Albion Small, A Partial bibliography

This list was adapted from one constructed by Floyd House for the American Journal of Sociology
32 (1926: 49-58), as part the Journal's commemoration of Albion Small at the time of his death. In a footnote, House identified the sources as follows:

This list of Professor Small's published writings is not presented as an exhaustive one. Ephemeral writings have been omitted, and doubtless a few important articles have been missed. The list here published was prepared by the use of the following sources: (1) the lists of publications of members of the Faculties of the University of Chicago found in the President's Reports for 1903 (decennial volume; lists intended to be complete from the time of the founding of the University) and subsequent years; (2) a bibliography of his writings through the year 1915 prepared by Professor Small for a bibliography of the Faculties published by the University of Chicago in 1916; (3) the indexes of the various volumes of the American Journal of Sociology; (4) a collection of Professor Small's "fugitive publications" brought together in part by him shortly before his death, amplified by the writer from his general collection of pamphlets and clippings.

Our own interest in Small is more historical—documenting Small's stance on the role of Sociology vis ΰ vis other disciplines and his perspective on social psychology— than theoretical. We have made only slight changes to House's list: the reviews have been integrated into the overall chronology, and we have added 11 articles from the index to the American Journal of Sociology for its 50th anniversary. We haven't searched out Small's book reviews published in the Journal: it is likely that some of the reviews have been omitted. Only a handful of articles are available through site, each reflecting our historical interests.

  1. The French Revolution. Pamphlet, 1887. Pp. 96.
  2. The Growth of American Nationality—An Introduction to the Constitutional History of the United States. Printed for the use of students in Colby University, Waterville, Maine, 1888., Pp. 128.
  3. "Von Holst on American Politics." A Review of Von Holst, Verfasungsgeschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, IV (IV, Civil Service Reformer, December, 1888), 141–42.
  4. School and College. A series of editorials in the Waterville Mail, 1888–89.
  5. "The Dynamics of Social Progress." An address. Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Instruction (1889).
  6. Syllabus: Introduction to the History of European Civilization. Colby University, 1889. Pp. 100.
  7. The Mission of the Denominational College. Inaugural address by President Albion W. Small, of Colby University. Delivered 1889. Printed as a pamphlet by Colby University, 1890. Pp. 12.
  8. Higher Education of Women at Colby (1890). Leaflet. Pp. 6.
  9. Outline of a Course in Sociology. Privately printed for the use of the class of '93 in Colby University. Waterville, Maine, 1893. Pp. 52.
  10. Social Service: Syllabus of a Course of Six Lectures. (University of Chicago Extension Division, Lecture-Study Department, No. 45.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1893. Pp. 19.
  11. "The College and the University." Address at the morning exercises in celebration of Knox College Founder's Day, February 15, 1894. Published in a pamphlet containing the addresses at the celebration, by order of the trustees of Knox College. Pp.38–40.
  12. An Introduction to the Study of Society (in collaboration with George E. Vincent). New York: American Book Company, 1894. Pp. 384.
  13. "The New Humanity." (Substance of an address delivered at the commencement of Colby University, June 26, 1894.) The University Extension World, July, 1894. Pp. 24.
  14. "The Organic Concept of Society." Annals of the American Academy, V (1895), 740–46.
  15. "'Social' versus 'Societary.'" Annals of the American Academy, V (1895), 948–53.
  16. "Methods of Studying Society." The Chautauquan (April, 1895), p. 5.
  17. "The Era of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, I (1895), 1–15.
  18. "The Civic Federation of Chicago: A Study in Social Dynamics." American Journal of Sociology, I (1895), 79-103.
  19. "Static and Dynamic Sociology," American Journal of Sociology, I (1895), 195-209.
  20. "Private Business is a Public Trust." American Journal of Sociology, I (1895),269-76
  21. Hobson, Evolution of Modern Capitalism; Von Halle, Trusts; Dyer, Evolution of Industry. A comparative review. American Journal of Sociology, I (1895), 219–28.
  22. "The State and Semi-Public Corporations." American Journal of Sociology, I (1895), 398-410.
  23. "Scholarship and Social Agitation."  American Journal of Sociology, I (1895), 564-82.
  24. "Superiority and Subordination as Subject Matter of Sociology." Translated from the German of Georg Simmel. American Journal of Sociology, II(1896), 167–89, 392-415.
  25. [Review of] Giddings, Principles of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, II(1896), 288–305. 
