2003-2004 Undergraduate Calendar

Faculty and Librarians


Sharon M. Abbey, BA Toronto, MEd Brock, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education and Women's Studies

Lorne J. Adams, BA, MA Western Ontario, EdD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Jack R. Adams-Webber, BA Haverford, MA Ohio State, PhD Brandeis

Professor of Psychology

Ian L. Adamson, BSc, MBA McMaster, PhD Waterloo, CA

Associate Professor of Accounting

Robert John Alexander, BJ Carleton, BA York (Canada), MA, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature

Alexandre L. A. Amprimoz, BA, MA Windsor, PhD Western Ontario, BSc Brock

Professor of French

Stephen C. Anco, BSc California Institute of Technology, MSc, PhD Chicago

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Susan M. Arai, PhD Guelph

Assistant Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Karen Arnell, BA Calgary, MA, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Psychology

Michael Ashton, BSc Toronto, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Assistant Professor of Psychology

David W. Atkinson, BA, MA, PhD Calgary

Professor of English Language and Literature

President and Vice-Chancellor

Jeffrey Atkinson, BSc Trent, PhD Ottawa

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Barbara J. Austin, BA McMaster, MA Bishop's, MBA, PhD Concordia

Professor of Strategic Management

Mohamed Ayadi, BComm, HEC Tunisia, MSc, HEC School of Business, Montréal

Assistant Professor of Finance

Carl Baar, BA California, AM, PhD Chicago

Professor of Political Science

Jerzy A. Barchanski, MSc, PhD Silesian Technical University, Gliwice

Associate Professor of Computer Science

A. Tansu Barker, BSEE Robert College, MSEE St. Louis, MBA Wake Forest, DBA Istanbul

Professor of International Business and Marketing

Thomas H. Barnes, BA Loyola, Montréal, MBA Pittsburgh, DBA Kentucky

Associate Professor of Finance

Nicolas Baxter-Moore, BA Manchester, MSc London School of Economics, PhD Carleton

Associate Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Colleen Beard, BSc Brock, MLS Toronto

Head, Map Library

Rodger J. Beatty, BMus Western Ontario, BEd Toronto, MEd Queen's, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Sandra L. Beckett, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Manitoba

Professor of French

Kathryn Belicki, BA Brock, PhD Waterloo

Professor of Psychology

John G. Benjafield, BA, MA Western Ontario, PhD Brandeis

Professor of Psychology

Sheila M. Bennett, BEd, BSpecEd Memorial, MEd, EdD, Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Michael Berman, BA Binghamton, PhD SUNY Buffalo

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Kate Bezanson, BA Trent, MA, PhD York

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Michael Bidochka, BSc Brock, MSc Regina, PhD Saskatchewan

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Diane Bielicki, BA Brock, MA McMaster, ABD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Ernest N. Biktimirov, Methodologie Tashkent Institute, MBA, PhD Kentucky

Assistant Professor of Finance

Judith C. Blackwell, BA Carleton, MA New School for Social Research, PhD London School of Economics

Associate Professor of Sociology

Irene M. F. Blayer, BA Brock, MA, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Spanish

R. Terrance Boak, BSc, MEd Manitoba, PhD Calgary

Professor of Education

Vice-President, Academic

Anthony F. Bogaert, BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences and Psychology

Leslie A. Boldt-Irons, BA Brock, MA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Professor of French

Richard Bond, BA McMaster, MA Niagara, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Education

Sandra Leanne Bosacki, BA Western Ontario, BEd, MEd Windsor, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Shyamal K. Bose, BSc, MSc Patna, MSc Dalhousie, PhD Simon Fraser

Professor of Physics

Alan W. Bown, BSc, PhD Liverpool

Professor of Biological Sciences

Dale Bradley, BA, MA Queen's, PhD York

Assistant Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Leah C. Bradshaw, BA Bishop's, MA, PhD York (Canada)

Associate Professor of Political Science

Uwe Brand, BSc Waterloo, MA Missouri, PhD Ottawa

Professor of Earth Sciences

Marian F. Bredin, BA Trent, MA Leicester, PhD McGill

Assistant Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Jean Bridge, BFA Queen's

Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Ian D. Brindle, BSc Manchester, MSc Brock, FRSC (UK)

Professor of Chemistry

Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science

David T. Brown, BSc, PhD McGill

Associate Professor of Environment

Associate Vice-President, International Co-operation

Richard S. G. Brown, BA Brock, MA, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Douglas H. Bruce, BSc, PhD Simon Fraser

