2007-2008 Graduate Calendar

Master of Arts in English Field of Specialization Text/ Community/ Discourse Dean Rosemary Drage Hale Associate Dean John Sainsbury Graduate Faculty Professors Martin Danahay (English Language and Literature), Marilyn J. Rose (English Language & Literature), Elizabeth Sauer (English Language and Literature) Associate Professors John Lye (English Language and Literature), Mathew Martin (English Language and Literature), Barbara K. Seeber (English Language and Literature), Angus Somerville (English Language and Literature), Susan Spearey (English Language and Literature) Assistant Professors Robert Alexander (English Language and Literature), James Allard (English Language and Literature), Gregory Betts (English Language and Literature), Catherine Chaput (English Language and Literature), Tim Conley (English Language and Literature), Adam Dickinson, (English Language and Literature), Neta Gordon (English Language and Literature), Ann Howey (English Language and Literature), Leah Knight, (English Language and Literature), Angela Mills (English Language and Literature), Jaclyn Rea (English Language and Literature). Graduate Program Director Martin Danahay [email protected] Administrative Assistant Janet Sackfie 905-688-5550, extension 3469 GL 157 http://www.brocku.ca/english  
Program Description Go to top of document
The MA in English has a Field of "Text/Community/Discourse." As mutually informing concepts, "text," "community," and "discourse" suggest the power of texts to reflect and to shape both communities of origin and communities of reception. The Program also focuses critical attention on the kinds of negotiation both material and theoretical attending the production, performance and reception of texts. Literary and textual problems acquire richer significance when viewed in relation to the ways in which texts, both literary and non-literary, are produced and used in the often conflicting discourses that constitute the culture of a community. This Program includes a preferred Major Research Paper Option and is designed to be completed in twelve months. A thesis option is also available under exceptional circumstances, with approval of the Graduate Program Director.  
Admission Requirements Go to top of document
Successful completion of an Honours Bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in English Literature, with a minimum overall average of B+. Applications with a co-major in English and a related discipline will be considered, although such students may be required to take additional qualifying undergraduate courses. Applicants must supply three letters of reference, a personal statement of interest and goals of not more than two pages in length, and a representative piece of work. Exceptions for students with unique circumstances will be considered. The Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applications and recommend admission for a limited number of suitable candidates. Individuals interested in part-time study should consult with the Graduate Program Director.  
Degree Requirements Go to top of document
All students are required to take the two core courses, ENGL 5P00 and ENGL 5P01. Major Research Paper students must take four additional courses, from the variable topics offerings; Thesis students take two such additional courses. With the permission of the Graduate Program Director a student may take a course from one of the other MA programs in the university or a reading course/tutorial (ENGL 5P02) in place of a course from the variable topics list. Research Paper students will with the guidance of the Graduate Program Director arrange for a supervisor and a second reader and shall choose a topic in consultation with the supervisor, the second reader and the Graduate Program Director. A Thesis student may, with the permission of the Graduate Program Director, arrange for a thesis supervisor; the student and the supervisor will, with a supervisory committee appointed by the Graduate Program Director, choose a thesis topic.  
Course Descriptions Go to top of document
Note: not all courses are offered in every session. Students must consult with the Graduate Program Director regarding course offerings and course selection and must have their course selections approved by the Graduate Program Director each term. Refer to the Timetable for scheduling information: http://www.brocku.ca/registrar/guides/grad/timetable/terms.php ENGL 5F90 Major Research Paper A research project on a selected topic involving independent work and original research and thought. ENGL 5F91 MA Thesis An extended research project involving the preparation and defence of a thesis which shall demonstrate capacity for independent work and original research and thought. ENGL 5P00 Theoretical Foundations Survey and critical analysis of a broad range of theories bearing on the relation of literary texts to cultural formations. ENGL 5P01 Graduate Seminar in Research and Professional Development Topics such as the nature and requirements of academic work, research methodologies, research resources, the nature and requirements of the graduate thesis and research paper, the development of the research proposal, focused discussion of research and design strategies for the work proposed, the development of and adherence to a schedule, preparation of conference proposals and public presentations. ENGL 5P02 Graduate Tutorial Research course with directed study and regular meetings with a faculty member, covering topics not offered in a designated course. Requires permission of the Graduate Program Director. ENGL 5V10-5V19 Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Culture English literature, literary culture, and discourses on community from the 14th century to the late 17th century. ENGL 5V20-5V29 The Long Eighteenth Century Literature and Culture Studies in literature and culture from the Restoration of Charles II to the ascension of Victoria, 1660-1837. 2007-2008: ENGL 5V22 Jane Austen: Competing Communities The complete works of Austen in their historical, modern, and post-modern contexts. This course will examine the constructions of Austen as Augustan, Romantic, feminist, queer, postcolonial, and popular. ENGL 5V30-5V39 Nineteenth Century British and American Literature and Culture Literature and literary culture in relation to the political, social and intellectual movements of the 19th century. May include transatlantic or nationally located studies. ENGL 5V40-5V49 Twentieth Century Literature and Culture Literature and cultural identity, location and change in established and developing literatures in the 20th century. ENGL 5V50-5V59 Canadian Literature and Culture Studies in Canadian literature with an emphasis on texts and their relation to intersecting notions of community. 2007- 2008: ENGL 5V51 Women Writing Genealogy in Recent Canadian Fiction Discursive frameworks for the relationship between principles governing conceptions of family and the narration of a family's story in the work of authors such as SKY Lee, Carol Shields, Ann-Marie MacDonald, Dionne Brand, and Barbara Gowdy. ENGL 5V60-5V69 Contemporary Literature and Culture The role of literature in the creation and maintenance of located and imagined communities in the contemporary world. ENGL 5V70-5V79 Special Topics in Literature and Culture Literature, culture and community in areas such as genre studies, specialized theoretical studies and comparative historical studies. 2007-2008: ENGL 5V70 King Arthur in Popular Fiction and Culture for Young People Examination of discursive practices used in literature and popular culture to rewrite the Arthurian legend for young people. Selections from Malory and Tennyson. Twentieth-century novels and films, issues of narrative address and audience; censorship and appropriate content; socialization and gender roles. ENGL 5V80-5V89 Rhetoric and Discourse Studies Study of rhetoric, genre, discourse and language. Topics may include rhetorical instatiations of textual communities, ideologies of language as they operate in conceptualizations of nation and self, and discourse analytic methods for examining texts and their contexts. 2007-2008: ENGL 5V81 The Politics of Language: Authority, Consensus and the Standard Examination of ideologies of language as they operate in complex and varied locales. Study of how common-sense beliefs about Standard English might cooperate with larger discourses of colonialism, nationalism, gender, race and morality.  
Last updated: January 22, 2008 @ 01:00PM