  26. [Review of] Fairbanks, Introduction to Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, II(1896), 305–10. 
  27. [Review of] Schδffle, Ban und Leben des socialen Kφrpers. American Journal of Sociology, II(1896), 310-15.
  28. "Some Demands of Sociology Upon Pedagogy." American Journal of Sociology, II(1897),839--51. (Also in pamphlet form with "The Educational Creed," by John Dewey. New York: E. L. Kellogg and Company. Pp. 19-36).
  29. "The Sociologists' Point of View." American Journal of Sociology, III(1897), 145–71.
  30. "The Meaning of the Social Movement." American Journal of Sociology. III (1897).340-54.
  31. Some Undeveloped Social Resources in the Christian Revelation. An address delivered at the anniversary of Newton Theological Institution, June, 1898. Pamphlet. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1898. Pp. 23.
  32. "Present Status of Sociology in Germany." Translation from the German of Thon. American Journal of Sociology, II(1897), 567-88, 718–36, 792–800.
  33. "The Persistence of Social Groups." Translation from the German of Georg Simmel. American Journal of Sociology, III(1898), 662–98, 825–36; IV (1898), 35-50.
  34. "The Methodology of the Social Problem." American Journal of Sociology, IV (1898), 113–44, 235–56, 380-94.
  35. "Sanity in Social Agitation."  American Journal of Sociology, IV (1898), 355-51.
  36. [Review of] Barth, Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Sociologie. American Journal of Sociology, III(1898), 700-702.
  37. [Review of] Stuckenberg, Introduction to the Study of Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, III (1898), 855–59.
  38. [Review of] Crowell, Logical Process of Social Development, American Journal of Sociology, IV (1898),257–66.
  39. "Academic Freedom—Limits Imposed by Responsibilities." Arena, XXII (October, 1899), 463–72.
  40. "A Unit in Sociology." Annals of the American Academy, IX (1899), 81–85.
  41. [Review of] Giddings, Elements of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, IV (1899), 543–54.
  42. "The Scope of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, V (1900), 506–26, 617–47, 778–813; VI, 42–66, 177–203, (1901), 487–531; VIII (1902), 197-250.
  43. "The Next Steps in College Development." Address at educational conferences at the Decennial Celebration of the University of Chicago. The University Record, VI (1901), 35.
  44. "The Church and the Social Problem." The Independent, LIII(1901), 537–39.
  45. Problems of Democracy: Syllabus of a Course of Six Lecture Studies. (University of Chicago Extension Division, Lecture-Study Department, No. 155.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1902. Pp. 20.
  46. "The Social Mission of College Women." The Independent, LIV (1902), 261-66.
  47. "A Dutch Cooperative Experiment." American Journal of Sociology, VIII (1902),80-90.
  48. "The Number of Members as Determining the Sociological Form of the Group." Translated from the German of Georg Simmel. American Journal of Sociology, VIII(1902), 1–46, 158–96.
  49. [Review of] Giddings, Inductive Sociology. Science, XV (1902), 700–706.
  50. "Coeducation at the University of Chicago." Proceedings of the National Education Association (1903), pp. 288–97.
  51. The Significance of Sociology for Ethics. "University of Chicago Decennial Publications, First Series," IV (1903), III-49.
  52. "Immoral Morality." The Independent, LIV (1903), 710–14. 
  53. "What is a Sociologist?" American Journal of Sociology, VIII(1903), 468–77.
  54. "Alfred Schδffle.American Journal of Sociology, IX (1904), 708-9.
  55. "Notes on Ward's Pure Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, IX (1903–4), 404–7, 567–75, 703–7.
  56. [Review of] Ward, Pure Sociology. Political Science Quarterly, XIX (1903), 318–19.
  57. "Translation of Simmel's Sociology of Conflict." American Journal of Sociology, IX (1904), 490-525, 672-89, 708-811.
  58. "'The Premises of Practical Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, X ( 1904), 24-46.
  59. "The Subject Matter of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, X (1904), 281-98.
  60. "Gustav Ratzenhofer." American Journal of Sociology, X (1904), 544.
  61. "Will Germany War with Us?" Collier's Weekly, December 10, 1904.
  62. [Review of] Munsterberg, Die Amerikaner. American Journal of Sociology, X (1904), 245–52.
  63. General Sociology: An Exposition of the Main Development in Sociological Theory from Spencer to Ratzenhofer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1905. Pp. xiv+739.
  64. "A Decade of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905), 1–10.