Professor of Biological Sciences and Physics

Stefan M. Brudzynski, MSc, PhD Lodz

Professor of Psychology

Charles Burton, BA, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Political Science

Jonah Butovsky, BA McGill, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Sociology

David A. Butz, BA, MA Wilfrid Laurier, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Geography

John Cairney, BA Brock, MA Queen's, PhD Western Ontario

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Alfredo Capretta, BSc, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Robert L. Carlone, BA Amherst College, PhD New Hampshire

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Terrance G. Carroll, BA Manitoba, MA, PhD Carleton

Associate Professor of Political Science

Michael J. Carter, BA, MA Queen's, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of Classics

Frederick H. Casler, BA, MA Columbia, PhD New York University

Associate Professor of Classics

Alan J. Castle, BSc, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Joyce Castle, BA Montreal, MEd McGill, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Education

Wing-Cheuk Chan, BA, MA Chinese HK, PhD Ottawa

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Richard J. Cheel, BA McMaster, MSc Ottawa, PhD McMaster

Professor of Earth Sciences

Danny Cho, BA, BSc, MEng Toronto,PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Raymond T. Chodzinski, BA York (Can.), MEd Toronto, PhD Saskatchewan

Associate Professor of Education

Associate Dean of Education, Hamilton Campus

Susan M. Clark, BA Liverpool, MA McMaster, PhD British Columbia

Professor of Sociology

Ronald W. Common, BA, MEd Manitoba, PhD Ottawa

Professor of Education

Ralph D. Connelly, BSc, MSc SUC, Buffalo, PhD Kent State

Professor of Education

Maureen Connolly, BPE, MPE Memorial, PhD Alberta

Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Gail Lynn Cook, BSc Ramapo, CPA Louisiana, MS New Orleans, PhD Utah

Associate Professor of Accounting

Stephen J. Cook, BSc Rutgers, MSc, PhD Utah

Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences

John T. Corlett, BSc Brock, MSc, PhD Simon Fraser

Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Dean of Applied Health Sciences

June Corman, BA Regina, MA, PhD Toronto

Professor of Sociology

Kimberly Cote, BA Brock, MA Toronto, PhD Ottawa

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Paulette Côté-Laurence, BSc Montréal, MSc Florida, PhD Wisconsin

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Laura Cousens, BA Waterloo, MA Ottawa, PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of Sport Management

David A. Crandles, BSc Western Ontario, MSc Ottawa, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of Physics

W. L. Roger Crane, BA Western Ontario, MEd, PhD Wayne State

Associate Professor of Education

J. Brian Crick, BA, MA Western Ontario, PhD Leeds

Associate Professor of English Language and Literature

Carmen W. Cullen, BA, BComm, MBA Manitoba, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Marketing

Louis Culumovic, BA, BSc, MSc, Certificate in Business Administration Ottawa, MSc, PhD Western Ontario, CA

Associate Professor of Accounting

Donald A. Cyr, BSc Concordia, MBA Saskatchewan, MA, PhD Alberta

Associate Professor of Finance

Associate Dean of Business

Canidce Dahl, BA, MA Saskatchewan, MISt. Toronto

Reference/Collection Librarian

Andrew V. Dane, BA Queen's, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Hevina Dashwood, BA Toronto, MA McGill, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Patricia A. Debly, BMus Western Ontario, MMus Catholic University of America, MA, PhD Victoria

Associate Professor of Music

Nancy H. DeCourville, BA New Brunswick, MA, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Psychology

Vincenzo De Luca, BSc Concordia, MSc Queen's, PhD Concordia

Professor of Biological Sciences

Shen Deng, BA Huazhong, MBA, PhD Boston

Professor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Charles Després, BSc, MSc, PhD Montréal

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

David DiBattista, AB Brown, MA, PhD Waterloo

Professor of Psychology

Dee Dickman, BA Oregon, BLS British Columbia

Librarian, Reference/Collections

Robert W. Dimand, BA McGill, MA, MPhil, PhD Yale

Professor of Economics

Maureen E. Donnelly, BA McMaster, LLB, LLM Toronto, CA

Associate Professor of Accounting

Mohammed H. I. Dore, BA Zambia, MPhil, DPhil Oxford

Professor of Economics and Child and Youth Studies

Susan M. Drake, BA Western Ontario, MEd Brock, PhD Toronto

Professor of Education

Juris Dreifelds, BScF, MA, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Political Science

Michael Driedger, BA British Columbia, MA, PhD Queen's

Assistant Professor of History and Great Books Liberal Studies

Ann D. Duffy, BA, MA, PhD McMaster

Professor of Sociology

Paul Dunn, BA, MA Toronto, DBA Boston, CA

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Ivo Düntsch, Dipl. Math, Dr.rer.nat, habil, Berlin

