2007-2008 Undergraduate Calendar

Faculty Distinction  
Alumni Association Teaching Award Recipients: Go to top of document
1980 William Matheson Political Science 1981 A Victoria Soady Classics 1982 Wayne Jolly Earth Sciences 1983 Donald Ursino Biological Sciences 1984 Angus Somerville, English Language and Literature 1985 Martha Husain Philosophy 1986 Norah Carlsen Psychology 1987 Alan Grthur History 1988 John Benjafield Psychology 1989 Clarke Thomson Geography 1990 Eric Muller Mathematics 1991 Mary Frances Richardson Chemistry 1992 Joan Preston Psychology 1993 Lorne Adams Physical Education 1994 Joan Nicks Communications, Popular Culture and Film 1995 David DiBattista Psychology 1996 Marilyn Rose English Language and Literature 1998 Leslie Boldt-Irons Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures 1999 Roberta Robb Economics  
Brock Award for Distinguished Research and Creative Activity Go to top of document
1994 R Peter Rand Biological Sciences 1995 Herbert Holland Chemistry 1996 Kenneth Kernaghan Political Science 1997 Sidney Jegalowitz Psychology 1998 Howard Eell Mathematics 1999 Barry Grant Communications, Popular Culture and Film 2000 Robert Ogilvie Psychology 2001 Sandra Beckett Modern Languages Literatures and Cultures 2002 Mohammed Dore Economics 2003 Douglas Bruce Biological Sciences 2004 Jack Adams-Webber Psychology 2005 Ernest Biktimirov Business 2006 John Hay Community Health Sciences Nota Klentrou Physical Education and Kinesiology  
Brock Award for Distinguished Teaching Go to top of document
1998 John Lye English Language and Literature 1999 Barry Joe Centre for Teaching Learning and Educational Technologies/Modern Languages, Literatures and Culture,Communications, Popular Culture & Film 2000 Anna Lathrop Physical Education 2001 Stefan Brudzynski Psychology 2002 Maureeen Connolly Physical Education and Kinesiology 2003 John Mitterer Psychology 2004 Ken Kernaghan Political Science 2005 Tomas Hudlicky Chemistry 2006 Zopito Marini Child and Youth Studies  
OCUFA Award Recipients Go to top of document
1986 Donald Ursino Biological Sciences 1991 Mary Frances Richardson Chemistry 1992 Patricia Cranton Education 1994 Lorne Adams Physical Education 1995 Ann Duffy Sociology 1995 Eric Muller Mathematics 1998 Leslie Boldt-Irons Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures 2000 Anna Lathrop Physical Education 2003 John Mitterer Psychology  
3M Teaching Award Recipients Go to top of document
1989 Clarke Thomson Geography 1991 Donald Ursino Biological Sciences 2000 Barry Joe Centre for Teaching Learning and Educational Technologies/Modern Languages, Literatures and Culture,Communications, Popular Culture & Film 2001 Anna Lathrop Physical Education and Kinesiology 2003 Maureen Connolly Centre for Teaching Learning and Education Technologies 2004 Lorne Adams Physical Education and Kinesiology John Mitterer Psychology 2007 David DiBattista Psychology  
CASE Canadian Professor of the Year Go to top of document
1992 Mary Frances Richardson Chemistry  
Lieutenant Governor's Award for Teaching Excellence Go to top of document
1993 Patricia Cranton Education  
Members of the Royal Society Go to top of document
1994 R. Peter Rand Biological Sciences 1998 Kenneth Kernaghan Political Science  
Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques Go to top of document
1992 Alexandre Amprimoz, Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures 1993 Leonard Rosmarin Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures 1995 Sandra Beckett Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures  
Officier dans L'Ordre des Palmes Académiques Go to top of document
2001 Leonard Rosmarin Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Royal Society of Canada 2004 Sandra Beckett French Consul General of Japan Conferred the Order of the Rising Sun 2004 Dr. Raymond Moriyama Chancellor Order of Ontario 2006 Dorothy Griffiths Child and Youth Studies  
Last updated: June 13, 2007 @ 03:49PM