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Unconscious Bias Awareness
What is unconscious bias and what can I do about it?

This 90-minute workshop will introduce learners to unconscious bias and related heuristics that result in mental shortcuts that can unwittingly produce discrimination or inequity. Intercultural competence means highly developed knowledge, skills and attitudes for working effectively with culturally different people that can reduce some harmful results from unconscious bias. With a focus on meeting people where they are, intercultural communication tools and practices are used as a means to increase competence with special attention to the three ingredients that research shows matter most for intercultural development—self awareness, respectful curiosity and empathy. *Please note that you must bring a smartphone, iPad or laptop with a wifi connection to fully participate in this class.

Workshop outcomes will align with Brock strategic goals around campus inclusion/equity, internationalization and enhanced student experience.

By the end of the workshop learners will be able to:
• Identify the definition of unconscious bias
• Identify at least two other related heuristics
• Identify one test you can commit to take/debrief from project implicit (the IAT)

To learn more about your facilitator and the Intercultural Communications Coordinator role, please go to

Monday, July 30, 2018
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, TH253

Facilitator: Trecia McLennon
Intercultural Communications Coordinator, International Services

Limit: 30

This workshop has already been completed. If you wish to know the next time this course will be offered, please contact

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