Brock University Graduate Calendar

Education Courses


Thesis Tutorial in Educational Studies(I)

A research project carried out in collaboration with a faculty adviser and relevant resource personnel.

Prerequisite: EDUC 5P90 and approval of the Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education. Students are required to complete EDUC 5P90 before registering in EDUC 5F95.


Graduate Seminar in Education (O)

A non-credit graduate seminar which focusses on contemporary issues in educational research that students encounter while preparing their proposals, projects and theses. Students and their supervisors will present their proposals and/or their research to seminar participants.


Curriculum Theory and Design (C)

An introductory overview of the historical and epistemological foundations of curriculum theory and design. The course includes critical analysis of various conceptions and orientations to curriculum, and connections to past and current classroom practice. This course is a pre-requisite for other courses in the curriculum stream.

Note: Core course in Curriculum Studies.


Innovative Curriculum (R)

Based on learning/teaching principles, innovative curriculum models appropriate for our changing times are explored. Applicable to all levels of education, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are investigated from a holistic perspective. Epistemological assumptions, conceptual frameworks, learning outcomes, and assessment procedures underlying each approach are explored from an active learning perspective.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V01.


Science in the School Curriculum (R)

An analysis of science (elementary and secondary) curriculum organization and rationale including an overview of current approaches. Curriculum emphases in science teaching are examined via multimedia approach and the use of classroom ideas and science activities relevant to the primary, junior and intermediate student.


Innovative Assessment***(O)

Concepts, information and strategies for designing multiple approaches to assessing "authentic" student performance. Emphasis is on developing comprehensive assessment plans and implementing these plans in the classroom.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V02.


Narrative: Learning, Teaching and Research***(R)

Explores the nature of story from a variety of perspectives. How can we use story in our teaching to become better teachers? How can story be a framework for all curriculum? What can we learn from our personal narratives to clarify our philosophy of education? How can we use narrative as a research tool? Can story be a tool for transformation?

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V06.


Social and Environmental Studies in Context (O)

Identification, analysis and critique of contemporary and recurring social and environmental issues. Attention given to historical, political, economic and geographic contexts and to responses of agencies and individuals. Trends and cycles explored and the role of education critiqued.


Language Development*(O)

The changes in language from childhood to maturity and the ways in which education can enhance them. Issues in the psychology of language will be analyzed in terms of their implications for language teaching and the language curriculum. A particular emphasis will be given to unresolved problems in language development and language teaching.


Literacy Development*(R)

Major models of literacy development examined in terms of their instructional implications. Acquisition of literacy competencies emphasized within cognitive and social frameworks. Methods of instruction analyzed in light of research and practice.


An Introduction to School Mathematics (O)

The goals, methods and content of school mathematics at the elementary- and secondary-levels; emphasizes the major issues and trends in mathematics instruction and curriculum.


Designing Curriculum to Develop Thinking Abilities (R)

A critical investigation of past and current conceptions and theories on teaching thinking will be examined. The pedagogical challenges of addressing various modes of thinking in educational contexts will be explored. Consideration will be given to approaches to teaching thinking across the curriculum. Students will be encouraged to explore specific modes of thinking in relation to their practice.


Contemporary Issues in Curriculum (R)

Current curriculum issues are researched, presented and discussed.

Prerequisite: at least one credit in Curriculum Studies or permission of the instructor.


Technology, Change and the Curriculum (R)

An overview and understanding of the impact of computer technology and the emerging information age on society and schools and the need to reflect resulting changes in the school curriculum. Candidates will examine ways to integrate new technology (including microcomputers) and information age skills into the curriculum.


Curriculum Design and Implementation (R)

An examination of procedures for designing and implementing large and small-scale curriculum initiatives in educational contexts will be investigated. Past and current curriculum design and implementation models will be critically examined from various perspectives including student, teacher, and administrator.


Curriculum Evaluation and Change (R)

Evaluation and change theories in relation to educational contexts will be examined. Underlying assumptions of evaluation and change processes as they inform curriculum initiatives will be addressed. Specifically, the complexity of the change process and procedures necessary for successful implementation will be explored. Future directions in program evaluation will also be considered.


