4. |
to provide, through the conduct of the faculty, students and staff, and through its policies and administration, an atmosphere free from sexism, racism and all other forms of stereotyping, harassment and discrimination; |
5. |
to provide academic programs and a learning environment of the highest quality to attract academically qualified and gifted students; |
6. |
to enhance existing programs while developing additional innovative and relevant programs, at both the undergraduate and graduate level for full-time and part-time students; |
7. |
to develop the library, computing and other resources to support research, creative ability and learning; |
8. |
to develop a campus with the academic space, facilities and amenities, both indoor and outdoor, conducive to effective learning and scholarship. |
1. |
to prepare students for advanced study, career success, community responsibility and a richer life by developing a passion for life-long learning and the abilities to think creatively and critically, to communicate clearly, to maintain high ethicalstandards, to exercise sound judgment and to address societal and environmental issues; |
2. |
to foster an environment for students which encourages not only intellectual growth but also physical, social and spiritual well-being through a diversity of extracurricular activities and experiences designed to enrich their lives, develop their talents and provide opportunities to discover and pursue new interests; |
3. |
to facilitate accessibility for lower-income students, mature students, part-time students, students from visible minority group, Canadian Native Peoples, international students, students with unrealized potential and students with disabilities; |
4. |
to foster a continuing commitment to the University among graduates. |
1. |
to support, encourage and nurture faculty and staff in their pursuit of personal growth and professional development, recognizing that male and female career patterns may differ; |
2. |
to encourage wide-spread participation of faculty and staff in policy formation; |
3. |
to implement fair and progressive employment policies for all University personnel; |
4. |
to achieve equality in the representation of women and men in both academic and non-academic positions; |
5. |
to increase the number of people from visible minority groups, Aboriginal Peoples and those with disabilities, in both academic and non-academic positions; |
6. |
to encourage and recognize the achievements and contributions of staff members to the service of students and the aims of the University; |
7. |
to encourage and support faculty members in their pursuit of excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching and in research and other creative activity. |