  65. "Translation of Simmel's The Sociology of Secrecy and Secret Societies." American Journal of Sociology, XI (1906), 441–98.
  66. "Research Ideals." The University of Chicago Record, X (1905), 87.
  67. [Review of] Ross, Foundations of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905), 129–32.
  68. [Review of]  L'Annee Sociologique, 1903–4. American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905), 132–33.
  69. [Review of] Dealy and Ward, Textbook of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, XI (1905), 266-68.
  70. "William Rainey Harper as University President." Biblical World, XXVII (1906), 216–19).
  71. "William Rainey Harper: The Man." The University of Chicago Record, XI (1906), 65.
  72. Social Value of the Academic Career." The University of Chicago Record, XI (1906), 21–31.
  73. "The Relation between Sociology and Other Sciences." American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906), 11–31.
  74. [Review of] Waxweiler, Esquisse d'une Sociologie, American Journal of Sociology, XII (1906), 424–26.
  75. Adam Smith and Modern Sociology: A Study in the Methodology of the Social Sciences. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1907. Pp. 250.
  76. "The American Sociological Society." American Journal of Sociology, XII (1907), 579-87.
  77. "Points of Agreement among Sociologists." American Journal of Sociology, XII (1907), 633–49
  78. "Sociology." Article in Nelson's Cyclopedia, 1907.
  79. "Are the Social Sciences Answerable to Common Principles of Method?" American Journal of Sociology, XIII(1907), 1-19, 200–223.
  80. "The Relations of the Social Sciences – A symposium." American Journal of Sociology, XIII, 392–401.
  81. [Review of] Mackaye, The Economy of Happiness. American Journal of Sociology, XlI (1907), 566-68.
  82. "Ratzenhofer's Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, XIII (1908), 433–38.
  83. "The Doctor's Dissertation." Proceedings of Ninth Annual Conference, Association of American Universities (1908), 41-73.
  84. "The Meaning of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, XVI (1908), 1–14.
  85. [Review of] Huth, Soziale und individualistische Auffassung im achzehnten Jahrhundert, vornehmlich bei Adam Smith and Adam Ferguson. Journal of Political Economy, XVI (1908), 240–41.
  86. [Review of] Bentley, The Process of Government: A Study of Social Pressures. American Journal of Sociology, XIII (1908), 698–706.
  87. "Is the Family on Trial?" American Journal of Sociology, X IV ( 1909), 806, 10.
  88. [Review of] Simmel, Soziologie. American Journal of Sociology, XIV (1909), 544-45.
  89. [Review of] Dole, The Ethics of Progress. American Journal of Sociology, XV (1909), 418–20.
  90. The Cameralists: The Pioneers of German Social Polity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1910. Pp. 307.
  91. Abraham Lincoln: The Prophet of Democracy. Pamphlet. Louisville, Kentucky: Temple Adath Israel, 1909.
  92. "The Vindication of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, XV (1909), 1–15.
  93. "The Sociological Stage in the Evolution of the Social Sciences." American Journal of Sociology, XV (1910),681–97.
  94. The Meaning of Social Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1910. Pp. 307.
  95. "Translation of Simmel's How is Society Possible?" American Journal of Sociology, XVI (1910),372–91.
  96. "The 'Social Forces' Error." American Journal of Sociology, XVI (1911), 639–41 . 
  97. [Review of] Michels, Zur Soziologie des Parteiwesens in der Modernen Demokratie. American Journal of Sociology, XVII(1911), 408–9.
  98. "Socialism in the Light of Science." American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1912), 804–99- 
  99. "William Rainey Harper." Address at the dedication of the Harper Memorial Library. The University of Chicago Magazine, LV (1912), 311-12.
  100. "General Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, XVIII(1912), 200–214.
  101. [Review of] Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. American Journal of Theology, XVI (1912), 111–14.
  102. [Review of] Hobhouse, Social Evolution and Political Theory. American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1912), 546–48.
  103. Between Eras: From Capitalism to Democracy. Kansas City, Missouri: The Intercollegiate Press, 1913. Pp. xv+431.
  104. "The Present Outlook for Social Science." Presidential address delivered in outline before the American Sociological Society, December, 1912. American Journal of Sociology, XVIII(1913), 433–69.
  105. "Is It Possible for American Sociologists to Agree upon a Constructive Program?" Proceedings of the American Sociological Society, Proceedings of the December, 1913, Meeting, VIII (1914),159–62.
