Students can obtain a Minor in International Studies within their degree in another discipline by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
INTL 1F90 and 4P21 |
two credits in a language other than English (strongly recommended that both be in the same language) |
one of INTL 2P12, 2P13, 2P17, 2P51, 2P52, 2P53, 2P61, 2P62, 2P63, 2P83, 2P94, 2P96, 2Q96, 2P97, 2P99, POLI 2P47 |
one of INTL 3P46, 3P60, 3P61, 3P62, 3P63, 3P70, 3P80, 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3V25-29 |
Note: students able to demonstrate fluency in a language other than English may apply to the Director for permission to substitute INTL elective credits in place of the required language credits.
Students taking an International Studies Minor in conjunction with a Tourism Major are exempt by Tourism from the one language credit normally required by that program, but are required to take the two language credits specified in the International Studies Minor.
Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Introduction to International Studies
Today's world as understood from different cultural perspectives. Cultural similarities and differences, intercultural contact and communication, and preparation for international experience. Cultural themes in imaginative, historical and expository texts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in INTL 1P95.
#INTL 2P12
Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu Thought
(also offered as PHIL 2P12)
Hindu thought beginning with the Vedic myths, through the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita to the systems of the Vedanta. Topics include Karma, reincarnation, altered states of consciousness, Maya, the problem of knowledge, the role and nature of God, the theory and practice of yoga.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#INTL 2P13
Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Buddhist Thought
(also offered as PHIL 2P13)
Buddhist thought from Prince Siddhartha's enlightenment and subsequent Deer Park Sermon (the basis of Hinayana) through the Perfection of Wisdom to Madhyamika Buddhism (the Mishayana representative) to Zen (the science of the Buddha). Topics include Nirvana, non-self, one-hand clapping.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#INTL 2P17
Introduction to Chinese Philosophy
(also offered as PHIL 2P17)
Confucian, Taoist and Chinese Buddhist philosophical traditions examined in conjunction with appropriate texts.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#INTL 2P51
Literature of the British Empire
(also offered as ENGL 2P51)
Literature, both popular and canonical, which reflects the ongoing relationship between British imperialism, literary forms and cultural politics, from the 17th century to the present.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 2P52
Postcolonial Literature
(also offered as ENGL 2P52)
Literatures of resistance and emergence written in English in former British territories, such as those in Africa and the West Indies.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 2P53
Southern African Literatures of Transition
(also offered as ENGL 2P53)
Literary explorations of and interventions in the political and socio-cultural transitions from white regimes to majority-rule politics. Emphasis on histories of trauma, displacement and dispossession.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 2P61
Columbus' World, 1400-1600
(also offered as HIST 2P61)
Comparison of the major civilizations of the Americas, Asia, and Europe, as well as the growing contacts between them.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#INTL 2P62
Early Africa
(also offered as HIST 2P62)
Social political, cultural and economic history of Africa before and during the era of European colonialism until the end of the 19th century.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#INTL 2P63
Modern Africa
(also offered as HIST 2P63)
Social political, cultural and economic history of modern Africa.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
#INTL 2P83
Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Contemporary World
(also offered as SOCI 2P83)
Anthropological perspectives on current global issues approached through geographically diverse ethnographic case studies.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to SOCI (single or combined) majors until the date specified in the BIRT guide.
Prerequisite: SOCI 1F90, 1P80, 2P82 or permission of the instructor.
Note: students minoring in Sociology may register prior to date in BIRT guide. Contact the Sociology Department.
#INTL 2P94
Global Conventions on Environment and Development
(also offered as ENVI 2P94 and TOUR 2P94)
Attempts of the global community to set policy through processes such as the World Conservation Strategy, the Brundtland Commission, Agenda 21 and the Commission on Sustainable Development.
Lectures, workshop, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: INTL 1F90 (1P95) or ENVI 1P90 and 1P91; MATH 1P98 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 2P96
Women and Development
(also offered as SOCI 2P96 and WISE 2P96)
Examination of the major social consequences of the theoretical paradigms of development (economic development, sustainable development and women/gender in development), theoretical material, practical knowledge, and debates on diverse experiences of women living in the non-industrial world using feminist perspectives.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: WISE 2P90 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 2P97
Global Issues in Infectious Diseases
(also offered as CHSC 2P97)
World changes and their influence on emergence and re-emergence of infectious organisms; antimicrobials and drug resistance, immunizations, immuno-compromised host, nosocomial, food and water safety, infectious etiology of cancer and other chronic diseases, infection and tourism, bioterrorism.
