2010-2011 Undergraduate Calendar

Admissions Criteria  
Fall 2011 Entry Go to top of document
Ontario secondary school students must have a minimum of six 4U or 4M courses and have completed the OSSD to be considered for admission. Prerequisite courses are used in the calculation of admission averages. *For programs that require EITHER Advanced Functions (MHF4U) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) with a specified minimum average requirement: Brock University will use the better of the two mathematics grades to calculate an admission average (in cases where an applicant expects to complete more than six 4U or 4M credits).  
OUAC Code and Program Name Go to top of document
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Go to top of document
BHL Honours Child Health BA Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U). Strongly recommended subject: one 3U math. BPI Concurrent Bachelor of Physical Education Honours/Bachelor of Education, Intermediate-Senior (Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011)

Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), one 4U math.

(Important note: Exercise Science (PSE4U) will be required for 2012 entry) BPJ Concurrent Bachelor of Physical Education Honours/Bachelor of Education, Junior-Intermediate (Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011)

Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), one 4U math.

(Important note: Exercise Science(PSE4U) will be required for 2012 entry) BAH Community Health BA Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), one of Biology (SBI4U) or Chemistry (SCH4U). Strongly recommended subjects: 12M Science (SNC4M) or Exercise Science (PSE4U) or one 3U math. BSH Honours Health Sciences BSc Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%), one 4U math (MDM4U preferred). Strongly recommended subject: Exercise Science (PSE4U). BPK Honours Kinesiology BKin Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), one 4U math. (Important note: Exercise Science (PSE4U) will be required for 2012 entry) BSK Honours Kinesiology BSc Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 70%), Biology (SBI4U), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%). Strongly recommended subject: Physics (SPH4U), Exercise Science (PSE4U). BSN Honours Nursing BScN Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U) (min.70%), Biology (SBI4U) (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%). Strongly recommended subject: One 4U math. Honours Nursing BScN Collaborative Program with Loyalist College Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U) (min.70%), Biology (SBI4U) (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%). Strongly recommended subject: One 4U math. BP Honours Physical Education BPhEd Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), one 4U math. (Important note: Exercise Science (PSE4U) will be required for 2012 entry) BPU Honours Public Health BA Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), one of Biology (SBI4U) or Chemistry (SCH4U). Strongly recommended subjects: 12M Science (SNC4M) or Exercise Science (PSE4U), one 3U math. BW Honours Recreation and Leisure Studies BRLS Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BSM Honours Sport Management BSM Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U).
Faculty of Business Go to top of document
BK Honours Accounting BAcc, HonoursAccounting BAcc Co-op Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), two 4U maths. BN Honours Business Administration BBA, Honours Business Administration BBA Co-op Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), two 4U maths.

BND Honours Business Administration International Dual Degree BBA

Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), two 4 U maths. (Note: collaborative with The European Business School in Germany)
Faculty of Education Go to top of document
BII Concurrent Bachelor of Science Honours/Bachelor of Education, Intermediate-Senior Students admitted directly from secondary school. Majors in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physical Geography, Mathematics and Physics. Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics Majors: Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%), one from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math. Strongly recommended subjects: Chemistry major - a second 4U math; Physics major - Physics (SPH4U). For teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. Mathematics majors: Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%), and Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%). For teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. Physical Geography majors: Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), one from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), or Earth and Space Science (SES4U). Strongly recommended: Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%). For teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. BAI Concurrent Bachelor of Arts Honours/ Bachelor of Education, Intermediate-Senior Students admitted directly from secondary school. Majors in Dramatic Arts, English, French Studies, Geography, History and Visual Arts. Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), one 4U math.

