A Biographical Directory of American Men of Science

James McKeen Cattell

THE undersigned is compiling a ‘Biographical Directory of American Men of Science.' It was begun as a manuscript reference list for the Carnegie Institution of Washington, but arrangements have now been made for its publication. The book should be ready in the autumn, nearly 4,000 biographical sketches being in type. The proofs have been corrected by those concerned, but in order to secure as great accuracy as possible a revised proof will be sent in the early autumn.

This letter is written with a view to securing biographical sketches from those living in North America who have carried on research work in the natural or exact sciences but who have not received proof of a sketch for correction. Some of those who were asked to send the information required did not reply even in answer to a second and third request, and there are, of course, many who should be included in the work but who for one reason or another did not receive the request for information.

It is intended that each biographical sketch shall contain information, as follows:

1. The full name with title and mail address, the part of the name ordinarily omitted in correspondence being in parentheses.

2. The department of investigation given in italics.

3. The place and date of birth.

4. Education and degrees with dates.

5. Positions with dates, the present position being given in italics.

6. Temporary and minor positions.

7. Honorary degrees and other scientific honors.

8. Membership in scientific and learned societies.

9. Chief subjects of research, those accomplished being separated by a dash from those in progress.

The undersigned will be under great obligations to those men of science who will send him biographical sketches of themselves or who will secure sketches from those who should be included in the work-those who live in the United States, Canada, Newfoundland, Mexico or Cuba, and who have contributed to the advancement of one of the following sciences: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, botany, zoology, pathology, physiology, anatomy, anthropology, psychology.

The compiler of the book hopes that any assistance given him to make it as complete and accurate as possible will be at the same time a contribution to the organization of science in America.



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