Last updated: September 23, 2019 @ 09:25AM

Applied Gerontology

Master of Applied Gerontology

Peter Tiidus
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies
Panagiota (Nota) Klentrou
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Graduate Program Director
Lynn McCleary
Department of Nursing

Core Faculty

Allan Adkin (Kinesiology), Diane Mack (Kinesiology), Lynn McCleary (Nursing), Deborah O’Leary (Health Sciences), Philip Sullivan (Kinesiology),

Associate Professors
Jarold Cosby (Kinesiology), Kimberley Gammage (Kinesiology), Paula Gardner (Health Sciences), Miya Narushima (Health Sciences), Zaida Rahaman (Nursing), Jenn Salfi (Nursing), Colleen Whyte (Recreation and Leisure)

Assistant Professors
Val Andrew Fajardo (Kinesiology), Arne Stinchcombe (Recreation & Leisure Studies)

Program Coordinator

Program Description

The Master of Applied Gerontology (MAG) program is designed to prepare graduates from a range of undergraduate educational backgrounds to work in a variety of gerontology-related professions, organizations and services in administrative, service delivery, leadership and facilitative roles. The MAG program provides an array of required and elective courses as well as a full-credit field practicum providing hands on and leadership experience to meet the competencies expected of gerontological health professionals. The MAG program will provide students with the clinical and professional skills and knowledge for pursuing a wide scope of career possibilities in gerontology and health care.

Admission Requirements

Successful completion of a four year Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in Health Sciences, Kinesiology, Psychology, Recreation and Leisure, Nursing, Public Health (or equivalent), with an average of no less than 75% (B). The Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applications and recommend admission for a limited number of suitable candidates. Admission to part-time study is not normally available. Individuals interested in part-time study should consult with the Graduate Program Director.

Degree Requirements

Basic degree requirements include the successful completion of ten half-course credits and a full-credit practicum. Students are expected to complete their degree requirements within three academic terms (12 months).

Required Courses:

GERO 5F00 Gerontological Practicum
GERO 5P02 Current Issues in Gerontology
GERO 5P13 Advanced Communication and Aging
GERO 5P15 Introduction to Inter-professional Practice
GERO 5P88 The Process of Aging
GERO 5P92 Mental Health and Aging
AHSC 5P11 Theory and Practice of Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Plus four additional elective courses from the courses listed below:

GERO 5P12 Mobility and Physical Activity in Aging
GERO 5P14 Community Services for Older Adults
GERO 5P87 Death and Dying
AHSC 5P39 Strengths-Based Facilitation Techniques
AHSC 5P51 Health Ethics
AHSC 5P81 Research Topics in Cardiovascular Regulation and Adaptation
AHSC 5P93 Neural Control of Posture, Balance, and Gait
AHSC 5P99 Psychological Approaches to Health and Behaviour Change
MBAB 5P04 Organizational Behaviour and Design
MBAB 5P05 Marketing Management
MBAB 5P21 Business Strategy
MBAB 5P23 Entrepreneurship

Program Notes
  1. Failure to succeed in the practicum course will result in dismissal from the program
  2. Students may require current Standard First Aid and CPR (BCLS or Level C) certification that is in accordance with and approved by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) when completing their practicum. The certification must be valid during the duration of study.
  3. Proof of immunizations may be required prior to commencement of practicum courses. Immunization screening required for: Measles, Mumps, Rubella; Hepatitis B; Tuberculosis; Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis.
  4. Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) may be required by practicum agencies. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the process is complete – at their own expense. In some cases, students may not be allowed to attend practicum is these requirements are not met.
  5. All program costs associated with required documentation or equipment are the sole responsibility of the student. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the process is complete prior to commencement of the program.

Course Descriptions

Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.

Please note that not all courses are offered every session. Refer to the applicable timetable for details.

Refer to Applied Health Sciences (AHSC) and Business Administration (MBAB) Calendar entries for course descriptions of AHSC and MBAB courses.
Gerontological Practicum
Practical experience providing students with specialized knowledge, practices, culture and skills, working in the field of gerontology. A minimum of 300 hours must be completed.

Current Issues in Gerontology
An overview of evidence-based thinking via research conducted with a gerontology focus. Students will be exposed to arrange of methodological and paradigmatic issues characterizing the multidisciplinary nature of research in gerontology.

Mobility and Physical Activity in Aging
Mobility and physical activity in aging populations. Issues related to assessment, training, fitness adaptations, and program are addressed.

Advanced Communication and Aging
Examination of communication with older adults and professionals in the field of gerontology. Focus on the application of theories and research evidence in practice. Seminar and practice labs.

Community Services for Older Adults
Examination of the role of community services for older adults with an emphasis on leisure opportunities, housing, transportation, retirement and community organizations. Topics include social services for older adults, environmental design, home support services, and policy considerations.

Introduction to Inter-professional Practice
(also offered as NUSC 4Q90)
Understanding and applying core competencies for effective collaboration. Topics include collaborative leadership, team functioning, communication, role clarity, conflict management, and client-centred approach as it applied to diversity of interprofessional settings.
Note: Note: Cross-listed as NUSC 4Q90

Death and Dying in Later Life
Experience and quality of life during the end stages of life for older adults. Examination of issues related to death, dying and bereavement by highlighting cultural, ethical, social and spiritual aspects, as well as end of life care.

The Process of Aging
The physiology of aging and how lifestyle, physical activity and nutrition may be able to influence the physiological processes of aging with the goal of optimizing physical and mental function and independent living into old age.

Mental Health and Aging
Examination of mental health and mental illness and aging, including evidence about risk factors, health promotion, prevention, and effective interventions. Focus on most common mental disorders, including depression, addiction, dementia, and anxiety disorders.