Shelley Huxley
With your graduation comes a new relationship with Brock. As a grad, you are now part of the Brock University Alumni Association. With more than 89,000 alumni and counting, the Brock Alumnni Association is dedicated to strenthening the connections our alumni have with each other and the university.
Membership Benefits
As a graduate, you are entitled to many benefits, including credit card options, discounts on home and auto insurance and life insurance, as well as on-campus benefits such as special membership prices at the Walker Complex, borrowing privileges in the Library and Career Services resources. Information about our affinity providers and how to access these discounts can be found at
To access many of these benefits, you will need your alumni card, which you will receive during your convocation ceremony. Be sure to carry it with pride!
Alumni Engagement
The Alumni Association hosts a number of networking activities and events, both on and off campus. Twice a year, you will receive Brock's alumni magazine, Surgite, as well as the alumni e-newsletter six times a year. Be sure to keep us up to date with your contact information - both mail and email - so that you can keep your network up to date. Visit to update your address and email today!
Social media
Network with Brock graduates by becoming a member of Brock's alumni social media sites:
Facebook fan page:
Linkedin: bi.thy/brockalumni-linkedin