2005-2006 Undergraduate Calendar

Governing Bodies  
Chancellor Raymond Moriyama  
Board of Trustees (to June 2006) Go to top of document
Chair Dr. Norris Walker (St. Catharines) Immediate Past-Chair David Edwards (St. Catharines) Vice-Chairs Willy Heidbuechel (St. Catharines) David Howes (St. Catharines) Members ex officio Chancellor Acting President and Vice-Chancellor Members Mitzi Banders (Staff Member) Michelle Basciano (Thorold) Nick Brown (Student Member) Brad Clarke (Staff Member) Mohammed Dore (Faculty Member) Nadia Drozd (Student Member) Val Fleming (Beamsville) Thomas K. Gauld (Niagara-on-the-Lake) Tom Goldspink (Toronto) Dr. Val Jaeger (Niagara-on-the-Lake) Karin Jahnke-Haslam (Queenston) Rudi Kroeker (Fonthill) Beth Natale (Staff Member) Angelo Nitsopoulos (St. Catharines) Peter M. Partridge (St. Catharines) W. G. (Bill) Rickers (St. Catharines) Joy Rogers (Niagara-on-the-Lake) Eleanor Ross (Fenwick) Donna Scott Q.C. (Niagara-on-the-Lake) Sid Segalowitz (St. Catharines) Michael Sidenberg (Student Member) Wendy Staff (St. Catharines) Mark C. Steinman (North York) Patricia K. Teal (Fort Erie) Bruce S. Wormald (Fonthill) Sean Woodhead (Student Member) Secretary to the University and Privacy Commissioner Mike Farrell (St. Catharines)  
Senate (to 2006 Spring Convocation) Go to top of document
Chair Stan Sadava Vice-Chair Carman Cullen Members ex officio Chancellor President and Vice-Chancellor Vice-President, Academic Associate Vice-President, Research Dean of Graduate Studies Associate Vice-President, Student Services Associate Vice-President, International and Director of Brock International Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Dean of the Faculty of Business Dean of the Faculty of Education Dean of Graduate Studies Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences President, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary Registrar Librarian  
Elected Faculty Representatives Go to top of document
Donald Brown Michael J. Carter Maureen Connolly Tony DiPetta Jane Dywan Heather Gordon John Hay Debra Inglis Panagiota (Nota) Klentrou Herbert MacKenzie Angela Mills Bozidar Mitrovic Dolana Mogadime Merijean Morrissey Roberto Nickel Rebecca Raby Jonathan Radue Miriam Richards Danny Rosenberg Stan Sadava Barbara Sainty Anamitra Shome Adonis Skandalis John Sorenson Susan Sydor Mary Louise Vanderlee David Vivian Michelle Webber Bob Welch Murray Wickett Allister Young  
Student Representatives Go to top of document
Kithio Mwanzia Damien O'Brien Jessica Paquin Michael Sidenberg Bill Tays Beth Visser Sean Woodhead  
Last updated: August 18, 2005 @ 11:20AM