  106. "Lester F. Ward." American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1913), 75–78.
  107. [Review of] Patten, The Reconstruction of Economic Theory. American Journal of Sociology, XVIII (1913), 580–83.
  108. [Review of] Rohrbach, Der Deutsche Gedanke in der Welt. American Journal of Sociology, XVIII (1913), 544–76.
  109. [Review of] Vaughan, Socialism from the Christian Standpoint, and Rauschenbusch, Christianizing the Social Order. American Journal of Sociology, XVIII (1913), 808-11.
  110. [Review of] Bogardus, An Introduction to the Social Sciences. American Journal of Sociology, XIX, (1913),380–82.
  111. "A Vision of Social Efficiency." Presidential address before the American Sociological Society, December, 1913. American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), 433–45.
  112. "Shall Social Science be Sterilized?" American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), 651–53.
  113. "The 'Social Concept' Bugbear." American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), 653–56.
  114. "The Ford Motor Company Incident." American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914),656 – 58,
  115. "The Social Gradations of Capital." American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), 721–52.
  116. "The Evolution of a Social Standard "American Journal of Sociology, XX (1914), 10--17.
  117. [Review of] Ward, Glimpses of the Cosmos. American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), 659–64.
  118. [Review of] Holt, The Unpopular Review. American Journal of Sociology, XIX (1914), 664–66.
  119. "Germany and American Opinion." Sociological Review, VIII (1915),106-11.
  120. "What Is Americanism?" A symposium edited by Albion W. Small, with summaries by the editor. American Journal of Sociology, XX (1915), 433–86, 613–28.
  121. "The Bonds of Nationality." American Journal of Sociology, XX (1915), 629–83.
  122. "The Life." University of Chicago Sermons (1915), pp. 181–99.
  123. [Review of] Barth, Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Soziologie, American Journal of Sociology, XXI (1915), 409-11.
  124. [Review of] Hayes, Introduction to the Study of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, XXI (1916), 535–37.
  125.  "War and Militarism in Relation to Government." Proceedings of the American Sociological Society, Proceedings of the December, 1915, Meeting, X (1916), 93–96.
  126. "National Preparedness–American." American Journal of Sociology, XXI (1916), 601–10.
  127. "Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States." American Journal of Sociology, XXI (entire number for May, 1916), 721–864.
  128. "Americans and the World-Crisis." American Journal of Sociology, XXIII(1917), 145- 73. (Reprinted in the "University of Chicago War Series.")
  129. [Review of] William I. Thomas and Florian Znanieck. The Polish Peasant in Europe and AmericaAmerican Journal of Sociology XXIII (1917-18): 848.
  130. [Review of] Todd, Theories of Social Progress. American Journal of Sociology, XXIII (1918), 824–29.
  131. [Review of] Cooley, Social Process; Marshall, Readings in Industrial Society; Clark, Hamilton, and Moulton, Readings in the Economics of War. American Journal of Sociology, XXIV (1918), 314–17.
  132. "Sociology." Article in the Encyclopedia Americana, 1919.
  133. "The Church and Class Conflicts." American Journal of Sociology, XXIV (1919), 481-501.
  134. "Mr. George E. Roberts and Democracy." American Journal of Sociology, XXV (1919), 59–62.
  135. [Review of] Kocourek and Wigmore, Evolution o f Law. American Journal of Sociology, XXIV (1919), 584–99.
  136. "Some Structural Material for the Idea 'Democracy.'" American Journal of Sociology, XXV (1919-20), 257–97, 405–44.
  137. "Christianity and Industry." American Journal of Sociology, XXV (1920), 673–94.
  138. "A Prospectus of Sociological Theory." American Journal of Sociology, XXVI (1920), 22–59.
  139. [Review of] Ross, Principles of Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, XXVI (1920), 110–13.
  140. [Review of] Mecklin, An Introduction to Social Ethics. American Journal of Sociology, XXVI (1920), 245–46.
  141. [Review of] Cole, Social Theory. American Journal of Sociology, XXVI (1920), 247–48.
  142. "The Future of Sociology." Publications of the American Sociological Society, XV (1921), 174-93.
  143. "Evolution of Sociological Consciousness in the United States." American Journal of Sociology, XXVII (1921), 226–31.
  144. [Review of] Spengler, Untergang des Abendlandes. American Journal of Sociology, XXVI (1921), 623-2 7.
  145. [Review of] Patten, The Grand Strategy of Evolution. American Journal of Sociology, XXIV (1921), 627-29.