Professor of Computer Science

Diane P. Dupont, BA Carleton, MA Toronto, PhD British Columbia

Professor of Economics

Donald H. Dworet, BA SUNY, Buffalo, MEd Toronto, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Education

Jane Dywan, BA Brock, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Psychology

Anne Elliott, BA, MEd Brock, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Leo Elshof, BSch Waterloo, BEd Western Ontario, MSc McMaster, PhD Toronto Assistant Professor of Education

Joseph F. Engemann, BSc, BEd, MEd Brock, PhD Buffalo

Assistant Professor of Education

Dennis F. Essar, BA, MA Saskatchewan, PhD Western Ontario

Professor of French

Lynette Fast, BA Brock, MScEd SUC, Buffalo, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Education

Corrado J. A. Federici, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Italian

Assistant Dean, Student Affairs and Curriculum

Brent Faught, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Sandra M. Felton, BA Western Ontario, PhD SUNY, Buffalo, CA

Associate Professor of Accounting

David A. Fennell, BES, MA Waterloo, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Hilary Findlay, BA, BPE McMaster, MSc Oregon, PhD, LLB Alberta

Associate Professor of Sport Management

Gregory C. Finn, BSc Queen's, MSc Western Ontario, PhD Memorial

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences

Jean-Jacques G. Flint, BA Colby, MA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences

Susan Forbes, BA Calgary, MA Wilfrid Laurier, PhD Western Ontario

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Gail Frost, BPE McMaster, BEd Toronto, MEd Temple University, PA, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Frank Fueten, BSc, MSc McMaster, PhD Toronto

Professor of Earth Sciences

Henryk Fuks, BSc, MSc, PhD Illinois

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

David A. Gabriel, BEd McGill, MSc Massachusetts, PhD McGill

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Kimberly L. Gammage, BA Queen's, MA North Carolina, PhD Western Ontario

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Carol Gaspari, BA Western Ontario, BLS Toronto

Librarian, Reference/Collections

Hugh J. Gayler, BA Leicester, MA London School of Economics, PhD British Columbia

Associate Professor of Geography

Daniel G. Glenday, BA Sir George Williams, MA McGill, PhD Carleton

Professor of Sociology

David L. Goicoechea, BA St. Thomas Seminary, PhD Loyola, Chicago

Professor of Philosophy

Dawn E. Good, BSc Trent, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Psychology

Heather L. Gordon, BSc Trent, MSc Brock, PhD Guelph

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Ian Gordon, BSc Guelph, MLS Western Ontario

Head, Reference Information Services


Neta Gordon, BA Toronto, MA, PhD Queen's

Professor of English Language and Literature

Joanne Graham, BEd Calgary, MEd Brock, EdD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Barry K. Grant, BA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Dorothy Griffiths, BA Brock, MA Guelph, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies

Margaret Grove, BABrock, MA Toronto, MLS SUNY Buffalo

University Librarian

Ann Marie Guilmette, BPHE, MPE, PhD Windsor

Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Diana Gustafson, BA McMaster, MA Brock, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Carolyn H. Hafer, BA McGill, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Psychology

Yousef Haj-Ahmad, BSc, MSc Brock, PhD McMaster

Professor of Biological Sciences

Rosemary Drage Hale, BA Kent State, MA Eastern Michigan, MTS, PhD Harvard

Dean of Humanities

Paul Hamilton, BA Brock, MA McMaster, PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of Political Science

J. Stephen Hartman, BSc Queen's, MSc Ottawa, PhD McMaster

Professor of Chemistry

Atsuko Hashimoto, BA British Columbia, MSc, PhD Surrey

Assistant Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

John A. Hay, BA/BPHE Queen's, MA Alberta, PhD McMaster

Professor of Community Health Sciences

Jane L. Helleiner, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Professor of Sociology

Herbert L. Holland, BA, MA Cambridge, MSc Warwick, PhD Queen's, Belfast, FRSC (UK), CChem

Professor of Chemistry

Sheridan K. Houghten, BSc, MSc, PhD Concordia

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Mei Ling Huang, BA Hobei Normal University, MSc China Academy of Railway Science, MSc, PhD Windsor

Professor of Mathematics

Alun O. Hughes, BA, MA Cambridge, Dipl. in Cartography Swansea

Associate Professor of Geography

David J. F. Hughes, BSc, MSc, PhD Manitoba

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Harry T. Hunt, BA Harvard, PhD Brandeis