Curriculum in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education (O)

An advanced course in physical education in which the nature and scope of public and secondary school physical education is considered. Issues and research in physical education curriculum theory will be reviewed within the context of general curriculum theory. Developmental consideration with respect to children, instructional strategies, evaluation and problems and future trends will be examined.


Leisure Education (O)

The concept and application of leisure education with emphasis on "education for leisure" in the schools. Special consideration is to be given to the development of integrated and interdisciplinary units of instruction in leisure education and lifestyle planning. Application of leisure research in education as it relates to Canada and other countries will be covered.


Introduction to Studies In Teaching and Learning (C)

An overview and application of basic educational foundational theory to the types of decisions educators make before, during and after contact with students, peers, administrators and community groups. Emphasis on a variety of perspectives for critical and personal analysis of issues related to teaching behaviour.

Note: Core course in Studies in Teaching and Learning.


Sociological Foundations of Education***(R)

Changing relationships between groups within the school system, the local community and the larger society from different sociological perspectives. Emphasis on both theoretical and practical aspects of current educational concerns.


Concepts and Issues in Learning***(R)

Familiarizes students with factors that influence learning and memory. A developmental perspective is used to review factors that influence the mind including long and short-term memory, attention, and metacognition. Reviews the importance of providing students with the principles of explicit instruction and scaffolding. Students will have the opportunity to participate in learning and memory experiments and the teaching of a learning strategy.


Developmental Issues in Teaching and Learning (R)

Issues from adult life span psychology are used to formulate a personal developmental framework understood through the use of lifemapping techniques. Renewal, reflection and critical awareness are used as ways of understanding life and career paths and other effects on teaching and lifelong learning.


Sociology of Minority Groups in Canadian Education***(O)

The equality of educational opportunity as it relates to various ethnic-linguistic, socio-economic and religious minorities in Canada. Educational policymaking will be examined in relation to changing rural and urban school populations resulting from past and present immigration and migratory trends.


Adult Teaching and Learning***(R)

A practitioner's examination of literature and practice relating to adult education. Topics include the unique identity of the adult learner; theoretical foundations of adult education; the workplace as an educational setting; action research. Institutional and public settings for consideration originate from the interests of those in the class.


Critical Perspectives in Adult Learning***(R)

Questioning the theoretical origins and possibilities of adult learning in light of a variety of field-based practices and experiences. Some topics may be learner determined; others might relate to thinking, technology, aging processes, work, personal and professional identity, spirituality and ethics.


Developmental and Educational Issues in Children and Adolescents***(R)

Issues from child and adolescent developmental psychology are used to examine a personal developmental framework. Renewal, reflection, and critical awareness are used as ways of understanding past educational experience and their links to teaching and lifelong learning.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V31.


Clinical Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities in Literacy Acquisition*(R)

Clinical diagnosis of difficulties in acquiring reading and writing skills. The student will be trained to administer diagnostic tests, make observations and write a report for a client of the Reading Clinic.

Prerequisites: one of EDUC 5P09, 5P32, 5P39, 5P45.


Understanding Literacy Problems*(R)

Examination of theories and research on literacy acquisition problems. Emphasis on understanding developmental lag in oral language, reading and writing. Critical study of research and practice related to instructional strategies for students with such difficulties.


Developing a Personal Philosophy of Educational Practice***(R)

A critical examination of the concepts, principles and ideals that underlie contemporary education. Emphasis will be placed on making connections between educational visions and practices so that students can develop defensible philosophies of education.


Special Issues in Early Childhood Education I*(R)

Evaluation of early childhood education programs. Research on the effect of past and present program models on child development will be considered with a view to designing curricula for young children that encourage optimal growth.


Invitational Approaches to Education****(R)

A critical analysis of the principles and educational implications of invitational theory. Emphasis is placed on connecting invitational theory to emotional intelligence, self-concept, interpersonal skills, organizational strategies and democratic practice.


Learning Problems in the Classroom: Diagnosis and Programming in Special Education*(O)

Major theories, research and instructional strategies developed for the learning disabled child. Current perspectives and controversies on identification, intervention and causative factors will be critically evaluated. An emphasis will be placed on implementation of effective intervention strategies through case study.


