Mental Development in the Child and the Race

Table of Contents

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Preface to the First Edition (Abridged)

Preface to the Third Edition


Chapter 1: Infant and Race Psychology

  1. Infant Psychology: Ontogenesis, the Genetic Point of View
  2. Race Psychology: Phylogenesis
  3. Analogies of Development: Epochs of Development
  4. Variation in Ontogeny: Organic and Mental Recaptitulation

Chapter 2: A New Method of Child Study

  1. Critical: Earlier Methods
  2. Expository: the Dynamogenic Method
  3. Formula of the Dynamongenic Method

Part I: Experimental Foundation

Chapter 3: Distance and Colour Perception by Infants

  1. Experimental: Colour, Distance
  2. Critical: Estimate of Results

Chapter 4: The Origin of Right-Handedness

  1. Experimental: Arrangements and Results
  2. Interpretation: Neurological and Race Considerations; Modifications of Formula of Method.

Chapter 5: Infants' Movements

  1. Descriptive: Reflexes; the Child's Drawings; Rise of Tracery Imitation
  2. Interpretation of Tracery Imitiation: The Origin and Analysis of Handwriting

Chapter 6: Suggestion

  1. Definition and Criticism
  2. Physiological Suggestion
  3. Sensori-Motor: General, Personality, Deliberative Suggestion
  4. Ideo-Motor: Simple Imitative Suggestion, R&eauctesum� of Suggestions of Infancy
  5. Subconscious Adult Suggestion: Tune-suggestion, Influence of Dreams, Auto-suggestion, Sense-exhaltation
  6. Inhibitory Suggestion: Pain, Control, and Contrary Suggestion; Bashfulness
  7. Hypnotic Suggestion: the Facts, the Theory
  8. The Law of Dynamogenesis: Habit and Accomodation

Part II: Biological Genesis

Chapter 7: The Theory of Development

  1. Organic Adaptation in General
  2. The Current Theory of Adaptation: Darwin, Spencer, Bain
  3. Development and Heredity: Neo-Darwinism and Neo-Lamarckism
  4. The Origin of Consciousness
  5. Outcome: Habit and Accommodation

Chapter 8: The Origin of Motor Attitudes and Expressions

  1. General View
  2. The Theory of "Emotional Expression": Applications of Principles of Habit, Accommodation, Dynamogenesis
  3. Hedonic Expression and its Law
  4. Habitual Motor Attitudes: Principles of Antithesis, Associated Habits, Analogous Stimuli

Chapter 9: Organic Imitation

  1. The General Question
  2. The Neurological Question
  3. The Physical Basis of Memory and Association

Part III: Psychological Genesis

Chapter 10: Conscious Imitation (Begun): The Origin of Memory and Imagination

  1. General Facts and Explanations
  2. The Origin of Memory and Association
  3. Assimilation and Recognition
  4. Phylogenetic Value of Memory and Imagination

Chapter 11: Conscious Imitation (Continued): The Origin of Thought and Emotion

  1. Conception and Thought
  2. Conception as Class-recognition
  3. Emotion and Sentiment: Self and the Social Sense

Chapter 12: Conscious Imitation (Concluded)

  1. Classification
  2. Plastic Imitation
  3. How to observe Imitation in Children

Chapter 13: The Origin of Volition

  1. Analysis of Volition: Deliberation, Desire, Effort
  2. The Typical Case of Rise of Volition in the Child: Persistent Imitation
  3. Phylogenetic
  4. Special Evidence
  5. Ontogenetic: Variations in the Rise of Volition

Chapter 14: The Mechanism of Revival: Internal Speech and Song

  1. Internal Speech: How do we think of Words?
  2. Internal Song: How do we think of Tunes?
  3. Pitch Recognition: How do we know Notes?

Chapter 15: The Origin of Attention

  1. Voluntary Attention
  2. Reflex and 'Primary' Attention
  3. The Development of Attention: Sensori-motor Association
  4. Voluntary Acquisition and Control

Part IV: General Synthesis

Chapter 16: Summary: Final Statement of Habit and Association

  1. Summary of Theory of Development
  2. Interaction of Habit and Accommodation
  3. Organic Centralization: Pain, Attention

Appendix B: Colonel Mallery on Sign Language

Appendix C: I and II


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