Professor of Psychology

Fiona Hunter, BSc, MSc Toronto, PhD Queen's

Professor of Biological Sciences

David L. Hutchison, BA Trent, BEd Queen's, MES York, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Peggy Hutchison, BA/BPHE Queen's, MA Dalhousie, EdD Boston

Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Hasan Imam, BA, MA Dacca, MSc London School of Economics, PhD Western Ontario

Assistant Professor of Economics

Debbie Inglis, BSc, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

Glenwood H. Irons, BA Brock, MAH, MA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Applied Language Studies and Communications Studies

Anna Isla, BA Iquitos-Peru, Lima-Peru, MA Mexico D.F., PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Women's Studies

Marcie Jacklin, BSc Guelph, MLIS McGill

Librarian, Reference/Collections

Thomas A. Jenkyns, BSc, MSc Calgary, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Brian Jeynes, BSc Toronto, MSc, BEd/OTC, Toronto, PhD Western Ontario

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Xinxia Jiang, BSc Guilin Institute of Technology, MSc Central South University of Technology, PRC, PhD Southhampton, UK

Assistant Professor of Geography

Barry W. K. Joe, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of German and Communications Studies

Russell Johnston, BA McMaster, MA, PhD Queen's

Associate Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Wayne T. Jolly, BFA, MA Texas, PhD SUNY, Binghamton

Professor of Earth Sciences

Eugene Kaciak, DEcon CSPS, Warsaw

Associate Professor of Operations Management

Debbie Kalvee, BA Calgary, MLIS Dalhousie

Associate University Librarian

John Kearns, BA Laurentian, BEd Toronto, MScEd Niagara, PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of Education

James B. Kelly, BA Toronto, MA, PhD McGill

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Ronald A. Kerman, BA, MA Manitoba, PhD Toronto

Professor of Mathematics

W. D. Kenneth Kernaghan, BA McMaster, MA, PhD Duke, FRSC

Professor of Political Science

James W. Kerr, BA Windsor, MEd Brock, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Heather L. Kilty, BA Goddard College, MEd Harvard, PhD Walden, Minnesota

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Omar Kihel, BSc D'Oran, MSc Lyon, PhD Laval

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Kenneth Klassen

BBA Brock, MBA Wilfried Laurier,PhD Calgary

Assistant Professor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Panagiota Klentrou, BSc Athens, MSc, PhD Montreal

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Derek Knight, BA Carleton, MA SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Visual Arts

Michael Kompf, BA, MEd Brock, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Jane M. Koustas, BA Queen's, MTrad Montréal, PhD Queen's

Professor of French

Zisimos Koustas, BA Athens, MA, PhD Queen's

Professor of Economics

Murray Kropf, BFA, MFA Windsor

Associate Professor of Visual Arts

Karen L. Krug, BA, MTS St. Andrew's College, ThD Toronto

Associate Professor of Environment

Renée Kuchapski, BAA Ryerson, BEd Toronto, MEd, PhD Saskatchewan

Assistant Professor of Education

Joseph Kushner, BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Professor of Economics

Martin I. Kusy, BComm Sir George Williams, MBA Windsor, PhD British Columbia

Professor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Dean, Faculty of Business

Michel Ladouceur, BSc, MSc Sherbrooke, PhD McGill

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Peter M. Landey, BA, BMus Carleton, ATC Alberta, MM SUNY, Potsdam, MMus London, DPhil York (UK), PhDLondon

Associate Professor of Music

Anna H. Lathrop, BPhEd Brock, MA Western Ontario, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Kelli-an G. Lawrance, BA Western Ontario, MSc Guelph, PhD New Brunswick

Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences

Jim Leach, BA Exeter, MA, PhD Birmingham

Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Deborah Leslie, BA, MA Queen's, PhD British Columbia

Associate Professor of Geography

Eli Levanoni, BA, MBA Tel Aviv, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

Yuanlin Li, BSc Jiangsu, MSc Nanjing, PhD Memorial

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Xiaobin Li, BA Anqing, MA Fudan University Shanghi, China, MEd Lakehead, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

William W. Liddell, BBA Western Michigan, MBA Wayne State, PhD Pennsylvania

Professor of Management

Pierre Lizée, BA, MA Laval, PhD York

Associate Professor of Political Science

Kelly Lockwood, BPhE, Toronto,MSc Lakehead, PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Harris J. Loewen, BMus British Columbia, MA, DMA Iowa, Cert. Theol. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries

Associate Professor of Music

Patricia Longo, BA Edinburg, MLS Toronto

Head, Cataloguing Services

Kenneth E. Loucks, BA, MBA, PhD Western Ontario

Professor of Business Policy

David Love, BA Toronto, MA, PhD Queen's

Associate Professor of Economics

Linda Lowry, BComm Alberta, MLS Toronto

Librarian, Reference/Collections

Cheng Luo, BA, MA Wuhan, MA, PhD Manitoba

Associate Professor of Applied Language Studies

John A. Lye, BA Toronto, MA Texas

Associate Professor of English Language and Literature and Communications Studies

R. Douglas MacDonald, BA, MA McMaster

Professor of English Language and Literature

Darla J. MacLean, BA Brock, MA Central Michigan, EdS Michigan State, PhD Maryland

Associate Professor of Psychology

Joanne MacLean, MPE New Brunswick, PhD Ohio State

Associate Professor of Sport Management

Daniel Madar, BA San Francisco, MA, PhD Toronto

Professor of Political Science

Ingrid Makus, BA Winnipeg, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Political Science

Robert W. Malone, BS, MS Florida, PhD Miami, Coral Gables

Associate Professor of Philosophy

James Mandigo, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA Laurentian, PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Michael Manley-Casimir, BA Exeter, MEd British Columbia, PhD Chicago

Professor of Education

Dean, Faculty of Education

Zopito A. Marini, BSc Dalhousie, PhD Toronto

Professor of Child and Youth Studies

Voula Marinos, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Child and Youth Studies

Matthew Martin, BA, MA, PHE Alberta

Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature

Felice F. Martinello, BA Western Ontario, PhD British Columbia

Professor of Economics

Isidore J. Masse, BA Windsor, MA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Professor of Economics

E. Sharon Mason, BComm, MBA Concordia, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

William R. Mathie, BA McMaster, AM, PhD Chicago

Associate Professor of Political Science

Daniel P. McCarthy, BSc Alberta, MSc Western Ontario, PhD Saskatchewan

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences and Geography

David McCarthy, BMath, MMath, PhD Waterloo

Professor of Computer Science

Francine M. McCarthy, BSc Dalhousie, MSc Toronto, PhD Dalhousie

Professor of Earth Sciences

Andrew McDonald, BA Trent, MA McMaster, PhD Guelph

Assistant Professor of History

Hedy M. McGarrell, BA Concordia, MA, PhD Ottawa

Associate Professor of Applied Language Studies and Education

Michelle McGinn, PhD Simon Fraser

Assistant Professor of Education

Debra McLauchlan, BA McMaster, MEd Brock, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Jane A. McLeod, BA Brock, MA, PhD York (Canada)

Associate Professor of History

James McNulty, BSc, MSc, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Glenys McQueen-Fuentes, BA McGill

Assistant Professor of Theatre

John Menzies, BSc Aberdeen, PhD Edinburgh

Professor of Earth Sciences and Geography

Teresa V. Menzies, DipCom Abertay, DipComHon Robert Gordon, MEd Brock, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Management

A. Joffre Mercier, BSc, MSc McGill, PhD Calgary

Professor of Biological Sciences

Carol Merriam, BA, MA Queen's,PhD Ohio State

Associate Professor of Classics

H. Brian W. Metcalfe, BA Queen's Belfast, MSc Strathclyde, PhD Belfast

Associate Professor of Marketing

Joseph Michalski, BA George Mason, MA, PhD Virginia

Assistant Professor of Sociology

John Middleton, BSc Trent, MSc, PhD Carleton

Associate Professor of Environment

Murray L. Miles, BA Toronto, DPhil Freiburg

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Jack M. Miller, BSc, PhD McGill, PhD Cambridge, FCIC, FRSA, FRSC (UK), CChem

Professor of Chemistry

Associate Vice-President, Research and Dean of Graduate Studies

Mary Jane Miller, BA, MA Toronto, PhD Birmingham

Professor of Dramatic Literature and Film Studies

Coral Mitchell, BEd, BA, MEd, PhD Saskatchewan

Associate Professor of Education

Bozidar Mitrovic, Dipl. Phys. Belgrade, MSc, PhD McMaster

Professor of Physics

John Mitterer, BA Calgary, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Psychology

Hans-Georg Moeller, BA, MA, PhD Bonn, Germany

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Anthony S. Mollica, BA, MA Toronto

Professor of Education

Merijean Morrissey, BFA Illinois, Urbana/Champaign

Associate Professor of Visual Arts

Marlene Moser, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Cameron Christian Muir, BSc, PhD, McMaster

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Eric R. Muller, MSc Natal, PhD Sheffield

