Students' Attitudes


Daniel Katz and Floyd H. Allport

Table of Contents | Previous
  1. ALLPORT, F. H., and HARTMAN, D. A., The Measurement and Motivation of Atypical Opinion in a Certain Group. American Political Science Review, 1925, 19, 735-760. 
  2. ALLPORT, F. H., and HARTMAN, D. A., A Technique for the Measurement and Analysis of Public Opinion. Publications of the American Sociological Society, 1926, 32, 241-244. 
  3. ALLPORT, G. W., A Test for Ascendance-Submission. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1928, 23, 118-136. 
  4. ALLPORT, G. W., The Composition of Political Attitudes. American Journal of Sociology, 1929, 35, 220-238. 
  5. ANDERSON, A., and DVORAK, B., Differences between College Students and Their Elders in Standards of Conduct. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1928, 23, 286. 
  6. ANDERSON, W. A., The Occupational Attitudes and Choices of a Group of College Men. Social Forces, 1927-1928, 6, 278-283, 467-473. 
  7. BAIN, R., Religious Attitudes of College Students. American Journal of Sociology, 1927, 32, 762-770. 
  8. BAIN, R., Theory and Measurement of Attitudes and Opinions. Psychological Bulletin, 1930, 27, 357-379. 
  9. BLANTON, S., A Mental-Hygiene Program for Colleges. Mental Hygiene, 1925, 9, 478-488. 
  10. BOGARDUS, E. S., Measuring Social Distance. Journal of Applied Sociology, 1925, 9, 299-308. 
  11. BOGARDUS, E. S., Social Distance and Its Origins. Journal of Applied Sociology, 1925, 9, 216-226. 
  12. BROGAN, A. P., A Study in Statistical Ethics. International Journal of Ethics, 1922-1923, 33, 119-134. 
  13. BROGAN, A. P., Group Estimates of the Frequency of Misconduct. Inter-national Journal of Ethics, 1923-1924, 34, 254-271. 
  14. BROGAN, A. P., Moral Valuations About Men and Women. International Journal of Ethics, 1924-1925, 35, 105-124. 
  15. CAMPBELL, W. G., and KOCH, H. L., Student Honesty in a University with an Honor System. School and Society, 1930, 31, 232-240. 
  16. CARTER, T. M., Cheating as Seen by College Students. International Journal of Ethics, 1928-1929, 39, 341-355. 
  17. CLARK, W. W., The Measurement Of Social Attitudes. Journal of Applied Sociology, 1924, 8, 345-354. 
  18. CONKLIN, E. S., Superstitious Belief and Practice among College Students. American Journal of Psychology, 1919, 30, 83-102. 