Behavioural Disorders in Special Education*(O)

An analysis of the behavioural disturbances of children and adolescents. Topics include aggression, hyperactivity, autism and other significant behavioural disorders. Since controversies exist over cause, symptomology and treatment of many of these disorders, several viewpoints will be presented. Case study analysis will be used to promote critical thinking skills and help relate theory to practice.


Gender Issues in Education***(R)

Gender as an important aspect of school life. Emphasis is on classroom interaction patterns, curriculum materials and the procedures used to evaluate and promote teachers into administrative roles such as school principal. Historical, sociological and psychological explanations for differences in men's and women's experiences in schools are explored.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5P80.


Holistic/Global Perspectives in Education*(O)

Focusses on learning and the whole person (adult or child). Educational programs with holistic/global perspectives will be examined in their philosophical, psychological and social contexts. Topics to be explored include integrated studies, multiple intelligences, guided imagery, metaphor, story, collaborative learning and creative problem solving.


Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness**(R)

A survey course with the focus on the types of teacher evaluation currently employed locally, nationally and internationally. Principles and procedures involved in assessing teaching effectiveness are examined from different perspectives including self, students and superordinates.


Introduction to Studies in Education***(R)

Introduces graduate students to education as a field of study, and to multiple ways of knowing. The course will provide an overview of current educational trends and issues and a foundation of research literacy. In addition to these content areas, the course will assist students with developing a master's level of scholarship, establishing a research community, planning a coherent program, and accessing available support services.


The Reflective Practitioner***(R)

Explores the notion of the reflective practitioner and what this means in professional practice. Participants will explore a wide range of views of thinking, the production of knowledge, the creation of meaning and being in the world. Participants will actively engage in a collaborative reflective process that utilizes readings, dialogue, writing and images.


Educational Administration: The Theoretical Context (C)

A retrospective analysis of administrative theory and practice in organizations. Traces the development and evolution of organizational studies through modernist, critical theory and postmodernist discourses. Topics range among the historical, political, ethical and social aspects of administering organizations from an educational perspective.

Note: Core course in Studies in Organizational and Administrative Studies in Education.


Educational Administration: The Political Context (R)

The structure, pattern and process of political influence on levels of education in Ontario. Emphasis is on educational policy making and implementation. Examines the use of commissions, task forces and other devices to determine policy, and the influence of intra- and extra-organizational bodies on the educational system.


Ethics in Educational Leadership***(O)

Familiarizes participants with principles, practices, trends and issues related to ethics in educational leadership. Participants will explore various moral philosophies, ethical principles and ethical reasoning frameworks. Emphasis is on ethical and moral reasoning underlying dilemmas of administrative practice in a variety of organizational settings.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V83.


Judgment in Administrative Decision Making (R)

The exercise of discretion, a central element in administrative decision making, is studied from a multi-disciplinary perspective. This will enable students to understand administrative decision making, to appreciate the link between discretion and policy implementation, and to improve their decision making abilities through case study analysis built on real life situations.


Educational Administration: The Social Context**(O)

A theoretical and structural study of the social context of supervision and administration in institutions along with the ethical implications of those functions. Relevant case studies focus on the relationship between schools and society, the microculture of educational institutions, and the sociology of power.


Effecting Change in Organizations***(R)

Current trends and issues underlying organizational change processes analyzed to understand and facilitate change initiatives in educational organizations. Examines modern and postmodern orientations, models, strategies and leadership initiatives.


Educational Leadership and Management***(R)

Principles, practices, trends and issues of leadership and management in educational settings. Attention to leadership and management styles, practices, tasks and models. Participants are encouraged to reflect on and analyze their own leadership experiences in light of theories studied.


Organizational Behaviour in Educational Institutions***(R)

Attention to ways that individual, group and organizational characteristics affect behaviours of individuals in educational organizations. Communication, decision making, conflict resolution, leadership, motivation, learning and change processes are explored to uncover some principles and practices of organizational behaviour.


Educational Administration: The Financial Context (O)

An analysis of trends and issues in the financing of education in Canada, including the demand for and supply of educational services, factors influencing educational cost, approaches to educational planning, taxation for education grant structures, budgeting and collective bargaining.


