William Isaac Thomas
A. N. Marquis Co.
THOMAS, William Isaac, sociologist; b. Russell County, Va., Aug. 13, 1863; s. Thaddeus Peter and Sarah (Price) T.; A.B. U. of Tenn., 1884; student Berlin and Göttingen, 1888-89; Ph.D., U of Chicago, 1896; m. Harriet Park, June 6, 1888; m. 2nd, Dorothy Swaine Thomas, Feb. 7, 1935. Instr. English and modern languages, U. of Tenn. 1884-88; prof. English, Oberlin Coll. 1889-94, prof. sociology, 1894-05; inst. sociology, U of Chicago, 1895-96; asst. prof., 1896-1900, assoc. prof., 1900-1910, prof, 1910-1918; lecturer, New School for Social Research, 1923-1928; Harvard, 1936-37; in charge Helen Culver Fund for race psychology, 1908-1918, research on Jewish Culture and behavior since 1918. Member, American Sociol. Soc. (pres. 1927). Am. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. Clubs: Stockholm Golf, Claremont Country. Author: Sex and Society, 1907; Source Book for Social Origins, 1909; Standpoint and Questionnaire for Race Psychology, 1912; Suggestions of Modern Science Concerning Education, 1914; The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (with F. Znaniecki), 1918-1921; The Unadjusted Girl, 1923; The Unconscious (with others), 1927; The Child in America (with D. S. Thomas), 1928; Primitive Behavior, 1936. Address: 2710 Garbor Street., Berkeley 5, Calif. Died Dec 5, 1947.