  19. COWDERY, K. M., Measurement of Professional Attitudes: Differences Between Lawyers, Physicians, and Engineers. Journal of Personnel Research, 1926-1927, 5, 131-141. 
  20. CRATHORNE, A. R., Change of Mind between High~school and College as to Life Work. School and Society, 1920, 11, 28-30. 
  21. CRAWFORD, A. B., Incentives to Study; a Survey of Student Opinion. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1929. 
  22. DASHIELL, J. F., Personality Traits and the Different Professions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1930, 14, 197-201. 
  23. EDWARDS, R. H., ARTMAN, J. M., and FISHER, G. M., Undergraduates. New York City: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1928. 
  24. FENTON, N., An Objective Study of Student Honesty During Examinations. School and Society, 1927, 26, 341-344. 
  25. FREYD, M., A Method for the Study of Vocational Interests. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1922, 6, 243-254. 
  26. FREYD, M., Measurement of Interests in Vocational Selection. Journal of Personnel Research, 1923, 1, 319-328. 
  27. GARDNER, G. E., and PIERCE, H. D., The Inferiority Feelings of College Students. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1929-1930, 24,8-13. 
  28. GAW, E. A., Occupational Interests of College Women. Personnel Journal, 1928, 7, 111-114. 
  29. HOWELLS, T. H., A Comparative Study of Those Who Accept as Against Those Who Reject Religious Authority. Iowa Studies in Character, Vol. II,No. 2, Department of Publications, University of Iowa. 
  30. HUBBARD, R. M., Interests Studied Quantitatively. Journal of Personnel Research, 1925-1926, 4, 365-378. 
  31. JONES, E. S., The Opinions of College Students. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1926, 10, 427-436. 
  32. KING, I., and ADELSTEIN, M., The Permanence of Interests and Their Relation to Abilities. School and Society, 1917, 6, 359-360. 
  33. LEATHERMAN, Z. E., and DOLL, E. A., A Study of the Maladjusted College Student. Ohio State University Studies, 1925, Vol. II, No. 2. 
  34. LEUBA, J. H., The Belief in God and Immortality. Boston: Sherman, French & Company, 1916. 
  35. LOCKHART, E. G., The Attitudes of Children Toward Law. Iowa Studies in Character, Vol. III,No. 1. 
  36. LUND, F. H., The Psychology of Belief. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1925-1926, 20, 63-81, 174-195. 
  37. LUNDBERG, G. A., Sex Differences on Social Questions. School and Society, 1926, 23, 595-600. 
  38. LUNDBERG, G. A., Social Research. New York: Longmans, 1930, Chapter IX, "The Measurement of Attitude." 
  39. MAY, M. A., and HARTSHORNE, H., Personality and Character Tests. Psychological Bulletin, 1926, 23, 395-411; 1927, 24, 418-435; 1928, 25, 422-443; 1929, 26, 418-444. 
  40. MAY, M. A., HARTSHORNE, H., and WELTY, R. E., Personality and Character Tests. Psychological Bulletin, 1930, 27, 485-494. 
  41. MAY, M. A., and HARTSHORNE, H., Studies in the Nature of Character. New York: Macmillan, 1928. 
  42. MEIER, N. C., Motives in Voting: A Study in Public Opinion. American Journal of Sociology, 1925-1926, 31, 199-212. 
  43. MOORE, H. T., Innate Factors in Radicalism and Conservatism. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1925-1926, 20, 234-244. 
  44. MORSE, J., and ALLAN, J., The Religion of One Hundred and Twenty-six College Students. Journal of Religious Psychology, 1913, 6, 175-194. 
  45. PORTER, E., Student Opinion on War: An Investigation. Thesis, University of Chicago. 
  46. REINHARDT, J. M., Students and Race Feeling. The Survey, 1928, 61, 239-240. 
  47. REMMERS, H. H., The Measurement of Interest Differences between Students of Engineering and of Agriculture. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1929, 13, 105-118. 
  48. RICE, S. A., "Stereotypes": A Source of Error in Judging Human Character. Journal of Personnel Research, 1926-1927, 5, 267-276. 
  49. RICE, S. A., Quantitative Methods in Politics. New York: Knopf, 1928. 
  50. RICE, S. A. (Ed), Statistics in Social Studies. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930. Chapter XI and Commentary. 
  51. ROBINSON, V. P., The Conception of God of College Students. American Journal of Religious Psychology and Education, 1908-1909, 3, 247-257. 
  52. SINCLAIR, R. D., A Comparative Study of Those Who Report the Experience of the Divine Presence and Those Who Do Not. Iowa Studies in Character, Vol. II, No. 3, Department of Publications, University of Iowa. 
  53. SNYDER, A., and DUNLAP, K., A Study of Moral Evaluations by Male and Female College Students. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1924, 4, 289-324. 
  54. STOGDILL, Z. E. L., The Maladjusted College Student, A Bibliography. Ohio College Association Bulletin, No. 50. 
  55. STRONG, E. K., Interest Analysis of Personnel Managers. Journal of Personnel Research, 1926-1927, 5, 235-242. 
  56. STRONG, E. K., Interest Test for Personnel Managers. Journal of Personnel Research, 1926-1927, 5, 194-203. 
  57. STURGES, H. A., Washburn College, Studies in the Dynamics of Attitude (Unpublished). 
  58. SYMONDS, P. M., What Is an Attitude? Psychological Bulletin, 1927, 24, 200-201. 
  59. SYMONDS, P. M., A Social Attitudes Questionnaire. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1925, 16, 316-322. 
  60. THORNDIKE, E. L., Early Interests: Their Permanence and Relation to Abilities. School and Society, 1917, 5, 178-179. 
  61. THURSTONE, L. L., Psychophysical Analysis. American Journal of Psychology, 1927, 38, 368-389. 
  62. THURSTONE, L. L., A Mental Unit of Measurement. Psychological Re-view, 1927, 34, 415-423. 
  63. THURSTONE, L. L., A Law of Comparative Judgment. Psychological Review, 1927, 34, 273-286. 
  64. THURSTONE, L. L., The Method of Paired Comparisons for Social Values. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1927, 21, 384-400. 
  65. THURSTONE, L. L., Equally Often Noticed Differences. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1927, 18, 289-293. 
  66. THURSTONE, L. L., An Experimental Study of Nationality Preferences. Journal of General Psychology, 1928, 1, 405-425. 
  67. THURSTONE, L. L., The Measurement of Opinion. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1928, 22, 415-430. 
  68. THURSTONE, L. L., Attitudes Can Be Measured. American Journal of Sociology, 1928, 33, 529-554. 
  69. THURSTONE, L. L., Theory of Attitude Measurement. Psychological Re-view, 1929, 36, 222-241. 
  70. THURSTONE, L. L., and CHAVE, E. J., The Measurement of Attitude. University of Chicago Press, 1929. 
  71. VETTER, G., The Study of Social and Political Opinion. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1930, 25, 26-39. 
  72. VETTER, G., The Measurement of Social and Political Attitudes and the Related Personality Factors. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1930, 25, 149-189. 
  73. WASHBURN, M., and others, The Moore Test of Radical and Conservative Temperaments. American Journal of Psychology, 1927, 38, 449-452. 
  74. WATSON, G. B., The Measurement of Fair Mindedness. Teachers College Contributions to Education, 1925, 176. 
  75. WATSON, G. B., A Test of Fair Mindedness. Industrial Psychology, 1927, 2, 84-92. 
  76. WATSON, G. B., A Supplementary Review of Measures of Personality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1927, 18, 73-87. 
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  78. WILLEY, M. C., and RICE, S., William Jennings Bryan as a Social Force. Social Forces, 1924, 2, 338-344. 
  79. WILLOUGHBY, R. R., A Sampling of Student Opinion. Journal of Social Psychology, 1930, 1, 164-169. 
  80. YOUNG, D., Some Effects of a Course in American Race Problems on the Race Prejudice of 450 Undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1927, 22, 235-242. 
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  82. YOUNG, K., Topical Summaries of Current Literature : Personality Studies. American Journal of Sociology, 1927, 32, 953-971. 


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