2017-2018 Undergraduate Calendar

Digital Humanities  
Director David Hutchison Professor David Hutchison Assistant Professors Alex Christie, Jason Hawreliak IT Support Clara Suba Technical Associate Andrew Roth Project Co-ordinator and Technical Assistant Justin Howe Participating Faculty Jeff Boggs (Geography), John Bonnett (History), David Brown (Geography and Tourism Studies), Martin Danahay (English Language and Literature), Michael Driedger (History), Greg Gillespie (Communication, Popular Culture and Film), Bill Ralph (Mathematics and Statistics), Michael Winter (Computer Science) Academic Adviser Alisa Cunnington  
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Administrative Assistant Clara Suba 905-688-5550, extension 3270 Thistle 269D brocku.ca/cdh The Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) is a teaching and research unit which focuses on the intersection of interactive technologies and the humanities. The Centre is home to Brock's Interactive Arts and Science (IASC) program and the GAME program, the latter in partnership with the Department of Computer Science and Niagara College. The Centre offers courses to Brock students pursuing studies in a wide range of disciplines within and beyond the Faculty of Humanities. The Centre is home to the Brock University Design Studio (BUDS) which provides students across Brock with course-based opportunities to practice and hone their knowledge and skills within a real-world, collaborative, project-based production studio context that incorporates a service-learning orientation. Visit brocku.ca/buds for more information. Facilities The Centre's facilities include multimedia teaching labs and seminar rooms as well as research and development labs. The Centre works in close partnership with other academic and administrative units at Brock as well as a number of external partners. Within the Faculty of Humanities, the Centre for Digital Humanities offers support and services to both faculty and students.  
Last updated: April 4, 2017 @ 04:06PM