Educational Administration: The Legal Context (O)

Legal requirements, constraints and influences on education in Ontario. Federal and provincial statutes and regulations and case law as related to education law.


International Education***(R)

A cross-disciplinary study of international and intercultural problems in their social context including all educative efforts that aim at fostering an international orientation in knowledge and attitudes. Examines various theoretical and conceptual frameworks of International Education and their relationship to associated areas such as Multicultural Education, Comparative Education, Global Education, Development Education, and other topics. Implications for creating curriculum and pedagogical strategies for enhancing International Education will be explored.


Project/Thesis Proposal Tutorial (I)

The development of a proposal which will provide the framework for the student's project or thesis. The proposal will be formally presented to the project supervisor. The proposal contract form must be completed and returned to the graduate department of the Faculty of Education before students will be allowed to register for this course. May be taken concurrently with any other course except EDUC 5P93 or 5F95.

Note: students are required to complete EDUC 5P90 before registering in either EDUC 5P93 or 5F95.


Tests, Measurement and Evaluation for the Classroom Teacher***(O)

The various types of evaluation data teachers use to make judgments about student growth, data source management, interpretation and communication.


An Introduction to Educational Research (C)

An interdisciplinary analysis of research methods used in education with an emphasis on basic research concepts and their application.

Note: this is a required course for all students.


Project Tutorial in Educational Studies (I)

An individual investigation or analysis of a special problem in contemporary educational practice. The topic of the project must be approved by a faculty adviser who will also supervise and guide the student during the preparation of the project. Students are required to prepare two copies of the final document according to the published MEd project guidelines.

Prerequisite: EDUC 5P90. Students are required to complete EDUC 5P90 before registering in EDUC 5P93.


Advanced Writing Seminar***(R)

An interdisciplinary approach to scholarly writing and publishing in higher education. The different stages of the writing and publishing cycle are explored in relation to students' interests. The main objective is to give students a sense of self as writer.


Qualitative Methods in Educational Research***(R)

Examines research approaches using a variety of qualitative methods including: case studies, interview strategies, action research approaches, biography, ethnography and historical methods. Combined designs will be discussed as ways of gaining novel insights into educational events.

Prerequisite: EDUC 5P92 or permission of the instructor.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V90.


Educational Internship***(I)

A one-semester field experience for MEd students not normally available through either course-work or the exit requirements. Provides an opportunity for a supervised placement that may entail one or more of the following outcomes: limited fieldwork; writing of an analytical report; critical self-performance evaluation with supervisory assistance; effective professional networking.

Prerequisite: Permission of department chair on the basis of a written application.

Note: Only one internship course may count towards the MEd degree.

Students completing this course will forfeit credit in EDUC 5V96.


An Introduction to Integrated Studies (C)

An introduction to education as a scholarly field, including the history of educational research, the development of the three fields of study in the Brock MEd program. The course looks at current educational issues from multiple perspectives and examines changing roles and strategies for graduate students in education.

Note: Core course in Integrated Studies.


Independent Study in Education (I)

Specialized study on an individual basis under the direction of a faculty supervisor.

Prerequisite: permission of Department Chair on the basis of a written application.

Note: only one independent study course may count towards the MEd degree.


Explorations in Applied Linguistics (O)

Linguistic foundations for second-language learning, teaching and evaluation. Examination of relevant contemporary theory, classroom based research and practice. Integration of theoretical models, research evidence and experience.


Pedagogical Grammar(O)

Models of pedagogical grammar and their relationship to theories of second-language acquisition. Focus on issues arising in classroom learning. Application of grammatical analyses to teaching/learning problems.


Speech Processing in a Second Language (O)

Principles of articulatory and acoustic phonetics in second-language pedagogy. Theory and practice of listening instruction, including a critique and evaluation of comprehension-based methods in a communicative syllabus. Theory and practice of second-language pronunciation and speaking. Critique of computerized speech processing in second-language instruction.


Critical Developments in Second-Language Reading (O)

Models of the process and pedagogy of second-language reading. Practical and theoretical foundations for decisions regarding materials design and instructional methodology. Rationale and methodology for the definition and use of literary texts in second-language pedagogy.