Professor of Education and Mathematics

Thomas M. Mulligan, BA Brock, MA, PhD Northwestern

Associate Professor of Management

Nancy R. Murray, BEd Alberta, MSc Oregon, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Martha J. Nandorfy, BA, MA Ottawa, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Culture

George J. Nathan, BA Canisius, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Jonathan Neufeld, BA Manitoba, BEd, MEd Toronto, PhD Simon Fraser

Associate Professor of Education

Robert Nickel, BA British Columbia, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Classics

Joan Nicks, BA Brock, MA Carleton

Associate Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

George S. Nogradi, BSc Waterloo, MSc, PhD Oregon

Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

John M. Novak, BA Ohio, MA Western Carolina, EdD Florida

Professor of Education

Robert D. Ogilvie, BA Carleton, MA Hollins, PhD Cambridge

Professor of Psychology

Beatrice Moraa Ombuki, BSc Jomo K., MEng The Ryukys, Japan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

G. Patrick O'Neill, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MEd, PhD Toronto

Professor of Education

Thomas O'Neill, BFA York (Canada), MA, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of Child and Youth Studies

Frances Owen, BA New Brunswick, MA Acadia, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies

Richard W. Parker, BA, MA California, PhD British Columbia

Associate Professor of Classics

Danielle Parks, AB-ScB Brown, MA, PhD Missouri

Assistant Professor of Classics

Carmela Patrias, BA British Columbia, MA Sussex, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of History

Donna R. Patrick, BA, MA McGill, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Linguistics

Sandra Peters, BSc McMaster, MSc, PhD Guelph

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Gary Pickering, BSc Well. (NZ),Post Graduate Diploma, PhD Lincoln Cant. (NZ)

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Ryan Plummer, MA New Brunswick, PhD Guelph

Assistant Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Michael L. Plyley, BSc, PhD Western Ontario

Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Assistant Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Brian E. Power, MusBac, MA, PhD Toronto, ATCL

Assistant Professor of Music

Anna Pratt, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Joan M. Preston, BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Professor of Psychology

Howard W. Prout, BASc British Columbia, MBA, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Management

Lynne Prunskus, BA Brock, MLS SUNY, Buffalo

Librarian, Special Collections/Archives

Sanjay Putrevu, MMS Birla Institute of Technology and Science, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Marketing

Gyllian Raby, BA Manchester, MA Calgary

Assistant Professor of Fine Arts

Rebecca Raby, BA Simon Fraser, MA British Columbia, PhD York

Assistant Professor of Child and Youth Studies

Jonathan E. Radue, BSc, MSc Natal

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Mary-Beth Raddon, BA McMaster,MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Sociology

William J. Ralph, BMath, MMath, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Peter Ramm, BA Waterloo, MA, PhD Queen's

Associate Professor of Psychology

Fereidoon S. Razavi, BSc, MSc, PhD McMaster

Professor of Physics

Candace Johnson Redden, BA, Toronto, MA, PhD Dalhousie

Assistant Professor of Applied Health Sciences

Maureen Reedyk, BSc Trent, MSc, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Physics

Lynn A. Rempel, BScN Western Ontario, MASc, PhD Waterloo

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences (Nursing)

Steven J. Renzetti, BA Toronto, MA, PhD British Columbia

Professor of Economics and Environment

Andrew Reynolds, BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Cornell

Professor of Biological Sciences and Chemistry

Merle Richards, BA Mount Allison, MA Queen's, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Miriam Richards, BSc, MSc Queen's, PhD York

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

Jean M. L. Richardson, BSc, MSc Toronto, PhD Dartmouth College

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

Mary Frances Richardson, BSc, PhD Kentucky

Professor of Chemistry

A. William Richardson, BSc, PhD, MBA McMaster, CMA

Professor of Accounting

Michael R. Ripmeester, BA, MA British Columbia, PhD Queen's

Associate Professor of Geography

Ian Ritchie, BA, MA Western Ontario, PhD Bowling Green State, Ohio

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Linda Ritchie, BScN, MHealthSc McMaster, PhD North Territory, Australia

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences (Nursing)

Roberta E. Robb, BA Memorial, MA British Columbia, PhD Essex

Professor of Economics

Marilyn J. Rose, BA McMaster, MA Concordia, PhD McMaster

Professor of English Language and Literature

Linda Rose-Krasnor, BA Boston, MASc, PhD Waterloo

Professor of Psychology

Danny Rosenberg, BA, MA Western Ontario, PhD Tennessee, Knoxville

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Robert Rossini, BA Brock, MA McMaster, MLSWestern Ontario

