2015-2016 Graduate Calendar

FEES Go to top of document
Student fees that may be assessed through your financial account with the University will include but may not necessarily be limited to the following basic fee categories: Tuition is assessed at differentiated rates between: (a) first and continuing year of study, (b) program of study, (c) international (visa) students, (d) International Special Programs (ISP) Ancillary Fees are assessed on a per credit and sessional basis. Most ancillary fees are mandatory. The fees administered by the University are governed by an Ancillary Fee Protocol established between the University and the Graduate Students Association. The fees administered by the Graduate Students Association are established in accordance with their constitution. Program Specific Fees may be applicable because of the program you are enrolled in. Typical fees include internship and work placement fees. Course Specific Fees may be charged by the University for the reasonable cost of such things as field trips, learning material and clothing retained by the student. Please consult course descriptions to identify if course specific fees apply. Miscellaneous Fees or administrative fees are fees for service and may be incurred by a student as a result of a request or action. Residence and Meal Plan Fees vary depending on the residence assigned and type of room. Meal plans are mandatory for certain residence facilities. For details consult the Residence website at http://www.brocku.ca/residence/admissions/fees For specific details of these fees, please consult the Financial Services website brocku.ca/finance/students/graduate/tuition  
Other Fee Related Information Go to top of document
Details on other fee related information such as payment instructions, payment due dates, methods of payment, withdrawal and refund schedules can be found on the Financial Services website under the "Student Accounts Finance Office". It is important to familiarize yourself with the information contained in this website to ensure that you are aware of payment dates and of the consequences of not meeting your payment obligations. As well as our website, the Student Accounts Finance Office staff are available to provide assistance. The following is our location and contact information. STUDENT ACCOUNTS FINANCE OFFICE Location: 12th Floor of the Schmon Tower Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 am to 4:00 pm Phone: 905-688-5550, Ext. 4600 Fax: 905-984-4844 e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.brocku.ca/finance/students Please note that when calling for information, due to privacy regulations, we can only release information to the student, regardless of who paid the tuition. The Student Accounts Finance Office communicates to students mainly through e-mail. It is therefore very important for students to check their Brock e-mail regularly, even during the summer months, for messages and notices from the Student Accounts Finance Office regarding their financial account.  
Last updated: March 13, 2015 @ 02:25PM