Theory and Practice in Second-Language Writing (O)

Theoretical models of writing and instructional practices. Relationship between writing and grammar, first-language literacy skills and second-language writing. CALL materials for the development of writing skills, their theoretical foundations and practical implications.

EDUC 5V01-5V18

Special Topics in Curriculum

Seminar for students wishing to pursue a special topic in Curriculum Studies.


2005-2006: Culture, Identity, and Pedagogy: Advancing a Lived Curriculum***(O)

Examines the complex process by which curriculum is enacted in educational contexts, in particular, the influence of culture, identity and pedagogy. Explores culture and identity(s) in relation to both teachers and students. Emphasized pedagogies that support equitable educational experiences. Examines multicultural and antiracist frameworks and theories underpinning the practices these perspectives support.


2005-2006: Mathematical and Scientific Problem Solving***(O)

Introduces various models and theoretical formulations of problem solving in the fields of mathematics and science education. Participants in the course will study empirical research findings and the underlying methodological approaches adopted in problem solving research. Students will also conduct case studies of problem solving interactions.


2005-2006: Narrative for Professional Development***(O)

Focuses on an ongoing professional development model that is based on narrative. Explores the creation of a personal and living set of standards of professional practice. Narratives will be explored using narrative research techniques such as concentric storying. Dominant themes from our stories will be explored from the perspective of their effectiveness in our professional lives. New stories will be generated to encourage professional development and transformation.


2005-2006: The Body as a Site for Knowledge: Embodiment and Curriculum Inquiry***(O)

Examines the scholarship on embodiment in order to deepen an understanding of various ways the body has been inscribed by political, social and cultural factors. It will also consider the implications for ways of knowing in and through the body in relationship to arts-based curricula and inquiry. Embodied knowing will be defined and examined from a variety of perspectives: philosophical, holistic/environmental, literary/poetic, feminist, health, educational and arts-based. The relationship of philosophies of the body and their relevance to us as researchers, educators, artists, caregivers, health practitioners and human beings will be addressed.


2005-2006: Families, Schools and Education***(O)

An examination of research, issues and policy related to family influences on literacy development and academic achievement home and community partnerships in education and school councils. Explores curriculum models and evaluation research related to family literacy and parental involvement program development. Reviews research methods used in the study of family influences in education.

EDUC 5V30-5V70

Special Topics in Teaching and Learning

Seminar for students wishing to pursue a special topic in Studies in Teaching and Learning.


2005-2006: The Social Nature of Learning***(O)

An examination of current theoretical and methodological perspectives that emphasize the social nature of learning. Consideration will be given to learning in both formal and informal settings, including the workplace.


2005-2006: Learning Problems in the Classroom: Part II***(O)

Additional study of theories, research and instructional strategies for children with learning disabilities. Current perspectives and controversies in the areas of identification, causation, and remediation will be critically evaluated.

Prerequisite: EDUC 5P45 or permission of the instructor.


2005-2006: Advanced Topics in Learning Disabilities***(O)

Current research on the cognitive, affective, and linguistic correlates of learning disabilities will be considered. Controversies over identification and intervention strategies will be evaluated. Advanced technological supports will also be reviewed.

Prerequisite: EDUC 5V40 or permission of the instructor.


2005-2006: Art, Culture and Museums in Education***(O)

This course is intended to familiarize practising and potential school educators with the philosophy and practice of education in museums and art galleries, emphasizing a sociocultural approach. Explores trends and issues surrounding field trips, outreach programs, educational kits, and "virtual museums." Considers the impact of the use of these teaching resources on the quality of the learning experience. Focuses on the development of practical knowledge through an action research project.


2005-2006: Education Through The Arts***(O)

Explores the contribution which educating through art, drama, music and writing can have for all children in the curriculum. Insights are gained from examining the cognitive, social, kinetic and problem-solving strategies used by creative people. Such strategies, when used in the classroom, become a tool for enhanced and meaningful learning for all children.


2005-2006: Comparative Studies of Education in Developed and Developing Nations***(O)

Current education issues with a global perspective are researched, analyzed and discussed within a theoretical comparative framework. A central focus is placed on the role education plays in national development in selected developed and developing nations.

