2015-2016 Undergraduate Calendar

Computing and Network Communications  
This program is offered through the Department of Computer Science Co-ordinator Jonathan Radue Student Support Co-ordinator Christine Keith Director, Co-operative Programs Cara Boese  
General Information Go to top of document
Administrative Assistant Donna Phelps 905-688-5550, extension 3513 Mackenzie Chown, J314 cosc.brocku.ca This Co-op program caters to the increasing demand in the Information Technology industry for professionals who have a solid foundation in software development as well as practical technical skills in system security, telecommunications, network analysis and administration. Normally, this involves attending college after gaining a university degree, but the Brock and Sheridan program combines the two in a single integrated package. The Computing and Network Communications Co-op program combines academic and work terms over a four and one-half year period. Admission to this program is on the basis of marks, a review of personal résumés and employer availability. An interview may be required. Students spend one and one-half years in an academic setting studying the fundamentals of computer programming, algorithms, and data-structures prior to their first work placement. Successful completion of courses in the core areas of Computer Science provides the necessary academic background for the work experience. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op students are assessed an annual administration fee (see the Schedule of Fees). All fees are to be paid to the institution in which the student is currently enrolled. Eligibility to continue in the co-op program is based on the student's major average and non-major average. Students with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the Computing and Network Communications Co-op program. If a student subsequently raises his/her major average to 70 percent, the student may be readmitted only if approved by the Computing and Network Communications Co-op Admissions Committee. All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Handbook (brocku.ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-handbooks) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the co-op option is based on the student's major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career. Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Program Office. Upon successful completion of the required courses at Brock University and Sheridan College, students with a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average and having successfully completed a minimum of twelve months Co-op work experience, will be awarded a BSc (honours) Computing and Network Communications degree and an Internet Communications Technology three year diploma.  
Program Note Go to top of document

In 20 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

In some circumstances, in order to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 20 credits may be taken.

Honours Program Go to top of document
Year 1
- COSC 1P02, 1P03 and 1P50
- MATH 1P66, 1P67 and 1P97
- one Social Sciences context credit
- one elective credit
Year 2 Fall Term: (taken at Brock University)
- COSC 2P03 and 2P12
- MATH 1P12 and 1P98
- SCIE 0N90
- one-half elective credit
Winter Term:
- COSC 0N01 and 2C01 (facilitated by Brock University)
Spring/Summer Sessions: (taken at Sheridan College)
- TELE28648 IP Engineering 1
- TELE20049 Network Service Applications
- TELE 20102 WiFi Networks
- one Humanities context credit
Year 3 Fall Term: (taken at Sheridan College)
- Co-op Placement (facilitated by Sheridan College)
Winter Term: (taken at Sheridan College)
- TELE31831 IP Engineering 2
- TELE38525 Network Operations with Active Directory
- TELE35376 Public Carrier Systems
- INFO 34717 Capstone Project Research Prep
- DBAS 14444 Structured Database Modelling
Spring/Summer Sessions:
- Co-op Placement (facilitated by Sheridan College)
Year 4 Fall Term: (taken at Sheridan College)
- SYST 39207 Operating Systems Design
- PROG 40000 Unix Systems Programming
- INFO 30001 Capstone Project
- DBAS 17370 Database Implementation and Management
- SYST 28515 Systems Analysis and Design
Winter Term: (taken at Brock University)
- COSC 2P05
- two COSC credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
Year 5 Fall Term: (taken at Sheridan College)
- TELE31063 - IP Engineering 3
- TELE33776- Applied Security Principles
- TELE34660 - Topics in Advanced Networking
Last updated: September 10, 2015 @ 09:49AM