Last updated: November 15, 2016 @ 04:05PM
Administrative Officers
Interim President and Vice-Chancellor: Tom Traves, BA Manitoba, MA, PhD York
InterimVice-President, Academic and Provost: Thomas Dunk, BA Alberta, MA, PhD McGill
Vice-President, Administration: Brian Hutchings, BComm St Mary's, CHRP, CGA
Vice-President, Research: Gary Libben, BA, MA Concordia, PhD McGill
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic: Gregory C. Finn, BSc Queen's, MSc Western Ontario, PhD Memorial
Vice-Provost, Teaching and Learning: Anna H. Lathrop, BPhEd Brock, MA Western Ontario, EdD Toronto
Associate Vice-President, Finance: Brian Boles, BBA Brock, CA
Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management: Thomas Saint-Ivany, B. Eng. Royal Military College, Kingston, CD, CDSC, P. Eng.
Associate Vice-President, Human Resources: Grant Armstrong, BA, MEd Brock, EdD Toronto, CHRE
Associate Vice-President and CIO, Information Technology Services: David Cullum
Associate Vice-President, University Services: Thomas Arkell, BSc Trent
Interim Associate Vice-President, Research: A. Joffre Mercier, BSc, MSc McGill, PhD Calgary
Registrar: Geraldine Jones, BA Ryerson, MEd Brock
Interim Dean, Goodman School of Business: Barry Wright, BPE Alberta, MA, PhD Queen's
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Research: Diane Miller, BA Victoria, MASc Waterloo, PhD Toronto
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Research: Ernest Biktimirov, Methodologie Tashkent Institute, MBA, PhD Kentucky
Interim Dean, Faculty of Education: David Siegel, BSc Louisville, MA Carleton, PhD Toronto
Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Services and Centres, Sheila M. Bennett, BEd, BSpecEd Memorial, MEd, EdD, Toronto
Associate Dean, Research and International Initiatives: Michelle McGinn, BA Queen's, MA, PhD Simon Fraser
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: Jens Coorssen, BSc, MSc Brock, PhD McMaster
Interim Dean, Faculty of Humanities: Carol Merriam, BA, MA Queen's, PhD Ohio State
Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Curriculum, Brian E. Power, MusBac, MA, PhD Toronto, ATCL
Acting Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Curriculum: Michael Carter, BA, MA Queen's, PhD McMaster
Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science: S. Ejaz Ahmed, BSc, MSc, Karachi, MSc Guelph, PhD Carleton
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research: Alan Castle, BSc, PhD Western, Ontario
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs: Hichem Ben-El-Mechaiekh, BSc, MSc, PhD Montreal
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences: Thomas Dunk, BA Alberta, MA, PhD McGill
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research: Diane Dupont, BA Carleton, MA Toronto, PhD British Columbia
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, Angela Book, BA Calgary, MA, PhD Queen's
Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: Peter Tiidus, BSc, MSc York, PhD Waterloo
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Student Affairs, Nancy R. Francis, BEd Alberta, MSc Oregon, EdD Toronto
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies: Pangiota (Nota) Klentrou, BSc Athens, MSc, PhD Montreal
General Council and University Secretary: Chabriol Colebach, BA, LLB University of Sydney
Interim Librarian: Jonathan T. Younker, BA, MLIS Western, Ontario