EDUC 5V80-5V89

Organizational and Administrative Problems in Education

Seminar for students wishing to study a specific problem area in Organizational and Administrative Studies.


2005-2006: The Accountability Challenge***(O)

Reviews accountability from ancient times to the present day. Discussion is informed by literature from education, health, government, and business. Examines the inherent challenges of accountability, underlying principles and elements, current practices and dilemmas, and future trends. A comparative, multi-disciplinary course.


2005-2006: Learning in Organizations***(O)

An overview of the theory and research in the emerging field of organizational learning. Examines the implications and applications of organizational learning concepts in education, health care and business. Of interest to teachers, nurses, trainers and consultants seeking to increase their understanding of the role of learning within the context of organizations.

EDUC 5V90-5V98

Special Topics in Graduate Education

Seminar for special topics of a general nature.


2005-2006: Quantitative Methods in Educational Research***(O)

This course examines quantitative approaches used in educational research, which include experimental designs, correlational studies, and surveys. Students will review basic statistical procedures and learn skills for analyzing and interpreting data in educational research studies.


Comprehensive Portfolio

(Lakehead 6080, Western 780, Windsor 680)

In conjunction with their supervisory committees, students will complete a portfolio of documents and academic artifacts that demonstrate research skills and knowledge of the student's field of study. Students must defend their portfolio in a public forum.


Core Seminar I: Research, Theories and Issues

(Lakehead 6020, Western 702, Windsor 602)

In Core Seminar 1 the history and philosophical foundations of education are examined. As well, students are introduced to qualitative methods of research in education, encompassing, for example, interview, phenomenological, ethnographic, constructivist, and case study approaches to data collection, analysis, and interpretation.


Core Seminar II: Research, Theories and Issues

In Core Seminar 2 students examine research, theories, and issues in the fields of study via a specific theme which is identified annually. For example, the theme might be bullying, or caring education, or gender issues. As well, students are introduced to quantitative methods of research in education, encompassing for example true experiments, quasi experiments, and correlational studies.


Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

(Lakehead 6211, Western 721, Windsor 621)

This course introduces students to the origins and intellectual traditions of theories that influence how we organize education. Students develop an understanding of sociological paradigms that have influenced educational systems over time, and develop perspectives that enable them to think critically and creatively about contemporary and future issues in educational leadership, policy and organizations.


Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education

(Lakehead 6311, Western 731, Windsor 631)

This course centres around a critical examination of cultural, historical, and theoretical perspectives in education. Bodies of knowledge related to understanding the complexities of sociocultural influences in education are the main focus. Power relations at play and how they are negotiated in everyday practice are considered. Using the sociocultural framework developed in the course, students also investigate their specific areas of interest (for example curriculum theory and practice). Course assignments are designed to develop students' knowledge of and experience with scholarly activities such as research and conference proposals and publications.


Cognition and Learning

(Lakehead 6411, Western 741, Windsor 641)

This course provides an analysis of epistemological theories through a critical examination of foundational and current research and a reflection on historical and philosophical orientations as they relate to contemporary issues in cognition and learning.


Directed Study

(Lakehead 6511, Western 751, Windsor 651)

A directed study takes place under the supervision of a faculty member with appropriate expertise. Usually, the student completes a sustained program of study relating to a topic of current theoretical and/or empirical interest leading to the production of a substantial research paper. Directed studies are intended for students with special interests which cannot be satisfied by calendar courses.


Research Proposal Colloquium

(Lakehead 6219, Western 769, Windsor 669)

In this course students examine theory and research in relation to their intended dissertation topic. Students develop a topic idea in the form of a dissertation proposal, defining a research question and a theoretical base for intended study. Course participants examine research questions in relation to varied methodologies, so that a diverse examination of research frameworks takes place through WebCT based discourse. In this way, the notion of a research culture is developed further.


PhD Dissertation

(Lakehead 6901, Western 791, Windsor 798)

Including the Supervisor, the Doctoral Committee is composed of a minimum of three core faculty from at least two participating universities. In place at each home university are specific policies and procedures with regard to dissertation preparation, the final oral defense of the dissertation, final submission of the dissertation, and convocation procedures. For further information please refer to your home university website as well as to the home university office of Graduate Studies in Education.