumental or Vocal Study III
Continuation of individual instrumental or vocal study.
Private instruction, 0.5 hour per week; auditing performance seminar, 2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2F92 or 2P81.
Note: lesson fee. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Choral Ensemble III
Selected choral literature in rehearsal and performance; continued development of vocal and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in field assignments as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2P83.
Note: participation in one of the following two ensembles is required: 1) chamber choir; 2) women's chorus. Intermediate sight-singing skills and concert uniform are required.
Wind Ensemble III
Selected wind literature in rehearsal and performance; continued development of sight-reading, technical and interpretative skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2P84.
Symphony Orchestra III
Selected symphonic literature in rehearsal and performance; further development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms in department-approved community orchestra; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2P86.
Note: membership fee may be required.
Approaches to Music Theory Since 1900
Introduction to Schoenberg's theories of thematic development, Schenkerian voice leading analysis, twelve-tone and elementary set theory, theories of rhythm and form.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50 and 2F90 or permission of the instructor.
History of Music in Canada
Canadian music and its place in our culture from the earliest European influences to the works of modern Canadian composers, through analysis of selected compositions and an exploration of Canadian music-related industries.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1F50.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in MUSI 2P53.
Conducting II
Intermediate conducting techniques for ensemble conducting. Topics include asymmetrical patterns, left-hand techniques, meter and tempo changes.
Lectures, 3 hours per week; field assignments as required.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2P93 or permission of the instructor.
Co-requisite: MUSI 2P83 or 2P84.
Note: keyboard skills strongly recommended.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in MUSI 2P95.
Choral Methods II
Theory and practice of directing youth and adult choirs. Topics include advanced rehearsal procedures, performance practices, score preparation and analysis.
Lectures, 3 hours per week; field assignments as required.
Prerequisites: MUSI 2P83, 2P94 and 3P93 (2P95).
Co-requisite: MUSI 3P83 or 4P83.
*MUSI 3P95
Aesthetics of Music
(also offered as GBLS 3P95)
Issues of meaning, beauty, value, and greatness in music through analysis of selected readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50; MUSI 2F90, GBLS 2P94 or permission of the instructor.
History of Music in the Baroque Era
Styles, forms and genres from Monteverdi (c. 1600) to Bach (c. 1750), through analysis of selected compositions and readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50 and 1F90.
History of Music in the 20th Century
Styles, forms and genres from Mahler (c. 1890) to the present day, through the analysis of selected compositions and readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50 and 1F90.
History of Music in the Classical Era
Styles, forms and genres from the pre-Classical era (c. 1740) to Beethoven's late works through the analysis of selected compositions and readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50 and 1F90.
History of Music in the Romantic Era
Styles, forms and genres from Schubert (c. 1820) to Wolf (c. 1900) through the analysis of selected compositions and readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F90 and 3P98 (2P51).
Aural Skills II
Aural perception of diatonic and chromatic musical materials, meter and rhythm through sight- singing, dictation and recognition exercises.
Lectures, 2 hours per week for two terms.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2Y05 or permission of the instructor.
Co-requisites: MUSI 2F90 and 3Y06.
Keyboard Harmony II
Figured bass, melodic harmonization, harmonic progressions and score-reading.
Tutorial each week for two terms.
Restriction: open to MUSI (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2Y06.
Co-requisites: MUSI 2F90 and 3Y05.
Percussion Ensemble III
Selected percussion literature in rehearsal and performance for various combinations of percussion instruments; further development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 1.5 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2Y85.
Applied Music IV
Continuation of instrumental or vocal study.
Private instruction, 1 hour per week; performance seminar, 2 hours per week; required participation in student recitals; one solo recital (approx. 30 minutes).
Restriction: permission of the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 3F92 (minimum 75 percent).
Note: lesson fee is required. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Honours Thesis
Independent study in an historical, theoretical, creative or applied area in which the student has developed a particular interest.
Restriction: permission of the Department.
Note: to be chosen in consultation with a faculty member willing to supervise that study. A written proposal must be approved by the department by the end of April.
History of Music in the Middle Ages
Styles, forms and genres from the earliest notated plainchant (c. 850) to the beginning of the Renaissance (c.1425) through investigation of original sources in facsimile and analysis of selected compositions and readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50 and 1F90.
History of Music in the Renaissance
Styles, forms and genres from the time of Machaut (c. 1350) to the early works of Monteverdi (c. 1600), through analysis of selected compositions and readings.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: MUSI 1F50 and 1F90.
Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera
Opera seria, opera buffa and the dramma giocoso from the works of Handel to Mozart.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50, 3P96 and 3P98.
Methodology and Research in Musicology
Examination of sources for music research and a historical survey of musicological methodologies.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50; one credit from MUSI 3P96, 3P97, 3P98 and 3P99, 4P50, 4P51, 4P52, 4P54.
Singspiel and German Romantic Opera
Development of German opera from its origins in the Singspiel tradition of the 18th century to the operas of Carl Maria von Weber.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 1F50, 3P98 and 3P99.
History of Music and Liturgy to 1600
Music in Christian liturgy from the Middle Ages to the end of the Renaissance.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 4P50 and 4P51.
Composition and Orchestration III
Guided composition in larger forms with analysis of selected works; orchestration/arranging for full orchestra or chorus; use of music notation and sequencing software.
Tutorial, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSI 2F90 and 3P60.
Instrumental or Vocal Study IV
Continuation of individual instrumental or vocal study.
Private instruction, 0.5 hour per week; auditing performance seminar, 1-2 hours per week.
Prerequisite: MUSI 3F92 or 3P81.
Note: lesson fee. Concert fee. Attendance at Department of Music professional "Encore" concert series is required.
Choral Ensemble IV
Selected choral literature in rehearsal and performance; continued development of vocal and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in field assignments as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 3P83.
Note: participation in one of the following two ensembles is required; 1) chamber choir; 2) women's chorus. Advanced sight singing skills and concert uniform are required.
Wind Ensemble IV
Selected wind literature in rehearsal and performance; continued development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 3P84.
Symphony Orchestra IV
Selected symphonic literature in rehearsal and performance; further development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 3 hours per week for two terms in department-approved community orchestra; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 3P86.
Note: membership fee may be required.
Directed Reading in Music Theory
Independent study of contemporary or historical theoretical monographs in consultation with the instructor.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: a major piece of written work is required.
Topics in the History of Theory
Theories of harmony, melodic phraseology, organicism, the development of theories of sonata form and motivic development.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: MUSI 2F90.
Independent Study
Research project in an historical, theoretical, creative or applied area in which the student has developed a particular interest.
Restriction: permission of the Department.
Note: to be chosen in consultation with a faculty member willing to supervise that study.
Percussion Ensemble IV
Selected percussion literature in rehearsal and performance for various combinations of percussion instruments; further development of sight-reading, technical and interpretive skills.
Rehearsals, 1.5 hours per week for two terms; participation in dress rehearsals and concert performances as required.
Restriction: permission of the instructor (audition) required; consult the Department.
Prerequisite: MUSI 3Y85.