French Studies majors:

English (ENG4U), one 4U math, and one of FSF4U, FEF4U or FIF4U. Dramatic Arts majors: Attendance at DART Invitational mandatory (April or May 2011 -see brocku.ca/dramatic_arts/). For teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. BPI Concurrent Bachelor of Physical Education Honours/Bachelor of Education, Intermediate-Senior Students admitted directly from secondary school. Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), Exercise Science (PSE4U), one 4U math. For teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. (Important note: Exercise Science (PSE4U) will be required for 2012 entry) BIJ Concurrent Bachelor of Science Integrated Studies Honours/Bachelor of Education, Junior-Intermediate Students admitted directly from secondary school. Teachable subjects include Geography, Mathematics and General Science. Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%). Applicants should consider additional prerequisite requirements for intended teachable subjects. For teaching at the Junior/Intermediate level (grades 4-10). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. BAJ Concurrent Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies Honours/Bachelor of Education, Junior-Intermediate Students admitted directly from secondary school. Teachable subjects include Dramatic Arts, English, French, Geography, History, Mathematics, Music-Vocal, Physical and Health Education, Science-General, Visual Arts. Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), one 4U math. For teaching at the Junior/Intermediate level (grades 4-10). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. BPJ Concurrent Bachelor of Physical Education Honours/Bachelor of Education, Junior-Intermediate Students admitted directly from secondary school. Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U), Biology (SBI4U), one 4U math. For teaching at the Junior-Intermediate level (grades 4-10). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011. Important note: Exercise Science (PSE4U) will be required for 2012 entry) BDP Concurrent Bachelor of Arts Child and Youth Studies Honours/Bachelor of Education, Primary-Junior Students admitted directly from secondary school. Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), one 4U math (Mathematics of Data Management - MDM4U preferred). For teaching at the Primary-Junior level (grades K-6). Profile Questionnaire required by January 21, 2011.
Faculty of Humanities Go to top of document
BAL Honours or Pass Applied Linguistics BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects for majors in Hearing Sciences or Speech and Language Sciences: Two from Biology (SBI4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), Physics (SPH4U), Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U). Strongly recommended subjects for majors in Applied Linguistics or TESL: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BL Honours Canadian Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BQ Honours Classics BA Required 4U Subjects: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BAI Concurrent Bachelor of Arts Honours/ Bachelor of Education, Intermediate-Senior ( Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011)

Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), one 4U math.

French majors:

English (ENG4U), one 4U math, and one of FSF4U, FEF4U or FIF4U.

BAJ Concurrent Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies Honours/Bachelor of Education, Junior-Intermediate (

Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011)

Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), one 4U math.

