Last updated: April 30, 2012 @ 10:40AM
Governing Bodies
Ned Goodman
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees:
Chair of the Board: Rudi Kroeker
Chair-Elect: Joe Robertson
Immediate Past Chair: David Howes
Chancellor: Ned Goodman
President and Vice-President: Jack Lightstone
Community Members: Jeffrey Cairns, Allan Cole, Aurora Di Fruscia, Nick DiPietro, Paul House, Veronica Lacey, Roelof Makken, Catherine Mindorff-Fecca, Dennis Parass, William Rickers, Joy Rogers, Maureen Sabia, Abe Schwartz, Betty-Lou Souter, Terry Suess, John Suk, Mary Turner, Helen Young
Faculty Members: Susan Sydor, David Vivian, Barry Wright
Staff Members: Geraldine Jones, Kelly Veld, Sheila Young
Student Members: Sohail Ahmed, Sebastian Prins, Terry Trzecak
Senate (to 2012 Spring Convocation)
Chair: Susan Sydor
Vice-Chair: James Mandigo
Elected Representatives: Maureen Connolly, June Corman, Don Cyr, Christine Daigle, Patricia Debly, Tony DiPetta, Tamara El-Hoss, Bareket Falk, Nancy Francis, David Gabriel, Nota Klentrou, Kelly Lockwood, Duncan MacDonald, Phillip Mackintosh, Ingrid Makus, Dan Malleck, James Mandigo, Francine McCarthy, Deborah McPhee, Carol Merriam, Diane Miller, Bozidar Mitrovic, Laurie Morrissey, Roberto Nickel, Lynn Rempel, Steven Renzetti, Astrid Silis, John Sivell, Hans Skott-Myhre, Mark Spencer, Susan Sydor, David Vivian, Elizabeth Vlossak, Michelle Webber
Elected Student Representatives: Cameron Alderdice, Riaz Akseer, Tyler Dennis, Aaron Harpwood, Christine Lackner, Steven Nicholls, Naomi-Alan Robbins, Chris Ventura
Board of Trustees Representatives: Joe Robertson, John Suk
Members ex officio
Chancellor: Ned Goodman
President and Vice-Chancellor: Jack Lightstone
Chair, Board of Trustees: Rudi Kroeker
Provost and Vice-President, Academic: Murray Knuttila
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic: Greg Finn
Vice-President, Research: Gary Libben
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Student Services: Kim Meade
Associate Vice-President, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer: Philip Wright
Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: Neil McCartney
Interim Dean, Faculty of Business: Don Cyr
Dean, Faculty of Humanities: Douglas Kneale
Dean, Faculty of Education: Fiona Blaikie
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies: Michael Plyley
Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science: E. Ejaz Ahmed
Dean, Facult of Social Sciences: Thomas Dunk
Interim President, Concordia Lutheran Seminary: Thomas Winger
Registrar: Barb Davis
University Librarian: Margaret Grove
BUSU, Vice-President, University Affairs: Luke Spears