New York Times

Ex-Columbia Professor Names Alumni New Publishers and Trustees.

Professor J. McKeen Cattell, formerly Professor of Psychology at Columbia, who filed an action on Monday for damages against President Murray Butler of the university and members of the Special Committee, consisting of George L. Ingraham, John B. Pine, Francis S. Bangs and Stephen Baker, who recommended that he be dismissed for writing letters to Congressmen in opposition to the Government war program in 1917, filed two additional suits yesterday in the Supreme Court.

One suit names as defendants the Alumni Federation of Columbia, which publishes The Alumni News, and Levering Tyson, Secretary of the organization, who is editor of The Alumni News, for alleged damaging statements concerning the removal of Professor Cattell. The other suit names the trustees as defendants, and is understood to be a demand for his reinstatement. Alfred Hayes, attorney for Professor Cattell in the litigation, refused to discuss the suits.


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