Lectures, 3 hours per week
Restriction: open to INTL, CHSC, CHLH and HLSC majors until the date specified in BIRT guide.
Prerequisite: INTL 1F90 or CHSC 1F90.
#INTL 2P99
Canadian Women in a Global Context
(also offered as SOCI 2P99 and WISE 2P99)
Social, political, economic and cultural issues. Topics may include rights of Aboriginal women, reproductive rights and ethics, marginalization of immigrant women, activist movements and the impact and inadequacy of government policy.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: WISE 2P90 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 2Q96
Environmental Problems and Development
(also offered as GEOG 2Q96)
Investigation of the current global environmental crisis, including population growth, global warming, deforestation, water pollution, and waste disposal. Consideration of environmental problems in the broader context of natural and human-induced (social, cultural, political, and economic) forces.
Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: one of INTL 1F90, GEOG 1F90, 1F91, ENVI 1P90 and 1P91, ERSC 1F01 (1F95), 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 3P46
Cities and Globalization
(also offered as GEOG 3P46)
Introduction to major debates on urban change under the impact of globalization. Topics include relations between economic restructuring and urban form, spatial relations within and among cities, social and cultural composition in globalizing cities, and the role of architecture and urban design. Examples from New York, London, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Toronto, Berlin and Shanghai.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week.
Prerequisites: one of INTL 1F90, GEOG 2P03, 2P06; GEOG 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
#INTL 3P60
The World of Genghis Khan: Inner Asia since 500 BCE
(also offered as HIST 3P60)
History of Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang. Political, economic, social and cultural topics. Emphasis on the nomadic encounter with the settled world (China, Russia), including the medieval nomadic invasions, the Great Game and nationalistic policies in the 20th century.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: seminars will include films and primary sources (in translation). HIST 2P96 recommended.
#INTL 3P61
Diplomacy of the Pacific Rim
(also offered as HIST 3P61)
History of the relations among the major powers around the Pacific Ocean focussing on China and Japan, and their interaction with the world since the 16th century.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: HIST 2F92 recommended.
#INTL 3P62
Global Economic History, 1700-1950
(also offered as HIST 3P62)
Cotton, china, opium: development of the world economy in an age of industrial growth.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: at least one second-year history course recommended.
#INTL 3P63
Selected Themes in the History of Europe's Global Influence, 1600-1950
(also offered as HIST 3P63)
Europe's impact on the world and regional responses.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: HIST 2P51 recommended.
#INTL 3P70
International Field Course
(also offered as ENVI 3P70)
Intensive field course in another country, in an area of study of environmental interest.
Restriction: open to ENVI (single or combined) majors with a minimum of 8.0 overall credits and permission of the Director.
Prerequisite: INTL 1F90 (1P95), ENVI 1P90 and 1P91 or permission of the Director.
Note: a list of eligible modules will be posted in the fall term; consult the Centre of the Environment for registration instructions. Registrants are expected to defray the cost of travel, accommodation and other expenses.
#INTL 3P80
Geography and International Development
(also offered as GEOG 3P80)
Analysis of international development theory, policy and practice. Development's relation to globalization, imperialism and neo-colonialism. Development solutions to environmental problems. Selected case studies from the developing world.
Lectures, seminar, 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: INTL 1F90, GEOG 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Text-based Research Project
Supervised individual text-based research in an area of international studies not represented by other courses.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
International Field Research Project
Supervised individual data-collection or observational research in an area of international studies.
Restriction: permission of the Director.
Note: may be undertaken while participating in one of the international exchange programs or an approved equivalent international academic experience.
#INTL 3P92
(also offered as LING 3P92)
Language in its social context: bilingualism and linguistic variation; social factors that interact with language; cultural implications of language learning and language behaviour.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: LING 1F94 or permission of the Chair.
#INTL 3V25-3V29
International Issues
(also offered as ENVI 3V25-3V29)
Specific topics to be selected.
Lectures, seminar, workshop, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: INTL 1F90(1P95), ENVI 1P90 and 1P91 or permission of the Director.
Note: each course taken in this series uses guest speakers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to explore one aspect of international environmental policy issues.
Internship in Intercultural Studies
Volunteer non-credit internship in an intercultural setting within Ontario.
Restriction: permission the Director.