  146. [Review of] Kφlner, Vierte1jahreshefte fόr Sozialwissenschaflen. (Opening number) American Journal of Sociology, XXVII (1921), 92–94.
  147. [Review of] Hyndman, The Evolution of Revolution. American Journal of Sociology, XXVII (1921 ), 94–96.
  148. [Review of] Von Wiese, Erufόhrung in die Sozialpolitik. American Journal of Sociology, XVII (1921), 394–95.
  149. "Technique as Approach to Science." American Journal of Sociology, XXVII (1922), 646–51.
  150. "The Category 'Human Process.' " American Journal of Sociology,, XXVIII (1922), 205–27.
  151. [Review of] Robinson, The Mind in the Making. American Journal of Sociology, XXVII (1922 ), 520–21.
  152. "Contributions to the History of Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, XXVIII(1922–23), 385–418, 710–34; XXIX (1923–24), 69–84, 158-77, 305–24, 443–88, 571–98, 707–25; XXX (1924–25), 49, 86, 177--94, 302–36. Reprinted as Origins of Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1924. Pp. vii+359.
  153. "The Category 'Progress' as a Tool of Research in Social Science." American Journal of Sociology, XXVIII (1923). 554–76.French version of same, entitled ''La catagorie de progress considιrιe comme instrument de recherches en matiθre de science sociale, Revue Internationale de Sociologie, XXX (1922), 561–82.
  154. [Review of] Williams, The Foundations of Social Science. American Journal of Sociology, XXIX (1923), 102-4.
  155. [Review of] Ellwood, The Reconstruction of Religion. American Journal of Sociology, XXIX (1923), 236–37.
  156. "Some Researches into Research." Journal of Applied Sociology, IX (1924), 3–11, 98–107.
  157. [Review of] Durkheim, Education et sociologie. American Journal of Sociology, XXIX (1924), 608–9.
  158. [Review of] Oppenheimer, System der Soziologie. Erster Band. Allgemeine Soziologie. American Journal of Sociology, XXIX (1924), 750–52.
  159. [Review of] Bureau, La science des moeurs. American Journal of Sociology, XXIX (1924), 752–53.
  160. [Review of] Bougie, Leηons de sociologie sur l'evolution des valeurs. American Journal of Sociology, XXIX (1924), 753-54.
  161. [Review of] Lindeman, Social Discovery. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924), 214–16.
  162. [Review of] Hobhouse, Social Development: Its Nature and Conditions. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924), 216–20.
  163. [Review of] Wiggam, The New Decalogue of Science. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924), 220–23.
  164. [Review of] Penty, Toward Christian Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924 ), 225-26.
  165. [Review of] Roman, La Place de la sociologie dans l'education aux Etats-Unis. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924), 227.
  166. [Review of] Litt, Individuum und Gemeinschaft. 2d ed. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924), 352–53.
  167. [Review of] Eleutheropulos, Untersuchung des menschlichen sozialen Lebens. American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1924), 353–54.
  168. "The Sociology of Profits." American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1925), 439–61.
  169. "Sociology and Plato's Republic." American Journal of Sociology, XXX (1925), 513–33; 683–702.
  170. [Review of] Spykman, The Social Theory of Georg Simnel. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 84–87.
  171. [Review of] Von Wiese, Allgemeine Soziologie, Teil I, Beziehungslehre. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 87–89.
  172. [Review of] Barnes, The New History and the Social Studies. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 89–90.
  173. [Review of] Marshall, The Story of Human Progress; Spalding, Chapters in Social History; Beach, An Introduction to Sociology and Social Problems. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 104–5.
  174. [Review of] Scheler, Versuche zu einer Soziologie des Wissens. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 262-64.
  175. [Review of] Jahrbuch fόr Soziologie (first volume), edited by G. Salomon, American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 384-86.
  176. [Review of] Gottl OttlilienfeId, Wiltschaft als Leben. A. .J.. S., XXXI (1925), 386 - 87.
  177. [Review of] Iasek, The Introduction of Adam Smith'sDoctrines Into Germany. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1925), 398-99.
  178. [Review of] Thompson, Public Ownership; Ransom and Moon, Popular Ownership of Property. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1926), 549–50.
  179. [Review of] Campbell, Commonwealth: A Study in Social Philosophy. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1926), 682-83.
  180. [Review of] Blackmar, History of Human Society. American Journal of Sociology, XXXI (1926), 817.


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