Head, Circulation Department

Leonard A. Rosmarin, BA, MA McGill, PhD Yale

Professor of French

Brian Ross, BSc Manitoba, MSc British Columbia, PhD Edinburgh

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Ronald H. Rotenberg, BComm Sir George Williams, MBA McMaster, PhD Pennsylvania State

Associate Professor of Marketing

Stuart M. Rothstein, BSc Illinois, MSc, PhD Michigan

Professor of Chemistry and Physics

Raafat R. Roubi, BComm, MSc Ain Shams, MBA, PhD North Texas State, CMA

Professor of Accounting

Brian D. Roy, BA, MSc McMaster, PhD Waterloo

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

David W. Rupp, BA Michigan, MA Pennsylvania, PhD Bryn Mawr

Professor of Classics

Stanley W. Sadava, BA Carleton, PhD Colorado

Professor of Psychology

Kojo Saffu, BA Ghana, MSc Newcastle, DBA Southern Cross, Australia

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship

Daniel Samson, BSc, MA New Brunswick, PhD Queen's

Assistant Professor of History

John A. Sainsbury, BA, MA Cambridge, PhD McGill

Professor of History

Barbara J. Sainty, BAdmin Regina, MA, PhD Ohio State, CA, CMA

Associate Professor of Accounting

Carol A. Sales, BA Western Ontario, MEd Toronto, MASc, PhD Waterloo

Professor of Human Resource Management

Kirill Samokhin, MSc Moscow, PhD L.D. Landau Institute

Associate Professor of Physics

Ana L. Sanchez, BSc University of Honduras, MSc, PhD Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Monica Sanchez, BA, MA Toronto, PhD British Columbia

Assistant Professor of Applied Language Studies

Cristina Santos, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Elizabeth Sauer, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Professor of English Language and Literature

Paul Scarbrough, BA Texas-El Paso, MBA Trinity University, PhD Virginia Technology

Associate Professor of Accounting

David Schimmelpenninck, BA, MPhil, PhD, Yale

Associate Professor of History

Alice Schutz, BA, MEd Brock, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Steven D. Scott, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature

Ruth L. Scott, BA, BEd Queen's, MEd, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

Barbara K. Seeber, BA Victoria,MA Western Ontario, PhD Queen's

Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature

Sidney J. Segalowitz, BA McGill, PhD Cornell

Professor of Psychology

Anthony B. Shaw, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Geography

Erin Sharpe, MA Georgia

Assistant Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Sally Shaw, BA York (UK), MSc Sheffield, PhD De Montfort

Assistant Professor of Sport Management

Carmen Shields, BA, BEd, MEd Acadia, EdD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Anamitra Shome, BSc (Hons) Delhi, MA Meerut, MBA St. Mary's, PhD Concordia

Associate Professor of Accounting

David T. Siegel, BSc Louisville, MA Carleton, PhD Toronto

Professor of Political Science

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Barnett Singer, BA, MA Toronto, PhD Washington

Assistant Professor of History

R. Raj Singh, BA, MA Punjab, MA Brock, PhD Ottawa

Professor of Philosophy

Shalini Singh, BA Lucknow, MA Kanpur, PhD North Bengal

Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisures Studies

John N. Sivell, BA Toronto, PGDip Cambridge, MEd Cardiff, PhD E. Anglia

Professor of Applied Language Studies

Adonis Skandalis, BSc Brock, PhD York (Canada)

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

Jeannette M. Sloniowski, BA Toronto, BA Brock, MA SUNY, Buffalo, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

Murray E. G. Smith, BA, MA Manitoba, PhD British Columbia

Professor of Sociology

Angus A. Somerville, BA, MA, MLitt Glasgow

Associate Professor of English Language and Literature

John Sorenson, BA, MA Alberta, PhD York (Canada)

Professor of Sociology

Lewis A. Soroka, BA, MA, PhD McGill

Professor of Economics

Acting Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Susan Spearey, BA Trent, MA, PhD Leeds

Associate Professor of English Language and Literature

Gaynor E. Spencer, BSc, MSc Leeds, PhD Calgary

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

Edward Sternin, BSc, MSc, PhD British Columbia

Associate Professor of Physics

Diane E. Stevens, BA, MA Carleton, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Julie Stevens, BPhe, MA, Queen's,PhD Alberta

Assistant Professor of Sport Management

Garth Stevenson, BA, MA McGill, PhD Princeton

Professor of Political Science

Linda Stillabower, BA, MS Kent State, PhD Case Western Reserve

Associate Professor of Accounting

Tiiu Strauss, BA Toronto, BEd, MEd, Brock, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Douglas Suarez, BA, MA McMaster, MLS Western Ontario

