Last updated: August 15, 2017 @ 08:25AM
Educational Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies (Joint Program)
Fields of Specialization
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education
Cognition and Learning
Michael Owen
Faculty of Education
Associate Dean, Graduate Student Services, International, and Research
Michael O'Sullivan
Faculty of Education
Associate Dean, Professional & Undergraduate Student Services
Sheila Bennett
Faculty of Education
Core Faculty
Denise Armstrong, (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Sheila M. Bennett (Teacher Education), Fiona M. Blaikie (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Sandra Bosacki (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Lorenzo Cherubini (Teacher Education), Susan M, Drake (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), David Hutchison (Teacher Education), Julian Kitchen (Teacher Education), Michelle McGinn (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Ruth McQuirter Scott (Teacher Education), Coral Mitchell (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Lissa Paul (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Jennifer Rowsell (Teacher Education), Susan Tilley (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Mary-Louise Vanderlee (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Louis Volante (Teacher Education), Vera Woloshyn (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies)
Associate Professors
Joe Barrett (Teacher Education), Hilary Brown (Teacher Education), Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker (Teacher Education), Ann-Marie DiBiase (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Tony Di Petta (Centre for Continuing Studies), Xavier Fazio (Teacher Education), Candace Figg (Teacher Education), Tiffany Gallagher (Teacher Education), Shelley Griffin (Teacher Education), Catherine Hands (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Debra Harwood (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Kamini Jaipal-Jamani (Teacher Education), Doug Karrow (Teacher Education), Renee Kuchapski (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Xiaobin Li (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Chunlei Lu (Teacher Education), Joyce Mgombelo (Teacher Education), Dolana Mogadime (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Trevor Norris (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Michael O'Sullivan (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Gail Phillips (Teacher Education), Camille Rutherford (Teacher Education), Nancy Taber (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Leanne Taylor (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Peter Vietgen (Teacher Education), Kari-Lynn Winters (Teacher Education)
Assistant Professors
Diane Collier (Teacher Education), Spy Denomme-Welch (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Robert McGray (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Michael Savage (Graduate and Undergraduate Studies), Susan Sydor (Teacher Education)
Participating Faculty
Professors Emeriti
Sharon M. Abbey, Ralph Connelly, Anne Elliott, James Heap, Michael Manley-Casimir, John M. Novak, Patrick O'Neill, Merle Richards, Alan R. Wheeler, Sybil E. Wilson
See for a list of Graduate Faculty located at Lakehead University and the University of Windsor.
Administrative Offices
Renee Kuchapski
[email protected]
Graduate Program Director
Dolana Mogadime
[email protected]
Research Officer
Snezana Ratkovic
905-688-5550,extenstion 4793
[email protected]
Administrative Coordinator, Graduate Programs
Wanda Burger
905-688-5550, extension 5496
[email protected]
Graduate Assistant
905-688-5550, extension 3994
[email protected]
Program Description
The PhD in Educational Studies is offered jointly by Brock University, Lakehead University, and the University of Windsor. The program prepares graduates to contribute to the development of knowledge and expertise in teaching/learning across all levels of the education continuum, to promote scholarly enquiry, and to participate in the development of methodological advances in the study of education.
Admission Requirements
The minimum academic requirement for admission to the PhD is successful completion of a Master of Education or a Master's degree in a cognate discipline, normally with an A standing. Applicants must provide evidence of research competence, which is normally demonstrated by a master's thesis.
English is the primary language of communication and instruction in the program. For students who must provide proof of English Language Proficiency, the minimum TOEFL score of 88 (with no section under 20) or IELTS 7.0 (with no section under 6.0) or equivalent score on other tests of ELP accepted by Brock University is required. For full listing of accepted tests see:
Access to the internet is required.
Fields of Specialization
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
This field of study encompasses a range of humanities and social science disciplines to explore the moral, social, and cultural purposes of educational organizations, policy and leadership. It draws upon the works of key scholars in organizational, administrative and policy studies to articulate the philosophical, theoretical and methodological frameworks that inform scholarship and practice. These frameworks situate the major issues and debates confronting educational systems within their larger socio-political and socio-cultural contexts.
Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education
Education occurs in a dynamic, complex, and contested milieu. The Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education field of study critically explores the interplay between culture and education from varied historical, philosophical, and theoretical perspectives with the intent of fostering emancipatory research and democratic practice. Consideration is given but not limited to social constructs of race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability/disability, and how they intersect and influence educational experiences.
Cognition and Learning
Cognition and learning draws primarily upon cognitive, developmental, social, and educational psychology as well as science and technology to examine critically the cognitive, behavioural, emotional, and social processes of educators and students as they engage in teaching and learning. Integral components of this field include, but are not limited to, issues concerning best practices, remedial and contemporary instruction, assessment and evaluation, professional development, curriculum development and implementation, metacognition, and learning theories. Applicants to the program must declare a field of study prior to admission to the program.
Degree Requirements
PhD students complete the following course requirements: Doctoral Seminars I and II (2 full-course credits), Field of Study specialization elective (one half-course credit), specialization elective (one half-course credit) and research proposal colloquium (one half-course credit). Students must also complete a comprehensive portfolio (one and a half course credit) as well as the PhD dissertation (5 full-course credits).
For full time students, the program is a twelve term or four year program.
Residency Requirement
Candidates must meet a minimum residency of four terms. Two terms of residency may be fulfilled by completion of the Doctoral Seminars I and II. The other two terms of residency must be consecutive at the home university.
Course Descriptions
Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable timetable for details.
Students must ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.
Comprehensive Portfolio
(Lakehead 6080 and Windsor 680)
A portfolio of documents and academic artifacts that demonstrate research skills and knowledge of the field of study. Comprehensive Portfolios are defended in a public forum.
Doctoral Seminar I: Research, Theories, and Issues
(Lakehead 6020 and Windsor 602)
History and philosophical foundations of education are examined. Qualitative methods of research in education including interview, phenomenological, ethnographic, constructivist, and case study approaches to data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Doctoral Seminar II: Research, Theories, and Issues
(Lakehead 6040 and Windsor 604)
Research, theories, and issues in the fields of study via a specified Quantitative methods of research in education, including experimental, quasi experimental, and correlational studies.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
(Lakehead 6211 and Windsor 621)
Origins and intellectual traditions of theories that influence education. Understanding of sociological paradigms that have influenced educational systems over time, and develop perspectives that enable them to think critically and creatively about contemporary and future issues in educational leadership, policy and organizations.
Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education
(Lakehead 6311 and Windsor 631)
Critical examination of cultural, historical, and theoretical perspectives in education. Bodies of knowledge related to understanding the complexities of sociocultural influences in education. Power relations at play and how they are negotiated in everyday practice.
Cognition and Learning
(Lakehead 6411 and Windsor 641)
An analysis of epistemological theories through a critical examination of foundational and current research and a reflection on historical and philosophical orientations as they relate to contemporary issues in cognition and learning.
Directed Study
(Lakehead 6511 and Windsor 651)
Sustained program of study relating to a topic of current theoretical and/or empirical interest leading to the production of a substantial research paper.
Research Proposal Colloquium
(Lakehead 6719 and Windsor 669)
Examination of theory and research in relation to intended dissertation topic. Identification of a topic idea for dissertation proposal, defining a research question and theoretical base for intended study. Examine research questions in relation to varied methodologies.
PhD Dissertation
(Lakehead 6901 and Windsor 798)
Preparation of a dissertation investigating a relevant issue in education. Demonstration of knowledge of relevant educational theory and research methods. Public defense of the dissertation.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of EDUC 7D80.