BT Honours Dramatic Arts BA, Honours Dramatic Arts BA Co-op Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Attendance at DART Invitational mandatory (April or May 2011, see brocku.ca/dramatic_arts/) Strongly recommended subject: ADA4M. BEN Honours English Language and Literature BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BZ Honours Liberal Arts BA Required 4U Subjects English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BHI Honours History BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BHU Humanities General Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BIS Honours Interactive Arts and Science Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BMR Honours Medieval and Renaissance Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BLA Honours Modern Languages BA (French Studies, Italian Studies, Iberian and Latin American Studies) Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BM Honours Music BA Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U). Theory placement test (Royal Conservatory Grade II level) and aural skills test must be passed. Audition required for Applied Music. Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BPH Honours Philosophy BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BAC Honours Studies in Arts and Culture BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language. BR Honours Visual Arts BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: One from 4U history, 4U philosophy, 4U classical studies, or 4U international language.
Faculty of Mathematics and Science Go to top of document
BCH Honours Biochemistry BSc, Honours Biochemistry BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: English (ENG4U), a second 4U math. Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BS Honours Biological Sciences BSc Required 4U Subject(s)s: Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BIM Honours Biomedical Sciences BSc Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BBP Honours Biophysics BSc Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70% ) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: English (ENG4U), Physics (SPH4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BIT Honours Biotechnology BSc, Honours Biotechnology BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BJC Honours Chemistry BSc, Honours Chemistry BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: English (ENG4U), a second 4U math. Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BX Honours Earth Sciences BSc, Honours Earth Sciences BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BEG Honours Environmental Geoscience BSc, Honours Environmental Geoscience BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BIN Honours Neuroscience BSc, Honours Neuroscience BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BOV Honours Oenology and Viticulture BSc (Co-op only) Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: English (ENG4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BJP Honours Physics BSc, Honours Physics BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min.70%), two from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math or English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subjects: English (ENG4U), Physics (SPH4U). Applicants with 65-69% in Chemistry (SCH4U) will be considered for admission, but will be required to pass a chemistry proficiency test or complete Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1P00) prior to enrolling in CHEM 1F92. BG Honours Computer Science BSc, Honours Computer Science BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%). Strongly recommended subject: Computer and Information Sciences (ICS4M). BHG Computer Science and Mathematics BSc (Co-op only) Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.75%), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.75%). Strongly recommended subject: Computer and Information Sciences (ICS4M). BCB Honours Computing and Business BCB, Honours Computing and Business BCB Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U), a second 4U math (min. 75% between two math). Strongly recommended subject: Computer and Information Sciences (ICS4M). BGN Honours Computing and Network Communications BSc (Co-op only) Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 70%). Strongly recommended subject: Computer and Information Sciences (ICS4M). BSC Honours Computing and Solid State Device Technology BSc, Honours Computing and Solid State Device Technology BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Physics (SPH4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 70%) BII Concurrent Bachelor of Science Honours/Bachelor of Education, Intermediat2, 2010) (Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011) Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics Majors: Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%), one from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Earth and Space Science (SES4U), a second 4U math. Strongly recommended subjects: Chemistry major - a second 4U math; Physics major - Physics (SPH4U). Computer Science majors Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%). Strongly recommended subject: 1CS4M. Mathematics majors: Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%), and Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%). Physical Geography majors: Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%), one from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), or Earth and Space Science (SES4U). Strongly recommended: Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%). BIJ Concurrent Bachelor of Science Integrated Studies Honours/Bachelor of Education, Junior-Inte2, 2010) (Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011) Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min.70%). Applicants should consider additional prerequisite requirements for intended teachable subjects. BH Honours Mathematics BSc (MICA); Honours Mathematics BSc Co-op (MICA) Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 75% in each math). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). BO Honours Physical Geography BSc, Honours Physical Geography BSc Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 70%), one from Biology (SBI4U), Physics (SPH4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), or Earth and Space Science (SES4U). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U). BI Honours Science - General Studies BSc Required 4U Subject(s): Chemistry (SCH4U) (min. 70%), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.70%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 70%). Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U).  
Faculty of Social Sciences Go to top of document
BE Honours Business Economics BBE, Honours Business Economics BBE Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min. 65%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 65%).

BAE Honours Applied Economic Analysis BA

Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min. 65%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 65%)

BD Honours Child and Youth Studies BA

Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: One 4U math (MDM4U preferred).

BED Honours Early Childhood Education BECE

Required for admission: Completion of a two-year Ontario (or equivalent) Early Childhood Education Diploma (ECE) with a grade of "A", and proof of registration with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators. BU Honours Communication Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BDP Concurrent Bachelor of Arts Child and Youth Studies Honours/Bachelor of Education, Primar2, 2010) (Profile Questionnaire required no later than January 21, 2011)

Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), one 4U math (Mathematics of Data Management - MDM4U preferred).

BDC Honours Distinct and Diverse Communities Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U) BEC Honours Economics BA, Honours Economics BA Co-op Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.65%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 65%). BF Honours Film Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BGE Honours Human Geography BA, Honours Human Geography BA Co-op Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BIP Honours International Political Economy BA Required 4U Subject(s): English (ENG4U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min.65%) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)* (min. 65%) BLB Honours Labour Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BPO Honours Political Science BA, Political Science BA Co-op Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BPC Honours Popular Culture BA Required 4U Subject:English (ENG4U). BPY Honours Psychology BA, Honours Psychology BA Co-op Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). Strongly recommended subject: One 4U math (MDM4U preferred). BSS Social Sciences - General Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BSO Honours Sociology BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BTV Honours Tourism and Environment BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U). BWS Honours Women's Studies BA Required 4U Subject: English (ENG4U).
Last updated: July 28, 2010 @ 09:07AM