Librarian, Reference/Collections

Philip J. Sullivan, BA Memorial,MA Windsor, PhD Michigan

Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology

Susan Sydor, BA, MEd Brock, EdD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Education

Bohdan G. Szuchewycz, BA Regina, MA, MLS, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

George Tannous, BS Lebanese University, MS University of Toledo, MBA Michigan State, PhD University of Rhode Island

Associate Professor of Finance

Glen Tattersal, BSc Guelph, PhD Cambridge

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

David J. Telfer, BA, BEd Western Ontario, MA, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Paula Johnson-Tew, BA Waterloo, MA W. Laurentian, PhD Waterloo

Assistant Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Lucie Thibault, BEP Ottawa, MA, PhD Alberta

Associate Professor of Sport Management

Adele Thomas, BA St. Joseph's College, New York, MA New York, PhD C.U.N.Y.

Associate Professor of Education

Mark J. Thomas, BA St. Francis College, NY, MA, PhD New York University, MBA Toronto

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management

Susan A. Tilley, BA, BEd, MEd Memorial, PhD Simon Fraser

Assistant Professor of Education

Keith J. Tinkler, BA, PhD Liverpool

Professor of Earth Sciences and Geography

Andrea P. R. Toepell, BA York (Canada), MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Evangelia Litsa Tsiani, BSc Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, MSc University College London, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences

Paul D. Tyson, BA, MA Miami, PhD Waterloo

Professor of Psychology

Arthur van der Est, BSc, PhD British Columbia, PhD Habilitation Free University, Berlin

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics

Kimberly N. Varma, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of Sociology

William Veloce, BSc McMaster, MMath Waterloo, MA Western Ontario, PhD Chicago

Associate Professor of Economics

Ernesto J. Virgulti, BA McMaster, MA Toronto

Assistant Professor of Italian

Jan Vrbik, BSc, MSc Charles', Prague, MSc, PhD Calgary

Professor of Mathematics

James Wagner, BA McMaster, MEd, EdD Toronto

Associate Professor of Education

John Walker, BSc Waterloo, MBA, PhD McMaster, BEd Brock

Assistant Professor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Hui Di Wang, BSc Shanghai Medical University, PhD Saskatchewan

Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences

Anthony J. Ward, BA Open, UK, MA, PhD British Columbia

Associate Professor of Economics and Environment

William G. Webster, BSc McGill, MA Cornell, PhD Pennsylvania State

Professor of Psychology

Richard J. Welland, BA Western Ontario, MHSc Toronto, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Assistant Professor of Applied Language Studies

Robert Welch, BSc, MA, MBA Western Ontario, PhD SUNY, Buffalo, CGA

Professor of Finance

Alan R. Wheeler, BSc, BEd, MEd, PhD Alberta

Professor of Education

J. David Whitehead, BA Toronto, MBA York (Can.), PhD Chicago, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Industrial Relations

Murray R. Wickett, BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Assistant Professor of History

Teena Willoughby, BA Western Ontario, MA, PhD Waterloo

Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies and Psychology

Patricia Wilson, BA McMaster,MLIS Western Ontario

Librarian, Cataloguing/Reference

Sybil E. Wilson, BA Western Michigan, MA Columbia, PhD Toronto

Professor of Education

Vladimir Wojcik, BSc, MSc Warsaw

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Thomas Wolf, PhD Physics, PhD Jena, Germany

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Vera Woloshyn, BA McMaster, MA, PhD Western Ontario

Associate Professor of Education

Donald Wright, BA Mount Allison, MA McGill, PhD Ottawa

Assistant Professor of History

Phyllis Wright, BA, MEd Brock, MLS SUNY,Buffalo

Head, Collection Management

Carol Wu, BA Chicago, MLIS British Columbia

Head, Library Systems and Technologies

Peter P. Yannopoulos, BA, MA York (Canada), MBA, PhD Toronto

Associate Professor of Marketing

John K. Yardley, BA, BSc Otago, DipTchg Dunedin, MA Alberta, MA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Associate Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies

Allister Young, BAdmin Brock,MAcc Waterloo, LLM Osgoode, CMA

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Rosemary E. Young, BA McMaster, MA Toronto, PhD McMaster

Associate Professor of Education

Jonathan Younker, BA, MLIS Western Ontario

Electronic Services Librarian

Deobrah Zinni, BAS, MBA York, PhD McMaster

Assistant Professor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Last updated: October 21, 2003 @ 01:09PM